Big Brother 21 Day 64

August 21, 2019

12:00-1:00 PM: Christie spoke to Jess about the status of the votes heading into today. Christie doesn’t think that she has Nick or Nicole’s votes. When Jess asked how she knows about Nicole’s, Christie said that she is just assuming that since Cliff, Nick and Nicole are tight. Christie believes that Jackson is on board to break a tie in her favour should it get to that point, as she felt good about her talk with Holly and Jackson the night before. Christie said that she can stay as long as Holly, Jess and Tommy vote to keep her.

1:00-2:00 PM: Christie spoke to Tommy. She told him that if Analyse stays, nobody will take a shot at her until the end. Tommy argued that Christie hurt her chances by saying that she would target Nick. Tommy suggested that keeping her focus on Holly and Jackson would have given her a good chance to stay. Christie disagreed. Tommy told her that she could have got Cliff and Nicole on her side, but Christie thinks that Nick has them wrapped around his finger. Tommy asked who Christie thinks that he would be targeting if he were to win HoH. When she mentioned Cliff and Nicole’s names, Tommy said not anymore. Tommy explained that he is pissed at Holly and Jackson, and they don’t deserve anyone after what they did this week. Tommy asked what it would mean in terms of sides moving forward if Christie were to stay. Christie said that it would be the two of them, Holly, Jackson and Jess working together. Tommy told Christie that she is putting him in such a tough position. Christie said that she cannot believe the thought of Tommy voting her out. Elsewhere, Analyse asked Cliff where his head is at. Cliff said that he has been trying to avoid talking to anyone up to this point, as he had wanted to speak to the two nominees. Cliff did say that he thinks that they are still good, and he has no reason to believe that things are changing. Analyse pointed out that Christie would only stay if Holly and Jackson kept her, so then she would only have Cliff and Nicole as potential nominees to go up next to Nick. Analyse claimed that Nick going far would be bad for her game, so she is not against taking shots at him.

2:00-3:00 PM: Holly told Jackson that she honestly doesn’t know what the best decision is. Holly said she does not believe that Analyse would put Nick up like she is claiming that she would. Jackson compared that to Kat saying that she would nominate him. Holly pointed out that Christie staying would mean that Nick still has two targets in Christie and Jess, and Christie has a target in Nick, whereas Analyse and Nick might be after her if Christie goes. For those reasons, she believes that Christie staying could be on benefit to them. Holly let Jackson know that Analyse talked about working with her and Tommy but not with him. Analyse spoke to Jackson. She asked where his head is at after last night. Jackson said that Christie had made some valid points but it wasn’t anything that he didn’t already know. Jackson did warn Analyse that Nick is saying things that are raising red flags for a lot of people. When Analyse asked Jackson if his target has changed, he said that he does not want to see her leave. Analyse told Jackson that she would be willing to take a shot at Nick. Jackson told Analyse that her closeness with Nick will be of concern to the voters, since Christie and Nick would target each other but Analyse and Nick would potentially go to the end together. Tommy told Nick and Nicole about his conversation with Christie. He said that he let her know that he cannot vote with her unless she pivots from her stance on Nick. Tommy talked about not wanting an emotional player like Christie in the house. Nick asked what Tommy told Christie about his vote. He said that he was undecided. When Nick asked if that is really the case, Tommy said that anything can happen. Tommy added that if Analyse wasn’t there, and Christie was focused on Holly and Jackson, it could be a good move to keep her. Tommy brought up that Holly and Jackson instigated the fight last night. Nicole questioned how that is okay. Tommy said that it is not okay, and that’s why they are the enemy right now. Tommy believes that Jackson is trying to create chaos. Tommy said that he is still leaning towards keeping Analyse. Cliff spoke to Christie. While she worried that Cliff would not respect her after she attempted to blow up Nick’s game, Cliff clarified that he actually respects her more than Analyse. Cliff told Christie that in order for her to stay, she would have to go through Holly and Jackson. Cliff said that Christie may need to sell her soul and make some deals. Christie agreed that her best shot is with those two. Christie said she thinks that she could get Jess’ vote. Cliff revealed that he would likely vote Christie’s way if that were the case.

3:00-4:00 PM: Christie told Cliff that she would like to split up Nick and Nicole but Tommy made her feel like that is not the right move. Christie said that if she ends up staying, it might be best if she doesn’t get Nicole’s vote since she would then have two easy nominations. Christie asked Cliff if he would vote to keep her if she gets Holly, Jackson and Jess on board. Cliff said probably. He told Christie that he would have to know that she is not coming after him. Christie reassured Cliff that he is not her target. She mentioned that she would be honoured to be in the Final 4 with Cliff, Holly and Jackson. Cliff admitted that a part of him wants Christie to stay even though she is the bigger competitor. Cliff told Christie that if she can get Holly and Jackson on board, he will talk to them. Christie told Cliff that he could be third with Holly and Jackson, and he would be down below her and Jess on Nick’s hit list. Christie spoke to Jackson. She told him that Nick has his army but Cliff did not come there for 5th place. Christie said that she is currently going out in 9th place, then Jess would be 8th place, and Holly and Jackson would be 6th and 7th place under Nick’s plan. Christie mentioned that Analyse doesn’t seem to be targeting Cliff, Nick, Nicole or Tommy either. Jackson told Christie that Analyse spoke to Holly about wanting to work with her but she did not mention him at all. Jackson said that he then threw it out there to Analyse that he isn’t sure whether or not she wants to work with him moving forward, and she didn’t respond to that. Christie made it clear that Nick, not Holly or Jackson, is her target. Jackson said that these are the types of things that Analyse did not say to him. Christie said that she can either go home in 9th place or she can cut a deal with Holly and Jackson. Christie said that she would be fine with going in 5th place if it came down to it. Christie told Jackson that she would go after Nick and then Nicole if she were to stay. Jackson said that the biggest thing for him is how Christie has handle this past week compared to how Analyse has handled it, plus the fact Analyse has not said that she would want to work with him is of concern to him. Jackson called Analyse a sore loser who is taking things personally. Christie told Jackson that it was genius on his part to navigate this all in a way that has resulted in her being his weapon. Jackson said that he recognizes Christie’s abilities and would not want them in the house unless he knew that she would be working with him. Meanwhile, Analyse spoke to Holly. She claimed that she would be willing to go after Nick. She also said that she would want Holly and Tommy as her right hand people in the event that she does stay in the house.

4:00-5:00 PM: Christie told Holly and Jackson that she wants to keep them safe. Jackson said that he feels as though they can 100% work together for the first time in the game. Jackson once again said that all that he needed to hear from Analyse was that she was not going to come after him or Holly, but she did not say that. Jackson said that Christie is barking up the right tree by guaranteeing that she would not come after him when she is the one with so much more to offer in terms of game skills. Holly asked if Christie is confident that she has Jess’ vote. Christie said that she will feel confident in Jess as long as Holly and Jackson tell her that it is okay to vote that way. Christie told Holly and Jackson that she is willing to study the days with them, seeing as Jackson admitted that he is weak in that area. Once Christie left, Holly told Jackson that Analyse is claiming that she will go after Nick. Holly said that she obviously does not believe that. Holly also said that she is not about to take third place to Analyse and Tommy. Holly admitted that keeping Christie has made more and more sense to her the more that she has thought about it. Holly said that as of right now, she would want to keep Christie as long as she can get Cliff and Jess on board.

5:00-6:00 PM: Christie told Nicole that Analyse has a lot of allies as opposed to her who has no one. Christie said she thought that she had Tommy for a while but it seems as though she lost him when Jack left. Nicole admitted that she was concerned by her name being brought up a few times last night. Christie said it was done to show the magnitude of how many people Nick has on his side, because Nick has personally named Analyse, Nicole and Tommy. Nicole said that she does not want everyone to be viewing her and Nick as one, as that isn’t and never will be the case. Jackson spoke to Cliff about it being naive to think that Nick would pick anyone over Analyse, Nicole and Tommy. Holly asked Cliff if Analyse alluded to the fact that he would come after her and Jackson. Cliff said that he read between the lines but she did not specifically name anyone. Cliff let Holly and Jackson know that he is on board with them. Jackson revealed that, as of right now, he would vote to evict Analyse if it came down to a tie. Cliff said that he will vote that way if they want. They agreed to talk to Jess to make sure that she would be on board. Cliff mentioned that Nicole is interested in working with them as well, potentially as a Final 4.

6:00-7:00 PM: Cliff brought up Analyse saying that she wants to be warned if she is leaving. Cliff said that he is afraid of what she would do if she found out. Holly and Jackson both said that it would not be a good idea to tell her. They discussed that Analyse is someone who they would not want to win the game. Cliff said that they are going to have to look out for each other moving forward if they make this move, since Nick and Tommy will be out for blood. It was agreed upon that further discussions are needed with Jess and Nicole in order to lock things in. Nicole spoke to Holly. She said that she is disgusted that people are associating her with Nick and also grouping her together with Analyse, Nick and Tommy as a four when that is not the case. Nicole stressed that she is going to play the game as an individual. Jackson joined the conversation. He told Nicole that Nick will put a lot of pressure on her but Christie has made a lot of valid points. Nicole agreed. Holly said she does not buy that Analyse is going after Nick. Nicole asked why she is always in the middle of everything. Jackson told Nicole that she gives off a lot of mixed signals. Holly and Jackson explained that Nicole seemed to back to Nick even though he was the only one who burned her. Jackson told Nicole that he would like to work with her but it is up to her to decide what she would like to do. Jackson brought up that Nicole made a deal with him to vote how he wants her to this week. He said that Nicole’s actions can speak louder than her words. Holly said that it will be 4-2 to evict Christie if Nicole jumps on board, and then Christie will have two clear targets.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nicole told Cliff that she wants to make sure that they are on the same page. Cliff said he feels as though it is probably okay to go in the direction of evicting Analyse. Cliff said that it will be a 4-2 vote if Jess is on board. They agreed that Christie’s campaign made a lot of sense. Cliff implied that it could work out in their favour if Christie is willing to take shots and protect them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Nicole spoke to Cliff about hearing conflicting stories in terms of who Christie wants to go to the Final 5 with. She said that she has heard Jess and Tommy’s names mentioned when Tommy spoke to her, but she heard her name and Cliff’s name another time. Still, Nicole said that she is not opposed to voting to keep Christie, and the majority seems to be going that way. Nicole said that she does not want to blindside Analyse. She prefers to let her know tomorrow. She also wondered if it would be best to let Nick and Tommy in on which way that they are voting. Up in the HoH room, Jackson and Jess discussed their thoughts on the vote. Jess reminded Jackson that she said that she would vote whichever way that he wanted her to. Jackson went over his thoughts on Nick’s ideal eviction order. He also filed Jess in on Analyse’s unwillingness to guarantee him any for of safety, so he said that it makes sense to keep Christie.

9:00-10:00 PM: Nicole briefly spoke to Christie. She didn’t commit to anything but did let her know that she is a firm believer in second chances. Christie said that she appreciates the fact that Nicole is even considering keeping her. Afterwards, Cliff spoke to Christie to ask who is in the five that she has referred to. Christie listed off Cliff, Jess, Holly and Jackson. Cliff made it clear that he would prefer to have Nicole in it over Jess. Christie said that Jess has had her back up to this point but she would be willing to consider other options if Nicole does indeed show her that she has her back by keeping her. Later, Nick told Nicole that Christie will nominate the two of them next to each other if she stays. Nicole said that she is scared. She let Nick know that Jackson is planning to evict Analyse if there is a tie. Nick told Nicole that she will have to flip if Cliff is going to do it and Jackson is going to break the tie in Christie’s favour anyway. He mentioned that it would make it look as though there is separation between the two of them. Cliff came by. Nick filled him in on Christie’s plan to nominate him and Nicole. Nick suggested that Cliff may be the replacement nominee if someone wins the veto. Both agreed that they do not want Nicole getting caught in the crosshairs.

10:00-11:00 PM: Cliff told Christie that he and Nicole are tighter than people would assume. Cliff said that he cannot have Nicole going on the block next to Nick or anyone else, and he would like for her to be brought in with them, Holly and Jackson. Christie said that she would not put Nicole up if she is willing to essentially leave Nick’s side in order to vote to keep her. Christie said that she would not want it to be public knowledge since she cannot risk losing Jess’ vote. Cliff then talked to Jackson. He let him know that he would like to bring Nicole in to a Final 4 or 5. Jackson said that he and Holly have discussed the same thing. Cliff said that he is okay with keeping Christie, and he thinks that Nicole is on board as well but he would like it if they could offer her a promise that they are a group of four. A little later on, the four met up in the HoH room. Jackson reiterated that he would like to work with Cliff and Nicole. They all eventually shook on working together. It was discussed that Nicole will speak to Christie once more to get a guarantee from her that she is not coming after her.

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