Big Brother 21 Day 65 - Analyse is evicted; Holly wins HoH

August 22, 2019

1:00-2:00 PM: Tommy told Jackson that he has heard which way the vote is leaning. Tommy said that he gets it. Jackson said that it came down to the lack of a campaign from Analyse, since he was left out of the list of people who she would like to work with moving forward. Jackson said that he told Nick about his plan to evict Analyse if it comes down to a tie. Tommy said that he wants to respect Jackson’s wishes. He wondered what they should do in terms of giving Analyse a heads up since she said that she does not want to be blindsided. Jackson suggested waiting until closer to the eviction.

2:00-2:30 PM: Holly and Tommy discussed how to best handle telling Analyse that she is leaving. Tommy thinks that Analyse already sees the writing on the wall. He figured that it would be best to talk to her sooner than later. Holly talked about how this isn’t fair since Christie is the one who has betrayed her trust yet she is now putting her faith back in her. Elsewhere, Analyse spoke to Nick about it being so annoying that she is leaving when she didn’t ever do anything to Jackson. Nick said that it came down to Christie offering Jackson safety. Holly and Tommy then joined the conversation. Analyse said that she hates Jackson, and now the person who was talking about him is the one that will stay. Analyse added that she cannot wait to see Jackson come into the jury house next. Nick argued that it isn’t Jackson’s fault since he is not voting. Analyse placed the blame on Jackson since he told people that he would evict her in the event of a tie. Analyse said she hopes that Nick or Tommy win HoH so that Jackson is the next to go. Analyse congratulated Christie on staying. She pointed out that Christie cant even go after Jackson now that she promised him a deal. Christie asked if Analyse is mad. Analyse said that it’s just annoying since she was put into a position where she could not campaign, and she had to talk about Nick the whole time. Analyse questioned if Christie had told Jackson the things that she had been saying, as Nick had just told her that that was part of the reason why the target shifted. Christie said no. As for making a deal with Jackson, Christie mentioned that her only other option was to say nothing and go home. Christie directed the blame towards Nick for telling everyone that he would always use the veto on Analyse, which makes her a bigger threat. Analyse made it clear that Jackson is the one who she is frustrated with. She said that she can see why America hates him.

2:30-3:00 PM: Analyse told Christie she wishes that she had not made the deal with Jackson. Christie explained that she had no other choice. Christie said it’s BS that she told Jackson anything that Analyse was saying. Jackson came by. Christie began to ask him to clarify that she did not say anything. Analyse then asked him to get out of her face. She said that she hates him. Analyse told Jackson that he shouldn’t make promises to people that he cannot keep. She mentioned him telling her that she is a pawn. Jackson denied having said that. Jackson told Analyse that it’s a game and he does not hate her no matter how much she hates him. Analyse told Jackson that she is in this position because of him. Jackson asked whose fault that is. He pointed out that he has been on the block twice and he should have won HoH if he wanted to do something about it. Jackson told Analyse that you have to own things and take responsibility. Jackson asked why it is his fault that she could not rally the votes. Analyse said that she had them until Jackson said that he wanted to go against her. Elsewhere, Cliff told Jess and Nicole that no one in this game is entitled anything when it comes to advancing or not being nominated. Cliff said that he would never want someone like that to win the game. Nick let Christie know that he is still going to vote her out but it is nothing against her. Christie said that it’s cool since she would want Analyse to have at least one vote.

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Analyse was evicted by a vote of 5-1. Prior to the HoH competition, Julie informed the houseguests that prank week has begun, and he winner of the competition will have their HoH duties affected based on a vote by America. Holly went on to win HoH. America will vote to make one houseguests “America’s Prankster”. That houseguest will have the ability to takeover one of the Holly's nominees.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, there was speculation over what prank week could mean for Holly’s HoH week. Cliff mentioned that Holly might have to make nominations that she doesn’t really mean. Jess figured that Zingbot would make an appearance. Nick said he doesn’t think that America is going to pick the nominations. Cliff figured that America voting to give someone safety could be an option. Holly told Christie that she is scared of having her HoH hijacked. Christie said that that seems really extreme. She thinks that it might be one nominee, or there may be a third nominee, or someone gets safety. Holly then spoke to Jackson. She said that she is nervous about the pranks. Jackson pointed out that she is guaranteed safety no matter what. Holly said that she was thinking of letting Christie and Nick duke it out on the block next to each other. Jackson suggested that there would not be any blood on her hands from nominating Nick, because Nick said that he would use her as a pawn. If Nick were to win the veto, Jackson said that Jess could go up and out the door. He explained that Christie is needed for a few more weeks in order to be a target and to get Nick out. Jackson later mentioned to “watch me go home on your HoH”. Holly said that that would not even be funny. Jackson expects that the pranks will be targeted at him.

11:00-12:00 AM: Cliff told Nicole that he feels pretty comfortable with Holly as HoH. Nicole agreed. She asked if they should talk as a four. Cliff said he doesn’t think that they really have to but it would be worth making a visit to congratulate Holly and let her know that they are on board with whatever she decides. Nicole mentioned that Christie and Tommy would be the two people who she would like to see nominated because she knows that Jess and Nick would not put them up. Cliff figures that Tommy would be the logical target since Christie has told Holly and Jackson that she is theirs. Cliff added that taking out Tommy would open things up and put them in a really good spot, which Nicole agreed with.

12:00-1:00 AM: Holly told Jackson that she is stressing and wondering if she needs to be concerned about nominations. Jackson told her not to be. He suggested that she stick to the original plan. Jackson asked if she is still thinking of nominating Christie and Nick. Holly confirmed that she is but said that she would like to talk to Christie about it ahead of time. They discussed that Christie offered to be a pawn or whatever they needed from her in order to stay in the game last week.

1:00-2:00 AM: Holly let Christie know that she is thinking of putting Christie as a pawn next to Nick, since she promised that she could go up as a pawn. Christie said she didn’t know that it would be this soon but she trusts Holly. Holly said that if the twist results in the nominees getting safety, she wants someone up there who she wouldn’t mind coming off of the block. Holly mentioned hearing that there was already a five person alliance. Tommy said Cliff told him that he is in an alliance with her, Holly, Jackson and Jess, and it was said because Nicole was upset to be left out. Christie said she is scared whether or not she would have the votes if Nick wins the veto. Holly said she thinks so but she does not want Nick to come down, so she will do everything in her power to make sure that he doesn’t. Holly pointed out that she has taken the shot before and missed. Christie admitted that this is not her ideal scenario but she feels okay if Holly can assure her that she would have the votes. Holly said that she will 100% have the votes as long as she is nominated next to Nick. Holly added that she would like to have a stacked lineup in the veto. Christie said that she feels confident playing in the veto as a pawn. Christie told Holly to do what her gut is telling her.

2:00-3:00 AM: Cliff and Nicole headed to the HoH room to speak with Holly and Jackson. They discussed the potential of Holly’s nominations being affected by the twist. Jackson suggested that Holly go through with her original plan. Cliff doesn’t think that they will impact her HoH responsibilities too much. Cliff let Holly know that she has his and Nicole’s votes no matter which route she takes. They discussed that it only takes three votes to evict, and they have three votes between them. They also talked about Christie offering to be a pawn during her campaign pitch. Holly said she heard that Nick was trying to make deals with Christie today, and he apparently swore that he was not going to put her up. Once Holly and Jackson were alone, Holly said that she is kicking herself for not waiting until tomorrow to talk to Christie. Holly explained that Christie was shocked to be potentially going up as a pawn. The two went back and forth about Christie saying that she would be a pawn and that she just wanted one more week. Holly said that she was afraid of this happening if Christie were to stay. Jackson said that it was still the better of the two options. Holly said that Christie asked what would happen if Nick were to win the veto. Holly told Jackson that it would probably be Jess but she would likely rather Christie go in that case. Holly wants Christie know what a pivotal part that she and Jackson played in keeping her. Jackson agreed and said that Christie asked them to use her to get Nick out. Holly said that Nick is not going to walk out the door on his own, and she cannot risk firing blanks for a second time. Jackson asked for Holly’s thoughts on backdooring Nick. Holly said that she could. He acknowledged that Nick is likely to play in the veto competition either way, so it comes down to whether or not Nick would fight for it as hard if he is not on the block. In that scenario, Christie and Jess would go up as pawns. Holly said that she would have to explain to Christie what the full plan is since she wants Nick out, and then Jess would not understand that she is a pawn since they just saved Christie and it would not make sense. Jackson said that it would not be a loss if Jess ended up going home by some chance. Holly said that she has to find a way to pitch it to Christie and Jess. Holly said that she is just worried about the pranks. Jackson said that she cannot worry about those. Holly said that backdooring Nick might be the smarter route.

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