Big Brother 21 Day 67 - Jackson wins the Power of Veto

August 24, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:21 to pick players for the veto competition. Feeds returned at 9:55. The veto players are Holly, Christie, Nick, Cliff, Jackson and Jess. The houseguests discussed that Nicole’s chip has not been picked since the first veto competition.

10:00-11:00 AM: While alone in the bedroom, Nicole questioned where her chip is. She said that she never gets picked. While Nicole thinks that it is good in a way, since she will not have to show her cards, she said that it sucks for Nick’s game and therefore sucks for hers as well. Up in the HoH room, Christie told Jackson that she has to trust that she will be good as long as Nick doesn’t win the veto. Christie said she has faith that Tommy would keep her, and then she would just need Jackson and Jess to vote her way. Christie later brought up that she has to stand by what she said in terms of being okay with being a pawn. Jackson said that he is glad to hear her say that. When Christie left, Holly talked to Jackson about regretting telling Christie that she was considering nominating her. She explained how she has been trying to backtrack ever since finding out that she would only get to select one nominee. Holly talked about being okay with Christie leaving if it comes down to it. Nick remains her primary target.

11:00-12:00 PM: Cliff asked Nicole who she thinks that the prankster was. Cliff mentioned that Tommy seems to be the most logical choice. Nicole said that it would make sense. Nicole wondered who would go up if Christie wins the veto. Cliff said he would hope that there would be enough votes to send Nick home if Christie got taken down. If nominations stay the same, Nicole said that she wouldn’t want to piss off Holly and Jackson but Christie scares her. Nicole added that Nick would not nominate either one of them if he were to stay. Cliff said that Christie can make a lot of promises but at some point she will run out of people to nominate. Cliff guaranteed that Christie and Tommy will be going on the block if he wins HoH. Nicole asked what would happen if Jackson goes up in Christie’s place. Cliff said that some people could easily flip if that were to happen. Nicole told Cliff that Christie scares her more than Nick does but she would go with what the two of them decide together. Cliff said he feels like sticking with Holly and Jackson is the safest path, but things could change between now and the veto ceremony. Cliff added that he would be fine with going to the Final 4 with Holly and Jackson. Nicole said that Jess and Nick would be her ideal Final 4. Cliff said that they may have to do something different when the time comes. He also talked about how he would love to see some kind of blowup that would result in things flipping and Christie becoming the enemy.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds went down at 1:56 for Zingbot and the veto competition.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:23 following the veto competition. Jackson won the Power of Veto. Nick told Jackson that he didn’t need to win the competition. Nick finished right behind him. Jackson talked about not knowing if he would go on the block if he didn’t win. Nick let him know that he wouldn’t have gone up. Nick said that he showed his loyalty to Jackson by keeping him safe when he could have nominated him anonymously. When Nick asked if Jackson is going to use the veto on Christie, Jackson said that he cannot use it since it is Holly’s HoH. Nick said that he will just have to get the votes then. Nick then talked to Tommy. He said that Jackson won because he didn’t know whether or not he would go on the block, but he wouldn’t have. Nick explained that he could have put Jackson up had he wanted to. Nick told Tommy that he put Christie up because she is the only one who he thought that he could beat in a vote. Up in the HoH room, Jackson told Holly that he wouldn’t have gone on the block had he not won the veto. He let Holly know that Nick is America’s Prankster. Jackson said that he will not use the veto, because Holly wants Nick out. Jackson also said that he cannot jeopardize their alliance with Cliff and Nicole. Christie joined them. Jackson let her know that he is not going to use the veto. Holly and Jackson reassured Christie that she will be safe next to Nick. Cliff then spoke to Holly and Jackson. He told them that he, Jackson and Jess will obviously be evicting Nick, so it seems like it is a done deal. Jackson asked about Nicole. Cliff said that Nicole will vote with them but she feels bad for Nick. Cliff told Holly and Jackson not to worry if he is whispering with Nick, as he expects that Nick will be hitting him up hard for his vote. Holly said that they need Nick to go this week and then they have to pray that Christie goes next. Jackson said that it’s him, Cliff, Holly and Nicole until the end. Cliff said that he is 100% with them as well.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jackson told Holly that it was gut-wrenching talking to Nick, as he had tears in his eyes when he was telling him that he did not have to win this competition. Holly said that she feels bad but then she thinks of how Nick has conducted himself at times in the house. Jackson said he is upset that Nick’s game is ending but it’s either his game or Holly’s. They discussed that Holly cannot take two shots at Nick and miss both times. Holly said she is praying that Cliff or Nicole win next week to take a shot at Christie. Jackson said that he would like to see Jess go first since she would come after them while the other two duos would take shots at each other. Down in the bathroom, Christie checked in with Cliff. Cliff said that she doesn’t have to sell him, as he is glad to have her in the house.

6:00-7:00 PM: At the dinner table, the houseguests discussed their zings. Christie said that she will have to start being really conscious of how she eats. Zingbot commented on her chewing being loud. Nick was zinged about having a bowl cut. Cliff’s zing was related to his body. Jess was told that she is a snooze fest, Nicole was talked about as having no contact with the outside world just like she is right at home, and Holly was called an old buzzard.

10:00-11:00 PM: The houseguests spent hours together at the dinner table and in the living room, so the game talk was minimal throughout the night. Once they began to split off, Jess told Christie that Nick is going to try to convince Jackson to take him off of the block. Christie said there is no way that he would possibly do it given that it is Holly’s HoH. Jess question who there would be left to target once Nick leaves. Christie said that it does not matter since Holly knows that Nick is coming after her. Christie also believes that Holly and Jackson are good with Cliff and Nicole. Christie told Jess that Nick believes that he has Cliff’s vote but Cliff pulled her aside already to let her know that that is not the case. Christie also said that Cliff is scared of Jackson staying in the game. As for Tommy, Christie said that he has promised to do whatever Holly wants.

11:00-12:00 AM:Nick told Tommy that he would need his vote along with Cliff’s and Nicole’s. Tommy said he wonders if Jackson would use the veto on Christie, because Nick would then have his vote. Tommy said that he would 1000% be voting for Nick if anyone else was on the block next to him. Tommy asked Nick what he thinks would be the best way for him to stay. Nick said he thinks that he could stay against Christie if he has Tommy’s vote. Tommy did not want to commit to that. Tommy suggested that Nick go to Jackson, get him to use the veto on Christie, and then agreed to nominate whoever Holly and Jackson want. When Nick continued to question why Tommy is so set on keeping Christie, Tommy eventually said that he had to make a promise to vote to keep her because he feared for his own safety due to not knowing who America’s Prankster was. Nick looked for confirmation that Tommy was saying that he would vote to evict him if nominations were to stay the same. Tommy said yeah. Nick realized that his game would be over unless the nominations were to change. They talked about Nick cutting a deal with Holly and Jackson in which he would nominate whoever they wanted him to in Christie’s place, and then he would throw HoH and volunteer to go on the block again as a pawn.

12:00-1:00 AM: Tommy let Christie know that Nick is America’s Prankster. Tommy said he told Nick that his only shot would be getting Jackson to use the veto on Christie, which Christie does not think is going to happen. Up in the HoH room, Nick made his pitch to Jackson. He stressed that he has always been loyal to him and this week proved it. Nick pointed out that Jackson will be a huge threat if he leaves this week, as the only alpha male in the house. Nick told Jackson that he would be fine with him using the veto on Christie, and then he would nominate whoever they want him to. Jackson told Nick that Holly will be his biggest sell, and anyone who is going after her is going after him since she is his closest ally. Nick offered to throw the next HoH competition. Jackson said that he will hear Nick out just like he heard Christie out last week. When Holly got out of the DR, Jackson let her know that Nick is pitching hard. Jackson said that Nick is willing to take anyone else out if Christie comes off of the block. Holly said that she does not want anyone else to go at this point. When Jackson mentioned Jess’ name, Holly told him to look at her in competitions vs Nick in competitions. Jackson said that he was just playing devil’s advocate. Holly added that they have talked about wanting to go far with people that they respect, and there are people she respects more than Nick. Holly explained that getting Nick out of the game would be a resume builder for her, and she came into the house wanting to make big moves. Elsewhere, Nick indirectly told Christie that he is America’s Prankster. He said that Jackson doesn’t have to go up if the veto is used on Christie. Nick looked for some assurance that Christie would vote to keep him if he were able to get her taken down. Christie felt that the plan was decent but had some cracks, and she would want to do what Holly wants.

1:00-2:00 AM: Out in the yard, Nicole wondered who she should put up if she wins HoH. She asked if she goes the “sorry you guys are a huge threat”, and break a Final 4 deal route, or go the Tommy and Christie route. Christie said that Nick staying would be better for her own game, since she fears that Christie would nominate her. Nicole doesn’t think that Cliff, Jackson, Jess or Nick would nominate her at this point in the game. Nicole is concerned about Christie and Tommy potentially nominating her. Nicole fears that Cliff fears how much she talks to Nick, and therefore he is holding back information from her. Nicole wants to make sure that she and Cliff still compare notes and do what is best for the both of them moving forward. Nicole said she would prefer if this week Christie went home, it’s a double, and then Nick or Tommy win to get Holly or Jackson out, and then she wins HoH. Nicole said that the HoH competition was named “Prank Shot”, so it could very well be that no one goes home this week.

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