Big Brother 21 Day 68

August 25, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Nick spoke to Holly, making the same pitch that he had the night before with Jackson. Nick revealed that he is America’s Prankster. He said that he could have nominated Jackson but he was loyal even when he didn’t have to be. Nick suggested that he could protect Holly and Jackson next week. Nick told Holly that he will let her choose who the replacement nominee will be if Jackson uses the veto on Christie. On top of that, Nick vowed that he would throw as many HoH competitions as she wants him to, and he would never nominate her. If Holly ends up on the block, Nick said that he would take her down. Holly asked Nick if he knows of anyone who is coming after both her and Jackson. Nick didn’t want to name any names. Nick talked about his belief that America voted for him because he did not deserve what was happening to him. Nick claimed that he has been honest about everything. Holly asked Nick if hypothetically he would prefer to have nominations stay the same and then they could flip the votes to have Christie go. Nick said that it is up to Holly. Holly talked about Nick being on the block because he is a big threat. Nick suggested that Christie is the bigger threat to Holly’s game. Nick said that the same deal that he has pitched would remain on the table if the nominations stay the same. Holly said that she will come to Nick if she wants to explore the idea further.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jackson told Holly he thinks that they should bring Cliff and Nicole upstairs to fill them in on everything that Nick is saying. Jackson hoped that it would build trust with them. Holly was slightly concerned that it could get back to Nick through Nicole. Jackson didn’t think that Nicole would do that when she knows that Nick is leaving. Jackson said that he trusts Cliff and Nicole. Holly said she thinks that she does too. She believes that Nicole is more at ease when she shakes their hands on deal. Jackson observed that she has become more open and more herself of late. Holly and Jackson agreed that Nick needs to go. After that, Holly would like to see Christie or Jess go. Jackson thinks that Jess needs to go next because she would come after them if she were to win HoH. Jackson called Cliff up to the HoH room. He let him know that he would love to go to the Final 4 with Cliff, Holly and Nicole. Cliff said that he would love that. Jackson told Cliff that Nick is America’s Prankster. He then went on to explain the plan that Nick is pitching, including that he should use the veto on Christie in order to get anyone else on the block. Cliff questioned why Nick wouldn’t have approached Jackson prior to the veto competition if he had some type of grand plan. Cliff said that he is ready to cut Nick loose. Holly said that nothing has changed in her mind in terms of the plan to target Nick.

1:00-2:00 PM: When Tommy made his way up to the HoH room, Holly told her that she has had a very clear target in Nick. Tommy said that he is okay with that. Jackson let Tommy know that he is not going to use the veto. Jackson explained that this is Holly’s HoH, Nick has made it clear that he is coming after her, and he does not want Tommy going on the block. Tommy said that he will be at least one vote in Nick’s direction if the nominations remain the same. Jackson said that he will be one as well. Holly said that she cannot see Jess voting to evict Christie over Nick. Once Holly and Jackson were alone, they reiterated that Nick has got to go. Jackson said that there is way too much uncertainty surrounding his game. Nicole then headed up to the HoH room. Jackson told her that Nick is America’s Prankster. Nicole admitted that Nick had implied that in conversations with her. They then got Nicole caught up on Nick’s campaign pitch. Holly stated that she is very set on targeting Nick. Jackson told Nicole that he would like to go to the Final 4 with her, Cliff and Holly. Nicole said that she would absolutely be on board with that. Nicole later cried that she cant help but to talk to the target. Jackson told Nicole that she does not have to keep her distance from anyone. Holly said that she should not fault herself for having a big heart. Nicole made it clear that her feeling bad for people does not stop her from casting a vote based on game when it comes down to it.

2:00-3:00 PM: Christie checked in with Holly and Jackson. Christie said she would love to come off of the block but she is worried how it would look to the rest of the house. Jackson said that it would look sketchy. Holly reassured Christie that Nick is still her target, and she has no intention of changing the game plan. Holly said she knows that Christie will have the votes to stay. Jackson told Christie that he will not be using the veto but he will be voting to evict Nick.

3:00-4:00 PM: Christie told Cliff that Nick is America’s Prankster, and he is trying to pull something in order to get the veto used on her. Christie said that no one is falling for it. Christie reassured Cliff that he is fine. Christie told Cliff that there a lot of holes in Nick’s plan. Cliff said that at some point you have got to get rid of the threats but he does not fault Nick for trying. Christie said that Nick is pitching his plan to her as if he is going to be her hero and they are going to be friends next week. Christie asked if Nick is delusional. Cliff expects that Nick will try to get someone else on the block, and then he will pitch him hard once the nominations are locked in. Cliff told Christie that she will have his vote if nothing changes. He added that Jess and Nicole are likely to vote that way as well.

4:00-5:00 PM: The houseguests discussed their zings. Nick asked Holly if she knows what her zing really meant. Holly said that she knows now. They agreed that it was really bad. Christie asked what it meant. Nick explained that the insinuation was that Kat had Jackson first, and Holly got the seconds. Holly said that Big Brother is messing with multiple people’s real lives. Christie and Nick said that they would be angry too. Jess questioned if she is not conspiring enough and not interesting enough that people are falling asleep while watching her game. Cliff and Nick then talked about Nick’s “poor barber” after Nick was zinged about his haircut. Nick took the blame for it, saying that it’s his fault because he was supposed to style his hair but did not do it. Holly was bothered by what her zing could mean. Tommy said that it may go over people’s heads. Nick said that based on how he found out, people are going to know. Holly said that makes her sick and makes her want to self evict because she did not sign up for the show to have her whole character misconstrued. Holly assumed that her conversations with Kat were never shown.

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