Big Brother 21 Day 69 - Jackson decides not to use the Power of Veto

August 26, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Nick checked in with Jackson prior to the veto ceremony. Jackson explained that he is not going to be able to use the veto. Jackson said that he would have 3-4 weeks ago, but there are too few people left to make the move at this point. Nick went on to list off a number of times that he has proven his loyalty to Jackson. On the other hand, he argued that Christie only has his back when her back is against the wall. Nick told Holly and Jackson that he would use the veto on them even if he is nominated next to one of them. Jackson continues to say that more bad than good would come of him using the veto. Nick said he didn’t think that Jackson would use the veto, since it would put a target on him if he were to do it. Jackson let Nick know that the deal that he is pitching is not bad but there are some cracks in it. Holly explained to Nick that this move is a combination of offence and defence for her since she has to play defensively when he is saying her name, but Nick is also a strong player. Holly suggested that Christie is the best person for Nick to be on the block against, because she too is a strong player. Jackson told Nick that him staying organically would be fine but it would hurt his game if Nick stayed due to cutting a deal with them. Nick let Holly and Jackson know that if he does end up staying, everything he said has been true. Feeds went down at 11:51 for the veto ceremony.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned at 12:49. Jackson decided not to use the Power of Veto. Christie and Nick remain nominated. Nick told Christie that her dreams have been pretty good, and she had a dream that they were going to be in the Final 2 together, so something has got to happen. Christie said that that was one of her first Big Brother related dreams that she had there, and they were literally fighting while in the Final 2 together.

1:00-2:00 PM: Jackson and Tommy chatted out by the pool. Jackson asked how Tommy is feeling going into next week. Tommy said that he is taking it day by day, and every day he is scared. Tommy said that he needs to dig deep in order to find some new strength. Jackson said that he is scared but he has been for the past month. Jackson said that he would not be surprised if they were to end up on the block together if Jess wins HoH. Jackson talked about needing to fight for every competition at this point. Tommy said that the game is terrifying but he has to remember that it is a game and games are meant to be fun. Jackson let Tommy know that he is not going to go after him. Tommy said the same to Jackson. They discussed that Nick did not play his cards right by revealing that he was the prankster after losing the veto as opposed to beforehand when he could have used it as leverage. Tommy said that he and Nick are best buds and cuddle but he would not be surprised if Nick were in the DR saying that it is all part of the act.

4:00-5:00 PM: Nick and Nicole discussed that keeping Christie does not make any sense. Nick said that he plans to throw it in Tommy’s face that he said that he would vote to keep him over Christie if they were ever nominated next to each other. Nick said that he plans to walk right past Cliff and Tommy on his way out. He said that he will hug Holly, Jackson and Jess since their games are at least respectable. Nick questioned what kind of man you are if you don’t stick to your word. He told Nicole that Cliff said Christie was his target coming into the week. Nick said that he will only have Holly, Jackson and Nicole’s backs if he stays. Nicole encouraged Nick to say that to Holly and Jackson. Nick brought up that Tommy was supposed to have Jack’s back, Analyse’s back and his back, yet he is going to end up voting them all out. Nick pointed out that those are three jury votes. Nick said that Christie will beat the majority of the people if she makes it to the end, so these people are dumb if they keep her. As of now, Nick thinks that Jackson is the clear winner of the game. Nick told Nicole that he doesn’t think that she needs to win yet. He said that Nicole would be good with Jackson if he wins. Nicole headed upstairs. She told Holly that she understands why she is targeting Nick but the two nominees seem pretty even to her. Holly said that she doesn’t see her target shifting off of Nick but a big target will be going either way this week. Nicole said it scares her that Christie was taken off of the block, she survived the block due to a killer campaign, and now she is likely surviving the block again. Nicole talked about Jackson saying that she deserved her second chance, yet Nick is not getting one. Holly argued that Nick already had it since he escaped the block once, and then he was rewarded with America’s Prankster the second time. The two discussed that they are concerned about Cliff going on the block if Christie wins HoH.

5:00-6:00 PM: Holly told Nicole that it concerns her how Nick was pushing for Jackson to use the veto on Christie rather than himself, since there are more layers to that relationship. Nicole then told Holly that Tommy was talking about there being big players in the game who this will hopefully get turned on. Nicole questioned if there is something that she his missing if Tommy is saying that and wants to save Christie so badly. Nicole admitted that it may seem as though she is pushing an agenda. Holly said that she values Nicole’s opinion. Nicole suggested that Jackson is more at risk with Tommy than Holly is, which Holly agreed with. Nicole brought up that Christie would not nominate Jess but Nick would. Holly said that she could see Nick bulldozing his way through the game and getting the win if he stays. She added that ideally Nick would go this week and Christie would go next week. When Jackson joined them, Nicole went over some of her points. Jackson told Nicole that Nick staying scares him, and it is best for his game if Nick leaves. Holly and Jackson explained to Nicole that it would look suspicious if they were to keep Christie and Nick in back to back weeks after they were the clear targets to start the week. Jackson suggested that Christie will feel comfortable enough to throw HoH if she stays. Jackson said that he would almost rather Jess win HoH if she would nominate Cliff and Tommy, because they could then get Tommy out and they can all compete for HoH the following week. Once Nicole left, Holly told Jackson that Nicole was kind of pushing for Nick to stay. They agreed that Nick has to go. Holly said that Nicole did mention something interesting. Holly told Jackson that Tommy said that a couple has been in power a lot and he thinks that it is time to get them out. Holly suggested that they may not be as good as they had thought with Tommy. Jackson said that he talked to Tommy about sticking with Cliff if Nick goes, because they would be the only guys. Jackson still plans to throw HoH this week.

6:00-7:00 PM: Christie told Tommy that she thinks this week is going to be fine. Christie said that big moves have got to be made now. Tommy asked who is going to be the one to do it. Christie said that she has no problem doing it, and she has no deals made with anyone. Christie thinks that she is out of her contract now that a week has gone by. Tommy said that that is really good. Christie mentioned feeling good with Cliff. Tommy said that he does too but you never know. Tommy told Christie he hates that Nick is leaving, and he wishes that there was a way for both Christie and Nick to stay. They discussed that the game is hard. Tommy said that he really is more emotionless than he lets on. Christie said that it is hard no matter what to lose someone that you love in this game. Tommy agreed.

7:00-8:00 PM: While many of the houseguests were in the kitchen, a clown appeared in the mirror behind the sink. Nicole warned Big Brother that her impulse will be to punch if any clowns come at her. Jackson later said that he will hit a clown in the face. The houseguests had been on indoor lockdown for a while, so Christie mentioned that it would be cool if they get a creepy circus backyard. Jess said that she is not scared of the clowns but she is wondering why they are there. Jess figured that it might be related to the premiere of IT Chapter Two. A second clown later appeared in the kitchen.

8:00-9:00 PM: Holly asked Jackson if he thinks that she should see if all of the girls want to sleep in HoH room tonight. Jackson told her to do whatever she wants. Holly said that it would be cute to have a sleepover. She also worried about her own safety and the fact that they have been missing a lot while spending so much time alone up in the HoH room. Afterwards, Holly asked Jess and Nicole if they should have as sleepover in the HoH room. They both said yes. While Holly and Tommy were in the storage room, a clown appeared. The next clown sighting was in the bathroom.

9:00-10:00 PM: While Nicole was in the diary room, Cliff spoke to the houseguests about a plan to hide before she returned. Nicole was the most scared of the clowns. Jackson hid behind a couch in the bathroom. Everyone else hid in the HoH room. When Nicole came out of the diary room, she saw a clown. Nicole questioned where everyone is. The houseguests watched her from up in the HoH room. Another clown appeared in the mirror in the kitchen. Nicole talked about it being so mean. She said that she refuses to move. She eventually joked that the season is over, and she wins, because everyone is gone. Big Brother briefly turned the lights out in the kitchen.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nicole eventually started search through the downstairs bedrooms. When she went to the bathroom for the second time, she found Jackson. Jackson claimed that he doesn’t know where anyone else is but Big Brother instructed them to hide. Not long after, Nicole found the rest of the houseguests in the HoH room. A clown appeared and pointed at Nicole. She immediately left the HoH room. Holly said that is why you cannot show that you are scared. Production said that it’s so mean and that production has something against her. While Cliff and Nicole were in the RV room, another clown appeared and pointed at Nicole once again.

11:00-12:00 PM: Holly told Jackson that Tommy seems to be acting weird towards her. She admitted that it could just be in her head due to what Nicole had said to her earlier. Jackson said that he has noticed it as well. When Jackson brought up that Nick is apparently pissed off at Tommy, Holly noted that the two of them were playing backgammon together the entire time that they were hiding from Nicole. Holly mentioned that Nicole is already fighting for Nick to stay and it is only Monday. Jackson believes that she will still vote to evict Nick. Holly worried that Nicole would be able to flip the votes. She acknowledged that Nicole did make some good points for her own game. Holly said that Christie can easily go out next week if she doesn’t win HoH, or throws it like Jackson is expecting her to. Jackson said that he almost wonders if Tommy should go first. Holly said that that’s true.

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