Big Brother 21 Day 71

August 28, 2019

2:00-2:30 PM: The campaigning got underway. Nick started off by taking to Tommy. He brought up Tommy saying last week that he wanted Christie out since she is so volatile. He added that Tommy said that he would probably vote her out over him. Tommy told Nick to back up. Nick explained that the conversation took place in the RV last week. Nick said that he put Christie up because Tommy was leaning that way, Cliff said that she was his target, and he knew that he would have Nicole, so that would give him three votes. Nick pointed out that Christie blew up their games and Analyse’s game when her back was against the wall. Nick stressed that he is loyal and he is not going to screw people over just to get a vote. Nick brought up that Tommy has been loyal but he has voted out two of his closest allies already, and he would be the third. Tommy argued that his vote did not matter in those cases. Nick continued with his campaign. He said that Nicole told him about Jess saying that Christie is not going to nominate girls, which leaves very few options if he is out of the house. Nick also stated that he is the better competitor to have fighting for you. Tommy said that he would rather be competing against the weaker competitor especially since he is likely to be nominated with whoever stays. Nick said that the could win HoH, keeping them safe. Tommy said that he feels alone in the game. He brought up that Nick kept it from him that he was America’s Prankster but he did tell Nicole. Tommy said he feels as though he is at the bottom of Nick’s totem pole. Tommy explained that much of his decision will come down to what Jackson is wanting to do, as he does not want to have Jackson coming after him next week. Nick said that his pitch for Holly and Jackson is amazing, so he cannot see them not wanting to keep him. Tommy questioned Nick about his pitch to the showmance. Nick reassured him that he is not making any deals this week. Tommy told Nick that he is better for his game but he gave his word.

2:30-3:00 PM: Nick told Tommy that no one will beat Christie in the end if she is able to get herself off of the block three weeks in a row. He said that her social game is insane and she makes people feel like they are wrong even when they are right. Nick told Tommy that he truly believes that he will stay, but he will respect whatever decision Tommy makes. Nick then campaigned to Cliff. Before he could start, Cliff said that he is not going to make his decision right now and he will always try to separate emotions from game. Nick then went through his points, starting with the fact that he put Cliff on the block but did not want him to leave. He added that he also orchestrated a deal that resulted in Cliff staying two weeks ago, and it also gave him safety beyond that. Nick revealed that he is America’s Prankster. He said that he could have put Cliff up but he chose to nominate who Cliff had said was his target. Nick discussed that Christie will be tough to beat if she survives the block yet again, and both she and Jess have vocalized that they would like to target the guys. Nick said that he would obviously like Cliff to vote for him but he will respect his decision either way. In the HoH room, Jackson and Tommy talked things over. Jackson mentioned Christie wanting them to have each other’s backs, which is something that Tommy said that he would love. They also talked about Nick being the bigger threat at this point in the game.

3:00-3:30 PM: Christie spoke to Jess. She said that she has always considered Jess to be a vote for her since they share the same target in Nick. Christie pointed out that Nick has been vocal about only wanting to protect Nicole and Tommy, and he will have a small pool of people to choose from in the event that he wins HoH. Christie told Jess that she is someone who she could see herself in the Final 3 with because she respects her on a game and personal level. Christie said that she would like to communicate with Jess in order to determine where the next shot should be taken. Jess said she is scared that Nick will be staying since this is prank week. She told Christie that she is the person who she would like to see stay this week. Nick checked in with Nicole. He told her that he doesn’t really have a campaign for her but he believes that his talk with Tommy went really well.

3:30-4:00 PM: Holly admitted that she feels very vulnerable coming off of her HoH week. Tommy told her that she is good with him. He said that he is loyal to a fault and they have been together since Day 1. Cliff then spoke to Holly. He filled her in on Nick’s campaign, including the fact that he said he is not going to be making any deals. Cliff said Nick believes that Christie and Jess are going to go after the men of the house, and he thinks that he could have got Cliff out but he chose not to do that. Nick briefly spoke to Jess. He told her that they are likely each other’s targets, which is fine, but he respects her on a game and personal level. Nick said he knows that Jess makes good decisions and will do what is best for her game. Nick suggested that Jess may become a target if he leaves, since nobody will know who she would be after at that point. Jess admitted that it was a good point made by Nick. Jess assured Nick that she will not be making an emotional decision. In the have-not room, Christie checked in with Tommy. He said he is really sad that Nick is leaving this week. Christie asked if that is for sure. Tommy said he spoke to Jackson and did not hear any differently. In the HoH room, Nick started his pitch to Holly and Jackson. Nick explained that he will not be making deals with anyone. He told them that they have a chance to upgrade from Christie to him. He said that he will be able to win competitions, allowing Jackson to avoid having to win more and become an even bigger target. Nick offered his full loyalty to Holly and Jackson. He promised that he would be working for them if he stays. Nick said that him being in the house will prevent Holly and Jackson from going on the block, and they can toss away that protection when they are done with it. Nick claimed that he would use the veto on them if they are nominated against him.

4:00-4:30 PM: Tommy told Christie that Jackson has got to go. That being said, Tommy was unsure of who he would nominate in the event that he were to win HoH. Christie said that she would go with Cliff and Nicole or Holly and Jackson. Tommy suggested nominating Jackson and Nicole, which Christie later agreed with. Tommy thinks that it would be best to use Nicole as the pawn, as opposed to Holly, since Nicole is less likely to win something to come after them. Back in the HoH room, Nick said he told Nicole that she can trust the two of them if he leaves. Nick said that he would like for one of them to win the game if he cannot win it himself. Nick revealed that he would like to be surprised by the vote, so he doesn’t want to know which way things are going ahead of time. Before leaving, Nick said that his offer would stand in the event that he is evicted and returns from a Battle Back. He said the only thing that would change is that he would not use the veto on one of them over himself. As soon as Nick left, Jackson told Holly that Nick sealed his fate by saying that he would work with them if he returns. Jackson thinks that everything Nick was saying would support him winning in the end and would be reasons for Christie to lose. Christie came by. She told Holly and Jackson that they should be good as long as Cliff and Nicole don’t win HoH. Jackson told Holly that he will be throwing tomorrow’s HoH competition. While Holly said that she still slightly worries about Tommy, Jackson said that he does not.

4:30-5:00 PM: Christie told Cliff that she sees Holly and Jackson as a very scary threat. Christie said that she does not think that Holly would be as much of a beast without Jackson, but she thinks that the only way to get Jackson out would be by putting them up next to each other. Christie said that she could see herself going far with someone like Cliff. Cliff mentioned it’s weird that Nick would nominate Christie, seeing as there seemed to be a better move. Christie followed that up by saying that Nick should have nominated Jackson if he wanted a shot at staying. Cliff asked Christie what she would do if she were to win HoH next week. Christie said she is not married to people who it may be implied that she has a deal with, and she sees where the threat lies. Christie said that Holly would not be her target but the only way to get Jackson out would be by putting her up next to him. Cliff said that he recognizes the same thing that she does in terms of those two being a big threat. Christie let Cliff know that she would not put him on the block.

5:00-6:00 PM: Nicole told Christie that she is friendly with Nick but she wants to make the best decision for her game. Nicole admitted that she is still weighing out her options and she will be taking some time to do so. Christie encouraged her to take the next 24 hours to think things over. Christie said that she is someone who wants to go far in this game and she is not afraid to make a big move. Christie said that Jess is likely going to vote for her, Cliff implied that he was, and Tommy didn’t give her a yes or no answer. Christie assured Nicole that she will not be coming after her if she stays.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nicole checked in with Cliff to see how he is feeling. Cliff said he would like both of the nominees to go. While Cliff said that he trusts Nick a lot more than he trusts Christie, he said that Nick is the better competitor and he is very tight with Tommy. Cliff let Nicole know that Tommy apparently swore to vote Holly’s way, which would mean that it’s a done deal with Jackson and Jess are doing the same. Jess joined them. Nicole said that she knows what she wants to do game wise and what she thinks is going to happen, and she feels bad about it. Nicole admitted that part of her wants to give Nick a vote like he did for Analyse last week, but she isn’t going to do it since it would be shooting herself in the foot.

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