Big Brother 21 Day 72 - Nick is evicted; Jackson wins HoH

August 29, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Nick was evicted by a vote of 5-0. The endurance HoH competition got underway at 6:53. Julie informed the viewers that next Thursday will be a double eviction episode.

7:00-8:00 PM: The HoH competition continued on the live feeds. The order to drop out of the competition was as follows: Jess (24 minutes), Cliff (42 minutes), Christie (42 minutes), Nicole (51 minutes), Tommy (56 minutes). Jackson won HoH. Once the houseguests got inside, Jackson told Nicole that he won that competition for her and Cliff because he knew that Tommy would have nominated the two of them. Jackson said that he did not want to win it. Nicole began to cry, as she was frustrated with herself for falling. Jackson spoke to her, Cliff and Holly to reassure them that they have a Final 4 and he was not about to let them go on the block.

8:00-8:30 PM: Jackson spoke to Cliff. He told him that he wanted to throw the competition to Nicole but he needed Tommy to drop first. Jackson said he does not think that it is best for the two of them to have Tommy leave, since they would then be the only two males remaining in the house. For that reason, Jackson said that he is thinking of nominating Christie and Jess. Cliff said that he is fine with that. Jackson worried that he is now in a bad spot after having won five competitions in a row. Cliff pointed out that it does not matter since he had already proven himself to be a competition beast. They agreed that Jackson didn’t have a choice, and that he had to win the competition. Cliff said that it would have been easy for Christie, Jess and Tommy to get together and do something. Jackson said that he made a Final 4 with Cliff, Holly and Nicole, and anybody who is coming after them is indirectly coming after him. Cliff suggested that Tommy would not have went after Nicole, so it would have been two of Holly, Jackson and himself on the block.

8:30-9:00 PM: Jackson let Christie know that he is thinking of using her as a pawn. Christie questioned why it has to be her. Jackson told her that she is not going to go anywhere. He revealed that Jess is his target. Jackson explained that he would like to make it seem as though their deal is done, and he will ensure that the votes are in place to keep Christie. Jackson then spoke to Cliff once again. He let him on his plan to target Jess since she has made it clear that she is coming after the guys. Cliff agreed that the two of them would have been on the block had Jess won HoH. When Cliff said that he worries about Tommy too, Jackson said that he does as well but they will be screwed if Tommy goes and Jess stays. Cliff agreed. He added that it may be worth talking to Tommy to mention that he is not going on the block because the guys have to stick together. Jackson later checked in with Christie to bring up that she would only need two votes and his tie breaking vote. Jackson said that the two votes would come from Holly and Tommy.

12:00-1:00 AM: Nicole told Jackson that she is frustrated because she hasn’t been able to contribute to the group. Jackson told her that she will contribute when it matters most. He argued that it may be for the best that she didn’t win, because she can now compete next week when it is likely to be me a mental competition. Jackson said that he struggles most in that area. Afterwards, Cliff asked Nicole if Jackson told her what he is thinking about doing. Nicole said no. Cliff filled her in on the plan to nominate Christie and Jess with Jess as the target. Cliff said that targeting Jess would not be his preference but Jackson is very worried about her coming after the guys. Nicole was concerned that Tommy could then win the veto and use it on Christie. Nicole wondered if Holly and Jackson are also tight with Christie and Tommy, and are playing the middle with two Final 4 deals. Cliff said that he has thought about it but he figures that they would choose them over Christie and Tommy since they would be easier to beat. Cliff and Nicole agreed that Christie would be their target if it were their HoH week. Jackson rejoined them. He explained his logic to Nicole. Nicole asked if Jackson thinks that Tommy would use the veto on Christie. Jackson said he doesn’t think that Tommy would do that as long as Jess is the clear target. Nicole pointed out that Christie would have a hell of an argument to win the game if she now survives the block for a fourth week in a row.

1:00-2:00 AM: Jackson mentioned the possibility of nominating one of their own alliance members as a pawn in the event that a replacement nominee is needed. He then briefly considered backdooring Jess but Cliff brought up that only one person doesn’t play in the veto competition anyway. Cliff did offer to go on the block if a pawn is needed, because he would have Holly, Jackson and Nicole voting for him. He suggested that nominating Christie and Jess initially is still best. Jackson then reiterated with Cliff and Nicole that they are his Final 4 and that he has not shook hands with anyone else on that like he has with them. Meanwhile, Christie told Tommy that she is scared of Jess winning the veto. Tommy doesn’t think that Jackson would put him up, since he gave his word during the competition. They discussed that their best option would be Tommy winning the veto and using it on Christie. Looking ahead to next week, Christie said that Holly and Jackson have got to go on the block together. Her target would then be Jackson.

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