Big Brother 21 Day 74 - Tommy wins the Power of Veto

August 31, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:05 to pick players for the veto competition. Feeds returned at 9:29. The veto players are Jackson, Christie, Jess, Cliff, Nicole and Tommy.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down a 11:02 for the veto competition.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:42 following the veto competition. Tommy won the Power of Veto in the “Hide and Go Veto” competition. Tommy found Jackson’s veto card, Jess found Christie’s veto card, and Jackson found Cliff, Jess and Nicole’s veto cards.

5:00-5:30 PM: Jackson told Cliff that he doesn’t think Tommy will use the veto. Cliff figured that he might not use it simply to ensure that a girl will go. The two cleared things up over Jackson having found Cliff’s veto card. Cliff had told Jackson that he would hide his in the bathroom but Jackson claimed that he heard “buck room”. Later, Cliff spoke to the camera. He mentioned that he told Jackson where he hid his veto yet Jackson still found it but they should still be okay. When the two spoke again, Jackson said that he did not want to win the veto. Cliff said that he would have liked to. Cliff believes that Tommy will keep nominations the same. Even if he doesn’t, Cliff said that they will be fine as long as Holly and Nicole are good, which Jackson said that they are. Both agreed that they would prefer not to have Cliff on the block. Jackson then spoke to Tommy about ideally wanting the nominations to stay the same in order to ensure that Jess goes. Jackson said that he does not want to allow for the possibility of a tiebreaker. Tommy let Jackson know that if he does end up using the veto on Christie, he would give his word to vote whichever way Jackson wants him to. Christie, who had just came by, said that she will vote how Jackson wants her to as well.

5:30-6:00 PM: Cliff told Nicole that he expects Tommy to leave nominations the same. Nicole said that she is worried about Holly doing something weird if Cliff goes on the block. Up in the HoH room, Tommy told Jackson that he feels as though Christie is all that he has left, so he would like to make sure that she is guaranteed safety. Tommy said that he would like to take her off of the block. Jackson continually stressed that he does not want to have to break a tie, and Tommy promised that he would not let it come down to that. Jackson said that he would rather go up against Cliff and Nicole than Jess. Tommy said that he agrees. Before the conversation ended, Tommy clarified that he is not saying that he will definitely use the veto but as of right now he is leaning that way. Jackson said that he would not be upset about it. Tommy headed downstairs. He let Jess know that he is thinking that he will probably use the veto on Christie. Jess said that’s awesome and she is really happy that he would want to do that.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nicole told Jess that she is losing all of her people, and she may end up on her own if Cliff and Jess are nominated next to each other and then the remaining two go up next week. Nicole explained that she wouldn’t be so scared if she had won things but she doesn’t stand a chance next to any of them. Jess said that it may play to her advantage since she is flying under the radar. Once Nicole was alone, she spoke to the cameras. Nicole said that she is putting the pieces together in her head and it is very discouraging. Nicole believes that this all was a setup, and they are going to screw over Cliff. Nicole thought it was odd that Jackson would find Cliff’s veto card when Cliff told him where it was.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds were down over an hour for an HoH lockdown. When they returned, Holly and Jackson were in the midst of a disagreement. Holly asked if Jackson wants her to get her stuff out of the HoH room. Jackson said that he does not care since it is her stuff. Holly pointed out that he knows what she was asking. Jackson once again said that doesn’t care. There was then some silence before Jackson left the room after saying “good talk”.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson reassured Cliff that they are not going to do him dirty. Jackson said that he would like to go to the Final 4 with Cliff, Holly and Nicole. Cliff said that if he cannot trust the other three in that group, then his game is over anyway. Jackson said that he will try to convince Tommy not to use the veto. Cliff suggested that it will be okay either way. Cliff then checked in with Nicole. He told her that Tommy is saying that he may not use the veto. Cliff said he does not think that Holly would flip even if Tommy does use the veto. Holly wasn’t so sure about that. Cliff said that he is already screwed anyway if that’s the case, so he has to take them at their word. Cliff told Nicole that if he were Holly and Jackson, he would rather go to the Final 4 with the two of them than with Christie and Tommy. If he leaves, Cliff said that Nicole should be okay next week since they would likely want Jess out over her, and then she could pick one of the duos to latch onto and make it to the Final 3.

11:00-12:00 AM: Jackson asked Tommy if he is thinking about not using the veto. Tommy admitted that he was considering that since it would be the second time that he has used a veto on Christie, and he has to think about what that would mean for his game. If he does use it, Tommy said that Cliff is going to stay. Jackson told Tommy that it is up to him but Christie is also going to stay if she remains on the block. Tommy said that he has to think about whether or not it is worth it to use the veto if the result will be the same either way. On the other hand, he mentioned that everyone already knows that he and Christie are good so he doesn’t know if it really matters if he uses another veto on her. Later, Holly approached Jackson to see if they can talk. Jackson said sure. He asked what she wants to talk about. He brought up that she had called him a f*cking a*sshole on national television, and his family and friends are going to hear that after he has been nothing but supportive of her. Holly apologized and said that she was frustrated in the moment. Holly explained that she tried hard to express herself last night, and then she felt as though he was shutting her out and dismissing her this morning. Jackson said that he has spent the entire season trying to make her as happy as possible but has heard her seemingly express regret over him, what her image will be because of him, and whether or not she is jeopardizing her future because of him. Jackson said that he is not about to be embarrassed by her on national television. He kept pointing out that what Holly said is not acceptable, and he would ask how she would feel if he had talked to her in that manner. Holly broke down and cried multiple times throughout the conversation. The two rehashed things over and over again, with Holly explaining it away as a heat of the moment mistake. Jackson became frustrated with her throughout the conversation for having been downplaying what she said. Though the talk did not end well, and Jackson said that they can discuss it in the morning, they ended up going over everything again for the remainder of the evening. Holly slept up in the HoH room.

1:00-2:00 AM: Nicole mentioned to Tommy that there are only two options to go up if the veto is used. Tommy said that from what he has heard, it would not be her. Tommy let Nicole know that he is likely going to use the veto. Tommy said that he does not want to take a chance that Christie could go home. Nicole said that she understands that. Looking ahead, Tommy said he is scared that he is on the outs and he does not realize. Nicole said she wishes that she could ask him something but it is not appropriate to ask and it’s not something that he would give an answer to. Tommy said he thinks that they are on the same page. Tommy assured Nicole that he will be voting to keep whoever goes on the block out of her and Cliff. He told Nicole that he would like to work with that person. Tommy said it scares him that Jackson is so adamant about wanting whoever goes up to stay even though he wants the same thing. Tommy told Nicole that it makes him wonder if he is on the outs. Nicole said she sees somebody putting Christie up as a target, and then she wasn’t, and then that person puts her up again but once again she is not the target. Nicole wondered if there is something going on that she is not seeing. Tommy said that they are on the same page. Nicole mentioned that Jackson’s target is the one singular person, which is confusing unless he is good with both sides if she goes. Tommy again said that they are on the same page.

3:00-4:00 AM: Nicole went over things while alone in the hammock. Nicole said that she did feel bad for Jess, and finding out that is was Jackson’s target was upsetting. However Nicole said she is confused by Jess saying that one of the main people that she doesn’t trust in the house is her. Nicole thinks that Jess bottled everything up all season and is now taking it out on her. Nicole talked about Cliff being the one likely to go on the block. Nicole said she feared that something wonky could happen but she has faith that it will work out after talking to Tommy. Nicole suspects that Holly and Jackson have made Final 4 deals with each of the two duos, hoping that the other pairs will take shots at each other. Nicole said that she sees it and she is not stupid. Nicole said she thinks that Christie and Tommy would nominate Holly and Jackson, which is good for her and Cliff. Nicole said it is sticking in her head that Tommy is a very smart player and he would not want to go to Final 3 with a couple who has dominated the game for weeks.

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