Big Brother 21 Day 75

September 1, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Cliff told Nicole that Tommy said that he is still debating what to do with the veto but he swore to him that he has his vote this week in the event that he does go up. Nicole said that she and Tommy were chatting about that last night, and Tommy said that he would vote to keep either one of them. Cliff said Tommy told him that the could envision them going further. Nicole said Tommy pointed out that it’s weird how Jackson was really pushing for Cliff to stay, which might mean that he is unaware of something that is going on in the house between those two.

12:00-1:00 PM: Tommy told Christie that it came out that Holly and Jackson are working with both sides. He said that he compared notes last night. Christie said that is exactly what she wanted to have happen. Tommy said he does believe Jackson when he says that Christie wouldn’t be going regardless, but he doesn’t want to take that chance so he will be using the veto on her. Christie admitted that she had a few moments in which she questioned how much Jackson could really be trusted when it comes to the plan for the week. Elsewhere, Jackson told Holly that they have got 24 days left. He said he is wondering whether or not Holly should throw the upcoming HoH competition. Holly said that she could as long as he is not planning on turning on her because she pissed him off. Jackson said that it was on a personal level, and they don’t have a choice but to work together on a game level. Holly asked Jackson if he only wants it to be game between them. Jackson admitted that he doesn’t know anymore.

1:00-2:00 PM: Tommy told Christie that you never know what can happen but he feels really strong and ready to fight. Christie said that she is confident when it comes to memory and mental competitions. Tommy agreed that those will be Christie’s competitions. Tommy said that every single thing that happens is meant to be, including him not winning HoH and now being able to compete for the next one. Meanwhile, Cliff told Holly and Jackson that Tommy is saying he doesn’t know what he is going to do with the veto but he will have his vote in the event that he does use it. Jackson said that’s good because Cliff will be staying. He clarified that Cliff would be staying anyway but he did not want to have to break a tie. Cliff also brought up Tommy saying that he isn’t sure if he is missing something but Jackson was really insistent on keeping Cliff. Holly said that she was suspicious of that and it worries her that Tommy is thinking that. Cliff suggested that Jackson throw him under the bus as much as he can in order to throw people off, because Tommy is wondering why Jackson has his back so much.

2:00-3:00 PM: Cliff told Nicole that he thinks she has a hell of a shot to make it to Final 3. He said that she would then be a competition win away from making it to the Final 2. Nicole said that she is taking things one step at a time. Cliff said he knows but he can see a path to the end.

4:00-5:00 PM: Holly asked Nicole if she has talked to Tommy. Nicole said that she did just a bit last night but he did not say much. Holly said that she doesn’t know if he will want to use the veto because it would show a lot of loyalty to Christie, possibly making himself a target. Nicole said she doesn’t know which way Tommy will go with the decision. Holly pointed out that Tommy’s cards are shown either way so it doesn’t really matter. Holly worried that Tommy will be pushing to evict Cliff if he goes up. While Holly said that she is not worried about Cliff getting voted out, she said that she does not want them to have to show their cards when Tommy is already getting suspicious. Holly let Nicole know that she plans to play it off as though she doesn’t really care who gets if Cliff goes on the block.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jackson asked Tommy what he is thinking. Tommy said he thinks that he is going to use the veto on Christie. Jackson mentioned that he will put Cliff on the block but he thinks that Jess needs to go first even though he wants Cliff out too. Jackson talked about not wanting he and Tommy to be the only two remaining males in a house with four females. Tommy said he hears that. Jackson added that he would rather compete against Cliff and Nicole in a mental competition. Tommy suggested that Jess might try to come offer a killer deal to Jackson. Tommy told Jackson to do what’s best for his game if that happens. Christie and Holly joined them. Jackson explained his thought process behind wanting to target Jess. Tommy once again brought up that Jess may try to make a deal with Jackson. He said that Jackson can consider it if she does. Jackson said that he is going to. Christie said that she loves Cliff but feels like he would beat any of them in a Final 2. Jackson agreed that Cliff is a threat to win but said that he and Tommy will likely go up if Cliff leaves. Cliff later came by. Jackson let him know that Tommy plans to use the veto. Jackson told Cliff that he played it off as though Cliff is a threat but he would rather Jess go first, as he was trying to keep their Final 4 under wraps. Jackson informed Cliff that Tommy kept hinting at the fact that Cliff is a threat and that he should consider taking a deal from Jess if she offers one. Jackson reassured Cliff that he will not be going anywhere this week.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tommy told Holly and Jackson that he spoke to Cliff last night and let him know that whoever goes up out of him and Nicole would have his vote no matter what. Out at the hammock, Christie told Cliff that Tommy is hinting that he will use the veto on her. Cliff said that it does not surprise him. Cliff assumed that he will be the one going on the block. Christie said that he will have her vote. Christie explained that she is worried about the weeks to come as Jackson seems to think that he is working with everyone. Cliff said that he has felt that for a long time. Christie told Cliff that while Jackson may think that he has her, she still sees him as the biggest threat to her in this game. Christie added that Jackson has been making it very clear to her and Tommy that he is working with them. Cliff said that he is doing that with everyone. Back up in the HoH room, Tommy told Holly and Jackson that he is going to bring up another point but he hopes that it doesn’t sound like he is pitching for Jess to stay. Tommy said that Jess and Nicole do not have a good relationship, so Cliff leaving would result in there being two individual players as opposed to a duo. Jackson argued that Jess would not nominate Christie, mean that he will go on the block if she wins HoH. Tommy said that Jackson could make a deal. Jackson said that it would not be good jury management to make another deal after he cut one with Christie to flip the target during his last HoH reign. Jackson questioned whether it’s best to nominate Cliff or Nicole. Holly said that she would not risk Nicole going home. Tommy agreed but then said that Cliff and Jess have an even worse relationship that Nicole and Jess do. Tommy said that Cliff would not have the numbers if Nicole were to go. Tommy also brought up that Nicole is dangerous even though she is a number. He acknowledged that Nicole isn’t as much of a threat. Jackson said that the last point alone is reason enough not to put Nicole up. Tommy said that he will respect Jackson’s HoH no matter what he decides. Once Holly and Jackson were alone, Jackson said he thinks that Holly needs to throw the HoH competition in order to avoid showing her cards. They believe that they are safe with both duos, so Holly agreed.

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