Big Brother 21 Day 76 - Tommy uses the PoV on Christie; Cliff is nominated

September 2, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:58 for the veto ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:40. Tommy used the Power of Veto on Christie. Jackson nominated Cliff as the replacement nominee. Afterwards, Tommy apologized to Cliff and Jackson. Jackson told him not to apologize since it is part of the game. Cliff spoke to Jess who mentioned that they are kind of used to this by now. Cliff pointed out that he has been on the block four times and she has been on the block three times. Cliff said that he would rather go on the block because he is a threat than because he is expendable. Jess said that everyone is a threat at this point in the game. Elsewhere, Tommy apologized to Nicole. She told him that it’s okay. Tommy let Nicole know that even in the worst case scenario of Cliff leaving, she will have him. Nicole said that she appreciates that. Tommy told Nicole that Cliff leaving is not going to happen anyway.

12:00-1:00 PM: Out by the pool, Jackson talked to Holly about how awesome it would be if the two of them finished 1st and 2nd. Holly said she is trying. She told Jackson that they are playing a game right now that is very high risk. Jackson said that he loves it since it is high risk, high reward. Jackson added that they could win the game if they are able to pull this off. They agreed that they also could end up finishing 5th and 6th if they can’t pull it off. Holly suggested that they need to barely say anything, waiting out the storm so that they do not cause a storm. Jackson said they have to make sure that none of them get spooked or become wise to the whole situation.

3:00-3:30 PM: Cliff told Nicole that Jackson has sworn to him that he is good. He said that Christie and Tommy are also telling him that he has their votes. Nicole let Cliff know that he obviously has her vote but she is not telling Jess that just yet. Cliff expects Jess to offer some kind of deal. Nicole told him that Jess said last night that she is not going to campaign. Cliff said that in some ways this worked out okay, since he would have been a bit more nervous that Tommy was working with Holly and Jackson if he didn’t use the veto. Nicole said that Tommy alluded to the fact that he is not seeing something and that certain people appear to be good with both sides. Cliff said that Tommy could have been talking about them or Holly and Jackson. Nicole admitted that she fears that with Holly and Jackson. Cliff said the fact that Tommy used the veto on Christie means that they are back to be tight, meaning that there are three groups of two. Cliff hopes that the other two duos would go after each other before they would come after them. Nicole wondered if it’s worth considering not winning HoH in hope of that. Cliff said that he has gone back and forth on it and has decided that he cannot take that chance. Nicole said that she had the same thought earlier today. Holly and Jackson then spoke to Nicole. Jackson pointed out that it will be 3 on 2 in the next HoH competition since he cannot compete. Nicole said that that’s if Cliff stays. Jackson reassured Nicole that Jess will be leaving. He said that he will break the tie against her if it comes down to it. Nicole said she worries how much Christie and Tommy will push for Cliff to go. Holly expects that they will push hard since Christie has Jess on her side.

3:30-4:00 PM: Holly told Jackson she thinks that she would prefer to see Christie go first over Tommy. Jackson asked why. Holly said that she personally has more loyalty to Tommy. Jackson questioned if Tommy has that same loyalty back to them. They then discussed that Nicole and Tommy are pretty close, and Tommy offered Cliff a Final 2 deal. As for Christie, Holly said that she does not see Cliff or Nicole being super close with her. Jackson said that he doesn’t either, which is why he thinks that Christie should stay over Tommy. Holly wondered which of the two the jury would be more likely to vote for. Jackson believes that he and Holly would each have the votes over those two. He pointed out that Nick will be a very vocal juror and he is on their side. Jackson thinks that Cliff is the one person that would be able to beat them in the Final 2, but that would be only if the jurors vote emotionally. Jackson feels as though Cliff has not done anything since Day 30.

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