Big Brother 21 Day 78

September 4, 2019

2:00-3:00 PM: Christie told Nicole she feels that Cliff has wanted Tommy out for a while, so she is scared when it comes to the idea of keeping Cliff. Nicole said that Cliff is a deals man. She suggested talking with him and potentially offering him something more enticing. Christie mentioned that she is scared of the relationship that Cliff and Jackson have. Afterwards, Nicole let Cliff know that Christie said it is going to come down to whatever she decides to do. Nicole said that she is still leaning towards keeping Cliff. Cliff asked Nicole which way she would like to go if she wins HoH. Nicole pointed out that Holly and Jackson are big competitors but Christie and Tommy are capable of a lot as well. Nicole suggested that she may nominate Christie and Tommy, and then she would have no choice but to nominate Holly or Jackson if one of those two win the veto. Cliff reassured Nicole that she will have his support no matter which way she decides to go. Nicole said that ti would be great to take away one member from each of the other two duos, leaving them in the Final 4 with one from each. The two discussed whether or not they should attempt to win HoH tomorrow. They ultimately agreed that it would be too risky not to try. Cliff wasn’t sure how to proceed with Christie and Tommy when it comes to whether or not to offer them safety. Nicole suggested that he speak in vague terms. Cliff said that he doesn’t want to promise Christie and Tommy anything if Holly and Nicole are already voting for him. Nicole gave Cliff a heads up that Christie’s big fear when it comes to him is that he and Jackson are working together. They went over their options for nominations in the event of a double eviction. Nicole pointed out that she would be the deciding vote if Holly and Jackson go up and one of them wins the veto. Cliff asked if she would want to be put in that position. Nicole told Cliff that she doesn’t mind as long as it gets them further. Cliff talked about possibly nominating Jackson next to either Christie or Tommy. Nicole said that Cliff could go the route of nominating Christie and Tommy, and then play it off as though he had no choice but to nominate Holly or Jackson if one of those two win the veto.

3:00-3:30 PM: Cliff and Tommy spoke. Cliff said that he was obviously disappointed that Tommy used the veto, since it meant that he had to go on the block, but he gets it. Cliff said he thinks that he would get Holly’s vote, hopefully Nicole’s vote, and then he suspects that Jackson would break the tie in his favour. Tommy brought up that he and Christie are under the impression that they are working with Holly and Jackson, just like Cliff and Nicole are. Cliff claimed that he is more so under their wing than working with them, seeing as they don’t talk much game with them. Tommy asked Cliff what his plan would be moving forward. Cliff said that he does not know. He stressed that he would not go after Nicole. He also said that Tommy would not be the target that he is looking at. Tommy explained that he will be in a tough position if he gets Holly or Jackson out, since he cannot compete the following week. Cliff promised that he would not go after Tommy if that were to happen. Meanwhile, Jackson told Nicole that what Christie is claiming about them playing all sides of the house is not true. Jackson stated that he could have fallen off of the wall, giving Tommy HoH, if not for working with Cliff and Nicole. Jackson said that he is standing by the handshake deal that he made with Cliff and Nicole. While Nicole admitted that Christie and Tommy are in her ear, she said that she does not want them to be worried. Jackson said he believes that Christie and Tommy are trying to get Cliff and Nicole to take the shot at them. Jackson reassured Nicole that he is not coming after her or Cliff. Jackson said that Christie and Tommy are telling them the same things that they are telling Cliff and Nicole. Nicole said she feels as though Holly and Jackson were always more so straight shooters than Christie and Tommy were.

3:30-4:00 PM: After Tommy finished talking to Cliff, Christie took her turn. She let Cliff know that she sees through Jackson. She mentioned him telling her and Tommy that they are a four. Cliff said that Jackson tells him and Nicole the same thing. Christie said that nobody is going to beat him. Cliff claimed that he is playing along with what Jackson says but he will do what is best for his game. Christie asked if Cliff would even want to win this HoH or if Jackson would flip out if Cliff put him up. Cliff said that Jackson will flip out but he does not care, which Christie agreed with. Christie said that in an ideal world, Jackson would go followed by Holly the next week. Christie gave her word on her sister and on the bible that she would nominate Holly and Jackson. Cliff promised that she would not be his target the following week if she were to make that move. He said that he would go after whichever of Holly and Jackson remained. Cliff said that he will not really be campaigning for votes. Christie said she thinks that it will be unanimous. Christie added that she would be glad to go to the Final 4 with Cliff, Nicole and Tommy. Up in the HoH room, Holly and Jackson continued to talk to Nicole. Jackson said that it is dumb for him to evict Jess over Cliff on a game level but he is going to stay true to his word since he respects the hell out of Cliff and Nicole. Nicole agreed that the smarter decision would be to keep Jess but said that she cannot do it.

4:00-5:00 PM: Jess spoke to Jackson. She said she is not going to campaign since she has already been honest about her thoughts. Jess said she doesn’t know what Jackson thinks of Cliff since he was not one of his original nominees. Jackson said that that doesn’t mean that Cliff is not a target or a threat to him. Jess talked about being willing to be a pawn next week if he she stays. Jackson said that he would like to talk to people today before deciding which way he would break a tie if it came down to it.

5:00-6:00 PM: Cliff told Nicole that he didn’t make any promises to Christie or Tommy with regards to tomorrow’s nominations. He clarified that he did say that he would not target them if they won HoH and took a shot. Nicole let Cliff know that Jackson was saying that he could have screwed them over already if he had wanted to, and he is concerned about Christie and Tommy being in the middle. Cliff argued that everyone is trying to get everyone else to take shots at this point. Cliff revealed that he is leaning towards sticking with Holly and Jackson if he wins HoH. Nicole said that she has been going back and forth but she is now back to leaning that way as well. Cliff reiterated that Nicole will have his full support whichever way she decides to go. Elsewhere, Jackson told Holly that he does not think that it would be a good idea for her to throw HoH. Holly agreed. Jackson brought up that Christie and Tommy could end up taking a shot at them if they win. Jackson pointed out that angering whoever stays between Christie or Tommy is not as bad as losing and going home would be. Jess checked in with Nicole. She told her that she is willing to offer herself up as a pawn if she stays. Jess said that they could all go after Jackson if that is what Nicole wants. Jess told Nicole that she is her person. Later, Cliff told Holly and Jackson that Nicole worried him a little bit when she said that she is leaning his way. Cliff hopes that she is doing more than leaning that way. Cliff admitted that he went along with what Christie and Tommy were saying to him about Holly and Jackson playing both sides, and said that this is their opportunity to get Jackson out while he cannot compete. Jackson said he thinks that those two are trying to set it up for Nicole and whoever stays to take shots at him and Holly so that they don’t have to. Cliff agreed. Holly and Jackson informed Cliff that Christie and Tommy are pitching to keep Jess. Cliff thinks that they would love to get him out followed by the showmance.

6:00-7:00 PM: Jackson told Cliff that he is standing by their Final 4 deal that he shook on. Cliff assured Holly and Jackson that he did not make any promises to go after them. Jackson suggested that they beat Christie and Tommy at their own game by feeding into it that they are going after each other, and those two are safe with them. Cliff said that he would love to let Nicole win HoH to take the shot but he has to make sure that she is actually on board with that. Cliff explained that he would not have hesitated until today. Cliff said that he plans to talk to Nicole some more to get some reassurance.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jess spoke to Christie. She said that Jackson did not tell her that she is the target but he is probably just trying to avoid burning bridges. Jess suggested that Christie should keep her since she would remain Jackson’s target moving forward. Christie said that Jess doesn’t have to pitch her. They discussed that it would look better on Jackson’s resume if he were to get Cliff out instead of Jess. Jess said that she will bring that up to Holly and Jackson when she talks to them again. Christie said that if Jackson or Nicole are able to be flipped, everyone will get on board and it will be unanimous in Jess’ favour.

8:00-9:00 PM: When Tommy talked to Jess, he told her that he wants her to stay but it comes down to Nicole. Tommy said that it would look really good on Nicole’s resume if she were to vote to evict Cliff. Moving forward, Jess said that she is willing to be the sacrificial lamb so that the people she cares about can get further. When Jess spoke to Holly, Holly said that Jackson is really struggling with this decisions since there is no clear cut better option. Jess mentioned that it would look better for Jackson to say that he took out Cliff than he took out her. Jess added that Cliff is a way bigger target than she is, and she is willing to go on the block in the coming weeks. Jess said that she would like to work with Holly and Jackson moving forward.

9:00-10:00 PM: Christie and Tommy discussed that Nicole is likely going to vote to evict Jess. Tommy thinks that Cliff and Nicole will throw HoH in order to force them to take the first shot. Tommy said that he would like to talk to Nicole in order to make sure that she is gunning for it. Christie said that she sees right through Holly and Jackson. Tommy stressed that one of those two have got to go if they win HoH, which Christie agreed with. The two briefly discussed blowing things up by telling Holly and Jackson that they compared notes with Cliff and Nicole and they are not going after each other now, so Holly and Jackson need to prove themselves by evicting Cliff.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jackson let Jess know that he would more than likely break the tie in Cliff’s favour if it came down to it. Jackson made it clear that he and Cliff did not make any type of deal. Jess brought up that Jackson getting her and Analyse out during his HoH weeks doesn’t look the best on paper. She said that she is not as big of a threat as Cliff is, and she is not as strong of a competitor as he is, which leads her to believe that Cliff and Jackson are working together. Jackson said that there are a lot of elements to it and it is not a matter of him working with Cliff. Jess said that there is no love lost either way, and Jackson is someone who she could see herself voting for if he makes it to the end of the game. Jess talked about being willing to go up as a pawn and remain loyal to Holly and Jackson. Jackson said that he would not be surprised by anything when it comes to the vote, so he encouraged her to continue campaigning to people. Later, Jackson checked in with Christie to ask if everything is good. He pointed out that she seems to be pissed off about something. Christie said that she just feels bad about Jess going home. Christie told Jackson that nothing is changing. Jackson asked Christie if their deal still stands. She said that they are good and he does not have to worry about her. After Christie left, Holly said that she does not trust Christie. Jackson said that he got her to say that their deal still stands, so she would be losing jury votes if she were to go against it. Meanwhile, Tommy checked in with Nicole to see which way she is voting. Nicole admitted that she is leaning towards keeping Cliff. Tommy said that he loves Cliff and they are on the same page. Tommy asked if Nicole will be gunning for HoH. She confirmed that she is always gunning for it.

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