Big Brother 21 Day 79 - Jess and Christie are evicted

September 5, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s double eviction episode, Jess was evicted by a vote of 4-0. Nicole went on to win HoH. She nominated Christie and Tommy for eviction. All six of the houseguests then competed in the veto competition. Christie and Cliff were tied heading into the final question. Christie changed her answer at the last second, and got it wrong. Cliff won the Power of Veto. Cliff decided not to use the Power of Veto. Christie was then evicted by a vote of 3-0.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, and after Tommy was called to the diary room, Nicole said that she cannot believe it. She explained that people were telling her to nominate Holly and Jackson, which was probably smart, but she is sticking with them since she gave her word. Cliff, Holly and Jackson said that they are doing the same thing. Cliff pointed out that one of them will have to go on the block if they win HoH but it wont matter. Jackson said that Tommy cannot win the veto. When Nicole went to the diary room, Cliff told Holly and Jackson that Christie was there several weeks longer than she should have been. Cliff said that Holly and Jackson have carried a lot of weight, so he is glad that he and Nicole could get them through tonight. Cliff talked about having been getting a lot of pressure as to how powerful the couple is. Jackson said that Christie and Tommy were a couple too. Cliff questioned why he would jump from one to the other when he has said from the start of the season that he wanted to work with Holly and Jackson. Nicole apologized to Tommy. Tommy said he wonders if he is really alone. Nicole said that while it may seem like he is, he is not. Nicole encouraged Tommy to get out there and win the HoH competition. Tommy said that all of the duos were doing the same thing but gets why she made this move. Since the duos were doing the same thing, Nicole said that it came down to which individual scares her the most, and that was Christie. Later, Nicole explained her thought process to Cliff. She said that they will at least get to the Final 4 with Holly and Jackson, whereas they likely would have been 4th and 5th if they sided with Christie and Tommy, because those two are both close to Holly.

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