Big Brother 21 Day 80 - Jackson wins HoH, nominates Cliff and Tommy

September 6, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:25 for the HoH competition.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:12. Jackson is the new HoH. Afterwards, Cliff told Tommy that he hopes he didn’t catch him off guard when he said that they will be fighting for their lives. He clarified that he meant Holly wont be going up so two of them will, followed by the third if one of them were to win the veto. Tommy said that he gets it. Cliff pointed out that today doesn’t matter when it comes to nominations, since it will come down to whoever wins the veto being the one not on the block. Jackson told the remaining houseguests that for the first time in the game, there is not one person left in the house that he would be upset with losing to. Holly spoke to Tommy to let him know that she has always had his back but she could not trust Christie. Tommy said that he gets it.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jackson got his HoH room. He requested the Backstreet Boys as his music, as that was what Nicole had wanted. He also offered to let Nicole have the HoH room for the week. Nicole hesitated but Jackson brought up that they are only there because of her. Holly also encouraged Nicole to take the room, which she eventually agreed to.

3:00-3:30 PM: Cliff and Jackson discussed that tomorrow’s veto competition will likely be BB Comics. Jackson said it sounds like Tommy is expecting that it will be 4 vs 1 in the competition. They agreed that he will have a decent shot at winning. Jackson assured Cliff that he will be going as hard as he can for the veto, since he has a Final 4 deal with them and he will be playing as though one of them is on the block because one will have to be. Cliff added that the loyalty that they have shown has gotten them to this point. Jackson said that they have made it this far and he is not stopping now, so he will do whatever it takes. Cliff told Jackson that he does not care what happens with nominations today, said he or Nicole obviously have to go up next to Tommy. Cliff told Jackson that he would love to win the game but Jackson deserves it at this point. Jackson said that he feels the same way about Cliff. Cliff talked about the best decision he has made being aligning with Jackson early on. Jackson let Cliff know that whatever happens this week, he does not want him to go anywhere. Jackson said that he has too much respect for Cliff and thinks that he deserves to be there.

3:30-4:00 PM: Jackson spoke to Tommy. He said he knows that he and Holly were probably the targets. Tommy admitted that they were but said that he and Christie were likely the targets as well. Jackson said that it was just Christie. Jackson brought up Christie swearing on her sister and on the bible that she would not come after them, and how she would accept 5th place, only to turn around and tell people that she was gunning for them was disheartening. Tommy mentioned that Jackson doesn’t know that she really was since the same people that told him that were also telling them stuff too. Tommy said that he and Christie saw it as Holly and Jackson playing the middle since they noticed that every time Holly or Jackson won HoH, Cliff and Nicole would sneak up there late at night to chat. Tommy told Jackson that you get mad at the one playing both sides. Jackson argued that everyone was doing the same thing at this point. Tommy let Jackson know that he is going to fight for the veto tomorrow, and he is not going to give up even if he doesn’t win it. Jackson said that he would be more disappointed in Tommy if he gave up.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds went down at 6:03 for the nomination ceremony. Feeds returned at 6:44. Jackson nominated Cliff and Tommy for eviction.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jackson told Holly he is scared that he cannot compete in the next HoH. Holly said that she is scared too but he can compete in the veto. Jackson said that even if Holly wins HoH, he can go home since if Cliff or Nicole win the veto, they vote. Holly said that it’s almost better if they don’t win HoH but win the veto. Jackson agreed. Jackson thinks that Cliff would evict him over Holly. Jackson said that he is the most likely one to beat Cliff even though he still thinks that he would lose to Cliff in the end. Holly pointed out that Tommy might win the veto tomorrow and then Cliff wont even make it past this week anyway. Holly then said that it’s better to gun for HoH next week, since there is a 50/50 shot of winning the veto either way.

11:00-12:00 AM: Nicole told Holly and Jackson that she is nervous about tomorrow. Nicole said she feels really bad because she didn’t talk to Jackson prior to nominations since she fell asleep. Nicole explained that she is a firm believer that nobody owes you anything, and she should have pleaded her case. Nicole clarified that she wasn’t doing that because she expected not to be on the block. Jackson said he let her sleep because his mind was made up anyway. Jackson said that he has always had her back, she is like the sister that he has never had, and he is never going to put her up so long as there are other options. Jackson said that Holly and Nicole are the two that he cares about most. If the veto is used, Jackson said that not putting Nicole up is a different story but they have an 80% chance of not getting to that point. Jackson told Nicole that he doesn’t even want to think about what happens if Tommy wins the veto and he has to break a tie, so they will cross that bridge when they get there. Jackson said that they have got a job to do tomorrow, and they can do it. Cliff joined them. They discussed that they have to win the veto. Jackson explained that nominations were nothing personal. Cliff said that what happens today means nothing. Jackson reiterated that he will be gunning for the veto as though he is on the block. He said that he does not want either one of them going anywhere. Cliff and Nicole said that they appreciate it.

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