Big Brother 21 Day 83 - Holly is the replacement nominee

September 9, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Nicole let Cliff know that when she was speaking to Tommy, she asked him if Holly and Jackson had any kind of agreement with him heading into the veto competition. Nicole said she told Tommy that he doesn’t have to answer that, and he told her that he cannot answer it right now. Cliff said that he has gone back and forth when it comes to this week’s decision. Nicole said that she has too but as a fan of the show, she is thinking that they cannot be stupid. Nicole said she is not sure that Holly and Jackson would have wanted to keep the two of them had they been given the opportunity to split them up this week. Cliff and Nicole agreed that they aren’t sure what to make of Tommy saying that he cannot answer Nicole’s question. Cliff pointed out that he could have had a deal and does not want it to blow up just yet or he could say that he had a deal even though he didn’t. Cliff talked about wanting to get a promise from Tommy that he would go after Jackson if they keep him. Cliff mentioned that getting Holly out would give them a better shot at making it to the Final 3 but a worse shot at getting to the Final 2 together. While Nicole acknowledged that they may have a better shot at beating Holly for the veto, she said that she would rather have some chance to convince Tommy to keep them over having no shot with Holly. Cliff agreed. They discussed that if they decide to keep Tommy, they need to do what they can to ensure that Jackson is not angry, including giving him a heads up of what is to come.

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:59 for the veto ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:39 following the veto ceremony. Nicole used the Power of Veto on Cliff. Jackson was forced to nominate Holly as the replacement nominee.

2:00-3:00 PM: Holly and Jackson talked things over on the hammock, as Jackson was again not happy with the way that she had been talking to him. Elsewhere, Nicole told Cliff that a part of her thinks that it is an act in order to make it seem like things are not as good as they are between those two. Cliff said that he wouldn’t put it past them. Cliff said that Tommy asked Jackson last night about what will happen between and him and Holly outside of the house, and Jackson didn’t make it sound so rosy. Cliff mentioned Jackson saying that they are in two different spots in their life but they will always keep in touch. Cliff said that Holly was up crying until 5 AM in the DR after they got in an argument. Cliff told Nicole there is nothing that those two can do to convince him that they would not take each other. Nicole agreed. Cliff worried that Tommy would not try in the veto competition if he wins HoH. He wondered if they could get him to agree to throw HoH but still go after Jackson if he wins the veto. Nicole told Cliff that Tommy was saying that he would want nothing more than to be in the Final 3 with them, but she knows that she would be promising the same things if she were in his position. Both agreed that Tommy has got to think that he would have a better shot with them.

3:00-4:00 PM: Nicole told Cliff she feels as though this decision is a no-brainer. She said that if you are an odds person and a numbers person, it is a no-brainer that you should keep Tommy over Holly. Nicole and Tommy then chatted. Tommy said that he is feeling good and that he plans to talk to Cliff on Wednesday night. Nicole let Tommy know that Cliff seems very receptive and she thinks that the two of them are on the same page. Nicole said she prays that Tommy wouldn’t turn on them in the Final 4. Tommy said that he has never broken his word in this game and he never will. Nicole said that this is just a game but it’s a game that means so much to her. Tommy told Nicole that he feels the same way. Nicole admitted that it weighs on her that he wants to be there so badly and that he is a big fan.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jackson and Nicole chatted out on the hammock. Jackson said it bothers him that he cannot compete in the upcoming HoH competition since it takes away one of his two chances to get to finale night. Jackson said he wonders if he screwed himself by winning this HoH. Jackson talked about wanting to get to the end with people that deserve it and have truly fought. Nicole said she is a good read of people that have that fire. Jackson said that he feels that way about her and Cliff. Jackson admitted that he is very nervous since he is putting himself in other people’s shoes and thinking about what would be the best move to make. Jackson brought up that all four of them have played such drastically different games. Nicole said that it will come down to the jury. Looking ahead, Jackson said that he doesn’t want to seem like he is campaigning against Holly but he came there for himself and for his family. Jackson asked Nicole if she ever told Tommy about their Final 4 deal. Nicole said no. Jackson said that Tommy brought it up to him and said that it was brilliant. Cliff joined them. It was eventually brought up that they could end up in the Final 3 together, since there is no way of knowing what is going to happen. Jackson said that he would not be upset if that were to happen. He let Cliff and Nicole know that he respects the two of them more than they realize. Jackson said that he will be looking at things from a game perspective from this point forward. All three agreed that they will not be bitter jurors if they end up leaving.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nicole told Cliff that Jackson asked her whether or not she had told Tommy about their Final 4 deal, and she told him that he likely deduced it. Nicole talked about Jackson having said that the two of them have the drive to be there but that is not the case for everyone. Nicole said she still has a hard time believing that Jackson would keep either of them over Holly. Cliff agreed. Cliff added that Jackson shouldn’t be upset with them for making the move now if he is considering it later either. Cliff said that part of him is leaning towards keeping Tommy. Nicole said that she feels the same way. Nicole expressed concern that Tommy would not want to go to the Final 3 with a duo no matter how scary Jackson is. Cliff suggested that it would be tough for Tommy to go back on his word when it means having to compete against Jackson and potentially losing their two jury votes if he does so. Nicole said she worries that they could lose Holly and Jackson’s votes by making this move, though she think that Jackson would respect it. Nicole thinks that Jackson was alluding to wanting to cut Holly. Cliff wondered if this is his way of getting Holly out without having to take any of the blame, because he has picked up on that as well. Nicole thought that it could also be reverse psychology on Jackson’s part, and him looking to remain good with them in hope of them taking him to the Final 3. Both agreed that they are leaning towards keeping Tommy.

7:00-8:00 PM: Tommy let Nicole know that he is going to offer to throw the HoH competition so that either Cliff or Nicole are for sure in the Final 3 if they keep him. Tommy explained that he needs to be able to offer something that Holly cannot. Nicole said that Tommy is going to make her cry. She said that he doesn’t have to do that. Tommy insisted that he wants to. Tommy figured that the rest of what he has to offer may not be enough to get Cliff to be willing to break a deal. Nicole said that Cliff doesn’t feel comfortable with breaking a deal unless he has Tommy’s word that he would gun for veto and evict Jackson. Tommy said “duh” in response to that. Nicole let Tommy know that Cliff is leaning towards keeping him, as is she. Tommy said that they don’t need him but their odds would be better with him. Nicole said that she worked too hard to get there to leave a showmance in the game. Nicole gave Tommy her word that he can badmouth her to the jury if he leaves this week, because it is not going to happen. Nicole added that Jackson seems to know what is going to happen based on the comments that he has been making. Tommy gave his word that he will be evicting Jackson if he wins the veto. Cliff eventually joined Nicole and Tommy at the hammock. Tommy said that he is going to do an official campaign on Wednesday but he will be gunning for the veto and is on the same page as them if he stays. Tommy also revealed that he would be willing to throw the HoH competition. Cliff talked about having wondered that, and implied that it would be big. Tommy said that he has never broken his word in this game, and they have his word. Cliff said that the three of them being at the end together is an attractive option, and Jackson is too dominating to keep around. Tommy again gave his word that he would evict Jackson if he were to win the veto.

9:00-10:00 PM: Nicole got emotional in the HoH room as she talked about how badly she wants this. Tommy walked in on her. He questioned who wouldn’t take her to the end. Tommy suggested that she is likeable, people want her there, and she has earned her way there, so it’s going to happen. Tommy told Nicole that he sees her making it to the end no matter what but people should be scared if she is sitting in those Final 2 chairs, which is the way that it should be.

10:00-11:00 PM: While Cliff was alone in the storage room, he spoke to the cameras. Cliff said that he doesn’t know what he is going to do yet but Tommy has offered a hell of a deal. Cliff talked about Tommy being a free agent, and how it may work to get down to three with Nicole and Tommy. Cliff said that he will make his arguments if he gets to the Final 2, and he believes that he is good at presenting reasons as to why he should win the money. Cliff clarified that getting to the end with Nicole is his dream scenario.

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