Big Brother 21 Day 88 - Jackson wins the Power of Veto

September 14, 2019

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds went down at 2:27 for the veto competition.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned at 7:19. Jackson won the Power of Veto. Jackson headed to the bedroom alone. He cried as he repeated over and over again that he is going to the Final 3 with Holly. Jackson said that they did it and that they will be going to finale night. In the kitchen, Cliff told Nicole he doesn’t think that Jackson is going to flip. He mentioned having an agreement that will get him to the Final 3. Both Cliff and Nicole agreed that Jackson deserves to get make it to the Final 3. Cliff said that they will still have a chance since it will be 2 vs 1. Cliff added that he can do the mental part of the final HoH competition better than Jackson can, so they are still in the running. Meanwhile, Jackson reassured Holly that he will never turn his back on her. He said that they will be going to finale night together. Back in the kitchen, Cliff reiterated that he thinks that Jackson will keep his word. If not, Cliff said that he got played and he will shake Jackson’s hand. Nicole admitted that that scares her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jackson told Holly that the veto is their ticket to the Final 3. Jackson explained that he did it for Holly since he was fine because Cliff was going to take him. Holly said she isn’t sure about that since Cliff and Nicole told her that they wanted her at the end with them as well. Holly pointed out that they were playing both sides just like they got mad at Tommy for. Holly let Jackson know that Nicole had told her that she wanted another female in the Final 3 with her. The two discussed what they should do in the final HoH competition. Jackson suggested that they duke it out in the first one, and whatever is meant to happen will happen. Holly said she had thought that it may be best for her to win that one, but Jackson said that he doesn’t want to end up in a position where he is not in part three only to have it be something that he would have been better suited for.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson told Holly that things would not have played out this way if Cliff and Nicole had kept their word. Holly said that they likely would have been in the Final 3 with Cliff instead of Nicole if she had not been forced to throw the HoH competition. Jackson confirmed that it would have been Cliff there with them in that scenario. Jackson said that Cliff should have stood up for keeping Holly if he wanted her there, but instead he decided to stand up for Nicole. Jackson said that doing that is going to cost him. Jackson said that he would like nothing more than to be sitting in the Final 2 next to Holly.

12:00-1:00 AM: Cliff told Nicole he is so excited that they are both going to be in the house the entire time. Nicole said she just hopes that it works out. Cliff suggested that Jackson would be hard pressed to change at this point after he has talked about it so much. Nicole said it still amazes her that Holly threw HoH. Nicole said she doesn’t know if she would have done it if she were in that position. Nicole brought up that Jackson won $10,000 in the luxury comp and now he will win at least $10,000 depending on which place he finishes in. Nicole said she feels guilty because she knew that Holly was going to throw it but never discussed with Cliff who should win HoH between the two of them. Cliff said that they did it the right way, since neither one of them should have thrown it. Nicole said that a little part of her thought that she could have repaid Holly by winning the veto and then having her stay this week. Cliff said she wishes that Jackson wasn’t there but he deserves to be there. Nicole agreed that he deserves it so much. Nicole said that if all of this works out, she hasn’t given Jackson nearly enough credit for his character. Cliff called Jackson a southern gentleman. Cliff told Nicole that a handshake means something. Cliff added that that’s why he would have had to keep Jackson if he had won the veto. Cliff said that he is glad that he made the deal.

1:00-2:00 AM: Jackson said he was thinking about whether he should pull himself off or take Holly off. Holly said that she has thought about that too. Holly said that she is fine with whatever Jackson wants to do. Jackson said a part of him is scared that Holly would decide to keep Cliff. Holly said that she would never in a million years do that. Jackson explained that he would look so stupid if used the veto on her only to get evicted. Holly told Jackson that she could not live with herself if she did not take him. Looking ahead to the Final 2, Holly said that she would take Jackson over Nicole even though she has less of a chance of winning. Jackson told Holly that he would have rolled the dice on Cliff if he didn’t have a chance to sit next to her, but he would like to be sitting next to her. Holly said it’s Jackson’s call to decide which route is the best to take in terms of who should be the one to cast the sole vote to evict. Jackson said part of him thinks that Holly being safe would give her the chance to make things right after she threw HoH. Jackson also thinks that it would help him with jury votes since there is less blood on his hands, but he is not doing it because he is scared. Jackson again said he is scared that she might evict him. Holly told Jackson to leave her on the block then.


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