Big Brother 22 Day 1 - Cody wins HoH

August 5, 2020

During tonight’s live episode, Cody won the first HoH competition of the season. Christmas won $5,000, while Ian, Kevin, Memphis and Nicole A became have-nots for the week.

11:32 PM: While in the storage room, Cody asked Tyler if he is ready to run through this house. Kaysar then entered the room, breaking up the conversation.

11:53 PM: Kaysar let Nicole A know that he was irritated by how she was treated last season when she was trying to tell the truth and set the record straight. The two discussed that they have a mutual admiration for each other.

12:15 AM: Dani told Nicole F that Bayleigh may be problematic due to being very opinionated. She added that she likes Da’Vonne. Nicole said that she does too but she may need to make amends with her. Dani talked about liking Tyler a lot as well. They discussed that Tyler seems to be caught off guard since he was expecting to have Kaycee in there, just like Christmas was expecting to have Josh. Both girls said that they ghosted Nicole A when she reached out to them via DM in order to join her on her podcast. Nicole said that she didn’t think they would put another Nicole in the house given that she herself was going to be there.

12:40 AM: Cody came out of the diary room for his HoH room reveal.

1:42 AM: Janelle told Kevin she knew that he would be on the show since he followed her on Instagram and started watching her stories. The two of them and Memphis then spoke. Kevin asked if they watched Survivor. It was brought up that the people from the older seasons got pummelled. All three mentioned having no idea what Cody will do.

2:22 AM: Memphis mentioned to Janelle that Cody is going to need some protection for next week. They agreed to feel him out tomorrow. Memphis suggested that they let the week play out as the ones that attempt to pull the trigger too soon are the ones who leave early.

2:29 AM: Janelle and Kaysar quickly checked in with each other. Janelle said she thinks that Cody will want to work with someone super strong since he cannot compete next week. She told Kaysar that they should not be seen together.

2:48 AM: Nicole F talked to Ian about the need to work together as former winners. She pointed out that the New York Times was calling Dan the best player of all time yet he was only able to get one vote against someone who had not won. Ian agreed that they need to work together. Nicole said that she feels good about Memphis, while Ian said that he likes Kevin and Nicole A. Nicole F said she is worried about Nicole A playing both sides, though she could be good for now. When Ian asked Nicole if she has a good relationship with Cody, she said that they respect each other tremendously.

3:16 AM: In the HoH room, Cody let Tyler know that he has got him this week. He mentioned that he was trying to let him know that earlier when Kaysar walked in.

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