Big Brother 22 Day 10 - Christmas and Ian are safe; David and Nicole are nominated

August 14, 2020

8:39 AM: David told Kevin that Memphis has various reasons to put him up, and it has not gone anywhere when he has tried to engage with Memphis. David said that he is trying to avoid going up against somebody that he likes. David told Kevin that he, Bayleigh, and Da’Vonne talked about him needing to stay from the very beginning because they have got blood together. Both said that they are worried about going on the block next to each other. Kevin revealed that he will be playing in the Safety Suite. Kevin said that whoever Memphis tells to play is not in his circle, as he will want himself and his allies to be able to play next week. David said that if he can’t make history, somebody else that looks like him has to. Kevin said he thinks that it is an equal playing field and a person of colour does have a shot this season.

9:31 AM: Tyler told David that it might be easy for Memphis to put David on the block since he already kind of pissed him off. David said that he doesn’t want to go up against him, Cody or Enzo.

9:35 AM: Tyler asked Kevin if he is thinking of playing in the Safety Suite. Kevin said yeah, adding that he would play even if his mom was HoH. Kevin talked about not wanting to give up a chance at safety after what happened last week.

9:37 AM: Tyler asked Da’Vonne if she is thinking of playing today. She said that she might. Tyler pointed out that Memphis is trying to scare as many people as he can into playing so that it is easier on him next week.

9:44 AM: Tyler told Dani he thinks that Christmas and Cody are going to play for their side this week. He said that they need to save their passes. Tyler explained that it would look weird if Cody doesn’t play this week after saying all last week that he would. They discussed that they shouldn’t vote David out if he goes up, as he has no one and will be a vote for them if they include him. Tyler brought up that Memphis is playing both sides since he is with Janelle and Kaysar. Dani said she doesn’t care about that aside from the fact that Memphis is the one who came to them with the alliance.

10:00 AM: Feeds went down for the Safety Suite.

3:28 PM: Feeds returned. Christmas won the Safety Suite competition. She chose to save Ian.

3:31 PM: Nicole F told Dani she wants to know if Memphis says anything about Ian being safe. She worried that people might think that she was behind it. Dani told Nicole to settle down when she was worried about going up. Dani said that they need to make sure that they keep Da’Vonne safe. Nicole said that she will not vote her out.

3:31 PM: Memphis and Tyler discussed that it was weird that Christmas saved Ian. Tyler asked if Christmas knew that Ian was being considered. Memphis said no. Cody said that he was blown away when Christmas chose Ian.

3:38 PM: While alone in the have-not room, Christmas said that she just smashed the competition and let the whole house know that she is there to play and dominate. She thinks that Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Janelle, Kaysar and Nicole A are together. Christmas believes that she is good with that side and locked in with her alliance. Christmas hopes that Nicole A or Janelle are targeted this week.

4:03 PM: Enzo and Memphis discussed that they don’t understand why Christmas would have saved Ian. Memphis thinks that it made Ian more of a target. Memphis said that he has 5 or 6 people in mind for nominations. Enzo told him that they can backdoor someone if he wants, but Memphis said that Ian was the only one who he was considering backdooring. Memphis said that he cannot see Ian making it past 4-5 weeks. Enzo added that he does not want someone winning twice.

4:29 PM: Christmas told Dani that if Memphis is upset with her, a conversation should have been had sooner. Dani said she doesn’t think it’s a big deal that Ian was saved. The girls didn’t feel great about Memphis not keeping them in the loop when they are aligned.

4:39 PM: Memphis told Nicole F that Christmas seems to need constant reassurance about their alliance. Nicole said that she can give it to her. She said that Memphis should have told Christmas who to save. Memphis claimed that Ian wasn’t his target this week anyway. Memphis pointed out that Nicole A is the only one outside of their alliance that can compete for safety next week, so that alone is reason for him to take her out. They later realized that Enzo can compete as well.

4:42 PM: Memphis told Nicole A that he doesn’t know what he is doing yet, and he is going to keep the suspense a little longer.

4:47 PM: Cody told Memphis that he doesn’t understand why Christmas saved Ian. Memphis said it is what it is. Memphis said that he is considering nominating Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, David and Nicole A. He also said that he could pull the cord on Janelle. Cody suggested holding off on that option until they see what happens with the veto. Memphis said that the issue with backdooring Janelle is figuring out who she would leave over. Cody thought that she would go over anyone since their alliance has five votes and would only need a couple more.

4:50 PM: Memphis told Christmas he doesn’t care that she picked Ian. Christmas said that Ian is super grateful and she can be a voice in his ear if he wins HoH. Christmas worried that she would be looked at differently after saving Ian. Memphis said that he wasn’t going to do anything with Ian this week anyway. Memphis brought up that Nicole A is the only one outside of their alliance that can play for the Safety Suite.

5:02 PM: Cody told Enzo that he is trying to push for Nicole A and he is also trying to push for a backdoor of Janelle. Cody said that they may be projecting on Janelle but Dani is the smartest player. Enzo said that they can use her to get where they need to go. They discussed that Da’Vonne might go up, and they will have to save her. Enzo said that he will use the veto if he wins it.

5:10 PM: Memphis told Bayleigh that if he keeps her off of the block, he would like for that to be reciprocated at some point down the line. Bayleigh agreed to that deal.

5:33 PM: Dani and Nicole F discussed that their alliance is not even an alliance since Memphis isn’t involving them in the decision making. If Janelle and Kaysar are off of the table, they agree that Nicole A may be the best target.

5:52 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

6:50 PM: Feeds returned. Memphis nominated David and Nicole A for eviction.

6:54 PM: Kevin told Nicole A not to worry as she is the pawn.

6:55 PM: David told Kevin that he knew he was going to be nominated based on what happened when Memphis made him a have-not. David said he is just angry at the words that Memphis chose to use. Kevin said it was done intentionally to get into David’s head. Kevin encouraged David to turn up in the veto.

6:58 PM: David told Tyler that Memphis is trying to get him angry so that he acts crazy, which he doesn’t want to do in front of these people. Tyler said Memphis will get cooked in the veto competition. David said that he will destroy him. Tyler thinks that Memphis will do his best to send David home this week after what he said.

7:02 PM: Memphis told Janelle and Kaysar that he doesn’t care which of the nominees goes home. Janelle said that David is more dangerous since they don’t know how he plays. Janelle suggested that Nicole F would be a bigger target since she has already won the game. Memphis said that he doesn’t see her as a threat right now. Janelle talked about having walked in on powwows between Cody, Dani, Nicole F and Tyler. When Memphis asked if they think that Nicole is the leader, both Janelle and Kaysar said that it is Cody. Janelle and Kaysar talked to Memphis about putting together an alliance to have numbers. Memphis was hesitant to get into a big group. He said that it is hard to trust that many people.

7:21 PM: Christmas attempted to console David. They talked about Memphis having said “welcome to the grown-ups table”. David cried and said he has got to get out of his own head in terms of thinking that he doesn’t look like everybody there.

7:26 PM: Bayleigh assured David that the people in the house will not allow for a mob mentality to go on, and they will call people out if they see something inappropriate or rude taking place. Bayleigh added that Memphis is aware of the climate and yet he showed no chill by doing what he did. Da’Vonne said that she took it really personally. Bayleigh told David that she would use the veto on him.

7:29 PM: Janelle told Nicole A that she didn’t know this was happening but she told Memphis that she is super loyal and would be a vote with them, and she thinks that he is warming up to the idea. Nicole said that she is so loyal that Memphis would still be one of her people even after this. Janelle said that this is a perfect scenario to backdoor Nicole F. Janelle reassured Nicole that she is just a pawn and that Memphis was pissed that she didn’t play in the Safety Suite competition.

7:35 PM: David explained to Da’Vonne that he is going to show emotions to who needs to show them to, as was the case with what he did with Christmas. He talked about crying to her and getting her to hug him. He mentioned needing votes.

7:54 PM: Kevin told Nicole A that she is on the block due to her association with David, not because of what happened with the Safety Suite like Janelle is trying to tell her.

7:58 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne that Janelle is pushing that Cody, David, Nicole F, Tyler and one other person are an alliance. Da’Vonne said that Kaysar has been saying the same thing to her. Kevin thinks that the outsiders are Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, David, Nicole A and himself. He called Janelle, Kaysar and Memphis the most untrustworthy people in the house.

8:13 PM: David let Nicole A know that he is still there for her even though they are in this position. Nicole said likewise. They talked about how they can both make it out of this week just like Jack and Jackson did when they were nominated together by Cliff.

8:19 PM: Dani and Da’Vonne talked about it being odd that Janelle is thinking that she can survive by working only with Kaysar and Memphis. Dani let Da’Vonne know that she heard about Bayleigh calling Janelle prior to the season starting. Da’Vonne worried since she talks to Bayleigh about Janelle, but Dani said she thinks that Da’Vonne can trust Bayleigh. Da’Vonne thinks that Kaysar will be okay if they can get him alone in the house without Janelle. The girls talked about acting like the door is still open with Janelle for the time being. Dani said that Nicole A will be going if the nominations stay the same.

8:43 PM: Kevin told Dani that Janelle, Kaysar and Memphis are acting cocky and would not let him into the HoH room. Kevin thinks that Nicole A is being played by Janelle. Kevin revealed that Janelle has been throwing Nicole F under the bus, saying that they need to get rid of her. Kevin figured that it was Janelle trying to throw them off.

9:27 PM: Janelle and Memphis shared the wine that Memphis got in his HoH basket.

9:38 PM: Nicole A told Da’Vonne that she doesn’t know if Janelle is with them or against them. She brought up Janelle saying that she would put in a good word with Memphis for her yet she claimed that she didn’t know this was happening. Despite Nicole saying that Janelle talked about working with Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, Da’Vonne said that she has not been offered anything. Nicole began to worry that Janelle used her for information. Nicole thinks that Cody, Dani, Nicole, Tyler, Janelle, Kaysar and Memphis could be together. However she brought up that Janelle said she wanted to get Nicole F nominated.

9:58 PM: Kevin informed Da’Vonne and Nicole A that Janelle and Memphis were alone in the HoH room. Kevin told Nicole to be careful with Janelle since she is going to get used. Kevin didn’t buy it that Janelle was trying to get Nicole F nominated. He said that Janelle is giving her a fake name.

10:11 PM: Memphis told Janelle that nobody is going to take a shot at her any time soon since they are scared of her. Janelle didn’t buy it and said she thinks that she would have been up last week if not for the Safety Suite. Janelle talked about the need for bringing in more numbers as they only have Kaysar and herself competing next week. She suggested scooping up Nicole A. Memphis said that he is fine with David leaving if nominations stay the same, so they could then bring Nicole in. That being said, he told Janelle that he is scared of playing in big groups.

10:30 PM: Janelle asked Memphis if he would be on board with getting Nicole F out this week. He said that they could do that a couple of weeks down the line. Janelle said that she would be willing to play for veto and use it. Memphis talked about having wanted to get Ian out prior to him getting safety. He said that it would have set up nicely for that. Janelle told him that he could get Ian’s bestie, Nicole, out but Memphis would not commit to it.

11:08 PM: Memphis told Christmas, Cody and Nicole F that Janelle is bringing up that Cody, Dani, Nicole F and Tyler are working together.

11:11 PM: Memphis told Cody that Janelle and Kaysar think that Nicole F is the mastermind of the game, and Janelle wants her to go up as the replacement nominee. Cody worried that he would get throw up next to Nicole if Janelle or Kaysar win HoH. He started pushing for one of the two to leave this week since they would come after their allies. Memphis didn’t commit but said he thinks that Kaysar would have to go first. Cody agreed.

11:24 PM: Janelle told Kaysar and Nicole A that Memphis is going to pick her to play in the veto competition. She said that he is also thinking of backdooring someone and is warming up to the idea of working with Nicole. Nicole didn’t understand why she would be nominated if that were the case.

11:39 PM: Cody and Dani discussed that Janelle thinks the group of four are the other side of the house. Cody said he told Memphis that one of those two need to go this week.

11:49 PM: Dani and Tyler agreed that Janelle needs to go before Kaysar. Cody eventually agreed that they are right, after having initially pushed for Kaysar to be the first to go.

11:53 PM: Nicole F told Ian that she planted a seed with Christmas yesterday in order to get her to save him. She said Janelle is going around telling people that the two of them are a pair, so they are going to have to start keeping their distance from each other. Ian agreed.

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