Big Brother 22 Day 11

August 15, 2020

10:40 AM: Christmas and Dani discussed that there is no point in having an alliance if you aren’t going to do anything about people that are coming after 4 of 6 members. They agreed that getting David or Nicole A out does not help them. Dani said that Janelle knows what she is doing and she is one of the best players to ever play the game.

10:45 AM: Dani spoke to Memphis about Janelle coming after four people in their alliance. She said that if Janelle or Kaysar win HoH, one of their allies is going home. Memphis said that they still don’t know the other two alliance members, and the four were not the focus of the entire conversation. He added that it doesn’t mean that those two will target them. Dani suggested that they consider using the veto this week. Memphis said that he doesn’t want to talk about things that may not happen. He also explained that taking a shot at Janelle is one that you cannot miss. When Memphis said it’s a toss up as to which of Janelle and Kaysar goes first, Dani said that Janelle is the queen of Big Brother. Memphis said he agrees that Janelle and Kaysar need to be on the radar, and one of them needs to go soon.

11:43 AM: Bayleigh told Janelle that Kevin thinks they need to break up her, Kaysar and Memphis. Kaysar joined them and was filled in on what Kevin said as well. They agreed that Kevin can be dealt with later but they cannot give him any real information.

11:57 AM: Christmas, Dani and Nicole F discussed their frustration with the way that Memphis is handling his HoH reign in terms of not taking any input from the alliance. They discussed that one of them has to win the veto.

12:03 PM: Nicole A let Memphis know that she still considers him an ally. Memphis said that the house is going to decide who goes home this week, but he does not think that she has anything to worry about if nominations stay the same.

12:10 PM: Nicole F told Tyler that Memphis is not willing to backdoor Janelle or Kaysar. She said that all five of them will have to go talk to Memphis about doing it if they win the veto.

12:12 PM: Dani let Nicole F know that Janelle is after. She said that if Memphis wont do anything about it, they will have to do it themselves. Dani talked about making an alliance with Janelle and Kaysar if the veto is not going to be used, so that they can keep themselves safe with those two for a week. Dani said that they will not have to stick to it. Dani said that Memphis is trash and the worst alliance member. Nicole said that she doesn’t even want to associate with him.

12:22 PM: Bayleigh told Kaysar that the other group is so dangerous and has a lot of numbers. Kaysar thinks that they have their core group and look to bring in minions. Bayleigh made it clear that she does not want to be the low man on the totem pole.

12:25 PM: Christmas, Dani and Nicole F filled Cody in on Dani’s talk with Memphis. Cody took it as Memphis saying that he does not care about the alliance. Christmas brought up that they could plant a seed that Janelle and Kaysar are coming after Memphis because they are upset that he didn’t target who they wanted him to. Dani figured that the whole house would back them since they all want Janelle out. They talked about Cody being the one who is most likely to be able to get through to Memphis.

12:45 PM: Nicole A told Dani that she doesn’t know if Janelle and Kaysar want to work with her and Memphis went rogue, or they sent her to the slaughter. Dani said it wouldn’t make sense for them to want her out but there is also no way that they are not working with Memphis. Dani asked if Janelle has talked crap about her. Nicole said that Kaysar is the reason that Janelle doesn’t trust her, as he is saying that Dani is not with her. Dani told Nicole A that they could always cut a deal with those two and then worry about them later.

12:50 PM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

1:36 PM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Memphis, David, Nicole A, Ian, Nicole F and Tyler. Enzo will be the host.

1:46 PM: Janelle told Nicole A that the veto picks were not good. Nicole said she was hoping that Janelle or Kaysar would have been picked. Janelle asked if Kevin has said anything about her. Nicole said no. Minutes later, Janelle asked again if Kevin has said anything about her or Kaysar. Nicole again said no.

1:49 PM: Enzo and Nicole F talked about not wanting David to go home. Enzo wondered who would go up if the veto is used. Nicole said that it would probably be Kevin. They agreed that Kevin going up does not benefit them at all. When Enzo asked if Nicole would use the veto on David, she said that she would not do it if Memphis didn’t want her to.

3:17 PM: David spoke to the cameras. He said that he wants to win the veto and then get Memphis out. He mentioned not liking the vibe that he gets from Memphis. David said that he would obviously love to win the whole game but he hopes to at least make it to jury since people that look like him don’t often do that.

3:20 PM: Janelle told Memphis that something crazy happened yesterday. She told him that she was asked to work with the four people that she suspected were in an alliance. She said that it was basically confirmation that they are working together.

4:42 PM: Janelle and Dani said that they will not put each other up if they win next week. Dani said that she has not talked to Kaysar at all which is weird. Dani suggested that it could be good that they are close with different people, making it seem like they don’t talk. Dani said that she would never go against Janelle. She said that Nicole F likes her a lot but is intimidated by her. Janelle said she feels like Nicole would cry if she says hi to her.

5:39 PM: Enzo told Nicole A that he thinks she will be staying if the nominations stay the same. Nicole said she heard about a potential backdoor plan. Enzo listed off Janelle, Kaysar, Cody and himself as votes for her to stay.

5:48 PM: Kevin wondered if there could be a backdoor plan. Nicole A said she has been asked about it and knows that Janelle wants the other Nicole on the block. Da’Vonne said that she is cool with Nicole F but she will be gone if she is put up next to David or Nicole A.

5:55 PM: Nicole A let Kevin know that Janelle was asking if he has said anything about her, and she told her no. Kevin said that’s good since they need Janelle to think that they are with her. Kevin figured that someone told Janelle a lie or something to make her question him.

6:12 PM: Kaysar asked Janelle if Memphis knows about Kevin. Janelle said that he doesn’t since he would freak out if he knew. Kaysar thinks that they would be the biggest morons to lose Nicole A over someone like Kevin or Nicole F. They debated whether or not to tell Memphis what Kevin has said. They thought that it would make Memphis gun for the veto but they did not want Kevin to be the replacement nominee over Nicole F.

9:13 PM: Kaysar told Dani that Memphis doesn’t want to put any targets on himself, so he is not willing to have any alliances or make any big moves. Dani said that he has to be gentler with his words because he is going to make people mad. Kaysar made it clear that he and Janelle had no idea what Memphis was going to do.

9:15 PM: Christmas told Nicole F that if Memphis does not backdoor Janelle or Kaysar, he is showing his alliance with them. They agreed that it is a no-brainer for the alliance to make that move. They agreed that David needs to stay if the veto is not used.

9:21 PM: Da’Vonne told Tyler that they could work with Bayleigh, Cody, Dani, David and Enzo. Tyler said yeah, but David then came by and broke up the talk before it could be discussed any further.

10:02 PM: Ian asked Nicole F if Nicole A will go if nominations stay the same. Nicole said she thinks so but she does not know. They agreed that they could work with David. Nicole said she trusts Christmas, Cody and Dani but that’s it.

12:10 AM: Tyler told Enzo that there was a talk of starting an alliance between the two of them, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Cody and David. Enzo said that they can talk if so. Enzo asked if they don’t like Dani. Tyler said he thinks that they were including her. Enzo said he likes that squad. He mentioned that Dani is hanging out with Janelle a lot, so maybe they should leave Dani out. Tyler said that six is good.

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