Big Brother 22 Day 12 - Memphis wins the Power of Veto

August 16, 2020

12:20 AM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

3:12 AM: Feeds returned. Memphis won the Power of Veto.

3:13 AM: Cody, David, Enzo and Tyler discussed that there was no way for the competition to be made even since it would have had to have been adjust so much for the girls.

3:14 AM: Nicole A cried to Kevin because she immediately dropped out of the competition. Kevin told Nicole that she has the support of the house, but Nicole didn’t believe it. She thinks that David would have the votes over her. Kevin insisted that she is the pawn.

3:19 AM: Enzo asked if anyone thinks that Memphis will use the PoV. Cody said that they are out of the loop if so. Cody and Tyler told David that they have got him. Cody told David to go kiss some ass.

3:27 AM: Nicole F told Cody, Dani and Enzo that Janelle started at her for the whole competition. Cody joked that it was for a whole 36 seconds, but Nicole said that she did it even after she was out of it. Dani said that Memphis wont make that move.

3:38 AM: Nicole F told Enzo that Janelle was invited to her wedding cause she thought that they were friends, yet Janelle is treating her like this. Nicole added that she doesn’t like Janelle at all since they have been there. Nicole thinks that Janelle is going after her just because of her ego, since she is barely 100 pounds and is not a threat. Enzo said he doesn’t think that the girls will go after Janelle. He figures that they are too scared. Nicole said that Janelle probably wants her out since she is not scared to go after her. Enzo encouraged Nicole to offer to keep Memphis safe if she wins the Safety Suite or HoH next week, in exchange for her staying off of the block this week.

3:53 AM: Nicole F told Cody she feels like she is going to go crazy. She said that she needs his help to make sure that she stays off of the block this week.

3:54 AM: Nicole A told David that her performance was laughable. She pointed out that she lasted only 10 seconds in the veto competition. David told her that there was no way for her to win given how the competition was set up.

3:58 AM: Da’Vonne asked Bayleigh what they should do if Nicole F ends up on the block. Da’Vonne thinks that their group would want to keep Nicole. Bayleigh thinks that Cody is the only one that would really care. Da’Vonne figured that Dani would be in the same boat since anything that she says to Dani about Cody seems to get back to him. Bayleigh brought up Janelle saying that Cody, Dani, Nicole F and Tyler are together. Da’Vonne believed three of them but wasn’t so sure about Tyler. She said that Tyler has told her that he does not trust Dani and wants to start an alliance with out her. Bayleigh suggested that they go along with the plan of evicting Nicole if she gets on the block. She said they can tell Cody that he still didn’t admit to have anything with Nicole so they didn’t know. Da’Vonne said that some of the stuff that Kaysar is saying is adding up, as Dani and Nicole F are sharing information.

4:12 AM: Nicole F told Dani that Janelle was staring her down during the competition. She wondered what Janelle’s deal is. Nicole worried that she will be backdoored since Ian has even heard about the plan. Dani reassured Nicole that Memphis is not going to do that so she needs to relax.

11:24 AM: David told Memphis that he got him agitated when he said to come to play but it wasn’t enough for him to win. Memphis told David not to count himself out. He said that his job was to nominate people and ensure that his nominations stay the same, but he will not be telling anyone who to vote for.

11:30 AM: Janelle and Kaysar discussed that Dani is playing both sides. Janelle said she doesn’t care what Dani does since she will not put her up and will not vote her out, since she has a deal with her on a personal level outside of this house. Janelle figure that Dani might not be talking to them much cause she knows that they will not target her. She said that Nicole Franzel is the problem. Janelle and Kaysar agreed that they need to take her out, and they were disappointed that Memphis isn’t on board with that this week. Kaysar said that their one job for the time being is to save Nicole A.

12:49 PM: David said he doesn’t think that nominations will change. Da’Vonne told him that it wouldn’t make sense for Memphis to change his own nominations. David reassured Bayleigh and Da’Vonne that they are his Final 3. He said that he only has anything else with Nicole A and Kevin.

12:55 PM: Da’Vonne talked to Bayleigh about not wanting to ever end up on opposite sides. She said to let her know if at any point she feels more comfortable with Janelle and Kaysar. Bayleigh pointed out that working with Janelle, Kaysar, Memphis and Christmas would be solid but Memphis does not want to commit to it.

1:10 PM: Janelle asked Ian what his preference is if nominations stay the same. Ian called David his buddy but said that he is strong.

1:25 PM: Da’Vonne let Enzo know that she has got his back no matter what happens, even if things crumble. Enzo said the same in return.

1:39 PM: Memphis told Cody that Dani should not be telling him to backdoor Janelle when she would not make the same move had she won HoH and the PoV. Cody said that he would have enough to backdoor Kaysar but the others want Janelle. Memphis said that he is focused on the two of them more so than the six. Memphis reassured Cody that he will be fine with Janelle as long as he continues to do what he has been doing with her.

1:43 PM: David quickly checked in with Ian who told David that he is leaning towards keeping him.

1:54 PM: Nicole A asked Janelle if she has heard anything. Janelle said not really but from what she understands, David is the target. Janelle reassured Nicole that Kaysar is putting his neck out there for her in attempt to get her the votes. She added that she cannot push too hard for a backdoor plan or else she will end up on the block.

2:04 PM: Nicole F asked Da’Vonne if she has her vote if she goes up. Da’Vonne said 100%. Da’Vonne brought up hearing that Nicole is with Cody and Dani. Nicole denied that but said that she likes Cody, Dani, Ian and Da’Vonne the most. Both agreed that they are nervous about Bayleigh’s connection with Janelle.

2:17 PM: Nicole A told Kevin that she will blow things up if she finds out that people like Bayleigh are being told to vote her out when Janelle and Kaysar are claiming to be telling her to keep her. Nicole said that she will nominate Janelle and Kaysar if she stays and win HoH.

3:21 PM: Nicole F told Dani that Da’Vonne asked her if the two of them and Cody are a thing, and then she said that she would like in on it if so. Nicole said she told Da’Vonne that they are not a thing but she likes those people as well as Ian.

3:22 PM: Nicole A let Memphis know that he is still good with her and that she owes him if she is still there next week. Memphis said he thinks that she has a pretty good chance. He made it clear that he is not campaigning either way.

4:13 PM: Christmas told Dani that Memphis is handling this alliance like a dictatorship. Dani said that he just wants them for numbers to save him.

4:19 PM: Dani talked to Tyler about hearing from Da’Vonne that he was trying to put a group together. Tyler said that Da’Vonne is lying and was trying to bait Dani into revealing whether or not they are tight.

4:26 PM: Kaysar told Memphis that a group of people are going to try to keep David. Janelle encouraged Memphis to work on getting Enzo’s vote to save Nicole A so that they can be closer to having the numbers.

5:08 PM: Dani mentioned to Cody that they are in about eight alliances, none of them are names, and they all are only one person different. Dani said Da’Vonne talked to Nicole F about working with her, the two of them and Ian. Cody felt that there was no point in making all of these alliances when it will mean that they have to throw competitions or nominate their allies. Dani agreed that it has become too much. Dani told Cody about her talk with Tyler. She said that he blatantly lied to her but she is not too worried about it right now since Tyler remains higher on the totem pole than a number of people. Cody filled Dani in on his talk with Memphis in which he brought up that Dani shouldn’t be pushing him to backdoor Janelle if she wouldn’t do it herself if she were in his position.

6:22 PM: Dani told Cody that she would have no problem saving Nicole F or him if she wins the Safety Suite and Janelle or Kaysar are in power. If not, she said that she would save someone random like Da’Vonne.

7:21 PM: Da’Vonne told Janelle that she doesn’t think Nicole A will stay this week. She explained that she is not paying the race card but she cannot vote David out. Janelle said that Bayleigh told her the same thing. Janelle told Da’Vonne that Dani approached her about aligning with her, Cody, Nicole F and Tyler but it was a hard no since it would leave Bayleigh and Da’Vonne on the outs. Janelle said that she and Dani are not really talking right now but she is not there to take Dani out. Da’Vonne informed Janelle that people are talking about her and Cody working together. Janelle denied it. The girls then discussed working together in an alliance with Bayleigh, Kaysar and possibly Christmas. Da’Vonne said that she needs the security if it can be solidified.

8:16 PM: Da’Vonne filled Bayleigh in on her talk with Janelle. They hope that they can play the middle of the two sides that they see forming on the opposite ends of the house.

8:48 PM: Cody spoke to Nicole F about being suspicious of Bayleigh and Da’Vonne working with Janelle. He observed that those two spoke to him more when he was HoH, and now they are hanging around Janelle and Kaysar more so during Memphis’ HoH reign. Cody thinks that Da’Vonne has no loyalty but they cannot say no to the group that she suggested with Dani and Ian.

8:59 PM: Dani told Nicole F that she is going to try to get Nicole A to throw Janelle under the bus. She wants to get Nicole to tell Memphis that Janelle and Kaysar are saying that they have him in their back pocket, with the goal of riling Memphis up.

9:09 PM: Dani told Tyler that she found out Da’Vonne was lying when she said that he came to her to start something. Dani suggested that they play it cool and have Tyler tell her that it was a misunderstanding and they can work together.

9:47 PM: Christmas let Tyler know that Janelle and Kaysar are trying to get an alliance going with her. Christmas said she plans to say she wont decide until after HoH. Tyler informed Christmas that Memphis was not happy with her for saving Ian because he wanted Ian out, but he is trying to fix that with Memphis for her. They agreed that Memphis is going to have to go at some point, and he will be the first in their alliance to go. Christmas wants to try to catch Memphis playing both sides. Tyler brought up having caught Dani and Da’Vonne in multiple lies at this point.

10:03 PM: Dani told Enzo that Memphis is definitely not using the veto. Enzo said that’s good. Dani asked if Enzo trusts Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Enzo said that he does but they are too paranoid. Dani agreed.

10:05 PM: Enzo asked Memphis who his target is. Memphis said that he doesn’t care who goes home but they should think about who the most unpredictable, and that is definitely David. Enzo agreed.

10:18 PM: Nicole A cried to Da’Vonne. She said that she shouldn’t have came back. She talked about not thinking that she can do this anymore even if she stays over David. Nicole said that she is having anxiety and that she should have ended her Big Brother journey on a high note after last season.

11:35 PM: Janelle spoke to Kaysar about potentially having three pairs in their alliance. She mentioned the two of them, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, and Christmas and Ian. Kaysar worried that Ian could not be trusted because he is stuck to Nicole F. Janelle let Kaysar know that Da’Vonne said she cannot vote David out after last year, so they don’t have the votes to save Nicole A. Kaysar suggested that Janelle talk to Memphis about using the veto in the morning. Kaysar said that they need to get Cody or Tyler out if they get in power. Janelle thinks that Cody is more dangerous. They agreed that they need to do that before they go after Nicole F.

11:56 PM: Janelle told Ian she feels like David might be staying. Janelle asked Ian how he feels about Nicole F. Ian compared his relationship with Nicole to the one that Janelle has with Kaysar. Ian clarified that he is willing to work with anyone. Ian did admit to being good friends with Nicole since they have hung out outside of the house. Janelle asked how the two of them fit in working together if she is not working with Nicole. Ian said that it might not be a right now thing, and may be more mid game one the pairs have been nominated together and broken up. Janelle told Ian she thinks that the pairs of Dani and Nicole and Cody and Tyler are working together as she has walked in on the four in meetings.

12:15 AM: When Janelle filled Kaysar in on her talk with Ian, Kaysar concluded that Ian is out since he is comparing his relationship with Nicole to theirs. They discussed that they don’t have the votes unless Nicole A is taken down. They do believe that Bayleigh, Christmas and Da’Vonne are willing to work with them. Kaysar said if he wins that he would nominate Enzo and Tyler, backdooring Cody. Kaysar told Janelle that he is so tired of being on the outskirts of alliances. Janelle said that they blew their opportunity when their four person alliance won the first four HoHs during the first All Stars but chose to took out floaters. Janelle said that they can win HoH again even though it’s 15 years later.

1:06 AM: Da’Vonne told Kaysar that she cannot vote David out. However she told Kaysar that she and Bayleigh are the only ones that David is attached to. Da’Vonne said that David adores him. Kaysar said he wanted to work with David but thinks that he is with Cody and Tyler. Da’Vonne said that she as a black woman cannot vote out a black man. Kaysar asked if that will ever change, and Da’Vonne said that it will once they get to jury. Kaysar worried that they wont even make it that far. Da’Vonne reiterated that she cannot vote David out as it is about something deeper than this game. Kaysar said he understands that and that’s why he came back into the house but he needs to know when they can separate that from game if David is not working with them. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t think that Kaysar is right about David being with the other side.

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