Big Brother 22 Day 15

August 19, 2020

10:15 AM: Nicole F talked to Dani about Da’Vonne thinking that there is a guys alliance and her potentially wanting to flip the vote. They agreed that they would like for David to stay. Nicole said that Nicole A is the stronger player and she would be tougher to get out down the line than David would be. Nicole filled Cody in on what Da’Vonne had said as well.

10:29 AM: Nicole F told Tyler about Da’Vonne thinking that there is a guys alliance, and saying that she may want to keep a girl this week. Nicole made it clear that she does not want to flip.

10:35 AM: Cody told Dani and Nicole F that he cannot be the one to tell Da’Vonne why he thinks that David needs to stay, because she would take it as confirmation of a guys alliance.

10:57 AM: Bayleigh told Christmas that word on the street is that there is a guys alliance between four of the boys including David. Christmas said that David doesn’t give her anything when she tries to figure out where he stands. Bayleigh worried that he is trying to fit in with the cool kids. Both agreed that they want to make the decision based on stuff that is game related.

11:22 AM: Nicole A spoke to Kevin about him being her Cliff this season. Nicole was frustrated that they have a Final 3 agreement with Da’Vonne yet she is not viewing this vote as a game decision. Nicole worried that she would be hung out to dry if she tried to talk to Da’Vonne about “the cause”. Nicole said that she gets it, she is an ally, and she doesn’t mean anything against the cause, but she wants to understand if she is missing something. Nicole admitted that she, a white person, may not fully understand. Kevin and Nicole agreed that it is not right to keep somebody purely because of their colour. Kevin told Nicole that he, as a half black man, would talk to Da’Vonne about it to see where she is coming from.

11:34 AM: Nicole A asked Dani if there is anything that she can do to get her vote. Dani said it’s hard and it would be different if Janelle wasn’t spewing her name around the house. Nicole reiterated that she is targeting Janelle. Dani said that she believes it, leading Nicole to believe that she is out of moves if people believe her and yet they still will not vote for her. Nicole brought up that Janelle wants a split vote, and she encouraged Dani to not let that happen if she doesn’t like Janelle.

11:46 AM: Kevin approached Da’Vonne in order to get a better idea of where she is coming from. Da’Vonne explained the challenges that she, as a black woman, faces coming into the house. Da’Vonne pointed out that there are usually only one or two people that look like her, that nobody that looks like her has won the game, and that people like her are not given the same chances as everyone else. She brought up that a black man has not made it to jury since BB10. Da’Vonne said it’s very hard for her to say she is going to evict David when she sees three people that look like her in this house. She talked about wanting to see a black person in the Final 2 chairs even if it’s not her. Da’Vonne admitted that David is terrible for her game so she is having an internal battle. Da’Vonne talked about not being able to risk evicting David only to have Nicole go back to Janelle. Kevin suggested that they could get her to call a house meeting to solidify that she is against Janelle. Da’Vonne was open to the idea.

12:16 PM: Feeds went down.

1:10 PM: Feeds returned. The houseguests got a chance to practice for the HoH competition.

1:27 PM: Tyler let David know that both Dani and Nicole F told him that Da’Vonne is attempting to flip the vote in order to keep Nicole. Tyler said he doesn’t know if it’s true but that is what he is being told. David said he doesn’t think that Da’Vonne is doing that.

1:50 PM: Da’Vonne explained to Nicole A that she is having a battle of her morals vs her game. Da’Vonne said she fears that Nicole would go back to Janelle. Nicole said that those two will be going on the block if she stays and wins HoH. She added that she meant it when she said that she wants to be Final 3 with Da’Vonne and Kevin. Da’Vonne admitted that David does nothing for her game, though she still continued to battle with the decision.

2:22 PM: Christmas suggested to Nicole A that letting Memphis know who she is targeting may help her since he has influence over the rest of the house right now. Nicole feared that it may start a huge argument.

2:34 PM: Nicole A questioned why Memphis talks to Janelle but not her. Janelle said he is weird and she is kind of scared to talk to him. Nicole said she doesn’t think that’s true. She brought up Janelle and Memphis sharing a bottle of wine. Janelle said it was because she was trying to get her off of the block. When Janelle said that she tried, Nicole said not hard enough. Janelle said that she cannot make Memphis do anything. Nicole pointed out that he didn’t put her or Kaysar up. Before walking out, she questioned if Janelle cares or doesn’t care.

2:37 PM: When Nicole A left the room, she said that Janelle had better not follow her out there. She talked to Christmas about Janelle saying that she doesn’t talk to Memphis.

2:42 PM: Cody spoke to Nicole A. He told her that Janelle will not be even close to the reason that she stays if she stays. Nicole said that she is fuming and lost two votes by going off on Janelle. Nicole assured Cody that she is not after him even if Janelle is. She explained that Janelle told her only to campaign to certain people since she wants a split house. Cody said that it will be a unanimous vote in either direction. Nicole mentioned that a house meeting will be her Hail Mary play if it comes down to it.

3:05 PM: Enzo told Cody that Nicole staying would be good for the two of them. Cody said that she is not coming after them. Enzo figured that Nicole would go snap on Janelle.

3:26 PM: Janelle told Bayleigh that Nicole A is definitely mad at her and blames her for being nominated. Bayleigh suggested that it is because everyone has been linking Janelle and Kaysar to Memphis.

3:39 PM: Bayleigh told David she hopes that him wanting to be accepted and respected by the guys doesn’t get in the way of what they have. David said that there are elements that are more important than winning, given everything that is going on this year. Bayleigh let David know that she has been saying that she cannot be the black woman to vote a black man out, but she has said that if people can get enough votes to send him out then that’s another thing. Looking ahead, David said that his plan is to nominate Memphis and put him on slop if he wins HoH.

4:40 PM: Cody told Tyler that he was almost to a point of not caring who stay or who goes, but he was talking to Memphis and he has been saying to keep David. They discussed that Da’Vonne is overplaying her hand again. Tyler gave Cody a heads up that Christmas is starting to fall for it.

4:48 PM: Nicole A was honest with Janelle about feeling like she was set up. Janelle said that’s the saddest thing since that was never the case. Nicole admitted to vocalizing how mad she is at Janelle and Kaysar to the rest of the house. Janelle stressed that she has been sticking her neck out for Nicole and tried to convince Memphis to take her off of the block. Nicole said everyone’s viewpoint is that this was Janelle’s plan. Janelle asked why she would be trying to save her if it was her plan to get her nominated. Nicole said that Janelle seemed indifferent once she got on the block, which Janelle disagreed with.

5:17 PM: Kaysar told Nicole A that this week was a disaster and he and Janelle had no control over it. Kaysar brought up that Janelle cried over this even though he had never seen her cry before in all of his years of knowing her. Kaysar said that they are fighting like hell to keep her. Nicole said she has been letting everyone know how angry she is with Janelle and Kaysar, so she feels horrible if she wasn’t being used. Kaysar said that it doesn’t bother him and he does not take it personally. Kaysar told Nicole that she has to trust him. She replied that she will trust whoever saves her tomorrow. Kaysar encouraged Nicole to get herself in a better headspace while he working on saving her.

5:39 PM: Nicole A let Kevin know that she spoke to Janelle and Kaysar, and she was upfront with them about how she feels. Nicole said that they were both hurt and shocked. Nicole said she has such guilt if they really didn’t know that she was going on the block. Kevin still thought that something wasn’t adding up. Nicole brought up that David said he had the votes to stay early on, which means that he has an alliance and she will never get those votes.

6:04 PM: Nicole A told Da’Vonne she has been thinking about David telling her so early on that he had the votes, which is only possible if he is in a big alliance. Nicole mentioned that Janelle and Kaysar are still voting for her even after she told them that she felt used by them. Da’Vonne said that they genuinely want to keep her but they are doing it for numbers.

6:19 PM: Janelle and Kaysar discussed that they have got to save Nicole. Janelle didn’t understand what Da’Vonne was thinking. Kaysar said that she is going to wreck her game. Kaysar figured that she must have a side alliance with David. They agreed that they are starting to lose trust in Da’Vonne. Janelle said that she will not be able to move forward with her in this game with Da’Vonne if she keeps David.

6:50 PM: Christmas spoke to Cody about the plan in the event that Janelle or Kaysar win HoH. She said that Enzo and Memphis will have to throw the Safety Suite since they will not go up anyway, and then Nicole needs to win it so she can save two of them. After that, she said that they will need to win the veto as well.

7:25 PM: Janelle talked to Da’Vonne about Nicole’s paranoia about her perceived closeness to Memphis. Janelle said that they have to get the physical threats like David out of the game in order to give themselves a chance. Da’Vonne said that David does nothing for her game. She asked if Memphis would definitely break a tie in Nicole’s favour. Janelle said 100%.

7:32 PM: Janelle told Kevin that they have got to band together. They discussed that David is working with the guys and that how safe he immediately felt after the veto competition shows it.

9:09 PM: Cody told Dani and Nicole F that he is over Da’Vonne. He said that she is always whispering with Janelle and then stops when you walk in. Cody and Dani discussed nominating Da’Vonne if Janelle or Kaysar win the veto. Nicole said that she would nominate Bayleigh.

9:39 PM: Nicole A told Janelle that she is still trying to figure our why Memphis nominated her. Janelle said that he is not smart in the game. She said that she plans to have the worst heart to heart with him that he has had in his life, once his HoH reign is over. She wants to tell him that he is a moron and that he screwed them. Janelle suggested that Nicole get her potential voters in a room to discuss things later on tonight.

10:02 PM: Nicole A quickly spoke to Memphis to let him know that what she said to him before still stands. She told him that it is looking like it may end up coming down to a tiebreaker. Memphis said that they will see what happens tomorrow.

10:08 PM: Nicole A spoke to Da’Vonne about potentially getting her in a room with Bayleigh and Christmas to discuss the votes. Da’Vonne was not on board with it. She said that the others would be looking to her and putting the decision on her.

10:14 PM: Nicole A told Ian that she has six votes and that he would be her seventh. Ian said he didn’t know that it was going to be that close but he thinks that she would have the tiebreaker. Nicole let Ian know that he would be safe with her if she won HoH, and she would be willing to make him her plus one for the Safety Suite. Ian said that he was 66% voting to keep David before the talk but now it’s more like 55%.

10:29 PM: Nicole filled Kevin in on her talk with Ian. Kevin said that Bayleigh or Da’Vonne must be making David think that they are keeping him if Ian didn’t think that it would be close. Nicole said that it could be Christmas as well. Kevin said that Janelle had a good point about it being wise to get everyone into a room together. When Nicole said that Da’Vonne didn’t want that, Kevin said it’s for people like her to put the pressure on them. Nicole talked about wanting to backdoor Memphis in the event that she stays.

10:37 PM: Ian told Janelle that he will not be nominating her or Kaysar if he wins HoH. Janelle said that she wants to work with Ian in this game. She said that she can help Ian take out every one of Nicole F’s friends, and keep her safe. Ian said he wants to make it clear that he doesn’t have a problem with her friends. Ian asked if him not voting with Janelle and Kaysar this week would prevent them to work together moving forward. Janelle said no but told him that she thinks it would help them to keep Nicole.

10:55 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin that she doesn’t know what to do. Kevin told her to prioritize herself and not ruin her game for other people. Kevin suggested that they could keep the numbers if they keep Nicole and make a deal with Janelle for a week or two. Da’Vonne pointed out that the other side has the comp winners. Kevin told her to imagine if they had the comp winners and the numbers then. While Kevin thought that it would be best to cut a deal, Da’Vonne figured that Nicole leaving wouldn’t prevent them from building something with Janelle and Kaysar. Da’Vonne said that she is 80/20 in favour of keeping David at this point.

11:54 PM: Nicole A spoke to Bayleigh to make her pitch. Nicole assured Bayleigh that she is in her core. She pointed out that David must be in an alliance so they are not safe with him if they are not also a part of it. Nicole talked about needing to bring people that you can beat in the end in physical competitions. Bayleigh said that she, Christmas and Da’Vonne have been talking since they are in the same boat. Bayleigh let Nicole know that even those who she thinks are ruling out voting for her have not.

1:33 AM: Bayleigh, Christmas, Da’Vonne, Janelle, Kaysar, Kevin and Nicole A met up to discuss the vote. Kaysar said he thinks it is in their best interest to save Nicole due to a pure numbers standpoint. Kaysar said that the other side will have the numbers and the advantage in the HoH competition if they don’t do this. Bayleigh was concerned that Memphis would not break the tie in Nicole’s favour. Janelle and Kaysar stressed that Memphis in on board. Kaysar said that the others conspire freely in the back room, and they are all screwed. Nicole said that she will go up as a pawn and is fine with being offered up to the other side. Janelle explained that the others side has friends outside of the house so it was easy for them to connect. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t like how this is being built, since it was under the pre-tense that the others were locked in. Kevin added that he was left out of talks. Kaysar said it was all contingent on each other agreeing. Kaysar asked if they can get a commitment to work together. The others continued to express concern that Memphis would not keep Nicole.

1:49 AM: Janelle and Kaysar left the room. The remaining potential voters for Nicole talked things over. Everyone expressed distrust is Janelle and Kaysar. Nicole said she is done but she appreciates that they all chatted. There was discussion that Nicole is a casualty to someone else’s game. Da’Vonne said that the whole meeting was even risky if someone had walked in. Bayleigh agreed that it was too much since Kaysar was pressing her to come there even though she didn’t want to be in there. Nicole said she doesn’t care if they are targeting Janelle and Kaysar, but this was her Hail Mary attempt, so she appreciates everyone listening, and they will understand where she is coming from when they are in her position one day.

1:50 AM: Dani told Cody, Enzo and Tyler that everyone is gathered in one room right now. She said she heard everything and that they are saying they have six votes. Dani said they have Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Kevin and think that they have Christmas too, on top of Janelle and Kaysar. Dani didn’t think that they could get enough votes to save Nicole, and didn’t think that Memphis would break the tie to keep her anyway. They discussed needing to be very careful what they say to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne.

2:11 AM: Bayleigh reported back to Cody, Dani, Enzo and Tyler. She said that she was being attacked and told that she and Da’Vonne will be the next targets if they don’t get on board with keeping Nicole A. Bayleigh said it’s not happening. Tyler asked why they came to them. Bayleigh said it’s because Janelle and Kaysar think that they are in the middle. Dani said they haven’t even be able to hang out as house since Janelle and Kaysar are trying to separate everyone. Tyler told Bayleigh to make sure that Da’Vonne is not buying into this. Bayleigh said that she is not. Cody suggested that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne should pretend that they are voting to keep Nicole so that Janelle and Kaysar vote that way in order to expose them. Tyler agreed.

2:39 AM: Kevin and Nicole A let Janelle and Kaysar know what happened when they walked out. Kevin said that Bayleigh, Christmas and Da’Vonne immediately said no to the plan. Nicole said Bayleigh claimed that it was a very aggressive approach. Kevin said that Christmas was very vocally against it since she is in good standing with the other side. Nicole said that all three said that they are not outsiders. Kaysar said that they will get them back on track. Kevin said that those people don’t want to work with Janelle and Kaysar. Nicole said that she is the casualty. Nicole said it's weighing on them that Memphis is telling Janelle and Kaysar which way he would break the tie but he wont tell anyone else. Kevin told Janelle and Kaysar that they need to come off as more trustworthy to Bayleigh, Christmas and Da'Vonne. Kevin said that the weakest link is Christmas since she feels the most secure with the other side. Kaysar said he thought that the alliance was in the best interest of everyone but he will not try to force it if they do not want it. Kevin and Nicole explained that there is the apperance of deception since it comes off as though they are close to Memphis but Nicole went up anyway. Nicole added that that's why people aren't trusting Janelle and Kaysar.

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