Big Brother 22 Day 16 - Nicole A is evicted; Tyler wins HoH

August 20, 2020

5:34 PM: Nicole A was evicted by a vote of 10-2. Enzo and Kevin voted to evict David.

5:54 PM. Tyler won HoH. The scores from the competition were as follows: Tyler 12, Janelle 11, Ian 10, Nicole F 9, Enzo 8, Christmas 8, Bayleigh 7, Da'Vonne 7, Kevin 7, David 6, Kaysar 5, Cody 4, Dani 4.

6:08 PM: Nicole said Janelle came up to her and said “whiny whiny whiny”. Ian asked if Janelle and Nicole had these issues on The Amazing Race. Nicole said no. She said that Janelle doesn’t like her because Rachel Reilly doesn’t like her. Nicole said she thinks that she gained some respect by sticking up for herself. She mentioned that Janelle has been talking about her every second of every day.

6:09 PM: Feeds went down

9:03 PM: Feeds returned.

9:12 PM: Kevin told Janelle to start a fight to make the house exciting. Janelle said that Kaysar is trying to talk her out of it. Janelle said that she doesn’t play the snitch or rat game, and Nicole should bring it if she wants to talk about her. Kevin said he doesn’t understand the beef between them. Janelle said it stems from The Amazing Race when Nicole backstabbed Rachel. Janelle talked about Nicole bringing the tears and making snake moves, which she is not okay with. Da’Vonne added that she has “been there, done that”.

9:25 PM: Kevin told Janelle that he wants to have an honest moment with her. He said Nicole would tell him what Janelle and Kaysar were saying about him, and he knows that he was omitted from alliances and called untrustworthy. Janelle said they heard that Kevin was going around telling people that they are with Memphis and need to be targeted. Kevin denied saying that they need to be targeted. Janelle said she told Nicole three days ago that she has to work with Kevin no matter what.

9:37 PM: Ian spoke to Cody, Dani and Nicole to solidify an alliance called “The Four Prime”. He said that they can extend it to five or six if needed. In particular, Tyler was mentioned as someone that they could pull in. Dani asked if they should save each other if they win the Safety Suite. Cody and Nicole agreed that the targets this week are obvious anyway. Dani said that one of Janelle or Kaysar will go home even if the other wins the veto.They agreed that both Janelle and Kaysar have to go up.

9:39 PM: Janelle encouraged Kevin to work with whomever stays between her and Kaysar. Kevin said he understands. Kevin let Janelle know that she will have his vote if she is on the block next to Kaysar. Janelle talked about Memphis not having any game sense. She said that he doesn’t know what he is doing, and he acts like the other side doesn’t exist. Kevin said if Memphis didn’t want to work with Janelle and Kaysar, he must have got a more attractive offer. Janelle said he just doesn’t talk to anyone. Kevin named Cody and Tyler as people that he talks to. Janelle thinks that Cody played for the Safety Suite because he was worried about being backdoored, but Kevin thinks it was possibly done as a disguise or distraction. Before the talk wrapped up, Janelle and Kevin discussed that they want to work together moving forward. When Janelle asked Kevin if he would use the veto on her, he said that it would be in his best interest but it would be going against the wishes of the HoH. He said that he may do it if it seems like the lines are drawn.

10:16 PM: Janelle brought up that Nicole Franzel, the biggest wimp in the house, is talking crap to her. She said that she will destroy Nicole. Kevin said that sparking up against Nicole could make Janelle a bigger target, which may lead to people wanting to keep her. They agreed that if Janelle goes off on Nicole, Nicole will make herself the victim.

10:39 PM: Tyler let Kevin know that he does not want him to go home this week. Tyler suggested that the sides will start going after each other and then the two of them can chill in the middle. Tyler asked if Kevin voted for Nicole to stay or go. He said that he voted for her to stay. Kevin brought up that Janelle and Kaysar did her dirty but he does not know who the other vote was. He thought that it could have been Da’Vonne, Janelle or Kaysar.

10:47 PM: Dani told Nicole that Tyler cant stay for long since he is really good at the game and he will win if he makes it to the end. Dani pointed out that things will get weird once Janelle and Kaysar are gone, since everyone is aligned. Nicole said that Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, David and Kevin are the only four that she would not be aligned with at that point, but she cannot be the one to take Da’Vonne out. Dani figured that Memphis would be an easy person to pick off at that point, and then a shot would have to be taken a Tyler if the opportunity arises.

11:12 PM: Nicole told Tyler she hopes that they can get Janelle out this week since there could be an America’s Vote next week. Nicole said they will have to hope that she does not win the veto. Nicole asked who she should pick if she wins the Safety Suite. She threw Kevin’s name out there but acknowledge that Tyler may need to use him as a pawn. Tyler said that Kevin might be his only option if another nominee is needed, so Enzo wouldn’t be a bad person to save.

11:36 PM: Christmas talked to Tyler about getting Janelle out. Tyler said that they have to, and that it’s an easy week. Tyler said that he can nominate someone like Kevin if Janelle or kaysar win the veto. Christmas said that it wont even matter who goes up next to one of them. They discussed naming their Final 2 “The Carolinas”.

11:41 PM: Cody asked Tyler if he is going to throw Janelle and Kaysar on the block. Tyler confirmed that he is going to do that and that it will be an easy week. Cody said Ian told him that Janelle said she would target strong, athletics guys like the two of them. Cody talked about not wanting to let whichever of the two stays slide by. He said that he wants to win to get the second one out as well. Christmas said that Janelle is the more dangerous of the two. Cody said she is more dangerous because of competitions.

12:05 AM: Nicole let Dani know that Tyler suggested saving Enzo if they win the Safety Suite. Dani filled Nicole in on the reason why Janelle doesn’t trust her. Kevin had told Dani what Janelle said about The Amazing Race.

12:10 AM: Da’Vonne and Tyler discussed that this is an easy week. Da’Vonne asked Tyler who he will nominate if a replacement nominee is needed. Tyler said that they don’t need to go there right now but they can come together as a group to decide. Tyler asked if Da’Vonne feels good with their six. She said yeah. Tyler reassured her that they have all got her and that it is the real deal.

12:18 AM: Tyler told Dani that the two of them and Cody need to move as one due to the double dipping going on. Dani brought up that everyone comes to them and they can’t say no, but it is insane what is going on. Tyler suggested that they move as one until it gets down to everyone that they are with, then they can chill for a couple of weeks before picking who to side with. Dani said she thinks that Da’Vonne would not be afraid to strike at them. She pointed out that Da’Vonne turned on her alliances before and she will have to do it again since she has so many alliances. As for this week, Tyler said that Janelle or Kaysar will have to go.

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