Big Brother 22 Day 21

August 25, 2020

10:39 AM: Memphis and Tyler discussed that they should have the votes to evict Janelle this week. Tyler listed off Christmas, Cody, Dani, Ian, Nicole and Memphis as the six that they would need. He added that Enzo will do whatever Cody wants as well. Memphis let Tyler know that he is telling Janelle that he would be her sixth if she gets five. Memphis figured that she wouldn’t go around trying to flip everyone if she feels that his vote is secure.

11:16 AM: Nicole let Kaysar know that he has got her vote this week. Kaysar said that he figured as much.

11:44 AM: Christmas told Nicole that Janelle is saying she has two votes locked in; Bayleigh and Memphis. They discussed that it might be true that Memphis is voting that way. Either way, they agreed that Janelle will not have the votes to stay.

12:10 PM: Dani asked David what he would do if he were to win HoH. David said that he would go after those that were trying to get him out. He named Janelle, Kaysar and Memphis.

12:18 PM: Nicole spoke to the cameras while alone. She said she needs to make sure that Christmas stays in the house even though Cody and Dani want her out. Nicole believes that she is the #1 of Christmas, Cody, Dani and Ian. She hopes to get Christmas to open up to Cody so that he will trust her more.

12:45 PM: When Janelle campaigned to David, he voiced his frustration with her for approaching him and asking “Kevin, right?” in week one only to say in week two that Keesha was her friend. Janelle explained that she wanted Keesha to stay but was not going to stick her neck out for her that early on when the house was going the other way. David was also upset with Janelle over the Nicole Anthony situation, and he told her that Nicole was telling him everything. Janelle offered David three weeks of safety, and also said that she would like to work with him, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, but David told her that he has no reason to trust it.

1:00 PM: Da’Vonne and Kevin had been discussing the possible votes that Janelle could get when Kevin stated that it’s mission impossible. Da’Vonne said that the point of doing all of this work is so that Janelle will not come after them if she returns.

1:11 PM: Janelle let Da’Vonne and Kevin know that David hates her and is mad about the Memphis thing and Nicole Anthony thing since Nicole told him a lot of things.

1:44 PM: Da’Vonne filled Bayleigh in on her talk with Tyler about working together as a three. She said that he continually stressed that he is good with the six and that they need to focus on it. Da’Vonne said that she is cool with that but they need to kick it into high gear as a three once they get down to six. The girls discussed that they are going to have to put Kaysar on the block if they win HoH.

1:53 PM: Janelle made her pitch to Cody. She promised that she is not coming after him. She offered her wedding band to him to hold onto in order to prove that. Cody said that he cannot take it. Cody said that he is up in the air between the two and does not have an issue with Janelle staying. Janelle said that she likes both Cody and Enzo on a personal level. She offered to share with Cody the details of any power that she may receive if she happens to stay.

2:05 PM: Kaysar told Christmas that he is probably one of the smarter people in the house and he can run circles around people. On top of that, he said that he has a high emotional intelligence and can read people will, which would be an asset for anyone that works with him. Kaysar explained that he was trying to bring people together last week because he thought that they would be better together than apart. Christmas let Kaysar know that she thinks that he has the votes locked in even though Janelle made a good pitch.

2:38 PM: Cody compared Nicole to Britney when it comes to her relationship with Ian. Cody said that Ian will do whatever Nicole wants, which is a problem and needs to be split up. Bayleigh asked if would be better to keep Janelle to go after Nicole if that’s the case. Cody said he doesn’t think it’s necessary since Kaysar would go after her too.

2:44 PM: David let Kaysar know that he has his vote. David talked about his conversation with Janelle and questioned how he cannot associate Kaysar with the same type of behaviour that Janelle exhibited. Kaysar said that they are their own people and he does not control them. David asked if Kaysar would come after him. Kaysar said no.

3:01 PM: Dani told Memphis that cutting Da’Vonne would make it easier to bring Bayleigh in. Memphis said to put them on the block together. Dani noted that they would use the veto on each other if only one of them happened to be on the block. Memphis said that it may be easier to get David or Kevin out.

3:16 PM: Janelle asked Kaysar if David said that he is keeping him. Kaysar confirmed that he did. They discussed that Nicole Anthony ruined their games by spreading things across the house.

3:25 PM: Memphis told Christmas that it would be beneficial for the two of them if Kaysar were to stay for a little bit if he is able to chill out. Christmas thinks that she can get him to listen to her.

4:15 PM: Cody, David and Tyler talked about Janelle’s campaign pitch. The guys laughed that Janelle offered David three weeks of safety and Cody two weeks of safety.

4:40 PM: Nicole told Ian and Kevin that she heard Janelle is after someone who was spreading things about her. Nicole said that is not her or Ian. Kevin let Ian and Nicole know that they are safe with him if he wins HoH. They said the same to him in return.

5:12 PM: Ian and Nicole discussed that Janelle has got to go. Nicole explained that she made the comment to Kevin about Janelle being after someone because she knows for a fact that it is Kevin who she is after. Nicole thinks that Kevin knows it as well since he is now set on getting Janelle out. Moving forward, Nicole said that she is thinking of putting Kaysar up next to a pawn, and then backdooring Bayleigh if Kaysar wins the veto. Ian said that he had been thinking the same thing.

6:53 PM: Janelle made her pitch to Enzo. Enzo claimed that he would like to work with Janelle and wants her to stay but he does not know if she has the votes. Janelle asked if Enzo would be her sixth if she can rally five votes. All that Enzo would say is that he likes her a lot.

7:33 PM: Janelle told Bayleigh she thinks that it is dangerous for her to work with David since he gets stuck on little things and cannot grasp basic game concepts.

7:47 PM: Dani told Cody and Enzo that Bayleigh keeps stressing that a girl cannot go home next week, plus she is still upset about Janelle going home.

8:07 PM: Nicole told Dani that Ian plans to nominate Kaysar next to a pawn, and then he would nominate Bayleigh or Da’Vonne in the event that Kaysar were to win the veto.

8:17 PM: Christmas talked to Tyler about the need to split up Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Tyler told her that it would be drawing a line if someone chose not to nominate Kaysar, and he thinks that it may be premature to go after Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. He added that whoever stays out of the two would then come back after them the following week. Christmas wasn’t convinced that it would be the wrong move.

10:16 PM: David told Bayleigh and Da’Vonne that Janelle mentioned Da’Vonne was trying to campaign against him last week. He admitted that he had heard the same from Cody and Tyler as well but his response at the time was that he did not believe it. Da’Vonne said that she wants to fact check that. Bayleigh and David expressed concern that it could hurt David’s game. Da’Vonne stressed that she put her game on the line for David last week. Da’Vonne told Bayleigh and David that she really wants their alliance to work out not for any of them but for the people that will audition after them. It was discussed that they need to do a better job communicating moving forward.

11:06 PM: Bayleigh told Da’Vonne that this was her first time hearing that Cody and Tyler told David about her campaigning against him. Bayleigh said it is especially concerning after their conversation with Tyler yesterday. Da’Vonne wanted to ask about it, and Bayleigh told her to do so.

11:28 PM: David asked Kevin if Da’Vonne tried to campaign against him. Kevin said no. When David asked if she was ever going to vote him out, Kevin said that’s different. Kevin pushed the blame on Kaysar, saying that he was the one bringing people into a room and saying that votes were locked when they weren’t.

11:29 PM: Christmas let Janelle know that she cannot vote to keep her unless she is able to get six confirmed votes.

11:37 PM: David apologized to Da’Vonne. He said he is dumb for even thinking about it but he did not believe it. David said that Janelle and Kaysar are messing things up and he is fine with the vote going whichever way Bayleigh and Da’Vonne need it to go.

11:39 PM: Da’Vonne told Bayleigh she thinks that David is lying. Da’Vonne said that she wants to look into it further.

11:40 PM: Da’Vonne asked Kevin what David said. Kevin said David asked him if if she tried to flip the vote and he said never. Kevin explained that he told David that Kaysar was behind the twisting of things.

11:42 PM: David confessed to Tyler that he told Da’Vonne about him saying that she was campaigning against him. Tyler didn’t understand why David would do that when he specifically said that it would blow up his game if it got out. Tyler said that Da’Vonne coming for him hard next week will prove that it was true. Tyler talked about how he is going to be screwed and will leave next week. David said that he will fix it. Tyler told him that he will figure it out behind the scenes.

11:50 PM: Da’Vonne asked Janelle if she told David that she was trying to flip the vote against him. Janelle said hell no. Da’Vonne agreed that it would make no sense for Janelle to do that when she is asking her to speak to David on her behalf. Janelle said that David sucks and he is so bad at the game.

12:01 AM: Janelle told Kaysar that he will have to work with Da’Vonne if he stays.

12:14 AM: Janelle asked Tyler if it is looking like she is leaving. Tyler said he think so. Janelle let him know that she would not be coming after him if she stays. She asked if Tyler has any pull with his friends. Tyler talked about not trusting people enough to attempt to sway them in either direction. Janelle said that it will be lame if she goes out and is followed by Cody and Tyler, which is what the other houseguests will want to have happen. She told Tyler her legacy is not to take him out.

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