Big Brother 22 Day 5

August 9, 2020

10:38 AM: Memphis spoke to Cody about taking the day to solidify an alliance with Bayleigh, Christmas, Dani and Tyler. Memphis mentioned that they are all people that can hold their own socially, giving them the opportunity to work together without making it obvious that they are aligned. Memphis suggested the alliance name “The Usual Suspects” or “The Unusual Suspects”. Memphis pointed out that Kaysar thinks that he is going to align with him, Janelle and Keesha but that would be too obvious.

10:54 AM: David told Cody that he plans to go for the HoH. Cody told David that he has his back. He explained that he will deflect any time that he hears his name, but he thinks that he is in a good spot and that nobody will say to send him home. Cody reassured David that he will not be going up this week since Enzo isn’t using the veto, and he would not put him up anyway. Cody, having already called David “Kevin” twice during the conversation, then said that Ian really likes him and has said “I really like Kevin”. At that point David corrected Cody and said that his name is David.

11:14 AM: David brought up that Kevin chose Enzo to compete yesterday. Enzo said Kevin told him that he has nobody. Enzo revealed that he will not be using the PoV. David said that it would be too early to do that.

12:21 PM: Keesha spoke to Kaysar about the vote. Kaysar said that he hasn’t heard much. Keesha explained that she doesn’t want to run around too much at this point. She thinks that Janelle, Kaysar, Memphis, Da’Vonne and Nicole will vote for her. Kaysar suggested telling people she is getting the sense that everyone is keeping her, as people will not want to be on the wrong side of the vote. He also suggested talking to Cody in such a way to make him feel comfortable with her keeping him safe if she stays in the game.

2:11 PM: Nicole F gave Da’Vonne reassurance that she doesn’t have to worry if she wins HoH. Nicole said she is glad that they were able to mend things, and it will be cool for the viewers to see them get back together. Nicole said she feels as though she owes Da’Vonne a lot, and she would like to see her go far. Nicole listed Bayleigh and Dani as people that she would like to see go far as well. As for the vote, Nicole said that she likes Kevin better on a personal level but he is the better competitor.

2:20 PM: Janelle told Dani that she is looking to go with the house this week. Dani said that she feels closer to Kevin. Janelle thinks that he is more of a floater, which she doesn’t like since she thinks that they are dangerous.

2:39 PM: Christmas and Tyler talked about working together until the end. For this week, Tyler said that he has talked to Kevin more than he has talked to Keesha. Christmas said he seems to be the more well rounded play, so it might be better to keep Keesha.

3:45 PM: Memphis approached Dani about working together, just like he had planned with Cody earlier in the day. He brought up Cody, Tyler, Bayleigh and Christmas, though he backed off of the idea of working with Bayleigh when Dani said that Da’Vonne would have to be included as well if she is involved. Memphis then turned to including Nicole F. Dani was receptive to the idea.

4:10 PM: Nicole F asked Enzo if he is using the veto. Enzo said that he wont be. He mentioned that he asked Cody if they should backdoor someone but Cody said no. Enzo talked about working with Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, as well as Tyler, in addition to their group of four. Nicole stressed the important of putting the four ahead of the others. They agreed to do so.

5:03 PM: David checked in with Tyler to see if he is doing well. Tyler assured David that everybody loves him. They talked about working together for the long run. David said that Da’Vonne is someone who he is closest to.

5:08 PM: Da’Vonne and Kevin counted votes. They think that Kevin can get Da’Vonne, Bayleigh, Nicole A, Nicole F, Enzo, David and Dani on board with keeping him.

5:15 PM: Da’Vonne and Tyler quickly discussed that they need to talk game with each other and work together. Tyler said that they can kill it. Da’Vonne said that it makes her so happy that Tyler is on board.

5:19 PM: Kaysar spoke to Tyler about his respect for the game that he and Cody play. Tyler acknowledged the similarities between their games. While he said that he does not recall Kaysar’s seasons, he told him that he knows him as the good guy. They agreed that they would rather leave than be the bad ones.

5:23 PM: Kevin talked to Da’Vonne about a plan to get Tyler to pitch Memphis as a replacement nominee due to him trying too hard to be the alpha. Da’Vonne advised Kevin to stick to working on getting the votes instead.

5:26 PM: Nicole F and Tyler talked about it being more difficult to play this time around. Nicole said that she would like to work with Tyler. They talked about working with Cody as well. Talk then turned to preseason rumours. Nicole said she heard people saying that she called production to cry and get herself on the show. She denied it and talked about being a deserving All Star. Tyler said he read stuff about him pulling a Dr. Will and demanding that Angela be put in the house with him, which he denied as well. Nicole let Tyler know that Janelle was one of the two people behind the preseason rumours about her. She explained that Evel Dick and Janelle are tight, and Dick’s source was Janelle.

6:10 PM: Christmas ran through some scenarios while alone in the bedroom. She pointed out that the girls scare her. She said that Dani and Janelle are tough as nails. Christmas talked about wanting a Final 3 with Bayleigh and Tyler.

6:52 PM: Dani filled Cody in on her talk with Memphis. Both were happy that Memphis ended up saying Nicole Franzel’s name as someone who they could work with. Dani mentioned that everyone thinking that they can work with Tyler is what makes him dangerous. Cody talked about wanting to get closer to Janelle in case she steamrolls the competitions. Dani said that it would be stupid of people to let Janelle and Kaysar go super far.

7:21 PM: Janelle told Bayleigh that she would like to sit down with Da’Vonne to have a talk about everyone. Bayleigh encouraged her to do so. Bayleigh said that there are some very strong girls in the house and they should not go against each other. Janelle agreed. Bayleigh thinks that some girls automatically feel some type of way about each other.

7:28 PM: Nicole F told Dani that she had a talk with Christmas and she said that she trusts her the most. Nicole added that Christmas does not trust Janelle and is not happy about her not having to wear her costume all of the time. The girls agreed that they like Kaysar. Dani thinks that the girls are gravitating towards Kaysar more so than Janelle, and vice versa for the guys. Nicole brought up that Enzo wants to bring Bayleigh and Da’Vonne in. Dani thinks that those two will eventually need to be split up. Nicole wanted to make an alliance with Da’Vonne so that Da’Vonne can’t cut her. Dani worried that they were sticking their fingers in too many cookie jars.

7:41 PM: Kevin asked Dani about her relationship with Keesha. Dani said she already told Kevin that he has her vote. She explained that she is closer to him and she needs him to stop getting in his head and talking down about himself. Dani encouraged Kevin to remind people that Keesha won three HoHs, made the Final 4, won America’s Favorite, and has a connection with Memphis.

8:00 PM: The backyard opened for the first time this season.

9:02 PM: Kevin let Nicole A know that he would nominate Janelle and Kaysar if he wins HoH. Nicole said that she respects that move a lot. Kevin thinks that he could easily explain it as they took the Safety Suite.

9:37 PM: Kevin told Enzo he appreciates him telling him that he has his vote. Enzo reiterated that he has him.

9:47 PM: Christmas suggested to Nicole F that they sit down before the eviction in order to figure out who they want to have on their side. Christmas thought that it would be best to each separately work with a couple of people. Nicole hoped that Christmas could help her with Janelle. Christmas wanted help with Dani.

9:50 PM: Enzo talked to Bayleigh about trying to figure out which pairs are best to work with. He said that he likes Janelle a lot but has to figure out if she can be trusted. Bayleigh said she thinks that she can be. She pointed out that Janelle probably just needs a crew since nobody wanted to work with her her last time either.

9:55 PM: Enzo let Bayleigh and Da’Vonne know that Cody does not want him to use the veto, so he is going to lock the nominations in tomorrow.

10:29 PM: Da’Vonne told Nicole F that Ian makes her nervous because he is so smart and he is playing the same kind of game as he did last time. Both agreed that they love Ian on a personal level. Nicole said that she can help keep Da’Vonne safe with Ian if she gets close to him. Nicole hoped that Da’Vonne could help her with Janelle.

10:49 PM: Keesha asked Enzo if he is leaning one way or the other. Enzo said that he is not. He claimed that he hasn’t thought of it since the nominations have not even been locked in. Keesha said that she is not a threat to anyone and that she could be a vote for Enzo later on.

11:02 PM: Kevin told Bayleigh that Cody said he would attempt to nudge the votes in his direction since he wants him to stay. Kevin worried that Janelle is siding with Keesha. Bayleigh encouraged Kevin to talk to her and said that everyone will follow suit if enough people are swayed.

11:25 PM: Kevin spoke to Janelle about her vote. Janelle made it clear that she is friends with both of the nominees and that her main concern is being on the right side of the vote this week. Kevin let Janelle know that he would like to work with her.

11:29 PM: Bayleigh talked to Cody about who he would like to keep. Cody revealed that he had more genuine conversations with Kevin.

11:43 PM: Bayleigh, Cody, Da’Vonne and Enzo met up in the HoH room to discuss their alliance. They talked about each having a person outside of the alliance. Bayleigh will focus on Janelle, Cody will focus on Ian, Da’Vonne will focus on Dani, and Enzo will focus on Tyler.

11:48 PM: Cody told Da’Vonne that he would prefer to have Kevin stay, and he told him that he would be in his corner when it comes to helping get the votes. Cody said that he doesn’t want to be the first one to say it, since it will spread like wildfire if he does.

1:21 AM: Janelle asked Keesha who she would nominate if she wins HoH. Keesha said that she would nominate Cody next to another guy. Janelle suggested that she use that when campaigning to certain people such as Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Janelle later mentioned that she does not trust Nicole F at all. She thinks that Nicole is a bigger threat than Cody is. Keesha said that she could see that, and they could put Cody and Nicole on the block together. Kaysar brought up that they always joke about how they were on the same season but Cody got Nicole out. They all believe that Cody and Nicole are in fact working together.

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