Big Brother 22 Day 6 - Enzo decides not to use the Power of Veto

August 10, 2020

10:10 AM: Memphis filled Cody in on his talk with Dani yesterday. They continued to discuss who would be the best fits for their alliance. Memphis said that Dani was hesitant about adding Bayleigh since they cannot do that without also adding Da’Vonne, so he proposed adding Nicole F instead. Cody was on board with that. Cody mentioned hearing that Bayleigh is also working with Janelle since they set something up before the show.

10:37 AM: Cody encouraged Kevin to keep doing what he is doing. He talked about having been telling people to keep Kevin. He said he thinks that Kevin is going to be good this week. Kevin said that he is serious about working with Cody, and Cody said that they have a genuine connection. After Cody left, Kevin questioned if the conversation was real. He believes that it was. He noted that Cody comes off as very genuine.

11:12 AM: Memphis spoke to Tyler about joining an alliance with Cody, Dani, Christmas and Nicole F. Memphis claimed that Tyler is the first person that he has talked to about it. Memphis said that he is going to take a slow approach to form the alliance, so he will start with feeling Dani out first. Memphis said that he will give Dani the same pitch and make it seem like she is the first person that he has talked to. Memphis told Tyler that he will get back to him. Tyler said that he is in.

11:38 AM: Memphis talked to Nicole F about joining the alliance that he had spoken to Tyler about not long prior. Memphis told Nicole that she is first person that he has talked to about it, and he would like to form a group with people that can socially hold their own. When Memphis revealed the potential members, Nicole said that they are all of her favourites.

12:26 PM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:49 PM: Feeds returned. Enzo decided not to use the Power of Veto. Keesha and Kevin remain nominated.

2:15 PM: Janelle asked Christmas what the house is doing. Christmas said that she has no clue as everyone has said that they need to wait and see. Christmas said that she has enjoyed talking to both Keesha and Kevin. Janelle said that they are both super sweet.

2:24 PM: Nicole A asked Ian how he feels about the nominations. Ian said he has a feeling of which way it is going to go but he doesn’t want it to go that way. Ian then said his fear is that Kevin is the target. Both agreed that they like Kevin a lot. Ian said he gets the feeling that the consensus is to evict Kevin but it’s just a guess. Nicole said that the two of them may be targeted if Kevin leaves, since they are similar to him.

2:35 PM: Once Ian left the room, Nicole A said that Ian is an ass if he is working with everyone because he is on the bottom. She added that he is very foolish if he is on the Keesha train. She didn’t understand why you would leave Keesha, Memphis, Janelle and Kaysar together with others. Nicole talked about Ian shifting from saying that he talked to people about the vote to saying that it is just the vibe that he is getting. Nicole wondered if she is really paranoid or if there is a big group again. She believes that Keesha has the numbers and that there are middle ground people wanting to fall in with the big group.

2:51 PM: Nicole A asked Kaysar if he has heard anything. Kaysar said no. When Nicole asked if he cares to share his personal opinion, Kaysar said that he likes both of the nominees and everybody seems to feel that way.

3:20 PM: Nicole A told Da’Vonne about her conversation with Ian. She explained that Ian’s story changed throughout, and she doesn’t know if it was due to nervousness or what.

3:32 PM: Dani asked Nicole A if she is going to keep Kevin. Nicole said that she thinks so. Dani revealed that she would like to keep Kevin as well. They talked about Kevin not having anyone in the house. Nicole asked if Keesha is close with Memphis. Dani said that those two and Dan were tight after BB10, so it’s hard not to pair the two together.

4:55 PM: Memphis spoke to Christmas about the alliance that he would like to form. He said that he would like to work with her, Cody, Dani, Nicole F and Tyler. They discussed that all of those people are socially independent and they are also comp beasts.

6:42 PM: Nicole A spoke to Memphis about the vote. Memphis said he thinks that everyone is going to vote the same but he doesn’t yet know which way that is. Memphis stressed that he is the reason that Keesha was evicted on BB10 so he is not set on keeping her.

7:52 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne that it’s going to be a close vote. Da’Vonne disagreed. She told Kevin that Keesha will only have four votes if all the votes that he says are locked are indeed locked in. While Kevin was unsure about David, Da’Vonne said that he is locked in to keep Kevin. Kevin said that he will be coming after whoever was behind getting him out, even if it is his idol Janelle. Kevin believes that Memphis is the one telling Ian that the votes are not in his favour.

8:00 PM: Bayleigh and Dani discussed that they would like to see Kevin stay this week. Dani pointed out that it would split up the Keesha and Memphis duo as well.

8:08 PM: Ian told Dani that he isn’t sure what is happening in terms of the vote. He said that he is 60% sure that Kevin is the target but that does not necessarily mean that he wants to vote that way. Dani said that she is not close with either of the two nominees but she has had good conversations with Kevin.

8:30 PM: Bayleigh asked Christmas who she is going to vote for. Christmas said that neither nominee has spoken to her. Bayleigh said that she is leaning towards keeping Kevin since he is the only one that has talked to her.

8:45 PM: Da’Vonne and Kaysar talked about how everyone says that they are not talking game but that cannot be the case. Da’Vonne asked fi anyone has campaigned to Kaysar. He said no. Da’Vonne let Kaysar know that he gives off a vibe that says leave me alone cause I came here to play. Kaysar said that he is not trying to do that. Da’Vonne admitted that she didn’t know if the door was open for her to talk game with him. Kaysar stressed that Da’Vonne can trust him.

9:01 PM: Keesha asked Kaysar if anyone has said anything to him about the vote. Kaysar said that he has heard nothing other than people saying that nobody is talking to them.

9:09 PM: Keesha told Ian that she is lost when it comes to the vote. Ian suggested that it must be a 50/50 split since he has no idea what’s going on and there has been no discussion. Keesha said that she doesn’t want to be blindsided and does not see a reason to do that to someone this early on.

9:15 PM: Kevin told Nicole A that his votes are her, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Dani, David, Enzo and Nicole F. Kevin believes that Memphis is the one telling Ian that he is the target. He claims to have seen the two of them talking. Kevin talked about his plan to make a division if he wins HoH, going after whoever he finds out was behind putting him up. Kevin believes that it was Memphis since he and Cody talk a lot.

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