Big Brother 22 Day 7

August 11, 2020

11:04 AM: Dani told Nicole F that she cannot be this paranoid. She let Nicole know that nobody has brought her up, and she is there for her. Dani swore to God that she has Nicole’s back. She advised Nicole not to give anyone a reason to talk about her. Dani told Nicole that even if Janelle is talking about her, they will find a way through it. She stressed that they have the numbers.

11:13 AM: Dani told Cody she feels like Ian is playing a great social game. She said she feels bad saying it but Ian uses who he is to an advantage in this game, since you want to give him a hug every time that you talk to him. Cody disagreed that Ian is using it. He said that it’s just who Ian is. Dani argued that everyone uses their emotions. They discussed that they would be able to save Nicole F over Ian if the winners are nominated together.

11:35 AM: Nicole A and Janelle talked about the vote. Janelle said that she is big on how people played in the past since there is nothing else to go off of. She mentioned that Keesha played with girls whereas Kevin was more of a floater. Janelle let Nicole know that Keesha said she would go after the guys, Cody in particular, if she stays. Nicole argued that Kevin is more mouldable, which Janelle saw as a con since he would float to whoever has power. Nicole told Janelle that she had valid points. Janelle talked about how the guys will bro out even more so this season since there is no showmance potential. Nicole said that she would like to see the women band together. They talked about Christmas and Nicole F being two girls that would likely want to work with the guys. Nicole said that she was leaning towards keeping Kevin but is now leaning towards keeping Keesha, but she needs to talk to more people.

11:47 AM: Keesha asked Da’Vonne if she knows which way that the votes are going. Da’Vonne said that everyone keeps talking about going with the house. Keesha reassured Da’Vonne that she and Bayleigh would be fine with her.

12:38 PM: Kaysar told Christmas that he isn’t leaning in either direction and is focused on voting the way that everyone else is. Christmas said that she would like to reserve her opinion until she sees how the next couple of days go.

12:44 PM: Nicole A told Cody that she leans one way and then leans the other after talking to different people, but she personally is leaning towards keeping Kevin. Cody said that Kevin has made him feel more comfortable in a sense of reassuring him that he would not be coming after him if he were to stay.

1:06 PM: David told Janelle that the house seemed to be leaning towards keeping Keesha at first but he thinks that it has switched since then.

2:01 PM: Janelle told Kaysar that Nicole A is on board with keeping Keesha. Janelle pointed out that Keesha is terrible at campaigning. Kaysar said that he doesn’t care who stays too much. He said that Keesha staying would be nice but it’s so early that it wont impact their games too much.

2:06 PM: Janelle told Dani she doesn’t think that anyone suspects they are working together. Janelle asked what Dani is thinking for next week. Dani threw out David and Nicole A’s names. Janelle mentioned Christmas as well. Both agreed that Christmas is likely to work with the guys. As for Nicole F, Janelle said that she is fine with her but does worry a bit about Cody and Nicole being together. As for this week, Dani said that Kevin has no one and she is not close with Keesha. Janelle said that Keesha has told her that she would nominate two guys. Janelle suggested that Keesha would be better for their games but Dani was not sure. Dani let Janelle know that everyone seems to be leaning towards keeping Kevin at this point. Janelle asked that Dani not share their plans with Nicole F.

2:31 PM: Nicole F told Christmas that she expects there to be a girls alliance formed sometime soon. She said she isn’t sure if either of them will be invited. They then discussed that they don’t have a good feeling about Janelle. Nicole said she thinks that Janelle is aligned with Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Kaysar and Nicole A.

3:22 PM: Dani and Tyler discussed that they are on board with the group that Memphis has been working on putting together. Both agreed that they would like to see Kevin stay this week.

3:33 PM: Janelle informed Keesha that some people may be voting to keep Kevin. She told Keesha that it doesn’t do her any good to be hanging out with her. She suggested that Keesha hang out with Bayleigh and Da’Vonne.

4:01 PM: Nicole A asked David how he is feeling about the vote. David said that he would like to keep Kevin. Nicole agreed. Nicole said that certain people are trying to keep Keesha cause they want the house to divide into two sides.

5:25 PM: Nicole A advised Kevin to talk to Janelle and Kaysar. Nicole said Janelle told her that Keesha wouldn’t put them up but she does not know where Kevin’s head is at. She revealed that Janelle said Kevin made a lie to get Jeff evicted. Kevin said that Natalie deserves the credit.

6:14 PM: Keesha told Janelle she thinks that she may be screwed since nobody is saying anything about the vote. Janelle said she thinks that people just haven’t made up their mind yet.

6:17 PM: Christmas asked Bayleigh if she has talked to Janelle yet. Bayleigh said that she really likes her a lot. Christmas said that she and Janelle have been timid with each other and seem to be feeling each other out up to this point. The girls agreed that the house seems to be leaning towards keeping Kevin.

6:23 PM: Nicole F told Ian that there are bigger fish to fry than him. They discussed that they can go for the Safety Suite if they are in trouble. Ian suggested doing something similar to what Kaysar and Janelle did this week. Nicole worried that their allegiance would be exposed if she saved Ian, but she said that they can talk about it. The two agreed that they would like to keep Kevin this week.

7:14 PM: Kevin told Bayleigh that he is ride or die with her, Da’Vonne, Dani, Nicole A and Nicole F. Kevin said he has heard that someone is trying to bring up his one big move from his previous season in order to use it against him. When Bayleigh asked who it was, Kevin said that he cannot be sure but it was one of Janelle, Kaysar or Memphis. Bayleigh reassured Kevin about the vote, telling him that she is getting the vibe that he is staying.

7:24 PM: Kevin told Nicole A that he thinks Janelle, Kaysar and Memphis are trying to keep Keesha. Nicole said that they have Ian and think that they have her as well. Nicole confirmed that Kevin has her vote. Ian then joined them and said the same thing. Kevin talked about wanting to work with the two of them moving forward.

7:30 PM: Dani asked Da’Vonne for her thoughts on Janelle and Kaysar as a pair. Both agreed that they are dangerous and that it will be tough to get in between the two. Dani said that Janelle is really good at the game on multiple levels, plus Kaysar and Ian are probably the two smartest people in the house.

7:45 PM: Keesha asked Tyler if he knows anything. Tyler said that he doesn’t. As for his own vote, Tyler said that he has connected with both nominees and has not got anything locked in with either of them up to this point.

7:54 PM: The houseguests went to the diary room one at a time to get tested for Covid.

8:19 PM: Christmas and Tyler discussed the alliance that Memphis put together. They mentioned that they haven’t really talked to the other members of it. Tyler said that Level 6 spilled everything that they knew to each other the first time that they were all together, so this alliance is not real if that does not happen.

8:26 PM: Cody and Tyler discussed their concerns with Memphis’ alliance. Neither liked the idea of playing telephone with the various members of it. They also are concerned that Christmas and Dani are not at all on the same page. Cody told Tyler that he feels most comfortable with the game that he is playing, so he will take care of him.

8:35 PM: Big Brother gave the houseguests beer and wine.

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