Big Brother 22 Day 8

August 12, 2020

10:16 AM: Dani asked David if he is trying for HoH. He said yeah since if there is a big alliance, he is not in it. If he is not in it, David thinks that he is then a target. David said that he would not nominate Cody, seeing as Cody kept him off of the block this week and mentioned that he knows he had a rough start last year. As for this week, Dani said it seems like Kevin is staying.

11:15 AM: Dani told Nicole F that Memphis thinks he is running things. She laughed about the alliance name that he had come up with for their group, since it was copyrighted and could not be used. Dani said that Memphis was so proud of himself.

11:19 AM: Kaysar told Janelle that he spoke to Cody and it seems as though Kevin is staying. Kaysar said that they cannot be obvious in trying to save Keesha, so they just have to go with it. Kaysar then said he thinks that Cody really wants to work with them. He believes that Memphis would be Cody’s next target. Janelle didn’t like that as she would like to work with Memphis. Kaysar thinks that they are good with most people in the house. Janelle told him that they cannot play like that forever. If they win HoH, it was discussed that Christmas could be a target for them.

12:09 PM: Cody told Dani about his talk with Kaysar. Cody asked if Janelle has said that she wants Keesha to stay. Dani said it’s obvious that Janelle wants to keep Keesha but she has not flat out said it. Dani revealed that Janelle wants to target Christmas. She stressed that Cody cannot tell anyone that since Janelle would kill her if she found out.

1:05 PM: The houseguests gathered in the living room to answer questions about Big Brother history. Big Brother gave them a set of questions to debate the answer to, such as biggest cryer, favourite season, and who they would like to see in the house.

1:59 PM: Kevin spoke to Janelle about the vote. Janelle made it clear that she wants to go with the house. She said that she is leaning towards keeping Kevin and will do so if he is even close to having the majority. Kevin told Janelle that he wants to work with her moving forward and he will return the favour. Janelle said that she works well with gays and she was excited to see him there on night one.

2:25 PM: Enzo and Kevin went over the votes. Enzo told Kevin that he is going to stay, and then they can work together on the side by feeding each other information. Kevin said that he would make sure that he pays Enzo back.

2:45 PM: Nicole A told Janelle that she has talked to all but four people and it seems to be going in the direction of Kevin staying. Janelle said that it doesn’t matter to her either way since either of the nominees would work with them. Nicole agreed.

2:53 PM: Enzo and Nicole A discussed that they would like to keep Kevin this week.

2:53 PM: Feeds went down for an HoH lockdown.

3:41 PM: Feeds returned following the lockdown.

3:47 PM: Janelle asked Ian what he is thinking for the vote. Ian said he doesn’t know. Janelle said that she doesn’t want to be on the wrong end of the numbers.

3:53 PM: Nicole F told Tyler that she expects there to be two sides next week. She listed off Janelle, Kaysar, Kevin, Nicole, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne as those who would be on the other side.

3:59 PM: Keesha told Da’Vonne that she thinks that Kevin is staying. She explained that she has a gut feeling and everybody is avoiding her. Da’Vonne said she will tell Keesha if she hears anything. Da’Vonne suggested that Keesha start solidifying things with people and that she talk to them even if she feels 100 with them.

4:11 PM: Ian let Kevin know that he will be voting to keep him no matter what. Ian said he doesn’t care if it’s a 12-1 vote, a 7-6 vote or a 13-0 vote.

4:28 PM: Kaysar informed Keesha that he heard through Memphis that Cody wants to keep Kevin, so others seem to be following suit. He said that her only hope is to pitch to Cody that she is a bigger target and can take the heat off of him, plus she can keep him safe.

4:46 PM: Keesha went to Memphis to let him know that she knows what was discussed last night in terms of sending her home. Memphis downplayed it and said that people were trying to figure out if they are all voting together. Keesha said that she is not going freak out but she doesn’t get why they would keep Kevin over her.

4:54 PM: Bayleigh and Janelle discussed that Kevin seems to be staying. They agreed that it isn’t necessarily the best move for their own personal games. Janelle questioned why they are doing what Cody wants. She thought that they could flip the votes if they tried. Bayleigh didn’t think. She said that Kevin has done a better job at developing genuine connections with people. The two then talked about how they wouldn’t mind the girls working together.

5:30 PM: Keesha asked Memphis about him hearing Cody say her name. Memphis said he told Kaysar that Cody said he thinks that the house is leaning towards keeping Kevin. When Memphis pointed out that Cody doesn’t even have a vote, Keesha said she thinks that he is the one telling people how to vote.

5:56 PM: Da’Vonne and Nicole F discussed that Keesha waited too long to talk to people. Da’Vonne said that there is no fire there. Nicole said that she wants to vote Keesha out even more since she didn’t ask her for a vote.

6:10 PM: David, Enzo and Kaysar were in the storage room together. Kaysar mentioned hearing about a conversation out in the yard last night. Enzo and Kaysar both said that they heard people want Kevin to stay.

6:28 PM: Enzo and Janelle discussed that Christmas and Memphis are wildcards. Enzo told Janelle that she is good with him. They discussed looking out for each other.

7:32 PM: Da’Vonne told Christmas that someone will need to say something about the vote tomorrow or else it will be a mess. Christmas said that it might be the way to go as opposed to a house vote. Da’Vonne told Christmas that she wants the two of them to vote together. Da’Vonne said that Keesha is so amazing and she feels like she deserves to be here. Da’Vonne added that Keesha is someone that could be trustworthy. Da’Vonne said that both nominees were very loyal during their seasons. Christmas said that people are saying to keep Kevin because he was closer to winning the veto. Da’Vonne said that she just doesn’t want to stick out as a sore thumb. Da’Vonne said that she is down either way but does not want girls to be picked off. Da’Vonne explained that it’s hard cause Keesha is her girl but she doesn’t want to go against the house if they are keeping Kevin.

7:37 PM: Keesha asked Enzo if he has any idea about the vote. He said no. Keesha didn’t want people to think that she didn’t even try to stay. Keesha explained that she doesn’t want to go around promising everyone things that she cannot deliver on, like Kevin is doing by making promises to so many people. Enzo promised to let Keesha know when he finds out what is going on.

7:50 PM: Keesha spoke to Cody. She told him that people will come to him looking for direction when it comes to the vote. Keesha assured Cody that she would not be coming after him if she were to stay. She mentioned that she is more likely to be a target moving forward than Kevin is. Keesha said that she would owe Cody if he were to tell people to keep her. Cody said that he is trying not to pick who is going home.

8:33 PM: Nicole F told Cody that she is worried because Dani told her that Janelle trusts her. Nicole noted that it flipped out of nowhere because she wants Janelle out, so that means that Dani doesn’t want her to want Janelle out. Cody admitted to lying to Dani about how he feels with Janelle.

8:40 PM: Cody, Dani and Nicole F discussed that the plan remains to evict Keesha. Nicole brought up that Kevin has been promising everyone safety. Dani said that she noticed that as well. Dani warned Cody that people are linking him with Tyler, which led Cody to believe that the girls must have something going on. Both Dani and Nicole said that they are not involved if so.

8:51 PM: Nicole A told Kevin that there is an alliance meeting going on between Cody, Dani, Nicole and Tyler. Nicole said that Janelle said the vote is shifting towards keeping Kevin. Nicole later wondered if they were meeting up to discuss Janelle trying to flip the vote.

9:11 PM: Keesha told Christmas that Cody doesn’t want to be the one to decide who goes this week. Keesha said she thinks that it’s going to be a close vote. Keesha talked about not wanting a girl to be taken out. She explained that she cannot go around and promise everyone BS, as that would make her fake.

9:26 PM: Nicole A told Da’Vonne about the four people that she saw in a room together. She also said that Janelle pulled her in and said that everyone seems to be keeping Kevin.

9:40 PM: Christmas and Janelle discussed the vote. Christmas said Keesha told her that she has the girls and David on her side. Janelle didn’t believe it but said that she is willing to do whatever.

10:42 PM: Kevin told Cody that he can pay him back by playing for safety or the HoH and keeping him safe. Cody’s only worry was that they would start being seen as a pair.

10:58 PM: Dani reassured Kevin that he has the votes. She said that Keesha isn’t even talking to anyone. Kevin said that he considers Dani to be in his core.

11:17 PM: Janelle asked Da’Vonne what’s up with the votes. Da’Vonne said that the house is split down the middle. When Janelle asked Da’Vonne what she would like to do, Da’Vonne said that is down for Keesha. Da’Vonne later mentioned that they are screwed if Keesha doesn’t have the votes. They went over the potential numbers. Janelle revealed that Christmas came to her and said that she will vote with them. Da’Vonne said that she will talk to Bayleigh.

11:27 PM: Christmas told Cody that they can beat Keesha and she could get in with her. Cody argued that Janelle has Keesha. Christmas said she doesn’t know since she had a good talk with her. Christmas mentioned going to campaign for Keesha but Cody told her that it is not a good idea.

11:30 PM: Janelle questioned Bayleigh on why they are doing Cody a favour by evicting Keesha who would not come after them. When Janelle listed off potential votes, Bayleigh asked if Da’Vonne is really going to do it. Janelle said that she just talked to her and doesn’t get why she would lie to her in week one if not.

11:36 PM: Da’Vonne told Cody that Janelle is scrambling. They agreed that Janelle is the ringleader. They then discussed bringing Dani in to work with the two of them, Bayleigh and Enzo. Tyler’s name was briefly discussed as well.

11:43 PM: Bayleigh told Christmas and Janelle that she will not stick her neck out for Keesha unless it is a sure thing.

11:48 PM: Bayleigh joined Cody and Da’Vonne to discuss what Janelle is doing. Cody said he did not think that Janelle would be the one to be this pushy.

11:52 PM: Christmas and Janelle discussed that it is weird how the vote suddenly switched to Keesha stay. Janelle said it came from her saying that Da’Vonne is on board. Christmas said Da’Vonne told her she thought that they were keeping Keesha. The girls agreed that they are fine with either nominee staying.

12:08 PM: Bayleigh told Cody she feels like Janelle is playing her since she claimed that Da’Vonne said that she is keeping Keesha. She added that Da’Vonne does not trust Janelle. Cody said that Da’Vonne always had a great read on the house so he is not going to ignore how she feels.

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