Big Brother 23 Day 1 - Frenchie wins HoH

July 7, 2021

5:00-6:30 PM: The live premiere episode took place. The houseguests entered in groups of four. Each group had a competition to determine which of them would be a team captain and have a shot at becoming the first HoH of the season. The captains are French, Whitney, Christian and Claire. The teams are as follows:

Jokers: Frenchie, Azah, Britini, Derek F
Aces: Whitney, Brent, Derek X, Hannah
Kings: Christian, Alyssa, Xavier, Sarah
Queens: Claire, Kyland, Tiffany, Travis

The teams then competed for HoH. The Jokers won the competition, meaning that Frenchie is the first HoH of the season. Julie let the houseguests know that they will competing for $750,000 this season.

9:54 PM: Frenchie mentioned to Tiffany that he did not like how BB21 went down in terms of the minorities being targeted first. He also mentioned not liking to see the old person targeted early. The two discussed that they are the older ones this season. They agreed to look out for each other.

10:05 PM: Xavier told Alyssa he feels it’s important to get into Frenchie’s ear quickly as he believes that he will be loyal to those who he gives his word to. The two discussed not wanting to have a repeat of Season 21 in terms of there being a big alliance like “Gr8ful”.

10:14 PM: Frenchie told Claire and Derek F that it is going to be a hard decision when it comes to making nominations. Claire let Frenchie know that she will genuinely have his back. She advised him to do what is best for his game. The three then discussed that it’s easy to tell who appreciates and loves the game. Frenchie said that he can see that in Claire. He also brought Britini up as someone who is very appreciative of the opportunity to be there.

10:28 PM: Frenchie told Tiffany he knew from the moment that he won HoH that a woman would not be targeted. He also mentioned planning to protect those that he is close to such as Tiffany, Derek F and Britini. Frenchie observed that a showmance is already brewing, and he said that he is going to be the showmance killer.

10:42 PM: Alyssa mentioned to Frenchie that she is a big fan of the show and has auditioned four times, yet she is going to downplay that she is a big fan. Alyssa said she doesn’t think a lot of people in there know much about the show, whereas Frenchie thought that they were lying. He told Alyssa that she is in a perfect spot since she is loved by everybody.

10:58 PM: Tiffany and Whitney discussed being worried about being left out of a big alliance that is likely to be formed as it typically does. They agreed that they would like to work with Frenchie. It was brought up that they are all parents.

11:01 PM: Whitney asked Frenchie about working with her, Tiffany, Britini and another competitor. Frenchie said that he loves Derek F, and he is good with that idea. Tiffany added that she would like for them to stick together.

11:45 PM: Alyssa and Derek F discussed looking out for each other. Derek admitted that he is nervous about the boys getting tight. Both discussed that Derek X and Travis are already close. Derek worried that the boys would win all of the competitions and pick them off one by one. Alyssa pointed out that the boys are not safe this week.

12:22 AM: Frenchie received his HoH room.

12:38 AM: Frenchie spoke to his teammates and Claire to let them know that he would have been a bad person to roll the dice and attempt to earn a second week of safety only to lose it and have one of them go home this week.

2:19 AM: Frenchie spoke to Alyssa, Britini, Sarah and Tiffany about how he has nothing to go off of when it comes to this week’s nominations. Frenchie said he does not under any circumstances want to nominate a woman this week. Frenchie explained that the fan inside of him would hope that the women would join forces and form a powerhouse alliance. Frenchie said that he is not afraid to make a big move but he needs to make sure that he has the numbers behind him first.

2:47 AM: Xavier advised Frenchie to do whatever sets him up best moving forward. He let Frenchie know that he is good with him if he wins HoH next week. Frenchie said he hopes that someone acts out this week to make the decision easier.

3:19 AM: Britini asked Christian who his five or six would be if he were to pick. Christian said he’s not sure that it will be the guys, and he specifically mentioned not knowing if he and Travis like each other.

3:24 AM: Christian told Brent he hopes that true colours come out before nominations. Christian said he is nervous due to his performance in the comp today, as he worries that Frenchie may think about getting him out now that he has a shot to since he wasn’t able to pull it off. Brent said he doesn’t think that he is on Frenchie’s radar. Brent said he doesn’t think that either of them, Alyssa or Travis are currently on Frenchie’s radar.

3:42 AM: Frenchie spoke to Azah, Claire and Hannah in the HoH room. They discussed potential showmances. Hannah thinks that Alyssa and Christian or Alyssa and Travis will end up together. Frenchie said he could see Brent and Whitney being together. Frenchie let the girls know that his plan is to be the showmance killer, so don’t get into a showmance. The girls said that they are good with that. Frenchie reiterated that he refuses to nominate women this week. Frenchie revealed that he has a big backdoor plan in mind, so he needs nominations and needs someone to use the veto. Frenchie said the person that he is considering targeting is going to be a beast down the road and can easily take the $750,000 from them. Frenchie said that this person is also trying to start a flirtmance already, so he would like to upset one person before he upsets two. Frenchie went on to say that it is Brent.

3:52 AM: Frenchie told the girls that he is going to look for two people to go up as pawns, making it clear that he will be a pawn for them down the line if they need. Hannah suggested offering it to Brent so that he feels comfortable. Frenchie admitted that he is not 100% set on the plan yet as he could save it for later. Frenchie talked about getting his target to write his own nomination speech without knowing that it will be used on him, then he will look to the camera afterwards and ask “are you not entertained?". Frenchie said that the fans are going to go nuts.

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