Big Brother 23 Day 16 - Frenchie is evicted; Xavier wins HoH

July 22, 2021

9:25 AM: Tiffany told Kyland that she really likes Claire and she trusts talking game with her but she would have to choose Hannah over Claire if it came down to it. Her reasoning is that Hannah is part of the Cookout. Tiffany let Kyland know that he gained a lot of respect from her due to the way that he handled his HoH week. Kyland said he hopes she feels the same way about him as he does about her. Tiffany said she trusts him, respects him and would not be having this talk with him if she didn’t feel the same way.

9:54 AM: Derek F told Kyland he plans to make the big move by putting Brent and Christian on the block together. Derek said it sucks that he would have to hurt Christian but he needs one of the two to go. Kyland argued that the shot does not have to be taken this early since Brent could sit next to someone else and then Christian could go up if the veto is used. Derek said putting both guys up ensures that one leaves.

10:41 AM: Kyland asked Tiffany who her ideal hit list would be for the next three weeks. She said Brent, Alyssa and Whitney. Kyland later said that his would be Brent, Whitney and Britini. Tiffany said she is cool with that too. She explained that her logic behind wanting Alyssa out is that someone from that team has to go and one of them is in the Cookout, one of them is Sarah Beth, and they don’t want to lose another guy in Christian, so that only leaves one option.

12:45 PM: Feeds returned after being down 1 hour and 53 minutes for an HoH lockdown.

12:49 PM: Alyssa told Whitney that Brent said he trusts her more than he trusts his own team. Whitney said he should because it’s obvious that they don’t like him. Whitney explained that the rest of her team wants Brent out since he makes them miserable. She said that they want to throw HoH to someone who would target Brent, and they would not use the veto on him.

1:02 PM: Alyssa let her team know that Whitney said she, Derek X and Hannah are willing to throw HoH if they are on the same page about not going after them. Alyssa said she wants to put Brent up after hearing he is saying that it’s obvious she likes him but Christian is messing it up, he has her wrapped around his finger and so on. Xavier said they now have more of reason to put him up. They discussed that Sarah Beth winning is the best option.

1:24 PM: Alyssa and Christian told Whitney that they are on board with putting Brent up, though Alyssa said it may be smart for her not to be the one to do it. Alyssa pinky promised and gave her word that she would nominate Brent if she wins. Whitney told the two about Brent creating a named alliance on their behalf with the Queens. She said that he always speaks for the team.

1:27 PM: Sarah Beth let Britini know that Brent is going around saying things about Alyssa that is making her, Hannah and Whitney uncomfortable. She said the Aces, minus Brent, are willing to throw HoH so that Brent can be targeted.

1:37 PM: Azah told Sarah Beth that she would love to be the person to take Brent out since he has been her target since Day 3. Since both Azah and Sarah beth want HoH, they agreed to battle it out for it and have no hard feelings.

2:26 PM: Feeds went down.

5:30 PM: By a vote of 11-1, Frenchie was evicted from the Big Brother house. Derek F cast the sole vote to evict Britini.

5:47 PM: The HoH competition took place. Xavier won HoH.

6:10 PM: Feeds returned following the live show.

6:16 PM: Xavier asked Kyland if he had meetings the first nigh when he won HoH or if he just chilled. Kyland said that he didn’t have any meetings until the next day. Xavier said he wants to do the same and just chill.

6:27 PM: Alyssa let Britini know that she is good. She said they have an idea and it is not her. She assured Britini that she and Christian have her back.

6:29 PM: Derek told Azah and Sarah Beth he prays that Xavier targets Brent since this is their opportunity to get him out. They assumed that a physical competition will be coming next week. Azah thinks that Whitney may go up next to Brent.

6:34 PM: Britini asked Claire how she is feeling. Claire said she feels as though they should not be targets but there could be pawn potential. Overall, Claire said that she is not worried that much.

6:37 PM: Alyssa said that she is so happy since this one was one of the best case scenarios. Tiffany mentioned that it could have got messed up had Derek X or Hannah won.

6:41 PM: Alyssa told Xavier to take into account how Kyland handled his HoH week. Xavier said he wants to talk to Kyland but he is not going to do anything tonight.

6:51 PM: Hannah told Brent and Whitney that this is the perfect scenario for their team since she doesn’t think that Xavier will come after them. Brent pointed out that they have an alliance with the Kings. Brent brought up that Derek F cannot be trusted since this is the second time that he has voted against the group, so they cannot rely on his vote if they try to do something.

6:56 PM: When Derek X joined the team, Brent told him that this is great for the team since they did not want to win anyway. Brent said that even if Xavier makes a big move, it will not be directed toward them. Hannah said she would like for Xavier to go after Britini’s team but they still have the Wildcard Competition if Claire’s team gets targeted.

7:04 PM: Derek X and Hannah laughed about how easy the competition was and how poorly people did. They discussed that they both threw the competition. Hannah said she doesn’t think that Brent needs to be backdoored. Derek wondered if it would be worth it so that Brent isn’t able to flip out for the entire week. Hannah wondered if Brent could ever be talked into volunteering to be a pawn. Derek thought that he would only do it if he were up against Britini. When Derek asked Hannah who he thinks that they are most strongly aligned with, she said Claire, Kyland and Tiffany. Derek said that he feels pretty good about the queens as well. Hannah brought up that one of Alyssa, Christian or Xavier needs to go before jury. They discussed that Alyssa may be the best option since she is the one tying a lot of things together.

7:48 PM: Feeds returned after being down for the have-not selection. Claire, Kyland and Tiffany are the have-nots for the week.

7:56 PM: Tiffany asked Xavier how he is doing. Xavier said that he is happy but he really wanted Sarah Beth to win. Tiffany asked if Xavier is comfortable with putting Brent up. Xavier said he is ready to do what he has to do. He mentioned that Brent is not a part of the Royal Flush alliance. Tiffany reminded Xavier that Brent was the one who made an alliance with the Queens yesterday. Xavier said he has to figure out who would go up next to Brent. Tiffany suggested that Whitney could go up unless he wants to do Britini. Xavier said he does not want to put Britini up.

8:42 PM: Xavier told Kyland that he plans to meet with each team before the Wildcard Competition. He said that the Queens will be last. After the competition, Xavier said he may try to sneak in some individual meetings. Xavier let Kyland know that he is not really concerned about another guy leaving because he is good with the girls. Kyland said there is no chance that they will win five more HoHs in a row. He didn’t think that it was of concern.

9:06 PM: The Kings met up in the storage room. Xavier filled them in on his plan to meet with the teams before the competition. He asked that his team be there with him. He said that he would later have one on ones. Christian said they know Brent is going up but asked if Whitney is as well. Xavier said she probably will be but he has to figure out how to phrase it properly.

10:55 PM: Brent told Alyssa he is working with her because he really trusts her and not because he wants to date her. He said that he read her lips during the conversation that she had with Christian, and she said “the people that work with me want to date me”. Alyssa claimed she said “usually the people I go out with want to date me”. Alyssa said he definitely misread it so he can’t read lips that well. Brent let Alyssa know that she is the person he trusts the most. Brent asked if she is open to a final two with him. He suggested that they think of a name as them being together is something that no one would suspect.

11:12 PM: Kyland told Xavier that he and Derek X are discussing the math to see if it’s better to backdoor someone. Xavier said if after having his discussions it seems that the backdoor route is the better option, he will consider it but he is not planning on it right now. Kyland said they were thinking the same thing. Xavier said it just gets messy.

11:15 PM: Alyssa let Whitney and Xavier know that Brent came up to her to say he read her lips and saw she said that usually the people she works with want to date her. Alyssa joked that she has played the game multiple times and the people she works with want to date her. Alyssa said Brent wants to solidify a final two with her and asked her to come up with a name.

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