Big Brother 23 Day 2

July 8, 2021

9:56 AM: Frenchie told Whitney that he would like to solidify something. He mentioned that both she and Xavier are strong competitors. Whitney pointed out that Xavier is analytical and that he would be great to have on their side. Frenchie brought up having an alliance called The Slaughterhouse with a smaller core called The Butchers within that alliance. Whitney also suggested that they would make a good final two as parents. Frenchie agreed.

10:20 AM: Frenchie and Whitney spoke with Xavier about working together. Frenchie filled him in on the plan to have The Butchers and The Slaughterhouse. He said that they will need to decide on a fourth member for the core alliance. Xavier brought up Derek F’s name before the talk was interrupted.

10:37 AM: Frenchie let Kyland know that he has nothing to worry about this week. They discussed that they would like to work together moving forward. Frenchie then talked about creating The Slaughterhouse but not making it too big as huge alliances don’t work. Frenchie named Derek F and Xavier as two people who he feels good about. He also said that he really likes Whitney and Tiffany too.

11:10 AM: Britini checked in with Frenchie about his plan for the week. Frenchie said that his top target is Brent but he goes back and forth on how he feels about that and he isn’t sure whether or not he is just making assumptions about Brent. He did say that it would be nice to start the season off with a bang by going after a meathead rather than targeting a minority or a woman. Britini said that she would support Frenchie in whatever he decides. They talked about creating a seven person alliance with Azah, Derek F, Kyland, Tiffany and Whitney. Britini admitted that she is scared of Hannah since she has a lot of knowledge about the game.

11:37 AM: Brent and Frenchie talked things over. Frenchie let him know that someone had been bringing up his name and talking about how all of the ladies had puppy dog eyes for him. Brent assumed that it was Christian, which Frenchie confirmed. The two guys talked about how they are stereotyped and can be misunderstood. Frenchie apologized for making assumptions about Brent. There were talks about potentially taking a shot at Christian. Frenchie asked if he would have protection from Brent next week should he make the move, which Brent assured him that he would have.

11:58 AM: Feeds went down.

1:19 PM: Feeds returned. The houseguests were informed of the Wildcard Competition.

1:21 PM: Tiffany talked to Travis about teaming up with Frenchie’s team. Travis thought that Christian’s team may be the better team to align with since they are stronger in competitions and Alyssa is a good social player. Tiffany said that she does like that. Travis said he thinks that the Wildcard Competition will be a battle between Christian and Kyland.

1:24 PM: Brent let Whitney know that Christian is putting targets on people’s backs. Whitney said she thinks that Christian and Travis have an alliance. Brent agreed. He assured Whitney that he wants nothing to do with them but he does like Travis. Brent said it is not good for them if Christian wins the Wildcard Competition since they need him to be there as a target.

1:28 PM: Feeds went down for the Wildcard Competition.

6:48 PM: Feeds returned. Christian won the Wildcard Competition. He is safe for the week as is Xavier.

6:55 PM: Azah asked Frenchie if he is thinking of having another group aside from the core four. Frenchie confirmed that he is and explained that she will see who is in it tonight because they will get everyone in the group into one room. Frenchie then discussed having heard that Derek X is starting a lot of drama, particularly in regards to Christian.

7:01 PM: Frenchie told Derek F and Tiffany that they will need to get everyone together to solidify something tonight. They talked about Christian being someone to work with in the short term whereas Brent is someone who can be worked with longer. Numerous names were discussed, potentially making the group as large as eight houseguests.

7:09 PM: Christian warned Frenchie to be careful with what he says to Travis about Derek X since those two are boys. Frenchie said that the biggest part of the plan will be finding two pawns and keeping Derek X feeling safe.

7:24 PM: Alyssa suggested to Derek F that their teams should align since Derek’s team is safe and Christian and Xavier from her team are safe, plus Frenchie made her and Sarah feel good. Derek agreed but didn’t want to make the call since he is not the team captain.

7:31 PM: Alyssa quickly mentioned to Frenchie that their teams could work together since six of them are safe this week, and her and Sarah would vote along with them. She suggested that it might help him when it comes to making his nominations. Alyssa added that they will back him up either way.

8:00 PM: Brent and Derek F talked about the nominations likely being Derek X and Travis. Brent said that Travis going up makes sense as he is smarter than he lets on.

8:02 PM: Derek F told Azah and Tiffany he thinks it’s needs to go guy, girl, guy and then either guy or girl for the eviction order. Tiffany pointed out that there are a lot of strong men and not a lot of strong women but they do need to keep a strong guy to be on their side. Derek mentioned Xavier as that guy. Derek was pushing for Whitney to go sooner than later.

8:15 PM: Christian told Xavier that he saved him even though he knows that Xavier is safe with Frenchie. Xavier said that in doing so, they made it seem to the other houseguests that Frenchie was coming after him, which is good since they don’t want people to catch on.

9:12 PM: Claire told Tiffany she thinks that Frenchie is going to nominate Brent and Travis since he said that he doesn’t want to nominate the women. The girls discussed that they are scared to compete against some of the guys. They agreed that it may be necessary to take the shot now when they have the chance to do so. Tiffany said that a girl may have to go on the block since Brent and Travis have the ability to win and come back after you if you put them up, and at least one would stay.

10:23 PM: Frenchie approached Brent, Claire, Hannah, Sarah, Tiffany and Whitney to say he trusts them and thinks super highly of them, and he wants them to think about if this is who they want to ride with. Frenchie then headed in to work on gathering the guys.

10:35 PM: Frenchie gathered Christian, Derek F, Kyland and Xavier in the HoH room. He told them that he is ready to ride or die with them and they are going to add three more into the mix to form The Slaughterhouse. Frenchie added that the five of them in the room are The Butchers. He explained that the plan for this week is to target Derek X since he has been starting a lot of rumours about people. There were discussions about nominating a girl as a pawn next to Travis, with the goal of backdooring Derek X. Frenchie hoped that he could get Sarah to volunteer.

10:48 PM: Frenchie headed outside and let Azah, Alyssa, Claire, Hannah, Sarah and Xavier know that he needs a pawn. He stressed that whoever it is will be 100% safe. He swore that he will make it worth their while beyond this week if they do this for him.

10:55 PM: Tiffany and Whitney met up in the storage room to discuss their concern over Frenchie’s behaviour seeing as he is running around without keeping people in the loop who he claims that he wants to work with.

11:01 PM: Sarah brought up that someone who is willing to put you up as a pawn is not that serious about working with you. Hannah argued that a backdoor plan this early in the game is unnecessary. Claire pointed out that Frenchie had been telling them that he was not going to nominate a woman. Alyssa figured that Frenchie’s target must be Derek X.

11:01 PM: Azah let Frenchie know she has heard that Christian approached Whitney about an alliance but she did not tell anyone about it. Frenchie admitted that Christian would have been gone if not for him winning safety tonight. Azah advised Frenchie to think for himself and by himself as people are going to bring him information to further their own games and to get people to do their dirty work. Azah specifically said to be careful about Christian.

11:12 PM: Frenchie told Brent he thinks that he was finessed by Christian. While Frenchie claimed to have been on to Christian the whole time, he said to Brent that he thinks Christian is pushing a narrative on Derek X since he does not get along with him.

11:17 PM: Britini told Brent and Frenchie that Whitney said Christian approached her about forming an alliance. Frenchie went to grab Whitney in order to bring her up to the HoH room. He told her not to feel bombarded as he is just trying to hash something out. Whitney was then asked what Christian came to her about. Whitney said she thought that he was trying to get information from her but she thinks that the alliance thing was fake.

11:32 PM: As Frenchie brought Derek X in to talk, feeds went down. They remained down until 12:01, and neither of those two were shown on camera upon the return of the feeds.

12:28 AM: Derek X told Tiffany that Frenchie would be playing a big game if he threw him on the block next to Travis. Derek explained that Alyssa, Hannah, Sarah and others have been told that they would not go up, so the options are limited. Derek said that one strategy could be trying to get him to nominate Claire and Whitney. If a guy like himself goes up, Derek expects that Frenchie would push for them to go. Tiffany said this feels like a Bomb Squad week to her, as there is a lot going on already. Tiffany suggested that Brent could be a vote for Derek and he cannot forget about Christian either. Derek thinks that Kyland and Travis would side with him if it came down to it.

12:41 AM: Travis spoke to Claire and Kyland about what has been going on tonight. They explained that Frenchie asked one of the girls to be a pawn and then never came back to them. Travis figured that the pawn must have been going up against him.

12:44 AM: Tiffany joined Claire, Kyland and Travis. She said she just talked to Derek X and he said “I think me, Travis and Ky would do good, and if you’re down, we need another girl”. Tiffany said he brought up Claire so she is thinking that they need to solidify something. Tiffany added that they may need to bring in Hannah and Whitney too, even though Derek doesn’t want to align with them and sees them as numbers.

12:58 AM: Claire, Derek X, Kyland and Travis discussed that Frenchie is creating fires and then having to put them out. Derek X suggested that if they make an alliance, they need to call it The Firefighters.

1:00 AM: Tiffany asked Frenchie if he saw the guys working out today, cause there were some bodies on that grass. Frenchie said he is not worried about physical comps as he will be right there with them. Tiffany asked if Frenchie is playing this game with his heart or his head. Frenchie admitted that he is playing with his heart right now.

1:10 AM: Frenchie met up with Azah, Britini and Derek F. Frenchie said that the Wildcard Competition and threw a curveball, causing him to switch his plan. Britini asked where Frenchie’s head is at. Frenchie said he is not putting up a woman and he needs a pawn. Frenchie pointed out that Alyssa and Christian are getting close, and he thinks that Sarah is with them as well. Frenchie said he wanted people to think that he is the dumb farmer and he spit out bits of information to each person, and then he knew which people talked based on who knew multiple parts of the story. Frenchie said that Derek X and Travis’ stories matched.

1:42 AM: Derek F told Azah, Britini and Frenchie that if Derek does not go home, he will be working with every other guy in there. Derek added that they will be in trouble if they do not get a muscle head out of there this week. Derek explained that Frenchie will have to pray someone on his side wins the veto if he tries for a backdoor plan, as it’s a gamble to go that route.

1:47 AM: Frenchie went to Brent, Derek X, Hannah and Whitney. He asked if they think that they can beat the other two stacked teams. Brent asked what he is suggesting. Frenchie said his team could throw HoH to their team so that they can take out a strong competitor. Frenchie explained that he gave out tidbits of information today to see who it would come back from and then he would know who he can and cannot trust. Frenchie said there are two alliances being formed. He told Derek X he knows that he is involved in it and he knows every name on that list.

1:57 AM: Derek X told Frenchie he wants to know the names of who he is allegedly with. Frenchie said he is not giving them up. Derek asked if Travis is one of them. Frenchie said that was one and Kyland is another of them. Frenchie claimed that they were nowhere to be found on his list and until he heard that Derek and Travis had been saying his name.

2:16 AM: Frenchie told Travis he has heard that he and Derek X have brought his name up as someone who needs to go home next week. Frenchie explained that they did not go on his radar until that point. Frenchie said he is in an impossible situation where the people he does not feel close to are safe. Frenchie told Travis that someone came to him to say that Derek X has been spreading rumours. The guys continued to talk through options for the week.

2:49 AM: Frenchie told Kyland that his feelings are hurt. Frenchie said he told Derek X he knows that he is aligned with Kyland and Travis, and Travis admitted that they had been throwing his name out there as a target for next week. Kyland went on to clear the air with Frenchie and explain how things had actually went down throughout the day.

3:22 AM: Frenchie told Brent and Whitney he knows that Derek X, Kyland and Travis are with Alyssa and Christian. Hannah later joined the crew in the HoH room to discuss the possibility of their teams looking out for each other. Frenchie admitted that Hannah makes her nervous since she is very analytical and smart. Frenchie let the three know that they are all good in terms of nominations tomorrow. Frenchie said that this person is going to have no idea what’s coming tomorrow but he has watched them and knows that they are creating drama within his friends.

4:23 AM: Frenchie told Travis he let Kyland know that he was disappointed and hurt by what he had heard. It was discussed that Derek X is doing things to go against his own team, making him hard to trust. Frenchie and Travis continued to clear the air and agreed that their was a lack of communication between the two of them. Frenchie said he was disappointed in Derek X for lying to him when he brought up that he is in an alliance even though he had told him 20 seconds prior that he knew about it and knew the names. Frenchie told Travis he can go tell Derek that he will give him another chance under the condition that he never lies to him again, because he will know. Frenchie added that he had better get Derek’s vote since he is making a splash this week.

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