Big Brother 23 Day 20 - Christian decides not to use the Power of Veto

July 26, 2021

10:32 AM: Alyssa told Brent that the Queens offered to vote Brent out if the veto wasn’t used, and Xavier seemed to be about it, which means that he seems to be the target. Alyssa said she does not know if they are just bluffing as she doesn’t think that they would actually vote him out. Alyssa suggested that they just don’t want to be on the block next to him. Alyssa told Brent that she wants him to know because she has his back. Brent asked Alyssa if she is going to vote against him if Xavier tells her to. Alyssa said It doesn’t matter want Xavier wants since he can’t compete for HoH. Brent asked how Christian would vote. Alyssa said that Christian will vote how she wants because he trusts her judgment. Alyssa said Brent should be good since he has his team and her team.

10:49 AM: Britini told Azah and Derek F about her talk with Xavier last night in which he said that a convincing argument has not been made to use the veto. Britini said Xavier told her take a shot at him and not his teammates if she wins HoH next week. Britini, Azah and Derek F all agreed that Britini should do whatever she wants. Derek said that it should be two people from Xavier’s team. He said that he would nominate a combination of Alyssa, Christian and Whitney.

11:54 AM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:01 PM: Feeds returned. Christian decided not to use the Power of Veto. Brent and Britini remain nominated.

1:15 PM: Brent told Derek X and Kyland that Alyssa doesn’t trust Xavier at all any more. Brent said Alyssa told him everything first thing morning, even though she didn’t know that he was already in on the discussions last night. Brent added that Alyssa is loyal to him over her own team. Brent said that no one suspects the Mafia and they are running the house. Brent thinks that the Jokers will come to them since the Kings are the ones who put Britini up.

1:21 PM: Alyssa told Claire, Hannah and Tiffany that the superfan in her is so excited for the vote. Claire said it’s weird that a unanimous vote is going to be so fun. Tiffany hopes that Julie says “by a unanimous vote, Britini, you are safe”. She wants it to be unanimous since Brent would never believe that his own team would not vote for him. Hannah said she doesn’t even feel bad blindsiding him because the superfan is excited and because Brent is horrible. Alyssa thought it was stupid that Brent worked harder to keep noms the same than he did to try to get Christian to use it.

1:26 PM: Derek X told Kyland that a concern he has about Tiffany is that more than 50% of the houseguests picked her as America’s Favorite at this point in the game. He thinks that it means she has a strong social game.

1:36 PM: Brent told Alyssa he is pretty sure that Xavier’s intentions have shifted. He said he has a feeling about it. Alyssa told him not to get paranoid. Brent said he believes that Xavier will try to persuade Alyssa and Christian to vote him out. Alyssa assured Brent that there is no way he can do that.

1:39 PM: Brent spoke the camera to say that everything is going according to plan since nominations stayed the same, Alyssa’s allegiance is to him, and he is looking to be safe. Brent talked about The Mafia being under the radar and having the votes.

1:43 PM: Britini talked to Claire and Tiffany about the need to decide who they do and do not want on the jury. Britini suggested keeping those that would vote fairly and not based on emotion. Tiffany talked about splitting up the duos, wondering if it’s best to do that or if the remaining member would be bitter. Britini said she thinks that they need to be split before jury. Britini brought up that she would be scared for Azah and for Claire if Whitney were to win HoH. Tiffany asked if she should be on the block next week. Britini said yes. She explained that Whitney is a direct threat to Tiffany’s game because they are similar when it comes to their social games. There was some talk of Alyssa going on the block next to Whitney.

2:20 PM: Brent told Derek X and Kyland that everything seems to be perfect right now. He thinks that he has Alyssa’s vote, Whitney’s vote and that he may even have convinced the Jokers to keep him by saying that Britini will just keep going on the block and causing them stress whereas he can protect them and keep the target off of them. Brent made it clear that his loyalties are to The Mafia over Alyssa.

2:38 PM: Derek X and Kyland discussed who they should try to target before jury. Whitney’s name was brought up a lot as one of the two that need to go before jury. Kyland suggested that Britini should go as she has reason to put him up. When Azah’s name was brought up, Kyland mentioned Tiffany saying that she will never get Azah’s vote. Derek then said that they should keep her. Derek said a red flag he had when it comes to Tiffany is that she is really really good at lying. He added that she is great a communicating and getting people to feel how she wants them to feel.

3:08 PM: Tiffany told Derek X and Kyland that everyone wants to go after the Kings. She said it may be in her best interest to nominate Alyssa and Whitney. Derek asked why she wants to win HoH. Tiffany said she doesn’t. Both Derek and Kyland questioned what had changed since they already knew that the rest of the house was looking at the Kings. Tiffany said she is just weighing her options.

3:17 PM: Kyland and Tiffany talked about the difficulties of working with the Royal Flush all the while trying to get The Cookout to the end at the same time. Both agreed that they would love to keep Derek X around. Tiffany pointed out that he is a POC as well and she doesn’t look at him any differently. Kyland told Tiffany that Claire and Derek X both seem to be on board with taking Azah, Derek F and Hannah to jury, meaning that Britini and Whitney would be the next two to go.

3:36 PM: Hannah was speaking to Derek X about a conversation she had with Christian in which she said there will be no more house targets after Brent leaves. As she finished the sentence, Brent had walked up behind her. He asked if he was interrupting. He was told no. They then discussed scenarios for HoH. Brent said he can’t wait to see people’s faces when Britini is evicted.

4:20 PM: Derek X asked Hannah if she thinks that the Queens will throw HoH. Hannah thinks that they, just like the Aces, do not want to have to take the shot at the Kings. Hannah thought that Whitney might be the one most likely to take that shot out of their group. Hannah said the four Kings cannot make it to jury but she does not want to win HoH this upcoming week. She talked about being willing to win the week after.

5:24 PM: Hannah told Christian that Brent is so cocky that he plans to look at Xavier and say “checkmate” right before Julie reads the vote. The two discussed plans for the upcoming HoH. Hannah expressed that she doesn’t really want to win this one. Christian feels that it is not in his best interest either since he doesn’t want to add another win to his resume yet. However he did say he thinks it is important for someone from the Kings to win in order to keep them together. Christian said he feels okay as no one from the Jokers wins HoH.

5:35 PM: Alyssa joined Christian and Hannah. She believes that she and Christian will be on the block if the Jokers win HoH. Hannah suggested that Xavier may be a potential nominee as well. Hannah said that the Kings are going to have to win every week if they win this week, because people see them as the strongest team. Alyssa asked if it’s too risky to throw it. Hannah said she would not advise throwing it.

6:37 PM: Derek F mentioned to Sarah Beth that Derek X is so good since he can do anything and is capable of winning enough competitions that he would be able to control the whole game. As for himself, Derek said he would like to win something but he would not even know who to target. He did say that he does not want his team going back on the block and does not believe that they are a threat.

10:18 PM: Derek F told Brent he believes that the girls are definitely working together. Brent said he has been saying that since Day 1. Brent asked if Derek is voting for Britini. He said that he will not be mad since he completely understands. Derek said she is his team and looks at him like a big brother. Brent questioned if Britini can get him far or if she will just keep getting put on the block. Derek said he is right. Brent said that he can waste his votes on someone who is eventually going to go home or keep someone who can help get him further. Either way, Brent reiterated that he will not be upset. Derek said that he is leaning towards keeping Britini.

11:37 PM: Tiffany told Alyssa and Xavier that it has to be a unanimous vote. Alyssa said Derek X was asking if they should give Brent three votes. Xavier said he told Derek that his team may be in jeopardy next week if they do that. Tiffany said for her own selfish reasons, she wants Brent to know that nobody voted for him. Alyssa thinks that Derek understood. Tiffany pointed out that it was their own idea for their teammate to go home.

12:05 AM: Britini told Azah that Claire and Tiffany were asking who they should target. Azah warned her to be careful throwing names out to anyone. Azah said she has learned this week that people are playing for $750,000 and will do things that they are not proud of. Azah stressed that information is power in this game, so don’t let anybody know what information you get.

12:35 AM: Claire said she thinks Britini would take the shot at Whitney. Tiffany said she thinks Britini wants her to target Whitney, which is why she brought her name up to her. They discussed that the Jokers winning and taking a shot at the Kings would be best case scenario. Claire said she understands why Kyland is afraid of that, since he will become one of the bigger targets if the Kings go down. Tiffany said it’s good if Alyssa and Christian keep disappearing and going off together because people will eventually think that they might as well go home. The girls discussed that Kyland is tighter with Sarah Beth than they are. Claire said Sarah Beth recently talked to her about the three of them working with Alyssa, Kyland and Derek X to some extent. Claire said they have to get Sarah Beth tighter with them than Kyland has her, since Kyland is clearly tight with the guys. They talked about potentially bringing Sarah Beth in as a fifth in their “Detectives” alliance with Derek X and Kyland.

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