Big Brother 23 Day 24 - Christian nominates Hannah and Whitney for eviction

July 30, 2021

8:45 AM: Xavier advised Christian to keep his speech simple, saying he doesn’t have a target right now and then after nominations they can decide on who the target should be out of Hannah and Whitney. Xavier said that for his game and Christian’s game, he does not want Whitney making it to jury. Christian figures that Hannah would go next week even if she stays, so she wont make it either. Xavier suggested that they figure out who would be bold enough to take a shot at two of the Kings. He said that Whitney is more likely to make a bold move. He explained that Hannah isn’t dumb enough to put two of them up because she does not want the Kings coming after her. Christian asked if he could put Hannah up as a pawn and still not have her coming after him. Xavier said yes, comparing it to what he did with Britini. Christian said he will have to work on repairing the relationship with Hannah after she goes on the block.

9:04 AM: Xavier spoke to the cameras to say that he needs to steer everyone to be on the Whitney train.

9:44 AM: Alyssa asked Hannah how she is feeling. Hannah said she is okay but she was going to ask if she can meet with the Kings without the rest of her team being there. Hannah said she did not say that she would go after Alyssa and Sarah Beth like someone is claiming she did. Hannah said it would not be in her best interest to make that move.

9:53 AM: Hannah told Xavier that she would like to get some one on one time with Christian. She said that last week her narrative was that she didn’t want to win HoH because she did not want to have to nominate a King. Xavier said to stick with that. Hannah said she has told them that she wants to play a low key game which would mean going after the Jokers. Xavier suggested saying that if a King had to go up, she would nominate the one least likely to leave.

10:04 AM: Alyssa told Xavier she is starting to agree with targeting Whitney. She admitted that she didn’t initially feel that way but she believes that it is in the best interest of the team. Xavier said he thinks that Whitney would be bolder and could put two of them on the block. Both agreed that Christian should get to choose who goes and that for his game it would not be good for Hannah to go.

10:08 AM: Feeds went down for the Wildcard Competition.

12:53 PM: Feeds returned. Claire won the Wildcard Competition. There were talks of her being safe until jury.

1:01 PM: Britini told Derek F that Christian is wondering if there is a bigger target than him for next week. She suggested that that person is Whitney, so Derek X and Hannah should go up this week. Britini said that Whitney can then go up if Derek X wins the veto. Derek said that’s such a bad idea. He prefers that Whitney go on the block initially.

1:03 PM: Christian and his team met with the Queens. Christian asked who they would have nominated had they won. Claire said Whitney makes sense and putting a Joker or Hannah next to her would make sense as well. Sarah Beth said that they should get rid of whoever is not working with them that is the most likely to win a competition. She said Hannah is that person. Claire questioned what Hannah has won. Sarah Beth said that she is throwing competitions. Xavier said Hannah is smart and would see that it does not benefit her to put two Kings up. Kyland argued that Hannah would be better to have in jury than Whitney would be since she will vote for the person playing the best game as opposed to voting for a female just because of their gender. Sarah Beth said it’s great that they can think about jury votes but she is still trying to get to jury and she might go home if Hannah stays. Tiffany brought up that Britini is a threat to both of their teams. Kyland said she mentioned Christian and Xavier’s names to him. Tiffany said she brought up Alyssa and Christian to her. Sarah Beth said they would be naive to think anyone outside of the alliance would not put two Kings up. Alyssa said she believes that Hannah would be smart enough to work with them rather than against them. Sarah Beth said Hannah is scary since so many members of their alliance are fighting for her. Kyland said if they are fighting for Hannah, Sarah Beth is fighting for Whitney. Christian said he doesn’t want to nominate Britini and thinks he can gain favour with the Jokers by avoiding that move. He said he has reason to put Whitney up but not so much for putting Hannah up.

1:24 PM: Christian told his team that he is not even considering putting Britini up. They discussed that the plan remains to nominate Hannah and Whitney though the target was up for debate. Sarah Beth continued to push for Hannah to be the target. Xavier said that they could possibly direct her towards targeting the Jokers. Sarah Beth wasn’t so sure.

1:33 PM: Christian and his team met with the Jokers. Britini said that Hannah has talked the least game with her. She said that she would have gone after the Aces. Azah and Derek F pointed to Whitney as their target. Christian told the team that he has their back and hopes that they return the favour next week.

1:48 PM: Christian told his team that after speaking to the Jokers, he thinks that Hannah needs to be the target since the Jokers will go after Whitney next week. The team agreed. It was discussed that Christian shouldn’t have any one on ones because it might confuse him even more. Xavier suggested just grabbing Hannah informally since Christian wanted to give her a heads up about potentially going on the block.

2:01 PM: Christian told Hannah that the house seems to be going after Whitney. He told her that she would stay over Whitney. Hannah asked what would happen if Whitney were to win the veto. Christian said that a Joker would go on the block. When Hannah suggested nominating a Joker next to Whitney since they have not won anything, Christian said that he doesn’t want to piss of two teams. Hannah said that he wouldn’t be since she and Derek X would not be mad about Whitney going up. She added that the Jokers are already pissed off at the Kings after last week. Hannah said she would have Christian’s back more than Azah and Britini would. Hannah told Christian she feels as though she would go home over any girl. Hannah let Christian know that she would not put him up next week even if he puts her up. Christian asked what about his team. Hannah said that in order for her to continue laying low, she would have to target the Jokers. She explained that she may have to nominate a King depending on the outcome of the Wildcard and veto competitions. She clarified that she would nominate the King that is most likely to stay. Hannah suggested that Christian do what is best for his individual game because the team twist will end.

2:26 PM: Whitney told Christian that she would love to work with him, Alyssa, Derek X and Xavier. Whitney said that her target is Kyland. She mentioned him being close with lots of people and being a potential winner. She said that she would likely put him up next to Azah or Derek F. When Whitney asked if there is any way that she could be going up, Christian said as of now she is good but he has lots of people left to talk to.

2:35 PM: Christian let Alyssa know that Hannah made such good points. Alyssa agreed and said she keeps going back and forth. Christian said he thinks that he is still going to nominate Hannah and Whitney but he would like to target Whitney. Both believe that Hannah would work with them. Alyssa didn’t believe that Whitney would actually target Kyland. Alyssa said she kind of agrees with Britini going home over Hannah if Whitney wins the veto. She said that the Jokers won’t win anything if Britini is gone.

2:41 PM: Alyssa and Christian spoke to Hannah. Alyssa reassured her that Britini would leave over her if they ended up nominated next to each other. Hannah asked Christian if he will gun for the veto if she is on the block. Christian said yes. He said that he would not want to have to nominate another person but he may let someone other than the nominees win if he can.

3:02 PM: Christian let Azah know that the Jokers are going to have a break from the block. Azah said she appreciates that a lot and knows that they do not talk. She said she would be completely happy to have more conversations with him. Azah said Christian would seem like someone that would be a good target for her since they don’t talk that much and he is good at competitions, but she did not feel that she needed to make that move. Azah said Christian could ask her teammates to confirm that she was looking elsewhere.

3:06 PM: When Christian met with Derek F, he let him know that the Jokers are not going on the block. Derek said that the Jokers cannot win anything. Derek said every team is going to come after the Kings but they will lie about it. Derek suggested nominating Whitney next to one of her teammates. Derek talked about the need to get a girl out this week and next since the guys are outnumbered.

3:21 PM: Christian told Britini that there is a house target but he cannot say who it is. Christian said that it will be obvious when she sees the nominations. Christian told Britini that he is going to give the Jokers a break from going up this week. Christian said he knows that one person is lying more than others about not coming after his team.

3:35 PM: Derek X asked if the target that they had in mind heading into the week is the same. Christian said yes. Derek said he is with the Royal Flush and will do whatever Christian wants him to do if he wins the veto.

3:47 PM: Christian told Claire he has made his mind up about the target and he thinks it’s the same one that Claire has, referring to Whitney.

3:59 PM: Christian let Tiffany know that the target is the one with blonder hair. Tiffany said she is proud of Christian and he is doing a phenomenal job.

4:12 PM: Christian told Kyland that he is going to make Hanna sound like the target in his speech and then clarify with Hannah afterwards. Kyland asked who would go up if Whitney wins the veto. Christian said he is thinking Azah but she doesn’t know if Azah would go over Hannah. Christian explained that Azah said she has good reason to put him up since they don’t talk much game.

4:23 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

5:31 PM: Christian nominated Hannah and Whitney for eviction.

5:35 PM: Christian asked Hannah what she thought of his speech. Hannah said that it was well spoken. Christian said he thinks that Whitney is going to blow her own game up. He added that based on what he was told during his meetings, Hannah is good. Christian encouraged Hannah to choose Derek X to compete if she gets the choice. Hannah said that he would probably not use it since they are both his teammates, and then Whitney would go home. The two discussed that it may be beneficial to let Whitney believe that there is a plan to backdoor Derek X.

5:45 PM: Christian talked to his team about potentially trying to make Whitney believe that there is a plan to backdoor Derek X. Xavier said he isn’t sure that it will work after how last week played out. Sarah Beth said that even if she has the least bit of doubt, she might not act out like she otherwise would.

5:49 PM: Whitney told Hannah that this is funny to her since everybody wanted the Kings out, yet they were honest about it and then ended up on the block. Hannah said she had a feeling that she was going up because Christian kept apologizing to her and hinted at it. Hannah said it’s important for them to lay low. Whitney agreed. When Hannah brought up that there might be a plan to backdoor Derek X, Whitney said she would rather go home because she loves him and thinks that he is playing a great game. Hannah told her not to roll over and die.

6:06 PM: Christian told his team that he would like for Whitney to go this week. Xavier said they will go with that. Alyssa and Sarah Beth said that they approve of either one going.

6:14 PM: Alyssa asked Christian if he has noticed that nobody in the Royal Flush agrees with anything that they or Sarah Beth say. Christian said he will keep an eye out for it. Alyssa said she had just talked about it with Sarah Beth and they think that they are at the bottom of the totem pole. It was discussed that Christian will have to choose between Britini and Hannah if Whitney wins the veto. Alyssa said for Christian’s sake it would likely make more sense to keep Hannah. Christian said he would prefer to have Britini in jury cause she would vote for him cause they are buddies, whereas Hannah is more likely to be swayed by Alyssa.

6:29 PM: Alyssa and Christian brought Claire and Tiffany in to talk about for plans beyond the Royal Flush. Tiffany said people are targeting Alyssa and Christian for being a duo and will do the same to her and Claire, so it makes sense for the duos to stick together. Alyssa agreed that they should look out for each other. They discussed potentially bringing in a fifth but nothing was settled on to this point.

6:51 PM: Whitney approached Christian to look for answers as to what happened. She said that the only name she mentioned from his team is Sarah Beth’s and that was as a pawn to appease the house. Christian explained that Whitney’s name came up from people on each team during the one on ones, and they said that she was targeting the Kings. Whitney figured that Kyland was behind it since he has connections with each team and she had said that she would target him. Whitney explained that she told this to Derek X and then saw Derek X immediately go in a room with Kyland for an hour afterwards. Whitney said it makes more sense now and she understands why Christian would make the move given the info that he had. Whitney advised Christian to keep an eye on Kyland if she leaves.

7:06 PM: Whitney told Xavier to keep an eye on Kyland because these stories about her started once she told Derek X that she was targeting Kyland. Whitney said she is pissed off at Kyland and wants to go for the veto badly now. She also said that she does not trust Derek X anymore either.

7:14 PM: Christian let Claire and Tiffany know that Whitney’s number one target is Kyland.

7:38 PM: Whitney told Derek F she thinks that Kyland got people from each team to tell Christian that she is after the Kings because she was targeting him. She mentioned that he is close to Azah, Derek X, Sarah Beth and those on his own team. Whitney suspects that she is the target and that Hannah was put up in order to avoid getting more blood on Christian’s hands by nominating people from two teams.

11:20 PM: Whitney told Alyssa she thought that she had a good relationship with the Kings. Alyssa said the girls told them that Whitney was going to nominate Christian and Xavier while the guys told them that she was going to nominate Alyssa and Sarah Beth. Whitney denied it. Whitney explained her theory that this all happened once she started talking about targeting Kyland. Whitney said she is most likely going home if she doesn’t win the veto but she really does think that Kyland is the orchestrator. Alyssa said she knows Kyland is good but Christian did not want to put a guy up.

11:36 PM: Alyssa told Derek F that Whitney is claiming she never said anything about going after their team but it’s too late. Alyssa said she thinks everyone would have came after her team. Alyssa let Derek know that someone told them that he was saying he was going to put two of them on the block.

11:40 PM: Alyssa told Xavier that Whitney is saying she did genuinely want to work with them but at this point it is what it is since Whitney is not in the Royal Flush. Alyssa said that Whitney may be telling the truth but she is not in the alliance. Xavier said Christian said to target Whitney and they should stop going back and forth. Alyssa agreed.

11:44 PM: Xavier said to Christian that he made it clear who his target is and he thinks the key is to now stick to it. Christian agreed. Alyssa said she believes Whitney a little bit but someone had to go up. Alyssa suggested that they could steer her in Kyland’s direction if she wins the veto. Alyssa thought she made a good point that Kyland is close with someone on each team.

11:48 PM: Derek F told Azah that he is trying to be calm because someone, who he assumed to be Whitney, said he told them that he was going to put those b*tches up the first chance that he gets. Azah told Derek that this is the reaction that Whitney wanted so don’t give it to her when she is grasping at straws. Derek said that he is so pissed. Azah reminded him that nominations are locked. Derek worried that next week he will be a target.

11:58 PM: Derek F told Alyssa that he is trying to keep calm because of what she told him. Alyssa clarified that the comment was made before nominations. Alyssa also said she was told by one of her teammates and does not know who the source was, but it was not Whitney that said it. Alyssa told Derek that she does not actually believe that he would put two of the Kings up. She encouraged Derek to let it go. Derek said it’s annoying that people are already trying to paint a new target for next week. Derek told Alyssa that he is ready to chop people’s heads. Derek clarified that he said he would nominate one of the Kings next to Whitney if he were to win. Derek said he wants to know who it was if he wins HoH. Alyssa said that she would tell him if he wins.

12:20 AM: Alyssa told Christian about her conversation with Derek F. She said Derek was the one who brought it up and then she confirmed that she had heard the same thing. Alyssa said she is kind of glad that it happened because it’s the ammo they need to get Derek to take Hannah out next week should they choose to do so. Alyssa told Christian that Derek thinks it’s Whitney but she will tell him who it was if he wins HoH.

12:23 AM: Derek F told Azah that Alyssa said Whitney isn’t the one who said he was going after the Kings. Derek said he thinks it was Hannah who said it. Azah questioned why she would do that. Derek said he doesn’t know. Derek said it makes him so mad. He said that they could be lying but he doesn’t know why Alyssa would make it up. Derek concluded that it was someone from the Aces. Derek told Azah that he would nominate Derek X and Sarah Beth as they are the two smartest people in the game to him. Derek added that he would put Hannah up next to Sarah Beth if he finds out that she was the one who said this about him.

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