Big Brother 23 Day 27 - Christian decides not to use the Power of Veto

August 2, 2021

11:46 AM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:04 PM: Feeds returned. Christian decided not to use the Power of Veto. Hannah and Whitney remain nominated.

1:06 PM: Hannah gave Whitney a hug. She said part of her wonders if they could have bought themselves one more week by flipping the vote last week in order to keep Brent. Whitney said maybe but told Hannah that she is good and she is excited to go see her babies.

1:14 PM: Tiffany let Hannah know about Sarah Beth pushing for her to go on the block. Tiffany said she felt as though part of it was directed at her when Sarah Beth said the fact that people are defending Hannah and don’t want her on the block is why she is dangerous. Tiffany explained that she didn’t even bring Hannah’s name up but rather suggested that there is a bigger threat to both of their teams given that Britini is after Kyland and Xavier. Tiffany figured that if Sarah Beth has an issue with Hannah, she could be the next one that she looks at. Tiffany said she does not know how to get Sarah Beth out aside from putting her next to Kyland.

1:21 PM: Azah told Christian she is really appreciative of what he did for her this week since he had every reason to put her up. They discussed that this is the last of the “easy” weeks as they do not know what will happen next week. The two talked about teams potentially ending this week. Azah said she would be heartbroken since it’s hard for her to envision not having her team after they got so close while being at the bottom and unsafe for so long. Christian pointed out that even if teams aren’t in place, Azah will still be good if her teammates win. Azah thinks that will be the case at the beginning but isn’t sure how long it will last.

1:36 PM: Britini told Azah it seems that Christian has barely talked to anyone other than Alyssa this week. Azah said she understands it since the entire house was ready to put them on the block and he probably feels like he does not trust anybody. Britini said she wouldn’t care if either of those two left but they are not her main targets.

1:59 PM: Alyssa asked Kyland who he would like to have in the ninth spot as the last person remaining outside of the Royal Flush. Kyland said that’s a good question. Alyssa said her thought is that Derek F would give them the best shot at winning the competition. Kyland said that’s where his brain went first as well. Alyssa said that anyone in the alliance who uses a King as a pawn would be playing a scared game but she doesn’t think that they are playing scared. Kyland said the alliance is so strong that you don’t have to worry about backlash.

2:13 PM: Xavier asked Whitney if she is alright. Whitney promised that she is good. She said the hardest part was when she initially saw her face during the nomination ceremony because she was confused. Whitney added that she has been fine ever since Christian and Xavier talked to her and gave her more information.

2:30 PM: Azah told Alyssa about her conversation with Christian. She said Whitney was her target but she was thinking it would make sense to nominate Christian next to her since she had barely talked to him. Alyssa said he has to respect the honesty.

3:03 PM: Alyssa told Christian she thinks that they are good on every angle. Christian suggested that it would almost be better if they didn’t win HoH. Alyssa said she can’t not try for it since it would not be worth the risk. When Christian asked who Alyssa would nominate, she said Azah and Britini. Alyssa said she feels better about Hannah now and does not want to take Derek F out until nine. Alyssa said it’s a toss up for her when it comes to Azah and Britini since she feels better about Britini but thinks that Azah would be easier to beat. Christian said that he would go after Azah next and then he isn’t sure that he cares about the order for Britini, Derek F and Hannah. He did say he thinks that Hannah will need to go the next time that she is nominated since she is not a pawn.

3:20 PM: Derek F asked Hannah if she has an idea what she would do if she were to win HoH. Hannah said she has an idea and she is nervous about the girl who doesn’t talk game with many people. Hannah was referring to Sarah Beth who Derek said makes him nervous as well. Hannah said that Sarah Beth was pushing for her to go up this week. Hannah thinks that nominating Sarah Beth would make Kyland extremely upset but Derek was not so sure about that since they only made a promise to those in the Cookout.

3:37 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said that she would love to sit in the final two chairs with Hannah. Tiffany called her an amazing young woman who she is so impressed with.

3:47 PM: Tiffany told Hannah she has had a struggle with telling herself that it is not all about the money. Tiffany said there is a bigger picture and bigger message. Hannah said that’s why she doesn’t think that people like Claire and Derek X would be bitter. Hannah thinks that they may be upset at first but if they show it, America would not be too happy about that. Tiffany agreed. Hannah said everyone wants to be on the right side of history, and history would be made if a black person wins this season. Tiffany said that Christian, Claire and Derek X would deserve to win if they can make it through them.

4:54 PM: Claire, Derek X, Hannah and Tiffany discussed the plan for next week. Derek didn’t like the idea of blindsiding Kyland by telling him that they are going after the duo only to put Sarah Beth up next week. He preferred to give Kyland a heads up that he is thinking about nominating Sarah Beth. Tiffany said all that would do is make Kyland gun for HoH and tell Sarah Beth to do the same. Derek said the worst case scenario would be getting Sarah Beth out but losing Kyland’s trust in the process. Tiffany doesn’t think that he has any other choice but to stick with them since Christian wants him out.

5:12 PM: Earlier, Claire told Alyssa that Kyland acts like he doesn’t know his days but he has the best memory of anyone. The two girls and Christian talked about it in the HoH room. Claire said Kyland told her on Day 1 that he has an amazing memory and he has also said that he can easily beat Hannah in a memory competition. Alyssa said that Kyland is playing them.

5:23 PM: Alyssa, Christian, Claire and Tiffany discussed next week. Alyssa said that she would probably nominate two Jokers if she were to win. Tiffany said nobody has asked her who she would put up but she will probably say that it would be Alyssa and Christian. While the two were initially okay with that, Alyssa was concerned that it would lead to people thinking that they are the house targets. Tiffany said she would instead tell people that she is looking at the Kings.

5:52 PM: Hannah told Kyland that there is merit to splitting up Alyssa and Christian before jury but she also has concerns about Britini and Sarah Beth since she thinks that those two may nominate or target her. Kyland asked if there are any pros to keeping all four Kings past next week. Hannah said no.

5:58 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said that Alyssa seems to want to go after Hannah which does not work for her. Tiffany anticipates that she will have a falling out with Alyssa if that happens. Tiffany said that she would nominate Britini next to Sarah Beth if she were to win.

6:16 PM: Tiffany told Azah that she loves Claire but thinks that she will figure out the Cookout. Azah doesn’t think that Claire will be bitter. Tiffany said she may not be but she would struggle to look her in the eye so it may be best for her own sanity to have Claire go sooner than later.

9:00 PM: Claire told Derek X she doesn’t know what competition Kyland would be able to beat him in. Derek said a memory one. Claire asked if Kyland tries to test Derek like he does with her. Derek said no. Claire mentioned Kyland saying that his memory is better than Hannah’s. Derek suggested that it’s a good thing for their alliance. He said he thinks that their four of Kyland, Tiffany and the two of them could win if the Royal Flush gets to eight. He then backtracked and said that Christian may win a physical competition.

10:13 PM: Hannah told Derek X she could tell that he was a little uneasy about Tiffany’s plan. She asked if he is really on board with it. Derek said he is but he wants to make sure that it does not ruin anything with Kyland since they cannot lose him. Hannah reminded Derek that Xavier is on board with Sarah Beth going, so Kyland wouldn’t run to him, and he cannot run to Alyssa and Christian either. Derek explained that he wants Kyland to want to work with them, not just have to work with them. He does believe that there is a way to take Sarah Beth out without losing Kyland. He suggested that some work needs to be done prior to making the move. Hannah said Kyland has let her know that Sarah Beth was eager to get her on the block, so he already knows that Sarah Beth is an option for her should she win. Hannah said they are going to have to decide where they want their primary loyalty to be. Both agreed that they trust Claire, Kyland and Tiffany over Alyssa and Christian, but Derek sees the value in having something with the duo because they are likely to target him if not. Hannah said those two are shields for them but their primary loyalty will not be to them. Derek thought they could let them think that they took a shot at Sarah Beth because they want to honour their word, hoping that Alyssa and Christian would then return the favour.

10:26 PM: Alyssa, Christian, Derek X and Hannah briefly spoke to reiterate that they are all on the same page. It was discussed that people will expect Christian and Derek to target each other so they may not take the shot if they believe that the two will take each other out.

10:37 PM: Tiffany told Derek X that Alyssa and Christian don’t seem to want to make a move against the Royal Flush for another week, leading her to believe that they are going to target Hannah. Tiffany said they have to go for Sarah Beth or else that’s another person after Hannah. Derek said he is 100% going for Sarah Beth. Tiffany said she would like for the two of them to work with Clair, Hannah and Xavier. They discussed that Kyland is playing a really smart game. Tiffany thinks he believes that he has outsmarted them all. Derek said something has changed with Kyland recently as he is testing them all. Derek mentioned that Kyland tested him tonight while playing chess, which was shortly after Claire had asked Derek if Kyland tests him.

10:56 PM: Tiffany told Claire it seems like Alyssa and Christian want to keep the Royal Flush together next week. Tiffany said that means their target must be Hannah. Tiffany said she does not like that and will go against the plan by targeting Sarah Beth. Tiffany brought up Alyssa asking her who an ideal fifth would be for them. She said they talked about Xavier being a good fit. Claire said Derek X made it sound like he wants to go to four with The Detectives. Tiffany didn’t buy it since she doesn’t think that Derek trusts Kyland that much based on their conversation this evening. Claire said Derek shouldn’t trust Kyland to take him to the end. Claire and Tiffany agreed that they feel better about Derek and Hannah than they do about Derek and Kyland as a four.

11:17 PM: Tiffany and Hannah spoke to Xavier. Tiffany said they would like to know if he would like to work with them once they get down to six. Xavier said as long as they have got the brains, he will bring the muscle. Tiffany mentioned that Kyland has a lot going on. Tiffany said she wouldn’t care what happens if they get down to three together. Hannah and Xavier agreed.

11:21 PM: Hannah told Xavier that she would take a shot at Sarah Beth if she wins but she would also use the week as an opportunity to set the Cookout up for success. Xavier asked who she would nominate next to Sarah Beth. Hannah said she doesn’t know because it’s not like she would go home over everyone. She thought that someone from the Jokers or Kyland would work but she didn’t know if it was too early to nominate Kyland. Xavier said they would have to show their cards if Kyland goes up. Xavier mentioned Azah as an option. Hannah agreed. Xavier then mentioned Britini as an alternative. Finally, he was going to explain how Alyssa might work too, but Claire came outside and broke up the conversation.

11:59 PM: Whitney talked to Xavier about wanting to do fun things like a spa day before she goes. Xavier said he doesn’t like when she says that. Whitney said she knows what’s happening but would hate to go out unanimously because it’s embarrassing. Xavier said if he went out without a vote that means that they saw him as a threat. Whitney said she wants to know how she is still the dead set target, because it’s wild to her. She mentioned that Britini or Derek F might give her a sympathy vote.

12:14 AM: Sarah Beth told Claire and Tiffany that she needs to talk to Hannah more cause she is the only person she doesn’t know what she would do. Sarah Beth thinks that the Jokers would take a shot at the other Kings but not her, while Hannah is closer to her teammates than to her. Tiffany pointed out that Hannah may take a shot at the Jokers.

12:28 AM: Derek X told Kyland that if they ride the Royal Flush to eight, he does not see the next plan after that but that’s fine since it is a long ways away. They talked about the season only being on third over at this point. Derek said he doesn’t love the way that he handled the Whitney situation after she went on the block. Kyland said it’s worth talking with her. Derek said he respects Xavier a lot for being there for her this week. Kyland said he doesn’t want anyone to feel like they are isolated or alone since it’s a game and they are all still people and friends. Derek said he knew that Whitney would ask him questions that he would have to lie about, and he did not want to lie to her. Looking back, Derek said he wishes that he had a heart to heart with her instead.

1:36 AM: Britini told Azah that she feels good with all four of the Kings. She said the only one that makes her feel a little weird sometimes is Alyssa. Britini claimed that Derek X will be going home if she wins HoH next week, but she would not nominate Hannah because she cannot put her up two weeks in a row. Azah said her best game move would be to put the Kings up but she does not have the balls to do it.

1:47 AM: Britini asked Derek F who he would nominate next week. Derek said he is thinking Sarah Beth and Hannah. Derek said he needs a girl to go home no matter what. Britini questioned why. Derek said he has already told her his reasoning. If a girl comes down, Derek said he would consider putting Christian or Derek X up. Derek said he is thinking about the Aces and the Kings at this point, which leaves him with six potential options. Britini said she knows that Derek wants to even out the guys and girls but Derek X is a bigger threat to his game than Hannah is. Derek said he looked around today and thought that everyone there is a target and could take a shot at them at any moment. Britini said she is nervous about Derek, Hannah or Kyland winning HoH. Derek said he is nervous about Derek and Sarah Beth but everything could change if teams are done.

2:01 AM: Derek F said he looks around as sees everyone as a threat. Azah said she thinks that they all know who the threat is but she is scared to throw the punch. She mentioned that Christian did her a solid this week. Derek stressed that the Kings cannot win this week. Derek said that who needs to win HoH is them, the Queens or Hannah because Hannah will take the shot at them since they take it at her. Derek thinks that the claws will come out once the teams are over. Azah asked if they should go for HoH. Derek said they need to secure their spot for another week, know that they are going to jury, and have control over what happens. Derek said that Claire having safety messed up his plan since he would have nominated Claire and Sarah Beth.

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