Big Brother 23 Day 28

August 3, 2021

10:22 AM: Derek F told Azah and Britini that they need to win HoH because they are an easy team to put on the block due to having a poor track record in competitions up to this point. He also said it would be an easy move if people didn’t want to get blood on their hands.

10:25 AM: Tiffany told Claire that one of the Kings have got to go next week. Claire agreed. Tiffany remains focused on Sarah Beth. She worried that Kyland would use the veto on her, which is why she thinks there is some benefit to Kyland sitting next to her on the block. However she said that she does not want to risk losing him. Tiffany thinks that the Kings would go after Derek X and Hannah if they win. As for the Jokers, Tiffany thinks that Azah and Derek F being emotional is working in their favour since people do not want to put them up because of it. Claire thinks that the Jokers might get dragged to the end. Claire asked who the next target would be if Sarah Beth leaves. Tiffany said that Derek X will need to get Christian out.

10:48 AM: Claire asked Hannah if the target would be Christian if Sarah Beth leaves. Hannah said it could be Alyssa or Christian though they will make it further the longer that they leave those two in the game. Hannah said that Britini would be an option for her because she has never spoken game with her even though she has tried. Hannah asked who Claire sees herself working with. Claire named Derek X, Hannah and Tiffany. She also said that she would work with Kyland but needs Sarah Beth out of the picture. Claire said that she may target Derek F when there is a double eviction because nobody is going to want to take a shot at him. Hannah suggested that they could split Alyssa and Christian up before going after Derek F.

11:06 AM: Azah told Tiffany that she has an idea for an agreement between the Jokers and the Queens. Her plan is that if a Joker wins HoH, they can nominate a Queen as a pawn next to a King. If a Queen wins HoH, they can nominate a Joker as a pawn next to a King. Azah explained that they will then have control of the votes between their two teams. If a King comes down, she said that another King can go up in their place. Tiffany said it makes sense and prevents them from having to show their cards. When Azah said the Aces have a reason to come after them, Tiffany asked if Azah realizes that Hannah is part of the six and would not come after them. Azah said she realizes but she does not know if they could beat Hannah and she thinks that Hannah should be the first to go out of the six. She mentioned thinking that it was five plus Hannah. Tiffany said Hannah is a person of colour and she is not going to exclude her. Tiffany talked about taking Claire out first in jury because she worried that Claire would catch on to them. Azah asked if Tiffany wants her to go before Sarah beth. Tiffany said Sarah Beth needs to go next week. Azah doesn’t think that Claire would be bitter, so she thinks it would be best to keep her longer than some of the others. Tiffany admitted that it’s about her being unable to look Claire in the eye since she may have put her in a position where she has no chance.

12:13 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said she is uncomfortable with how Azah feels about Hannah but she doesn’t know if she should say anything. Tiffany said she is working with Alyssa and Christian in order to keep herself off of their radar. As for Kyland, Tiffany said there are things that she doesn’t fully trust about him. She mentioned feeling more connected to Hannah when it comes to a final two. Tiffany’s ideal eviction order is Whitney, Sarah Beth, Claire, Christian, Derek X, Alyssa and Britini. After that, she said that she would like to get to the final three with Hannah and Xavier.

12:37 PM: Christian asked Xavier who he would want as a five once they get down to the Royal Flush. They agreed that Alyssa is an obvious choice. Xavier asked Christian who he doesn’t think that he can beat. Christian said Kyland. It was discussed that Sarah Beth is Kyland’s number one. That left them with Claire, Derek X and Tiffany to choose from, and Christian said that Derek X is his biggest physical threat. By process of elimination, they were left with Claire and Tiffany. Christian said he felt as though he came up with that but Xavier said he agrees with it. Xavier said he doesn’t think that it needs to be anything concrete until a couple of weeks pass.

1:17 PM: Britini asked Christian if he is still down to have a final two with her like he had brought up during their one on ones last week. Christian said he was waiting for her to come back to him about it. Britini said she is down for it and they need to think of a name.

1:29 PM: Kyland told Tiffany that he felt super connected to her while they were have-nots together, but he does not feel that way now. He asked if there is anything that he is doing because he would like to fix it. Tiffany said no.

2:12 PM: Christian told Alyssa about the final two deal with Britini. Alyssa asked if Christian is going to act like he didn’t know if she wins HoH and puts Azah and Britini up. Christian said yeah. Alyssa said that’s not good for her especially given that they went along with it being a team decision for Christian’s HoH week. Christian told Alyssa that Britini would not come after him. Alyssa suggested that Britini would come after her in order to get closer to Christian but Christian disagreed.

2:35 PM: Hannah told Azah she thinks that the teams will be gone after this week, and her biggest fear is that two of them will be put on the block. Hannah asked Azah if she told Christian that she is coming after him next week. Azah said no. Hannah said she is concerned that he will come after them. She explained that Christian told her that Azah said he will be her number one target next week. Azah said that’s not true. She said she told Christian that her target was Whitney and she would have put him up next to her because she doesn’t talk much game with him. Azah believes that he purposely misconstrued her words.

3:21 PM: Derek F told Christian that he is thinking about nominating Hannah and Sarah Beth. Christian said that he would not be upset about that. Derek explained that he would have gone after Claire but she has safety for next week. Derek said that he needs to ensure that the two of them are covered even if it means going after a Joker if the team twist ends.

4:09 PM: Alyssa let Hannah know that Sarah Beth mentioned her name before nominations this week. Hannah told Alyssa that the easiest move to make next week would be to take out the Jokers but they don’t have strong competitors. Alyssa told Hannah that Britini mentioned her name as well. Alyssa clarified that Sarah Beth did not push for her to go up but also did not hesitate to say her name. Alyssa said she doesn’t know if Hannah has anything to worry about with Sarah Beth in the next couple of weeks. She told her that Britini is more likely to make that move against her.

5:18 PM: Claire spoke to the cameras. Claire said that Tiffany has way more going on than she does. She pointed out that Tiffany talks to Xavier a lot and may have Derek X and Hannah closer to her than she does. Claire said her ideal plan is not to win HoH since she has safety next week. Claire said she thinks that there is an argument for Derek F to go home but she also sees reason for Sarah Beth to go. Claire said she lost trust in Sarah Beth when she found out that Kyland knew about their Jackpot alliance. Claire said it makes her a little nervous to think that Whitney, Sarah Beth and Britini would be next to go, as she would be next in line after that.

6:09 PM: Whitney stared at the memory wall while trying to figure out who is working together and who she could potentially get votes from. She thinks that Claire, Hannah and Tiffany are together. Whitney talked about trying to get the Kings on board with keeping her.

6:14 PM: Whitney told Tiffany that it is hard to think about campaigning when she is on the block next to Hannah. Tiffany said that’s why they did that. Whitney said that she does not want to campaign against Hannah or say that she deserves this more than her. Tiffany encouraged Whitney to do what is best for her game.

6:22 PM: Claire asked Azah which of the Kings that she would think is best to go home. Azah said Alyssa. Azah asked Claire if she plans to go for HoH. Claire said it’s hard since she has safety. She mentioned wanting to get someone big out if it’s a double eviction. Azah asked Claire how she feels about Sarah Beth. Claire said she likes her a lot. Both mentioned that they have not talked much game with her lately. Claire doesn’t think that Sarah Beth is after her but she isn’t sure who she is talking game with other than Kyland.

7:29 PM: Tiffany told Derek X she thinks that Kyland knows she is coming after Sarah Beth. Derek said he had a good talk with Kyland last night and Kyland’s order for targeting the Kings is Christian, Alyssa, Xavier and then Sarah Beth. Derek said he told Kyland that he wants to keep Hannah around and Sarah Beth is someone who has made it clear that they are after Hannah. Derek let Tiffany know that Kyland said if either of them decide to take a shot at Sarah beth, he would get behind it. Tiffany thinks that Kyland is on to her. She admitted to distancing herself from Kyland, saying that she does not want Sarah Beth to become intimidated by her or jealous of her relationship with Kyland. Tiffany didn’t want Sarah Beth to have reason to come after her.

7:54 PM: Derek X told Tiffany that he is debating who should go first out of Christian and Sarah Beth. Tiffany said she cannot take a shot at Christian but it’s more personal than game. Derek said he personally does not view Sarah Beth as that big of a threat. He mentioned that he may possibly nominate Sarah Beth next to a Joker with the goal of backdooring Christian if he gets the chance. Tiffany said she is not opposed to it. Derek talked about not wanting to waste his HoH. He worried that Christian taking the first shot would result in both he and Kyland leaving quickly. Tiffany said Alyssa will be mad if Christian goes, meaning that she will have to follow him out the door. Tiffany told Derek to take his shot if he gets the chance but she continued to make it clear that she herself cannot target Christian.

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