Big Brother 23 Day 31 - Derek X nominates Britini and Sarah Beth

August 6, 2021

8:56 AM: Hannah told Claire that she found out about the Royal Flush because Tiffany slipped up by saying the name in front of her, and then she later spoke with Derek X and Tiffany about it some more. Hannah said she found out that it was basically done to keep Derek X safe last week.

9:37 AM: Derek X started his one on ones and had a set of questions to ask each person. He and Tiffany came up with the questions last night. Derek asked Claire who she feels is the most threatening to her game. Claire said Christian because he could go after Derek or may try to weaken him by targeting those close to him. Claire said she also worries about Xavier because she doesn’t talk game with him. Derek asked who Claire wouldn’t want to see nominate. Claire said Azah, Hannah, Kyland and Tiffany. When Derek asked if Claire has ever said his name or heard anyone say it, Claire said Sarah Beth mentioned his name to her two days ago as the biggest threat in the game. Claire was okay with Derek potentially mentioning hearing that Sarah Beth has said his name during his speech.

10:14 AM: Kyland told Derek that he feels most threatened by Christian since he cannot beat him in a lot of competitions. Kyland said there is no one that he would say he doesn’t want to be nominated. As for who he would like to keep safe, Kyland said Hannah because they both have a good relationship with her and she wouldn’t do anything unpredictable any time soon. He also said he doesn’t think that Sarah Beth would do anything that he didn’t want her to do. He mentioned Sarah Beth saying that she patched things up with Hannah and trusts Britini less than she previously did. Kyland said Christian is the only one he has heard bring Derek’s name up, and it was in a sense of being a shield. When asked if he would be willing to go up as a pawn, Kyland said yes. Kyland said that if he was HoH, he would nominate two Jokers and then seriously consider backdooring Christian if the opportunity arose. Derek admitted that his fear with taking Christian out is that Kyland and Xavier would take him out. Kyland said that’s unlikely and he hadn’t even thought about it. When Kyland circled back to the idea of him being a pawn and what he want in that scenario, Derek let him know that he is not going to be the pawn.

10:53 AM: Derek X spoke to the camera and said the most important thing about his conversation with Kyland is that he said he doesn’t want Sarah Beth to be nominated. Derek said he knows for sure that they are definitely close. He also worried about Kyland getting shifty when he brought up getting to the end with Claire, Hannah and Tiffany. Derek thinks Kyland figures that he would have the votes over him, which is probably right.

10:57 AM: Alyssa told Derek X that she would not have nominated Hannah if she had won, even if they didn’t make a deal. Derek said he plans on honouring the deals that he made on the wall, so she will not be going on the block. Alyssa said she feels most threatened by Azah because she told Christian that she would have put him up, and she thinks that she would have gone up next to him. Alyssa also mentioned Britini as someone who she is threatened by since she’s loyal to the Royal Flush and there are only so many options. Once they get closer to eight, Alyssa said she feels most threatened by Kyland and Sarah Beth since they are a strong duo. Alyssa said she has heard Derek F say Derek’s name during week three when he said it in addition to Claire’s name. Alyssa said that she would nominate Azah and Britini if she were HoH, and she would put Derek F up as the replacement if needed.

11:09 AM: Derek X spoke the cameras. He said the fact that Alyssa brought up Sarah Beth’s name is good since he can use that to explain things to her if Sarah Beth goes on the block. He figured that Kyland would be the only one upset with it.

11:15 AM: Christian told Derek X that he feels most threatened by is Azah since she said that she would have put him up. Inside of the eight, he said he is threatened by Kyland because he has someone in every group, he has a good memory, and he would win at the end. Christian only named Alyssa as someone that he would want to keep safe. He admitted to saying Derek’s name week one and hearing his name from Derek F as someone that is a physical threat. Christian said he benefits Derek’s game because they are shields for each other and Derek would be the target next to anyone but him. Christian said he is not willing to go up as a pawn because he is not a pawn.

11:30 AM: Derek said the most interesting thing about his meeting with Christian is that he is threatened by Kyland. Derek went back and forth about whether or not he should keep Christian as a shield or even as someone to potentially go after Kyland. He said that if he takes Christian out, he loses the opportunity to take someone else out like Sarah Beth who would take a shot at him.

11:38 AM: Sarah Beth told Derek that she feels really good with the Royal Flush and therefore feels most unsafe with those outside of the alliance. She said that she would like for the Royal Flush and Hannah to be safe. Sarah Beth explained that she felt unsafe with Hannah because Alyssa and Christian told her that Hannah was coming after her. Out of the Jokers, SB said that she trusts Britini the least since she says things to a lot of people. Sarah Beth said that she has heard Derek’s name from Britini and Derek F but Derek was saying it in a sense of Derek is a physical threat. When Derek asked if they could work together with Kyland, Sarah Beth said that she loves that idea since she is at the bottom of the Queens and the Kings, so it would be good to work with one from each team. As for being a pawn, Sarah Beth said that she would be pretty upset about it.

11:56 AM: Derek X spoke to the cameras and said that Sarah Beth is right about being at the bottom with both the Queens and the Kings, so it would benefit her to work with him and Kyland.

12:37 PM: Xavier told Derek X that he doesn’t personally feel threatened by anyone but Britini is the one person who has somewhat of a reason to come after him. Once they get closer to eight, Xavier said the first shot he would take would not be at a big competitor because he realizes that he would be next if people like Christian and Derek were gone. Xavier said that he would like to keep everyone in the Royal Flush safe this week but he will do what he can for damage control if Derek has to take a shot at the Kings. Xavier said nothing will change between them if Derek does something that impacts his game as long as he isn’t on the block. Xavier said he doesn’t want a shot to be taken at his team. If he had to choose between Christian and Sarah Beth, Xavier said he would probably keep the person that people would target before him. He said he likely would have looked at the Jokers had he won HoH, and specifically mentioned Britini since he already put her up.

1:02 PM: Britini told Derek X that Alyssa is the most concerning to her because she is playing such a social game and she proved yesterday that she can do well in competitions too. Britini said if she could keep two people safe it would be Azah and Hannah. Britini said she could see herself working with Derek long term and that nobody would expect them to be together. Britini said that she would rather not go up as a pawn, and would be disappointed by it, but she knows that he has to do what is best for his game. Britini said that she would have gone after the Kings and she won HoH.

1:21 PM: Derek X said to the cameras that the most important thing about his talk with Britini is she said that she would be willing to go up as a pawn even though she didn’t prefer it. He thought that she may be understanding since she said that she wants to work with him.

1:22 PM: Azah told Derek X that she is most worried about Alyssa because she is is physically the strongest of the girls. If Derek could keep two people safe for her, Azah said that she would like for it to be Britini and Derek F. When asked if she would be willing to be a pawn, Azah said she will respect whatever decision Derek makes but nobody wants that. Derek asked if there is a situation in which she would rather go up over anyone. Azah said no. Before wrapping things up, Azah and Derek agreed to a two week deal in which they will not put each other up and a four week deal that they will not send each other home.

1:40 PM: Derek spoke to the cameras to say that his deal with is perfect because he can put up her two teammates and not get any backlash from it.

1:42 PM: Derek X asked Derek F if he would be willing to go up as a pawn. Derek F said he trusts Derek and cannot argue with it if he feels comfortable with putting him up. Derek F said that he would not flip out or be upset, but he will play up that he is annoyed. However Derek F said he worries that the girls would want to vote him out because he said that he would nominate two of them. Derek X explained that he has a plan and there is a reason why he is looking for pawns. Derek added that if Derek F goes up, he plans to win the veto and take him down. Derek X asked if Derek F would be willing to make a deal in order to not go up. Derek F said he absolutely would. Derek X said he is likely going to see the block at some point and would want to have Derek F’s vote. He agreed.

2:28 PM: Hannah asked Derek X if he is still in the same headspace as last night in terms of knowing what he wants to do but needing to figure out how to go about it. Derek said yes. They ran through the scenarios as to who would be best to go up next to Britini. Derek considered Derek F and Sarah Beth. Derek figured that Derek F would take it better but they talked about it being more beneficial for Sarah Beth to go than Britini should the nominations stay the same.

2:59 PM: Derek X asked Britini who she would feel comfortable being nominated next to. She said she would be more comfortable next to a guy than a girl, but she would also feel comfortable being up next to any of the Kings. Britini said she obviously doesn’t want to go up for a third time but she understands the position that he is in. Derek insisted that she would be 100% safe and he needs someone that he trusts to be up there in order to help him execute his plan. Derek said he will not say anything bad in his speech but he does not want people to know that she is a pawn. When Britini asked if she could potentially be taken off of the block, Derek said she should feel more comfortable than she did with Kyland or Xavier as HoH. She then asked if it ruins his plan if she wins the veto. Derek said not at all. The two agreed that they still want to work together long term. Britini said she cannot believe that she is doing this but she will volunteer to go up and will act shocked and maybe cry a little afterwards.

3:45 PM: Derek X told Kyland that he has a decision made on nominations. Kyland asked if it changed significantly from their conversations. Derek said that he does not want to say that. Derek said Sarah Beth mentioned something

4:30 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

5:38 PM: Feeds returned. Derek X nominated Britini and Sarah Beth for eviction.

5:40 PM: Britini checked in with a tearful Derek X. She told him not to cry. Britini reminded him that she has been there before and he needed someone to do this for him. Britini said that this was the hardest part of his week. Derek said that another King will go up if Sarah Beth comes down. When Britini asked if SB is the target, Derek said he would rather not say but he would only put Britini up next to someone that he would want her to stay over. Derek said he doesn’t want Britini on the block after veto but either way she is 100% safe. Britini asked who Derek doesn’t want her to pick for houseguest’s choice. Derek said Christian. Derek said that if Christian wins, he will save Sarah Beth and he wont be able to go up. Derek mentioned that he promised Alyssa safety but would have to break the promise in that case. Britini talked about picking Azah and Derek mentioned picking Hannah.

5:54 PM: Derek X told Kyland he is trying to figure out if they should tell Sarah Beth that she is a pawn. He didn’t want the backdoor to fail and Christian to know that he was the target. Kyland said he thinks that Christian wont care as long as he stays. Derek said that’s true and Christian is coming after him anyway.

6:04 PM: Derek X told Sarah Beth that he does not want her to go home this week and that she is not his target. Derek explained that if he had nominate two Jokers, he would have lost their entire team’s votes whenever he ends up on the block. Derek added that he promised Alyssa and Xavier safety so she was his only choice to put up. Derek said he understands that there is a risk and he feels horrible about how he had to do the nominations. Sarah Beth said she doesn’t fully believe him because it doesn’t make sense that the Jokers wouldn’t be just as mad about two of them going up, and he would have to put another up if she comes off of the block anyway. Derek asked if she thinks that he would put up a Joker. Sarah Beth said she sees what he is doing then, and she cannot tell the Kings because they will not save her. Derek said he needs her to pick Kyland to play in the veto. Sarah Beth said she would probably pick Christian because he would save her. Sarah Beth asked if Derek would use the veto on her. Derek said he would use it on her or Britini. Sarah Beth said she hates being on the block but she is not against the plan to target a King. She said she is willing to do whatever she has to in order to get off of the block, even if that means not picking Christian. Derek said he cant target Alyssa because he doesn’t want to break his promise, so it has to be Christian. Sarah Beth said she might talk to Xavier and say she doesn’t think that Christian would save her so she wants to pick him to compete. Sarah Beth asked if Kyland would save her. Derek said he thinks so if they explained the target to him. Sarah Beth told Derek that the Kings are shocked and think that he did this because he did not want Hannah to find out about the alliance. Derek said that he would 1000% take Sarah Beth down if he wins the veto.

6:19 PM: Derek X brought Kyland in with him and Sarah Beth. Derek said that he wants to target Christian but he needs to backdoor him and only had one other King left to pick. Kyland said he gets it. Sarah Beth asked Kyland if he would take her down. Kyland said he would and he would throw it to her if they were the last two in. Derek said that he would do the same. Derek said the story he is going to go with for the rest of the house is that Sarah Beth was after his teammate, Hannah, and he needs to go after a King. Sarah Beth said if she picks Kyland she could tell the Kings that she didn’t think any of them would use it because another one of them might go up.

6:40 PM: Derek X met with Alyssa, Christian and Xavier. He said he didn’t want to nominate two Jokers because he’s scared if it’s a double that it could be a game of chance and then Azah and Big D might win. Derek said they made it clear that if two people from their team were put up, he would be their target. Derek said he compromised and put one of them up, so he was left with Christian or Sarah Beth to choose from since he promised Alyssa and Xavier safety. Derek said he had some reason to nominate Sarah Beth since she was talking about Hannah, and he felt it would help keep Hannah off of the scent of the alliance if he put a King up. Derek said Sarah Beth will have the votes to stay, and the Queens are going to vote with her to stay. Xavier asked if Britini is the target. Derek said yeah. Xavier asked who would go up if Britini saves herself. Derek said another Joker would have to go up. Xavier asked what narrative they should go with. Derek said it’s easiest to act pissed. Christian asked if he would prefer for nominations to stay the same. Derek said he thinks so but he understands if they take Sarah Beth off. Xavier said they will trust in his plan. Alyssa and Christian thought that it would benefit them to get the Royal Flush together at some point since they had talked about showing their cards this week. Derek said he didn’t know that. He said he feels bad Sarah Beth went up when she didn’t have to. Alyssa said it’s a miscommunication thing. Christian said it’s okay as long as she stays.

7:10 PM: Derek X asked Kyland if he would still backdoor Christian. Kyland said yeah. Derek said that they are so well setup if Christian goes this week. Derek mentioned that Xavier might be pissed. Kyland said he thinks that Xavier is playing it up because both he and Sarah Beth knew that they needed this to happen but they could not be the ones to take the shot.

7:34 PM: Derek X told Claire and Hannah that the Kings are sold on Britini being the target. Hannah said Christian told her that he feels nervous. Derek said he thinks that he and Kyland convinced Sarah Beth to pick Kyland to play for veto. Derek said he would pick Kyland as well because he knows that he would use it.

7:41 PM: Tiffany joined Claire, Derek X and Hannah in the HoH room. Derek said that he wants to backdoor Christian and he thinks he has set it up so that neither nominee would choose Christian if they get houseguest’s choice. Derek said the Kings are sold that Britini is the target, and the Queens are on the same page that Britini is the target but he had to put a King up to keep the Jokers happy. Derek said the path looks very good if they can get Christian out this week. He said Alyssa is going to be pissed but he is not too worried about that. He is more concerned about Xavier’s reaction.

7:50 PM: Derek X told Claire and Tiffany not to let anyone know but Kyland and Sarah Beth know that there is a backdoor plan. Derek explained that he had to tell Sarah Beth so that she would not choose Christian. Tiffany thinks that Xavier will know since Kyland knows. Claire asked if Sarah Beth can know that they know. Derek said no.

8:24 PM: Britini told Derek X that everyone is buying the plan. Derek told Britini that she needs to stop singing. Britini assured him that everyone has seen her pissed. Britini said she just had a conversation with Kyland and it was bad. She said he kept asking her how she feels about this week, and he asked if she has thought about veto. She said he then told her that she has to think about if she wants the veto to be used on her or not be used, and she said obviously she wants it used on her. She said he followed that up by asking if it’s better for it to not be used at all or be used on someone. Britini said she’s assuming that he is taking Sarah Beth down and he said yeah. Derek said that’s out of character for Kyland because it’s almost antagonizing.

8:37 PM: Derek F told Derek X that he made the right decision for his game. Derek said that if one of the girls come down, there are two options and he thinks that Derek X knows who they are. Derek F reassured Derek that he does not have to worry about him voting against him. Derek F said if Derek feels that one of the boys is a threat to him and the veto is used, he will respect whatever he does and then they can get girls out after that.

9:40 PM: Sarah Beth told Xavier that she may pick Kyland because he is really good at memory. Xavier said that works. She added that she thinks Kyland would take her down. Xavier agreed. Sarah Beth asked Xavier to let her know if Kyland does anything sketchy. Xavier said they are coming for him if he does. Christian agreed.

10:07 PM: The Royal Flush, aside from Alyssa and Kyland, met in the HoH room. Derek X told them that no matter what happens with the veto, they have the votes to control what happens this week. Derek said the plan is to take Britini out. He said that Hannah is on board and the only people who would vote against Sarah Beth would be the Jokers. Derek said he feels bad cause he wasn’t aware that they were planning on revealing the Royal Flush this week. Christian said it’s mostly their fault because they could not involve him in the meetings due to his teammates. Sarah Beth asked the Queens if they plan on telling Britini that they are keeping her. Claire said she was going to say she is waiting to see how the veto plays out.

10:34 PM: Sarah Beth told Derek X the Kings seem to have no idea. She said the fact that Derek didn’t know about the plan for revealing the alliance sold it to them. She said they came to her saying they think it’s going to be a mental comp and none of them are feeling great about it, so she said that she would pick Kyland. Sarah Beth said it fell into her lap and she was able to get them on board with her picking Kyland.

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