Big Brother 23 Day 32 - Britini wins the Power of Veto

August 7, 2021

9:55 AM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Derek X, Britini, Sarah Beth, Alyssa, Claire and Kyland.

9:58 AM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said she is not opposed to Sarah Beth going home. She said she knows that Derek X wants Christian to go but it’s okay because she can get Sarah Beth next week.

10:12 AM: Tiffany told Claire the best case scenario would be if she is able to give the veto to Alyssa. Claire agreed. Tiffany said Alyssa would hopefully not use the veto. She said Britini, Derek X, Kyland and Sarah Beth would use it, and they would try to make Claire use it as well.

10:15 AM: Tiffany asked Christian to tell Alyssa not to make any promises right now so that she doesn’t have to feel like she is going back on her word if she decides not to use the veto. She said to tell her to go win it, don’t give up and don’t make any promises.

10:17 AM: Derek X spoke to the cameras. He said Britini is on board with the blindside and is not telling anyone, so he knows that he can trust her. Derek said the problem is that if he wins the veto, he doesn’t know who he would use it on. Derek hopes that Kyland wins so that he can take Sarah Beth down and build up his resume in the process. If Alyssa wins, Derek said they will have to make sure that no one talks. He said that he will lose Alyssa’s friendship forever if Alyssa uses the veto on Sarah Beth and he nominates Christian.

10:23 AM: Sarah Beth told Derek X that the veto draw went well since Alyssa is still down to use it on her. Derek said they will have to play it super cool if Alyssa wins, otherwise it was a perfect draw. Derek said he doesn’t want to win the veto.

10:26 AM: Sarah Beth told Alyssa that she is thanking her lucky stars for the veto draw. Claire agreed that it was a great draw. Alyssa said that even if Britini comes off, another one can go up.

10:32 AM: Christian told Alyssa to win, not give up and not make any promises. Alyssa said she already told Sarah Beth that she will take her off. Christian said that’s the promise that he was talking about not making. Alyssa pointed out that they had all agreed on it and even he said that he would use it on Sarah Beth. Christian said that he is worried. Alyssa reassured him that Derek is not going to nominate him. Christian said he is not the only one that is worried. Alyssa said she won’t use the veto if he is worried about going up. Christian said he wasn’t worried until Tiffany started worrying and Claire nodded along with her. Christian said Tiffany told him that she does not want Alyssa to use the veto. Christian also noted that Derek X would not look at him during the conversations that they had last night. Christian said he thinks it’s best for Sarah Beth to stay up, then they can save her and go after Derek X next week.

10:40 AM: Alyssa let Tiffany know she told Sarah Beth that she would use the veto on her. Tiffany told her to stop promising. Alyssa said they all agreed to say that. Alyssa questioned if she shouldn’t use it. Tiffany told her not to make any promises after she wins.

10:47 AM: Britini asked Alyssa if she would use the veto. Alyssa said she would probably keep it the same because she would be worried that Christian would be backdoored. Alyssa said she wants to do what Derek wants with the veto but she would probably keep nominations the same if she gets the vibe that a backdoor is happening. Britini said Claire told her that she would use the veto on her. When Alyssa questioned her about that, Britini played it off as though Claire would ask Derek but she is pissed that she is on the block for the third time. Alyssa said she is fine with Britini coming off of the block if that’s what Derek wants, as long as she doesn’t get a vibe that Christian or Xavier would go up. Britini said Derek has never said that he wanted her to come down, and she thinks that he wants nominations to stay the same.

11:03 AM: Derek X told Claire that he needs her to throw the competition because Britini thinks she would use it on her. Derek said she would have to use it on Sarah Beth, so neither of them can win. Derek wondered if it’s bad if Alyssa wins. Claire said it’s not. They discussed potentially throwing the veto to her. Derek backtracked on that but said he has promised both nominees that he would use the veto on them, so he cannot win it. Tiffany said that she would nominate Christian next week if for some reason nominations stay the same and Sarah Beth leaves. Claire said that she would do the same. When Derek asked if they want Christian to go, Claire said it’s his shot and Tiffany said she does not care but she doesn’t like that Sarah Beth was able to convince Derek that she is not after any of them. Tiffany said she is weighing her options between Christian and Sarah Beth. Derek said he has to take the shot if he gets it. Claire agreed. Tiffany said if Christian is scared now, he may take the shot if he wins. Tiffany admitted that she selfishly wants Sarah Beth to go but Derek has to take the shot. She was also honest that Alyssa winning is not good for him but she would like for that to happen so that nominations stay the same. Derek said he is pretty sure that he wants to take the shot at Christian.

11:23 AM: Alyssa asked Derek X what would be best for his game if she wins the veto. Derek said that putting Derek F up would suck but it has to be done. Alyssa asked if there is a plan to backdoor Christian. Derek said no. He told her that he would lose her jury vote if he did that and it’s not a good move for his game.

11:27 AM: Derek X spoke to the cameras. He said he really hopes that Alyssa doesn’t win the veto, because it will kill him to have to put Christian up after she takes Sarah Beth down. Derek said he cannot throw it to Alyssa. He discussed that he can win it, use it on Sarah Beth and repair his relationship with her.

11:29 AM: Alyssa let Tiffany know that Derek X said there is no plan to backdoor Christian, and she believed him. She asked if Tiffany is worried about that. Tiffany said she is not concerned about that.

11:32 AM: Alyssa told Sarah Beth that Derek X told her to do what’s best for her game, and she told him that it being used is best for his game as well since the whole alliance wont have to question him if Sarah Beth is safe. She said Derek denied that there is a plan to backdoor Christian. Sarah Beth said it wouldn’t make sense for Derek to make that move since he would be the biggest target left and Derek does not like a lot of risk.

11:48 AM: Alyssa told Derek X she thinks that they are golden. She said that even the worst case scenario of Britini winning isn’t that bad. Derek agreed. He told her that winning a veto isn’t bad since you get to add it to your resume without having to make a huge decision. Alyssa said she wants to do what is best for him as well. Derek said it is what it is, and she can save her teammate and he will nominate Derek F.

12:07 PM: Britini told Derek X that Alyssa said she is not using the veto because she is concerned about a potential backdoor plan. Britini said she is shocked by that. Britini brought up that Alyssa is scaring her right now. Derek agreed. Britini said that last week’s HoH was not Christian’s as Alyssa did the majority of the talking. Britini added that Alyssa scares her way more than Christian does. Britini told Derek that Christian is his one shield. Derek thinks that Alyssa must be thinking of backdooring him if she is worried about him backdooring Christian. Britini called Alyssa the biggest social threat in the house. Britini said Hannah actually pointed it out that Alyssa is the glue holding the Kings together. Derek said they can see how the veto goes and then talk about it. Britini said it freaks her out that Alyssa is so comfortable in the house. Britini told Derek that he could cut a deal with Christian for next week. Derek said he can see both sides of it and he has to think about it because he wants to do what’s best for their collective games. Britini brought up that the veto winner has always done what the HoH wants but Alyssa is not giving that decision to Derek. Derek said that’s a really good point. Britini said it means she cares about other people’s games more than his.

12:08 PM: Alyssa filled Christian in on her talk with Derek X. Christian said to use the veto if she trusts Derek, but it is without a doubt best for his game if she does not use the veto. Alyssa said she wont use it if he does not want her to. Alyssa said she doesn’t want Sarah Beth to be questioning them and she thinks that Derek is only nervous because he doesn’t want the backlash from nominating Derek F. Alyssa said you can tell when Derek is lying. Christian said he will let her know if he is concerned if she wins, but it’s best for his game if she doesn’t use it. He again told her that she can if she feels good about it.

12:34 PM: Britini spoke to the cameras. She said she may have just convinced Derek to nominate Alyssa instead of Christian. She said that Christian is not going anywhere and it will be Alyssa on the block if she has anything to say about it.

1:15 PM: Tiffany asked Xavier what if Derek X comes after another King and two end up on the block. Xavier said he cannot see that happening. He explained that he and Alyssa were promised safety, and Christian is Derek’s shield. Tiffany said she likes thinking worst case scenario. Xavier said that would be a member of the Cookout going up next to Sarah Beth. Tiffany asked what happens if Christian and Sarah Beth are next to each other. Xavier said he would want to keep Christian. Tiffany said she is cool with sending Sarah Beth home. Tiffany suggested that Alyssa winning is best case scenario since she will keep noms the same. Xavier said it’s too late because they already spoke about it as a group. He said she will feel the pressure to save Sarah Beth. Xavier assumed that a Joker would go up in her place. Xavier talked about wanting to get Derek X out after Sarah Beth leaves. Tiffany suggested letting Derek take Christian out after Sarah Beth goes. The two agreed that they want nominations to stay the same. Tiffany said Alyssa winning is best for that. She told Xavier that he can convince her not to use the veto by saying that Christian could go up.

1:39 PM: Tiffany told Xavier that Kyland has final two deals with her, Derek X and Hannah. Xavier said he is playing a Tyler game. He said he thinks Kyland believes that they have a final two as well. Tiffany said she is riding it out with Hannah and Xavier. She said she trusts Claire as well but that’s it. She then said she trusts Azah but they are playing different games.

1:46 PM: Tiffany let Hannah know that she told Derek X she would love for Sarah Beth to go but he has to shoot his shot. She said that Christian will come for Derek after this week. Tiffany said they cannot say anything to Xavier since he wants Christian to stay. Tiffany explained that she his with the six but she will not leave Derek on his own. Hannah said it’s better for Derek if Christian goes but better for the Cookout if Sarah Beth goes. Hannah and Tiffany agreed that they cannot let Xavier know that they knew about the plan. Hannah said it would be best for them if Sarah Beth were to go.

1:59 PM: Derek F and Tiffany discussed the Kyland and Sarah Beth relationship. Tiffany said the six of them walked in and realized that there was something bigger than them winning but it doesn’t mean that everyone feels the same. Tiffany said she feels like if she went up next to Sarah Beth, Kyland would be running to SB to hug her. She clarified that it doesn’t mean that she wants Kyland to go. She did say she trusts Kyland the least of the six even though she once trusted him the most. Derek said that’s what confused him. Tiffany said it’s about Kyland’s actions and it’s not just to do with Sarah Beth.

3:01 PM: Tiffany told Derek X that she is conflicted for him. She said he has to take his shot but she doesn’t know what the aftermath will be. Derek said he has to do it since the next time he can win HoH there will be only nine people left and six of nine will play the veto. Tiffany added that Christian will take a shot at Derek if he wins next week. She told Derek that the house will be divided but it’s better to be divided than to have Derek out of the house. Derek said he feels good with the Jokers and thinks that Alyssa and Xavier will be the only ones mad. Claire said no risk, no reward, and told Derek to take the shot.

3:33 PM: Derek X asked Britini who she feels good with. Britini said Azah, Claire, Derek F, Hannah and Tiffany. Derek said his list has a lot of overlap. Britini said that Kyland was in that group until last night when he blatantly told her that he would use the veto on Sarah Beth over her.

5:05 PM: Azah told Derek F that she has been saying Alyssa needs to go but her target next week will be Christian instead. She explained that she cannot have someone around who will win competitions and can nominate two members of the Cookout. When Derek threw Derek X’s name out there, Azah said that she cannot nominate him after he did her a solid this week. She said that Xavier may need to go up as a pawn if Alyssa or Christian come down. She also mentioned Kyland as a possibility.

5:43 PM: Claire joined Tiffany and Xavier. They discussed Sarah Beth saying that she is single and not tied down even though she previously said she had a girlfriend. Tiffany pointed out that Kyland and Sarah Beth seem to be together. Claire said they were together early. Xavier said it might America’s Couple instead of just America’s Sweetheart.

5:46 PM: Claire asked Tiffany if she should throw the veto to Alyssa. Tiffany nodded. Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said that she is not buying what’s going on between Kyland and Sarah Beth, and she is going to get Sarah Beth out of there.

5:50 PM: Tiffany and Xavier discussed that Sarah Beth has got to go. Tiffany said Claire is going to throw the veto to Alyssa, and they need her to win so that nominations can stay the same. Tiffany suggested that Kyland and Sarah Beth may have entered he house together or could have got paired up afterwards, but either way it has her messed up. She called them the strongest duo in the house. Xavier questioned why Sarah Beth has been so focused on making it to jury. Tiffany said that she my get a cash prize for making it there.

5:58 PM: Tiffany told Claire that there is no Shelly, Sarah Beth’s girlfriend, or even if there was there is no more. Claire theorized that Sarah Beth said she had a girlfriend so that no one would look at her and the guys and think that there was something there. Tiffany said she seems more interested in girls than Sarah Beth does. Tiffany wondered how long Kyland has known Sarah Beth. Claire said he told them that he had her on Day 2 and was cuddling with her by Day 3.

6:00 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

11:04 PM: Feeds returned. Britini won the Power of Veto.

11:08 PM: Derek X was crying because Sarah Beth had the $5,000 and he had the opportunity to take it from her but ended up with a punishment instead. He said he always told himself that he would take money if he had the opportunity to do so. He told Hannah that he has no problem with the game side of things, such as putting Christian on the block, but it’s the personal side that he has trouble with. Sarah Beth did not want him to take the money and therefore he let her keep it. Hannah also said that Sarah Beth made herself a target for next week by taking the money as people are already talking about it.

11:16 PM: Tiffany told Derek X that he should have took the money but it’s okay. She told Derek that you cannot be emotional in this game. Derek said that he played into it a little bit because he wanted to get sympathy and he wanted Sarah Beth to feel really bad. Tiffany asked if they can send Sarah Beth home. Derek said they will have to at this point. Tiffany asked who would go up next to her. Derek then realized that Tiffany was asking if Sarah Beth can go this week. He said no and then told her that they will talk.

11:21 PM: Sarah Beth told Claire, Hannah and Tiffany that she feels really bad and that she made a stupid move. Claire told her that you can only move forward in this game. Sarah Beth worried that it would get her sent home. Tiffany said she wouldn’t have wanted anyone to take the money from her either.

11:33 PM: Alyssa, Christian and Tiffany discussed that Sarah Beth made a selfish move that looks bad on her. Christian asked what the move is. Alyssa asked if they are still keeping Sarah Beth. Tiffany said that she does not want to. Christian said he is kind of salty. Alyssa commented that Sarah Beth is on the block and didn’t take the veto when it was her turn to choose.

11:35 PM: Tiffany told Derek X that he has to really think about things since he is in a good spot right now. Derek said that Azah, Britini and Derek F are all behind taking out Christian. Tiffany said it will be them against the rest of the house now. Derek argued that only Alyssa and Xavier will be against them. He also said he believes that Sarah Beth has empathy over what happened. Claire disagreed. Tiffany said that Sarah Beth is playing them. She added that Kyland and Sarah Beth are at the bottom of her list.

11:48 PM: Alyssa asked Derek X why Sarah Beth didn’t take the veto. Derek said he thinks he messed up because he hugged her and told her not to worry since they have got her. Alyssa disagreed and thought that she should have taken it anyway. She explained that it could then put her in a bad spot if she had won it and had to save Sarah Beth, and same for Derek. Derek asked if Alyssa thinks that anything changes if Sarah Beth is up next to Derek F. Alyssa said she doesn’t think so since they control the votes.

11:52 PM: Derek X told Xavier he thought that he would have been capable of taking the money. Xavier said Derek has a heart of gold because he would have taken the money if he were in Derek’s position.

11:59 PM: Alyssa told Xavier that she is pissed about Sarah Beth not taking the veto. Alyssa pointed out that she put others in a position to possibly have to get blood on their hands for her. Xavier said that she subjected the rest of them to possibly getting backdoored if there is something going on that they don’t know about. Both agreed that Derek should have taken the money.

12:08 AM: Sarah Beth asked Kyland if he is good with solidifying something official with Derek X. Kyland said definitely. Sarah Beth said that she owes Derek big time after what he did for her. She said that she is not going after him.

12:11 AM: Xavier mentioned to Alyssa that there might be a cash incentive for Kyland and Sarah Beth to get to jury. Xavier said that they may know each other and he would like to split them up before jury if so. The two discussed potentially replacing Sarah Beth with Hannah. Both said that they trust Hannah more at this point. They also agreed that it wouldn’t make sense to get rid of Derek F. Xavier asked if they should make sure that there are enough votes outside of theirs to send Sarah Beth home, or if they should just vote to evict her to. Alyssa said they can vote her out since she’s not in jury. They figured that even if Christian goes up, they can get the votes to evict Sarah Beth.

12:33 AM: Xavier told Alyssa and Christian about Sarah Beth saying that she is single even though she previously claimed she has a girlfriend. Xavier said she seems fixated on jury, and there was talk about duos preseason. Xavier asked who they would think is most likely to be a duo from outside. Alyssa said Kyland and Sarah Beth. They discussed that Sarah Beth going home is best for their games this week. Xavier said it could lessen the target on them since there would no longer be four Kings. Christian talked about wanting to get Derek X or Kyland out next in the event of a double eviction. They talked about getting to the end with Claire and Tiffany.

12:49 AM: Kyland told Sarah Beth that he is affectionate with his female friends, which a lot of people are not. He said that he does not want people to think negatively of her due to her having a girlfriend. Sarah Beth said her girlfriend is not a jealous person and she would not be doing this if she felt that she would be uncomfortable with it. Sarah Beth clarified for the cameras that Kyland is a friend and she feels platonic towards him.

1:10 AM: Derek X told Kyland that he is concerned because before the competition only Alyssa and Xavier had reason to keep Christian over Sarah Beth but she gave them something to use against her by taking the money. Kyland said he cannot see how Sarah Beth wouldn’t stay. He mentioned that Derek F may want to keep Christian. Derek said that he could make a deal with Azah and Derek F, saying people want one of them to go up but he will put a bigger target up if they vote his way.

1:45 AM: Derek X told Alyssa that it wasn’t a good look for Sarah Beth to take the money but he also doesn’t get why people were telling him to take it then. Alyssa said he is HoH and is the only person safe, so it would not look bad.

1:47 AM: Derek X asked Alyssa and Christian if Sarah Beth will go home over Derek F. Alyssa said she does not think so since they still have the votes. Christian agreed. Derek said it will probably be Big D going up then since he cannot see himself putting up Azah.

1:50 AM: Xavier told Tiffany he told Alyssa that Sarah Beth can take her $5,000 and go home. Tiffany said Sarah Beth was saying that the most annoying person in the house is now walking around with the veto. Tiffany and Xavier agreed that Britini earned it. Tiffany said that the real Sarah Beth is going to come out this week. Xavier said too much has come out that he is not comfortable with keeping her around. Tiffany said that Sarah Beth is only loyal to Kyland.

1:57 AM: Tiffany told Alyssa, Christian and Xavier about Sarah Beth saying that she is single and she doesn’t have any ties with anyone. Tiffany said she is convinced that Kyland and Sarah Beth know each other whether they did before the show or America put them together. Tiffany said they are dangerous. They all agreed that Sarah Beth was selfish to take the money over the veto. They all discussed that they are down to take Sarah Beth out. Christian said he is nervous that he could go up still. Xavier said they cannot focus on flipping votes until Derek F goes up. Tiffany said that Claire is on board. They figured that they could get the Jokers on board. Christian said that they cannot tell Hannah.

3:32 AM: Claire told Kyland that Sarah Beth would have a strong shot if she is next to a King. Claire asked if he is saying that the Kings would flip on her if Derek F went up. Kyland said that’s his fear. Kyland said he believes it’s very likely that if they stick to the Royal Flush, they will stay true for a couple of weeks but he doesn’t have a plan for past it. Claire said you can’t take your shot too late in this game. Claire said Derek X would have the Queens and Hannah to do whatever he wants. They agreed that Azah would probably do what Derek wants too.

3:35 AM: Derek X asked Tiffany if Christian would leave if he is nominated. Tiffany said Sarah Beth made herself look bad today but she thinks the Jokers would do whatever Derek wants them to do. She said that Derek would have her, Claire and Hannah too, which is all that she would need. Tiffany said everyone else will probably be mad at them. Derek said they have Sarah Beth. Tiffany told Derek the Kings think that Derek F is going up and they are sending Sarah Beth home. Derek said she just talked to Alyssa and she said there is no chance that Sarah Beth goes. Tiffany said it’s because they don’t want him to tell her. Tiffany said that she is with Derek and will vote Christian out if he goes up. She added that she doesn’t really think he has a choice. Tiffany said Derek doesn’t know how bad she wants to send Sarah Beth home, especially after tonight. Tiffany said she cares about him being in the house so much that she will put her own stuff to the side and vote Christian out. Tiffany said it’s better for her, Claire and Hannah to have Derek around over Christian.

3:54 AM: Hannah told Claire that Tiffany is upstairs with Derek. Claire said she needs to calm down a little. Hannah said she doesn’t know why Tiffany is getting so worked up. They agreed that it’s not worth talking right now. Hannah said she is at a point where she doesn’t care who goes out of Christian and Sarah Beth. She added that the only reason she cares is because Christian is after Derek and she doesn’t want to lose him. Claire said that the ball is rolling too much not to take the shot at this point. Hannah agreed. Hannah asked if Derek will have the votes. Claire said she doesn’t know. They figured that they could get Azah on board but they weren’t sure about Britini and Derek F. Hannah said Britini needs to realize that Christian would never take her off of the block.

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