Big Brother 23 Day 35

August 10, 2021

10:40 AM: Azah told Britini, Claire and Derek F she knows that Alyssa is dangerous but at least she’s aware of it, whereas she has no idea what’s going on in Sarah Beth’s head. Claire agreed. Claire told Britini that Sarah Beth was being mean about her, Alyssa and other things to do with the veto competition. Britini asked what she said about her. Claire said Sarah Beth commented that Britini “is being so f*cking obnoxious”. Claire told Britini to make sure she still acts the same around her. Britini said that if they have to pick two people to face-off during the HoH competition, the first four to go need to be Alyssa, Kyland, Sarah Beth and Xavier.

11:28 AM: Azah told Kyland that Sarah Beth reminds her of Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter. She explained that Sarah Beth has become very emotional. Kyland said he has not seen her be emotional outside of her speech. Azah said Sarah Beth has been on the brink of crying with a lot of people, and it’s happening so much that it’s to a point where people think that she is faking it. Azah said she thinks there are times when it is genuine but it’s a lot and she does not want anything to happen that could cause the votes to flip.

11:36 AM: Azah let Claire know that she told Kyland to tone it down when it comes to Sarah Beth because she wants Christian to leave and does not want the tide to shift. Claire said she also wants Christian to go.

11:40 AM: Sarah Beth spoke to Derek F who said Frenchie told him to trust her so he is going with that and hopes that he is not making a mistake. He encouraged her to take today to work on building relationships for next week. Sarah Beth said she has been doing that for a while now because she knew she couldn’t trust her team when Frenchie told her that they were in the Slaughterhouse and they denied it when she approached them about it. Sarah Beth said as of now everyone has told her that they are keeping her but she knows that some people are saying the same to Christian as well.

12:19 PM: Derek X told Christian they excel in similar types of competitions and his logic was that if he is thinking about making the move, Christian must have been too. Christian said that’s understandable but it did not cross his mind to make the move last week. Christian said the only way to work together is to eliminate the paranoia between them by setting a date in which they agree not to target each other until. Christian ultimately settled on offering Derek a deal in which they do not come after each other for the next three weeks. Derek asked Christian who his targets would be. Christian said he sees Kyland as the one calling the shots in the Royal Flush. Christian said that Kyland expressed concern about Derek last week. calling him sneaky. Christian mentioned that he would go after whoever Derek’s target is as long as it’s not Alyssa.

12:51 PM: Claire told Azah that Kyland has no chill and he was already asking her if she has seen Sarah Beth crying a lot. She said Kyland also brought up multiple people asking him if he knows Sarah Beth, and he asked her to let him know if she hears people talking about it. The two discussed that they don’t want Sarah Beth to go this week. Azah said she thinks it’s good that Claire told Britini what Sarah Beth said. She told her not to worry about Britini’s vote as the Jokers are set.

1:01 PM: Derek X spoke to the cameras and said that taking Christian’s offer does not make any sense for his game. Derek said it would lead to it being him against Christian and Xavier in the eight, which is worse than the scenario of him and Kyland against those two which he was trying to avoid by making the move this week. Derek found it interesting that Kyland had called him sneaky. He hopes to get more information from Alyssa and Christian about what Kyland has said. He thinks that the house targets moving forward will be Alyssa, Kyland and Sarah Beth. Derek said it benefits him to leave Kyland in the game since he does not think that he would target him right now. He talked about wanting to find a way to bring Xavier closer to him.

1:09 PM: Azah told Xavier that Alyssa and Christian are always going to pick each other over anyone else. She referenced the deal that Christian offered the Jokers last night in which he would put anyone but Alyssa up. Azah said Britini immediately wanted to tell Xavier because she likes him, wants to work with him, and noticed that his name was left out of the deal. Azah told Xavier that Britini decided on her own that she wants Christian to go this week. Xavier asked how the Jokers feel about Sarah Beth. Azah let him know that Britini wants her to go next week.

1:14 PM: Sarah Beth told Azah she doesn’t want to go home and feel like she didn’t do everything she could but people are telling her she is good and she doesn’t need to do anything. Azah reassured Sarah Beth that she is good since she has the Jokers, Hannah and Kyland. She also told Sarah Beth that she has noticed her being so emotional now. Azah encouraged Sarah Beth to bring the beast inside of her back. Azah admitted to having learned that showing too much emotion or being emotional makes things not good. Azah reiterated that she will not be keeping Christian and that without her vote, Christian does not have the numbers. She told Sarah Beth to trust the process. Sarah Beth said she is going to chill today.

1:23 PM: After filling Alyssa in on his talk with Derek X, Christian told her that he has one more plan. He said that he will wait until Sarah Beth gets emotional and is off with Kyland, and then she is going to tell Tiffany that she overheard Kyland saying to her “now that I know, I get half of it, right?”. Given the speculation that Sarah Beth is an America’s Player of some sort and is looking to get a cash prize by making it to jury, Christian thinks that Tiffany would then put the pieces together and want to get her out.

1:35 PM: Alyssa let Derek X know that she did not say his name. She stressed that Sarah Beth was really pushing hard for Hannah to go but Christian did not allow that to happen. Alyssa explained that after Sarah Beth was nominated, she was pissed off and was adamant that the Kings save her and then target Derek next week. Alyssa said she assumes that Sarah Beth feared she would leave over Derek F so she spun it and said that Christian, Xavier and herself were going after Derek X next week in order to get Christian on the block. Alyssa said that she will not be targeting Derek if Christian stays. She said that she does not trust Kyland and he has said that Derek is sketchy and would pick Hannah over him. Alyssa encouraged Derek to think about the deal that Christian offered him. When Derek asked what he can do, Alyssa asked for his help in persuading the Queens to keep Christian. When Derek asked who would have went home had Derek F went up, Alyssa admitted that she was thinking of taking Sarah Beth out.

1:48 PM: Claire and Tiffany discussed targeting Sarah Beth next week. They agreed that Kyland would have to go on the block next to her because he would use the veto on her if not. Claire said she would get Sarah Beth out even though she would actually prefer that Kyland leave first. Tiffany agreed that Sarah Beth should go first. Claire pointed out that the Jokers are now the tightest three in the house. Tiffany said she has been calling them a trio. Claire said that she would like for Derek F to go but she understands why Britini should go.

2:01 PM: Xavier asked Claire and Tiffany if they have gotten a sense of which way the Jokers are leaning. Both Claire and Tiffany said they think the Jokers are lying about keeping Christian. Xavier said he assumes Claire and Tiffany will vote with them to evict Christian then. Tiffany said it wouldn’t make sense to do anything else. She explained that the votes are not there to keep Christian if the Jokers are not on board. Tiffany said she will go after Sarah Beth next week. Claire said she plans to do the same.

2:13 PM: In front of Xavier, Tiffany asked Derek F if he knows who he is voting for. Derek said he plans to evict Christian. He asked if Tiffany is doing the same thing. She said yes. Derek said he wants Sarah Beth to go so she can be the target next week.

2:31 PM: Xavier told Kyland that he wants to do whatever is best for the six, which would be Christian going home this week. Xavier said that the two of them and Derek X would then have to have each other’s backs. Kyland and Xavier discussed that they cannot win HoH next week if the six wants Sarah Beth to be the next target. Kyland said he may be able to get Sarah Beth to throw HoH depending on how the vote goes. Xavier agreed that she would throw it if it’s a vote of 7-2. Kyland worried that Tiffany may want to throw Christian a vote.

3:02 PM: Derek X told Hannah that Alyssa and Christian told him that Kyland called him sketchy. Hannah said she does not believe that and thanks that they are grasping at straws at this point. Hannah said they are in too deep to change the target at this point. She brought up that she was the initial target last week, as told to her by four separate people. She pointed out that she will be expendable to them again in the future. Hannah talked about potentially going after Alyssa next week, nominating her alongside Sarah Beth.

3:57 PM: Hannah spoke to Christian about the deal that he offered Derek X. She listed off numerous concerns that she has with it since it’s hard to see what incentive Christian would have to stick to it. He said whichever one of them stayed would come right back after him if he were to break the deal. Hannah listed off all of the people that she can’t see Christian targeting and told him that she doesn’t see anyone left. He reiterated that Derek and Hannah are the only ones with safety under the deal. Hannah also brought up that she has been expendable to Christian once so she would have to know what has changed since then. Hannah said that her mind isn’t made up but she cannot trust Christian’s actions after last week and she needs him to think about how the deal benefits him, because she can’t keep him without understanding that side of things.

4:29 PM: Hannah asked Xavier if he would prefer for Christian to stay this week. Xavier said he likes that Christian is more of a shield for him but he is okay with whatever the six decides. Hannah said she would like Christian to stay but he has throw own her name, Azah’s name and Kyland’s name as targets and they are half of the Cookout. Xavier talked about giving Christian a sympathy vote if he is leaving. Hannah let Xavier know that Kyland and Tiffany are under the impression that he is pushing for Christian to stay. She also mentioned that she feels as though she has Derek X more so than Kyland does, as Xavier was concerned that it may be the other way around. He explained that he thought it since Derek approached him about working with Kyland as a trio but did not include Hannah. Hannah said she encouraged Derek to make a deal like that in order to get in good with Xavier. Xavier said that makes him feel better about it then.

4:43 PM: Derek X told Tiffany that based on his talks with Kyland about the end game, Kyland and Tiffany don’t have the same trust that they once did. Tiffany says she knows that they don’t. Derek said he doesn’t even know how much Kyland trusts him since he has been sitting at the chess room outside of the HoH room throughout his entire HoH week. Tiffany said Kyland is watching who is in and out of there. They talked about being on board with taking Sarah Beth out next, which would weaken Kyland and potentially bring him back in closer to them.

5:05 PM: Britini told Azah that she shouldn’t tell Christian her answer until Thursday. Claire said that she plans to tell Christian tomorrow. Azah wasn’t sure if she should tell Christian at all. Britini said she is in a tough spot and she does not know what to tell them. She hoped that Azah would tell Alyssa and Christian that she is not keeping Christian, and then she can simply say that the numbers aren’t there so she is going with the house.

5:36 PM: Derek X told Claire he believes that Kyland is trying to work with him and Sarah Beth. Claire thinks Kyland wants it to be those three plus Hannah. They were both unsure if Kyland would want to work with Derek long term. Derek said it sounds like Kyland already tried planting a seed about him with Christian but he doesn’t fault him for it since he is doing the same with people. Claire said she would nominate Kyland next to Sarah Beth if she won HoH. Derek said she’s a savage.

9:52 PM: Christian told Alyssa that the biggest wildcards are Claire and Tiffany which is so dumb since that was supposed to be their final four. Christian mentioned that he came at Sarah Beth for her fake crying. Christian said that Sarah Beth’s girlfriend isn’t real. Alyssa said she feels horrible for her if she is real. Christian added that Sarah Beth is all over Kyland.

10:27 PM: Christian asked Britini if she has heard anything about Azah’s vote. Britini said she is still thinking it over. Christian asked how likely it is that he will hear what Azah is doing by tomorrow. Britini said she does not have an answer for that. Christian said all that he needs is one of Azah, Claire or Tiffany to vote for him. Christian told Britini that based on his talks with Derek X, she was the target this week. He said it then became easy for Sarah Beth to convince Derek to put him up once Britini won the veto. Christian talked about Sarah Beth being single and not actually having a girlfriend, suggesting that she will lie about anything.

10:59 PM: Claire asked Sarah Beth how she is feeling. Sarah Beth said there is always a chance of going home and it would be devastating to leave before jury, but everyone other than the Kings has said that they are voting for her to stay. She explained that this might end up being good for her game since she got $5,000 out of it and now she has people to target if she wins HoH.

11:15 PM: Britini told Azah that part of her is scared because Sarah Beth will be coming after her if she wins HoH. Britini went on about how they are keeping the person that is after her and taking someone out that will not come after them. Azah assured her that everyone wants Sarah Beth out next week. Britini clarified that she is not saying she wants to change her vote but she is scared of what happens next week. Azah said they can have the conversations necessary to ensure that Sarah Beth doesn’t target them. Britini told Azah that Christian has a Plan Z for tomorrow in which he plans to egg on Tiffany’s paranoia. Britini told Azah not to let Christian know which way she is voting, because he plans to get all of the Queens and Jokers in a room to say he has the votes if she does give him a yes.

11:47 PM: Christian asked Britini if she has made anyone believe that he doesn’t have her vote, because Claire just told him that she is voting with the house but she doesn’t know if he actually has the four votes he claims to have. Britini said she has been appeasing people but she has not spoken to Sarah Beth directly. Christian asked Britini for her help in getting his five voters into a room to discuss keeping him if he gets confirmation. He said it would be a better discussion without him in the room. He told Britini that she is his final two and he fully trusts her so it benefits him to keep her around.

11:55 PM: Claire spoke to the cameras. She said she wishes Sarah Beth was going but it has to be Christian. Claire said her only loyalty is to Tiffany even though a lot of people think that they have her loyalty. Claire again brought up that she would like for Kyland to go over Sarah Beth but she does not know if she would have the votes to make that move. She is also considering targeting Derek F.

12:17 AM: Britini told Derek X that it is going to be a 7-2 vote but Christian has now put her in charge of bringing the Jokers and Queens into a room to discuss the vote. Derek said it’s because Claire is telling him that he needs confirmation from the other voters in order to keep Christian. Britini told Derek that Sarah Beth cannot win next week, as she has a really bad feeling that she will come after her for not throwing the veto. Derek told Britini that she is not on Sarah Beth’s radar. Britini said she found out this morning that Sarah Beth called her obnoxious after the veto competition. Britini said Alyssa and Christian are fully convinced that Sarah Beth is the reason why Christian is on the block. Derek wants them to keep thinking that.

1:10 AM: Tiffany told Britini that if Christian asks for her vote again, she is going to be forced to say that Britini is not voting for him, cause she is not going to have him chasing her around thinking that all he needs is her and Claire to stay. Azah said that’s putting Britini in a tough position. Tiffany said she is in a tough position since Christian thinks that he only needs one of them since people have promised him votes. Tiffany said it makes it look like he is leaving because they in particular are not keeping him but in reality nobody is keeping him. Britini said her plan is to tell Christian on Thursday but today was hell for her because she pulled aside all day. Tiffany said that’s why she has to tell him no. Azah argued that nobody has told him no.

1:17 AM: Derek F joined Azah, Britini and Tiffany. Tiffany explained that Christian sees her as the swing vote and it’s unfair to her when none of them are keeping him. Derek said she should tell him that. Tiffany said that’s what she is there letting Britini know she is going to do if he is asked again. Derek said Tiffany can say whatever she wants like he can tell Christian that he is safe. Britini talked about how she got cornered in a room and now she is being told to gather Christian’s voters in a room. Tiffany said she doesn’t need to take on that pressure from him and she can tell him that she changed her mind about her vote. Derek said the best thing to do is say you don’t know what you are thinking. Azah said they should go to sleep and figure it out tomorrow. Derek said he has no problem pulling Christian in to tell him that he is leaving. Tiffany said she wouldn’t have a problem with it. Britini said she has been cornered all day. Derek said he has no problem telling him to chill out and leave her alone. Britini told Tiffany she would rather tell Christian than have Tiffany tell him for her. Azah again suggested taking some time to think about it.

1:31 AM: Azah and Derek F both expressed frustration with how Tiffany handled the situation. Azah said she thinks that Tiffany has a vendetta. Azah thinks Tiffany is mad that she told Britini to take herself off of the block cause Tiffany kept saying that nominations needed to stay the same. Azah said Britini and Derek can keep Christian and make it 5-4. Derek argued that Britini doesn’t owe Christian sh*t so she can vote Christian out. Derek said he pushed back on Tiffany because he needs her to know not to f*ck with him. Derek said that she is trying to cover her own ass. Derek said that he is done and walked out of the room.

1:35 AM: Azah spoke to the cameras and said she doesn’t know what that was. Azah said she has noticed tension between her and Tiffany for weeks, and she has discovered that she can’t talk game with Tiffany because things she shares that are supposed to be private end up getting back to her from someone else.

1:49 AM: Derek F spoke to the cameras. He said the Derek at home would pop off but that would be giving them the reaction that they want and paint a target on his back. Derek said he needs Sarah Beth to win if he keeps her, cause she can put Tiffany up and he can send her out. Derek said he is so heated and so pissed. He talked about not liking that Tiffany tried to manipulate his team because she is big and tough but can’t tell Christian no on her own. Derek said that she is trying to cover her ass. Derek said he is trying his best to keep his word to the Cookout but he doesn’t know if he can take everybody since he isn’t sure that everyone will take him. He said Tiffany is the one person that he is worried about.

1:58 AM: Derek F told Azah his mindset right now is to go to each person and tell them that he doesn’t want to be a part of the alliance anymore. Azah told him not to say that. Feeds then switched to another room.

2:08 AM: Derek F told Azah he is debating using Tiffany a pawn to let her know to stop playing with him. Azah said to go ahead since they are in jury now and have no choice. She told him that he can do whatever he wants. Azah said they know what the mission is and they have the best chance to get to the six. Azah said the funny thing is the person acting the most grown in the six is Hannah. Azah brought up that Xavier is having a tantrum that he can’t keep Christian, Tiffany is mad that she can’t be the leader, Kyland is wrapped up with Sarah Beth, she is getting emotional left and right, and Derek talks too much at times. Derek said he is no clown so what Tiffany said makes no sense to him. Azah said the house is getting to Tiffany and the obsession with Sarah Beth is weird. Azah suggested that Tiffany probably feels alone and she feels like she has to have a handle on every single thing. Derek told Azah that Kyland, like him, is not a fan of Tiffany. He discussed taking a shot at her first in the Cookout and taking Azah and Kyland to the final three. Derek said the reason why he doesn’t trust Tiffany is that she will have Claire take a shot at him if she wins. Azah said she put her trust on hold with Tiffany because she has told her things that were supposed to stay between them that she did not keep to herself. Derek said Tiffany is conniving and sneaky.

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