Big Brother 23 Day 36

August 11, 2021

9:24 AM: Derek F told Azah and Britini that he didn’t like how Tiffany came in there like she is some boss bitch and she run things, referring to what went down last night. Derek said everyone has been wondering what his trigger is and it’s Tiffany. Derek said he is not mad at either of them and he apologizes for not being talkative this morning. Derek said he realizes that his mouth gets him in trouble so he is going to chill and relax.

9:27 AM: Azah told Derek F that she doesn’t owe Christian anything since she was his number one target this week, and she has no problem saying no to him about her vote. Azah said she does not trust Tiffany at all and the only reason she will talk to her is because it would hurt her game down the line if she didn’t, but other than that she is not telling her anything.

9:50 AM: Derek F told Alyssa it’s better for his game for Christian to be there but it’s also better for her if he goes. Alyssa said it’s not better for her long term game to lose Christian. She said there are two sides and it’s clear that they are on the same side. Azah said the Jokers didn’t seem to be on any side. Alyssa told her that the Kings were in the same boat since people either targeted the Jokers to get no blood on their hands or the Kings because they were winning. Alyssa insisted that they are on the same side. Azah said she needs to talk to Christian and will do so shortly.

10:06 AM: Britini told Azah and Derek F that she sees the pros and cons of telling Christian which way she is voting. Azah said to do whatever she wants but know that Tiffany came to her was not out of concern but rather for her own benefit. Britini said she knows that. Derek told Britini that she has been on the block three times and can do whatever she wants. Azah said a lot of people have lied and she questioned why they should stop now. She told Britini to lie if she wants. Azah went on to say that she doesn’t owe Christian anything and neither does anyone in the room. Azah said she is undecided as to whether or not she will tell Christian which way she is voting.

10:47 AM: Azah told Britini that she will tell Christian she is not voting to keep him so long as Britini keeps saying that she is a yes for him. Azah and Derek F explained that Tiffany is trying to cover herself for next week. Azah said that Tiffany will have a wrench thrown in her plans as long as Britini and Derek keep saying that they are keeping Christian. Azah said she cannot trust Tiffany. She explained that she is not going to put her on the block or anything but she has felt this way since week three when Tiffany told Britini to go after Derek X in the Wildcard Competition yet she and Derek X went after Britini. Derek F said she is a manipulator and he sees through it. Britini told Derek that she is going to stay in the room with him in case Christian comes to freak out.

11:19 AM: Azah spoke to Christian about her vote not being with him. Azah said she feels as though there are other people in the house that he has closer relationships with and that he can push for. Christian said he thought so too in regards to two people but they are saying that they are voting with the house, and Azah is the deciding vote. Azah said she doesn’t know how she became the house. She said she has not pushed her decision on her teammates and they still want to keep him. Christian pitched that Derek X, Kyland and Sarah Beth are the strongest trio on the house and that Derek X and Kyland will be the strong duo even if Sarah Beth leaves, so he will target them and then become the target himself. Christian said that he will be a shield to Azah and will continue to work with the Jokers. Azah said it is a sound argument but she is sticking with her decision for now. She added that she does not want it to seem like the deterring factor is her.

11:46 AM: Christian told Alyssa and Xavier that his talk with Azah was not good and that he is going home. He said Azah is scared and is going with the house even though she didn’t have an argument against him. Christian said everyone there is a coward. Xavier said this means that everyone was telling them what they wanted to hear and had their minds made up the second that Christian hit the block, which is probably why Derek made the move. Christian said there is no point in him campaigning. Xavier told him that he can’t give up as things change in this house.

12:18 PM: Alyssa told Christian that not talking to her has to be the least of his worries right now. Alyssa reassured him that it won’t change anything even if it happens. Christian said he shouldn’t even bother campaigning and should just enjoy his time with her. Alyssa reminded him that neither of them came there to hang out and she is not going to let him spend time with her instead of trying to stay.

12:28 PM: Xavier told Azah and Derek F he thinks Christian believes that the Jokers are the swing votes because that’s how others are presenting it. Azah said that’s what pisses her off. Derek F told Xavier that Tiffany came in barking orders at Britini last night, saying she would go tell Christian that he doesn’t have their votes because she is getting pressured and cornered. Derek said Tiffany was trying to throw them under the bus to cover herself. Azah added that Tiffany called them all liars.

12:43 PM: Azah and Derek F discussed keeping Britini over Tiffany if they get down to seven and the two are on the block next to each other. They suggested that they would keep Hannah over Tiffany as well. Azah said it’s starting to get to Tiffany that she is trying to play the mastermind. Derek said if she would have stayed in her lane, he had already put everything in place. Azah said that Tiffany has been doing this for weeks now and is trying to lie to them and manipulate them even though they are solid as a six.

1:08 PM: During Britini’s one on one with Sarah Beth, she told her that she doesn’t want either nominee to leave but she has to make a game decision and she knows that she cannot beat Christian.

1:37 PM: Christian told Britini he knows that he is going home without a doubt. Christian said he doesn’t have the numbers as everyone is too scared. He told Britini that Azah is not going to vote for him.

1:38 PM: Hannah asked Sarah Beth if she feels better about her than she did last week. Sarah Beth confirmed that she does now that she has got a chance to talk to everyone. Sarah Beth said she 100% believes that Hannah was not coming after her like people said she was. Hannah asked if she would put her and Derek X up next week. Sarah Beth said she wouldn’t and she understands the move and that she was not a target. She suggested that it would make sense for her to work with Derek.

1:49 PM: Sarah Beth told Azah it looks like she is staying since people have told her that they are voting to keep her. Azah said she let Christian know that she is keeping her. Sarah Beth said that she really appreciates it. Sarah Beth told Azah that she has nothing to worry about if she wins HoH. Azah asked if her team has anything to worry about. Sarah Beth said no.

1:53 PM: Sarah Beth told Claire she has her, Hannah, Kyland and Tiffany so she only needs one of the Jokers, which she feels good about. Claire said she thinks that Sarah Beth has at least two of them. Claire said she will let Christian know that he doesn’t have her vote either today or tomorrow. Sarah Beth let Claire know that she feels good with the Jackpot and is not coming after Claire or Tiffany. Sarah Beth told Claire that the Kings met right after the ceremony and both Alyssa and Xavier said that the Queens had to have been in on it since Derek would not have taken the shot on his own. The two discussed options for a potential double eviction. Claire said Alyssa/Britini might make sense. She added that the Jokers together worries her. Sarah Beth said she would probably take the shot at Alyssa. Claire said Xavier is her biggest blindspot and she cannot read him. Sarah Beth said she feels the same way.

2:17 PM: Xavier told Sarah Beth it seems like people want to take the shot so that would mean she is staying. Xavier said he has told her and Christian both that if the house was going one way, he would throw a vote to the other. He mentioned that Christian earned not going out unanimously if he is leaving, so he will give him a vote but he would want to make sure that it’s definite and it wouldn’t become a 5-4 situation. Xavier said Christian is getting the vibe that he is gone. Sarah Beth said people are telling her that she is safe.

3:10 PM: Sarah Beth told Alyssa it didn’t make sense to her that people would be mad about her taking the $5,000 when she knew that she was getting either a punishment or a prize, not the veto, at that point. Alyssa said she wasn’t bad but looking at other people’s faces made her question things. Alyssa said she had doubt with Sarah Beth during the competition but it did not go beyond that and she told Derek X she thought that the whole thing was squashed once he talked to Sarah Beth about it. Alyssa told Sarah Beth that she is going to give Christian a sympathy vote. She claimed that she was never going to go against a King so she didn’t know why Sarah Beth had questioned her vote prior to the veto ceremony. Sarah Beth said Derek X told her he didn’t know if she would stay over Derek F, so she questioned everyone.

3:19 PM: Feeds came back in the middle of a conversation between Christian and Tiffany. Christian said Derek X will come after him again, and Alyssa will be up next to him, so no one else will be going up. Christian said he is a shield and a weapon. Tiffany said Christian has given her a lot to think about.

3:28 PM: Tiffany told Derek X she doesn’t know if she trusts his people. She added that Christian is presenting a really good case. Tiffany explained what happened last night with the Jokers. Tiffany said Christian told her that Britini is voting for him to stay and she has asked if she can tell people that she is not. Tiffany said she does not trust Britini. Derek said he kept Britini in the loop with the plan as much as possible, and she wants to work with him to take Christian out. Derek said he doesn’t believe that Britini would throw the entire week away to keep Christian. Derek said if they can’t take Christian out this week, he is never going to go. Tiffany disagreed. Derek told Tiffany that Sarah Beth can go next week and Britini knows that Sarah Beth will be a house target moving forward. Tiffany said she thinks that she has more influence over Christian than Alyssa does because they both listen to her.

4:08 PM: Tiffany told Xavier that if she makes an argument for Christian to stay and he stays, she is no longer on Derek X’s side of the house. Xavier said it would only be Derek X, Kyland and Hannah, but they know that they have Hannah. Tiffany said it benefits her for her personal game to have Derek X on her side because she knows that she has him, so they have to find a way to flip the house without losing him. Tiffany suggested that they would need Christian and Derek X to cut a deal. If they could pull it off, they discussed that it would be the two of them, Alyssa, Christian, Claire and Hannah together. Tiffany asked if they can play with that group while keeping the six together. Xavier said they would have to be discreet about it but yes. Tiffany said Christian presented it to her but she was already thinking that Sarah Beth and Kyland are part of a duos twist. Tiffany said she does not want Derek X leaving next week if they keep Christian. Xavier said that he would not even have to go on the block. They discussed having Britini go next. The two said that they need to go get that fifth vote. Tiffany suspected that Derek F may be willing to flip with them.

4:31 PM: Tiffany let Claire know that she is struggling with the decision. They both agreed that it is more beneficial to them to have Christian stay. Tiffany said she wants to convince Derek X to allow Christian to stay because she does not believe Britini at all. They also figured that the Jokers might vote with them if they let them know what they are doing. They later discussed potentially only telling Britini since they know that she can keep a secret, though the specifics of the plan remained up in the air as they continued to go back and forth on which votes to attempt to flip.

4:31 PM: Xavier told Alyssa and Christian he believes that they can make it a 5-4 vote for him to stay. Xavier explained that in order for everyone to feel okay with it, Britini would have to go next week, and then they can go after Derek X at that point.

4:35 PM: The Jokers explained to Derek X that Claire and Tiffany are throwing them under the bus to Christian. Derek X said that Christian will leave as long as the Jokers, Hannah and Kyland don’t flip. Derek F said he is willing to pull Christian aside and tell him that everyone is lying to him and they are all voting him out. Derek believes that Claire and Tiffany are trying to cover their asses. Derek added that Tiffany acted up last night and is doing it again today. Derek then went off to find Christian to let him know that he doesn’t have the votes.

4:47 PM: Before Derek F could get to Christian, he ended up in a room with Xavier. Xavier told him he thinks that Claire and Tiffany are keeping Christian and that Derek will be in the minority if he does not do the same. Derek said he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to keep Christian, and his gut is telling him that he will not get this opportunity again. Derek also brought up that Derek X likes both of them. Xavier countered that by saying that Christian doesn’t dislike them. Derek said Christian has a distraction, Alyssa, that can flip him at any minute. Derek also pointed out that the girls want Sarah Beth out and she can go next week. While Xavier continued to give reasons for Christian to stay, Derek continued to counter them and told Xavier that everyone has to lose their person. He asked why he would leave two people in the game who Xavier has in jury. Feeds then cut.

5:32 PM: Feeds returned after being down for 26 minutes. Derek X asked Tiffany if she wants to keep Christian. She said yes. While feeds were down, it seems as though Tiffany asked Christian to get Britini to come to the HoH room where she and Claire were. Rather than Britini come alone, Azah and Derek F came along with her. Tiffany said she doesn’t know if it’s Britini that feels uncomfortable with talking to her or if Azah and Derek F think she is so weak that they have to protect her.

5:38 PM: Xavier let Hannah and Kyland know that things changed for Tiffany after she had a talk with Christian. Xavier said Tiffany seems like she is open to keeping Christian based on the arguments that he is making Kyland said he is open to listening but they need to be sharing what those arguments are. Hannah said Christian has promised every single person in the house safety for an extended period of time. Hannah said that she and Kyland could end up on the block next to each other if Christian wins, especially if Derek X wins the veto. Kyland added that Alyssa and Christian wont throw HoH but Sarah Beth would be willing to if it’s a 7-2 vote.

5:42 PM: Derek X told Claire that Derek F is willing to go up to Christian and say he is not keeping him. Derek asked if Claire would be willing to do the same. Claire said yes. Derek explained that the Jokers feel as though they sacrificed by Azah telling Christian which way she is voting whereas Claire and Tiffany have demands and wont give in. Claire mentioned that it does make sense for her and Tiffany to keep Christian since they can’t trust Sarah Beth and she doesn’t trust Kyland either. Derek assured her that they are not coming after her. Derek added that Kyland doesn’t win competitions and Sarah Beth is a house target. Derek said Sarah Beth has no one and the entire house is against her. He told Claire that taking out Christian is what needs to be done so that the two of them, Hannah and Tiffany can go far.

5:56 PM: Kyland told Sarah Beth it feels as though Tiffany is the antagonist in this scenario. Sarah Beth asked if it is affecting the votes. Kyland said no.

6:03 PM: Xavier told Tiffany that what they had schemed would have worked but now so much chaos has gone on. Tiffany said Claire was on board and they had decided that they were flipping the house and they believed that their best option for the fifth vote was Britini. Tiffany said that all three Jokers then came stomping in even though they only asked to speak to Britini. Tiffany said if they have the Cookout, Azah and Derek should not be coming at her.

6:10 PM: Derek F told Hannah that he would like for Azah and Tiffany to talk. He said that he does not want to speak to Tiffany. Hannah said she will make sure that Azah and Tiffany can talk, perhaps with Xavier present. Derek eventually said that tomorrow would be a better time of him to talk to Tiffany. Hannah questioned why it’s so hard for the six to be on the same page about Christian leaving. She suggested that they all tell Christian and Sarah Beth how they are voting.

6:16 PM: Xavier told Tiffany that they are outnumbered 4-2 within the Cookout as the other four all prefer Christian to leave. He said that they will have to bow down. Tiffany said she is fine with that but she had a problem with how Azah and Derek F came at her. Tiffany said she would never have done that to them.

6:29 PM: Azah told Xavier that it’s okay for her and Tiffany to be on different pages. She said that they can still respectfully talk to each other but Tiffany doesn’t seem to want to speak to her. Azah noted that Tiffany has been walking out of rooms when she enters them. Xavier said he would like to sit down with Azah and Tiffany to talk things out, and he is also going to do the same with Derek F and Tiffany so that they don’t have these issues again. Azah said she doesn’t want any trouble with Tiffany and would have stood up for herself if this was the real world.

6:42 PM: Christian asked Xavier if the votes have changed. Xavier said it could still be 5-4 or may end up going back to 7-2 to evict him. When Alyssa asked what they should do, Xavier said it’s best not to talk game with anyone right now.

6:52 PM: Tiffany told Hannah that a flip would have been fun. She said none of her frustration is about Christian or Sarah Beth but rather about what happened with Azan and Derek F. Tiffany said she knows that they would put her up if not for the six. She said that she never comes at them like they came at her, and she compromise and lets them win every time. Hannah asked if this will impede their ability to work as a six. Tiffany said she has always been willing to work with them and she is loyal.

7:10 PM: Britini told Azah and Derek F that the next time Christian comes to her, she is going to say that she is done talking about the votes since she is having stomach spasms and palpitations due to how stressed she is.

7:25 PM: Azah told Derek F that Xavier said Tiffany is mad because she wanted Christian to stay. Azah said she could tell that Tiffany wanted nominations to stay the same so that Sarah Beth could go. Azah said Tiffany is projecting by calling her a liar. She talked about how she had wanted to tell Tiffany today but she will wait for her conversation with Xavier to do so. Azah said she almost cried when talking to Xavier cause she thought back to when the moved in and felt that she and Tiffany were close.

7:49 PM: Tiffany told Hannah that she genuinely cares about Azah and Derek F. She said the gameplay side of things is interfering with personal. Tiffany said they will have to agree as a six to be on the same page. Tiffany talked about trusting Kyland more than Azah and Derek F since she thinks that he can take personal out of the game. She admitted that her distrust with Kyland is due to him playing a very good game.

9:10 PM: Britini cried as she told Xavier that if this doesn’t work out, they are going to hate her. Britini said it’s a lot of pressure on her. Xavier told her to be straight up with him and say what is best for her game. Britini said she wants Christian to stay but she is so afraid that if she is on the wrong side of the vote, Derek X will be after her in two weeks and she will be known as the person who flips. Britini said she wants Christian to stay but feels like everyone will come after her if he stays. She added that she and Tiffany are not on the best terms right now. Britini said Tiffany and Claire told her today that they are not keeping Christian. Xavier said he doesn’t want to see either of his teammates go this week but Christian is not going to hate her. Xavier said he knows Britini doesn’t want to talk to Tiffany about it again. Britini said it was so uncomfortable last night.

9:24 PM: Britini asked Tiffany if she is at all seriously considering keeping Christian. Tiffany said she has been and even Derek X knows that. Britini said it’s tough for her because Christian hasn’t said her name but she doesn’t know if she can say the same for Sarah Beth. Tiffany said everything blew up earlier and she no longer thinks that they can do it or that it would be good for their game. Britini said okay. Tiffany told Britini that if they had this conversation a few hours ago, it might have worked. While the two agreed that they would like Christian to stay, Tiffany said she is 51% leaning towards not keeping him. Tiffany explained that she isn’t sure that she is willing to risk her game or jeopardize Britini’s game to keep Christian. Britini said that she too is leaning towards a no.

9:52 PM: Britini joined Claire and Tiffany. She said to the cameras that they are going to blindside people this season but not this week, because it’s a little too complicated. Tiffany said people know that they can do it and they have the power to flip votes, which can be scary to others. Tiffany said for that reason she doesn’t want to do it.

9:59 PM: Tiffany told Sarah Beth that she has not had a one on one with her. Sarah Beth said she has not. Tiffany told her that her ass has been spared one more week. Sarah Beth thanked her. Derek X said “yay!”.

10:12 PM: Claire told Christian that she cannot promise him her vote. She said there were points today in which she was going to keep him but she cannot do it. Christian asked if Claire is saying that he doesn’t have the votes. Claire said she suspects that he doesn’t. Christian asked if that means that he doesn’t have Tiffany’s vote either. Claire said he can talk to Tiffany but she thinks that they are going to vote together, and Tiffany wanted her to have this conversation because it really hurts her.

10:17 PM: Christian informed Alyssa that he doesn’t have Claire’s vote and probably doesn’t have Tiffany’s vote either. Christian said he will tell Britini to vote with the house, and it’s going to be 7-2.

10:41 PM: Hannah told Xavier she is thinking that it might be a double eviction. She told him that the only people who could take a shot at Derek X are Alyssa and Xavier. Xavier said it would have to be him because he may not compete in the veto competition if Alyssa is HoH. Hannah brought up that it might be easy for people to nominate Kyland and Xavier next to each other if the house targets in Alyssa and Sarah Beth leave, so she thinks that it might be best to leave their people for last. It was discussed that Claire going may therefore be best.

10:51 PM: Christian told Alyssa and Xavier that there is one thing left for him to do, that being a house meeting. Xavier said that those never help but he will listen to what Christian plans to say. Christian said he wants to call out Derek X, Kyland and Sarah Beth for being a trio. He said everyone is scared or else they would be keeping him, so he wants things to be out in the open. Xavier told Christian that he will be putting a target on his back and Alyssa’s back, and it is not likely to help in any way. Xavier also worried that it would alienate Sarah Beth and given them no hope of reconciling with her. Christian said he is leaving anyway but he does not want to hurt Alyssa or Xavier’s games, so he eventually backed out of the idea.

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