Big Brother 23 Day 37 - Christian is evicted; Kyland wins HoH

August 12, 2021

5:46 PM: Christian was evicted by a vote of 7-2. Alyssa and Xavier voted to evict Sarah Beth.

5:54 PM: Julie informed the houseguests that the next evicted houseguest will be the first member of the jury. She then let the houseguests know that the High Roller’s room will be opening in the house. She explained that three casino games are inside of the room, and there are three game changing powers up for grabs. Julie said that America will vote to give the houseguests BB Bucks, the currency needed to play the games. The better the power, the more it will cost to play.

6:59 PM: Feeds returned after the HoH competition. Kyland is the new HoH.

7:05 PM: The HoH competition was a knockout style. Kyland spoke to the cameras and said he does not understand why Azah didn’t pick the Kings. Kyland brought up that Britini was the first to pick two people to face off and she picked him and Sarah Beth. Kyland said that Britini should be panicking but he probably wont even put her up. Kyland mentioned that Derek X likely has the best shot at getting the power, which is good. Kyland said nominations are at 10:30 in the morning so he will have to start his conversations tonight.

7:07 PM: Derek X told Hannah he is scared that Kyland is going to waste this HoH. Derek said he hopes that Kyland will take out Alyssa.

7:13 PM: Tiffany told Claire and Hannah she is so upset with herself and she feels so stupid. She said Kyland is the last person that she wanted to win. She said she can’t even be mad since Kyland tried to let her win and she got it wrong.

7:16 PM: Derek F told Kyland that Tiffany is a wreck. Derek said that’s on her because she got it wrong. Derek admitted that he did not want Tiffany to win. Derek informed Kyland that Azah is pretty bummed since he kept picking her. Kyland explained that the other options would have given away the Cookout to people. Derek later mentioned it’s good for the alliance that Azah and Tiffany are upset since it will hide their alliance. Kyland hinted at targeting Claire. When Derek asked who would go up next to her, Kyland said that it might be Tiffany but he needs to talk to her. Derek asked what will happen is SB is not the target and Claire comes off of the block. Kyland said that SB might be it depending on how things go.

7:19 PM: Azah told Xavier that Kyland knew he didn’t have to win the competition and gave some BS answer that he was afraid due to the twist that he would be targeted. She said he had agreed to go on the block with SB yet he wouldn’t give the HoH to Tiffany. Xavier said Kyland knew the right answer which means he could have picked the wrong one.

7:42 PM: Xavier asked Kyland which moves he is thinking about. Kyland said all four of the girls not in the Cookout are an option at this time even though Sarah Beth would be crappy. He then said Derek X is also an option since he is the person most likely to win the 100 BB Bucks every week. Xavier asked if Kyland is thinking of nominating Tiffany next to Claire if Claire is his target. Kyland suggested that he is but it would be challenging. Xavier asked about nominating Britini next to Claire. Kyland said he could do that.

7:55 PM: Azah told Tiffany she doesn’t get why Kyland was picking her every time during the competition. Tiffany said she wanted Sarah Beth to go so badly. They both agreed that they do not trust her. Tiffany mentioned that she wanted her out over Christian. Azah explained that she does not see the game emotionally anymore, and Christian threw out the names of three people in the Cookout while Sarah Beth only mentioned Hannah’s name. Tiffany said she fears that Kyland will do what is best for himself while the other five members are doing what’s best for the six. Azah brought up that Kyland was going for HoH and couldn’t let her have it even though he has already seen his family.

8:38 PM: Tiffany told Kyland she is feeling messed up since she didn’t win HoH and she does not know who Kyland can nominate that should go home. She said that sending Britini home is not best for them. Kyland agreed. Kyland said Claire and Sarah Beth were interchangeable as the first two to go in jury. Tiffany said if Claire has to go she has to go but she does not know if she can go on the block next to Claire and have the votes to stay. The two discussed the Cookout and then talked about their own relationship. Tiffany said they are supposed to be a two but she doesn’t feel that thy talk enough. Tiffany admitted that Kyland’s closeness to Sarah Beth means that she does not share everything with him. Kyland said he feels as though he was supposed to appear closest to Sarah Beth as part of the plan but now he is facing repercussions for it. Tiffany felt that it wasn’t that. She said that Kyland and Sarah Beth are viewed by the whole house as almost as big of a threat as Alyssa and Christian. They both agreed that they need to work on their communication moving forward. Kyland said he feels as though Tiffany leaves when he approaches her, and then he gives her space because she needs it. Tiffany eventually told him that he needs to stop giving her space and she will let him know if she needs time.

9:21 PM: Alyssa told Kyland that there would be no reason for her to go after him. She also said that she would not nominate Sarah Beth or Xavier. Kyland said he knows that Sarah Beth trusts her former teammates and he defaults to her feelings on them because he knows how close they are. Kyland said can’t imagine why it would make sense for him to com after them.

9:39 PM: Xavier was emotional over Christian leaving. He told himself to get it together because he is not just playing for himself but for Danielle, David, Da’Vonne, Bayleigh, Swaggy, and all of those who wish they were in the situation that he is in.

9:46 PM: Tiffany told Xavier he could have beat her and then beat Kyland. Xavier said it’s most important that someone in the six won and he does not regret throwing it to her. Tiffany said she agrees but she did not want Kyland to be HoH and now that means Claire is likely going to go, and Sarah Beth will be safe. Tiffany and Xavier wondered how it will look when the people they have been working with go home and find out about the Cookout. Xavier said he can’t put them above something that is above himself. Tiffany said she doesn’t want them to get home and feel like they didn’t stand a chance. Tiffany questioned if they are playing the game right. Xavier said there is a dominant alliance every season. He admitted that some people will love what they are doing and some people with hate it, but they are doing this because in no other season have people who look like them had the chance to do it. Tiffany agreed that they have to do it but said she doesn’t know how it looks. Tiffany added that she doesn’t want anyone thinking that their connections weren’t real, as she closer to some people outside of the six than she is to some within the six. As for nominations, Xavier said he thinks it makes sense for Britini and Claire to go up. Tiffany said she knows that they will want Claire out first but the Jokers are a hot mess together. Xavier suggested that they wouldn’t be that way without Britini, which Tiffany agreed with. Xavier said the person that Claire likes least out of the six happens to be the one that won HoH, and he thinks that Kyland knows it. Tiffany agreed. Tiffany then brought up that Britini put on an act last week since she knew the plan to backdoor Christian the whole time yet stormed off after nominations.

10:15 PM: Kyland told Britini that he didn’t go into the competition feeling that he had to win it as everyone was saying Alyssa is next, but she wasn’t picked until sixth. Britini explained that she did not want to show her cards by picking Alyssa first. She said Alyssa would then show she was targeting her. Kyland asked why the same wouldn’t apply for her picking him first. Britini said because she gave her word to him.

10:24 PM: Derek X told Tiffany that she needs to keep her emotions in check. He gave the example of Tiffany brushing Sarah Beth off yesterday when she wanted to do a one on one. Derek said Sarah Beth noticed it and told him that she is being distant. Tiffany said Derek is right. She admitted to losing control of her emotions.

10:30 PM: Claire and Derek X discussed that nobody pick Xavier in the competition today, and he only had to go up by default once no one else was left. Claire said everyone feels that they can work with Xavier. Tiffany asked if if they are going to try to push that to Kyland. Derek said he thinks that Kyland will go after a combination of Alyssa, Azah and Britini based on their past talks. Tiffany said she hopes that her relationship with Kyland is not so far out that she is an option for the block. Claire and Derek reassured her. Claire said she believes that she can move forward with Kyland as long as he sees her as a part of his game.

10:41 PM: When Hannah asked Derek X what the plan is, he said he would like for Kyland to target Alyssa but he may take the shot at the Jokers if he is closer to Xavier than they think. Derek said that if Kyland sends a Joker home, he will now Kyland is trying to play the middle and then he will take Xavier out next week to bring Kyland back to them.

10:45 PM: Tiffany apologized to Sarah Beth for being inconsiderate yesterday when she was trying to do her one on ones. Tiffany explained that she knew Sarah Beth was staying the whole time and she was caught up in her frustration with other people. Sarah Beth said she appreciates it. She also took some of the blame for getting paranoid and not trusting those that she should have trusted.

11:01 PM: Britini offered Kyland a deal in which she would not go after him for two weeks and she would let him know about the BB Bucks and potential power that she receives if she happens to get one this week. In exchange for that, Britini asked that Kyland share that information with her as well and keep her off of the block. Kyland said he didn’t see a reason why he couldn’t keep her off of the block at this time. He said her chances of going up are probably lower than she thinks they are.

12:55 AM: Kyland got his HoH room.

2:42 AM: Kyland told Claire that he doesn’t know what he is thinking yet but he plans to use this HoH to get as much leverage has he can. Kyland said he knows there is a scenario for him to send home one of the people that would be most difficult for him to do but would make the most sense. He said he is wondering how heavily he should consider it. Claire told him that this person will be the first in jury and will set the tone there, so he can’t lose sight of his personal game. Kyland said they would have the most time to cool down. Kyland talked about it being a difficult position due to the powers, and maybe he should have lost and let Sarah Beth go up.

2:56 AM: Tiffany told Kyland she’s happy he is HoH. Kyland said he is not. Tiffany said he is a good leader and that’s what they need right now. Tiffany said he hopes the conversation with Azah went well. Kyland wasn’t sure about that. Tiffany said she is challenging to talk to and now he knows how she feels. Kyland and Tiffany agreed that Azah wants to feel right rather than understand each other. Tiffany said she has learned to be right and let her win.

3:08 AM: Hannah mentioned that obviously Sarah Beth isn’t going home this week. Kyland said maybe. Hannah said it would not make sense for Kyland’s game to do that. Hannah also assumed that Derek X would not be going home. Kyland said he would probably send Sarah Beth home first. Hannah said the three remaining options are Alyssa, Britini and Claire. Feeds switched to a different room. When they returned, Hannah and Kyland were discussing the potential powers. Hannah suggested that Britini is likely to get the $100 so he needs to consider that since she is more likely to come off of the block. Hannah said that Derek X needs to go sooner than later for the benefit of the Cookout, because it will become harder to beat him competitions as numbers decrease. She said that Britini needs to be the last pawn to go. Kyland agreed. Hannah said she does not see Claire as much of a threat to the Cookout because she is close to Tiffany, Azah and herself. She added that Claire is targeting Derek F but they can send Britini home over him. Hannah said Kyland would not be accomplishing much if he sends Claire home. Hannah pointed out that Kyland would not be getting Sarah Beth’s jury vote if he sent her home, and then he would be vulnerable to get thrown up next to Tiffany or Xavier so it would not make sense. Kyland agreed. Hannah said the only person remaining is Alyssa and she thinks that is the best option for the six even though she does not feel that Alyssa is after her. Kyland said the only thing is that it pushes back Claire and Sarah Beth in the order. Hannah suggested that Derek X would need to go after Alyssa leaves, and then Sarah Beth would be after that. Kyland asked for Hannah to justify why Sarah Beth should stay. Hannah said they need her to be there in case Derek X takes a shot and Kyland, so that she can go up next to him. Kyland said he hates the perception of his HoH protecting Sarah Beth. Hannah reiterated that they all agreed not to send their people home and she doesn’t see the point in questioning it now that he is HoH. Kyland said he doesn’t feel good about Claire going since she is more or a reliable vote for the six, so that leaves Alyssa. Kyland asked Hannah for help have the conversation with Xavier. He talked about needing to communicate that this was not intentional and he tried to throw it to Tiffany. Hannah said she doesn’t think Xavier needs as much convincing as Kyland thinks.Hannah asked how Kyland thinks Xavier would feel about going up next to Alyssa. Kyland said he doesn’t think it would go over well and he is wondering if he should nominate Derek F.

4:04 AM: Derek X asked Kyland what he can do to help. Kyland said to win the power. Kyland said he finally got a taste of what Tiffany talks about when it comes to Azah. Derek X asked if Kyland would view sending a Joker home as a successful HoH. Kyland said he has no intention of doing that but he is wondering if he should put Azah or Big D up next to someone else. Derek said the house targets or Alyssa and Sarah Beth. Derek told Kyland that he cannot take Sarah Beth out since that is a guaranteed vote for him in jury. Kyland said he knows that but has to address that it’s an option and examine it more closely to avoid confirmation bias. Derek talked about taking a shot at Xavier next week if he wins. Kyland said he thinks that putting Alyssa up would be easiest for him but he does not know about putting Xavier up next to her. Kyland told Derek he was thinking of having the house vote anonymously as to who they want on the block and then if he doesn’t like the answer he can change his nominations to someone else. Derek said that Alyssa is a definite for him. There were discussions about finding a pawn to put up next to Alyssa.

5:00 AM: Derek F told Kyland that Alyssa and Sarah Beth are the two people that would nominate two Cookout members. Kyland said he is not worried about Britini at all. Derek agreed that Claire is more of a reliable vote for the Cookout than some of the other options. Kyland said he hates the perception that he is looking out for Sarah Beth and he is willing to do what it takes but it seems like most people are saying Alyssa. Kyland said that Claire would be his backup plan. Derek said that Kyland could try to convince Sarah Beth that she is a pawn or he may have to nominate a Cookout member as a pawn so that people don’t think that they are working together. Derek suggested potentially talking to Azah about going up next to Alyssa. Kyland said he could talk to Azah and ask if she would rather go up or have Britini go up. Derek said he could do that. Kyland explained a plan to have each person vote in the morning using Skittles. Derek said he cannot have Kyland do that. Derek then offered to be a pawn because he cannot have Britini up there again and he cannot have Azah go up. Derek said it’s better that way because he already told people that he cursed Kyland out.

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