Big Brother 23 Day 4 - Derek X wins the Power of Veto

July 10, 2021

8:45 AM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

9:22 AM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Frenchie, Alyssa, Kyland, Derek X, Tiffany and Travis.

9:22 AM: Frenchie returned the box with the veto chips to the storage room. While in there alone, he said that the picks were the worst possible scenario.

9:23 AM: Kyland spoke to Travis about how he wanted to pick him to play for him. Travis said that he will be fighting for it. He confirmed that he would use the veto. They discussed that it could be trouble if Derek wins the veto. Kyland said that’s why he didn’t love that there were only six chips in the bag, as it increased the chances of those people in the bag being picked.

9:35 AM: Derek X asked Travis if he would use the veto if he wins it. Travis said that he for sure would. Travis worried that he or Derek would be going up. Derek pointed out that Kyland would have the votes if he stays on the block. Travis said he obviously is not down with that, and understandably so.

9:39 AM: Tiffany reassured Alyssa that there are people fighting for her. Alyssa asked if Tiffany would use the veto if she wins it. Tiffany said that she would.

9:40 AM: Frenchie told Kyland that he wants him to come off of the block. Derek X said the worst case scenario would be Alyssa winning. Derek said that he and Travis would use the veto if they were to win it. Frenchie said that Tiffany told him that she would use it as well.

9:43 AM: Claire theorized that perhaps America was given the opportunity to vote on which chips would be in the bag for the veto draw. She told Frenchie that it may have been a punishments of sorts as a result of him not risking it on premiere night.

10:12 AM: Kyland asked Claire and Tiffany if they have been talking to any of the other teams and who they feel best with. Both said that they feel best about the have-nots. Kyland agreed.

10:17 AM: Tiffany let Claire know that Azah approached her about potentially making an alliance with the two of them and Britini. Tiffany said she has no other alliance and she would like to work with Claire since she is her team captain. Claire was on board.

10:18 AM: Claire and Tiffany quickly spoke to Britini about the alliance with the two of them and Azah. Britini said that she is on board.

10:25 AM: Alyssa asked Xavier if he really thinks that they could get Travis to use the veto if he were to win it. Xavier explained that Travis is smart and he will not want to jeopardize his game for Derek X. They agreed that Derek X winning would be the worst case scenario but Xavier figured that they would still have some options even if that were to happen.

10:41 AM: Sarah checked in with Frenchie to let him know that she still wants to work with him. He said that he feels the same way about her. Sarah told him that Claire is on the same page. They agreed to talk with her after the veto competition.

11:03 AM: Christian told Frenchie that he saw Kyland speaking to Derek X and Travis after the players were chosen for the veto competition. He pointed out that those were the names in the alliance that was said to be false. Frenchie said that Kyland would have to be the one to go in the event that someone doesn’t use the veto. He said that they cannot have their information getting out there and Kyland knows too much. As for Derek X, Christian wondered if he has any idea what is going on since he seems calm. Frenchie figured that he is only calm because he is competing for the veto.

11:44 AM: Alyssa let Derek X know that she will have his back 100% if he wins the veto and uses it on her. Derek said he appreciates it but they will see if he can win it. Alyssa asked that he think about what he would want in return should that happen.

12:11 PM: Alyssa let Azah and Frenchie know that she talked to Derek X about potentially using the veto. She said he did not know that he would be safe if he uses it. It was discussed that Frenchie can talk to him about using it in the even that he wins, but there is no sense in having that talk beforehand.

1:04 PM: Brent and Tiffany discussed that they have a good rapport with each other and they have nothing to worry about if either of them win HoH. Tiffany admitted that she doesn’t want to win that at the moment. Brent said that they need her to win the veto, which she agreed with.

2:15 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

4:14 PM: Feeds returned. Derek X won the Power of Veto.

4:15 PM: Derek X mentioned that he had to win this comp in order to prove himself. Brent said that he will have to talk to Frenchie and do whatever Frenchie wants him to do with the veto at this point. Derek said okay.

4:29 PM: Derek X told Brent that he wants a fresh start and wants to be able to move forward from this. He said that he would like to get in with Frenchie. Brent told Derek that he was stabbed in the back by him but the team vouched for him. Derek said he understands that but he wants to get closer to Frenchie like the rest of the team is. Brent said he wants Derek to do whatever Frenchie wants. Derek said that they are on the same page. Derek expects that Frenchie will want Kyland to be taken off of the block since it was discussed last night.

4:37 PM: Derek X spoke to the cameras, mentioning that Brent does not say anything new when he talks to him. He asked if they could have a counter to track how many times that Brent repeats “just do what Frenchie says”.

4:46 PM: Xavier asked Kyland if he is alright. Kyland said he is as alright as he can be at this point. Travis said it is his understanding that Derek will use the veto on Kyland, and then he is wondering who would go up. Travis and Xavier agreed that Derek is not going to go back on his word about using the veto now that he has told people that he would do it.

5:03 PM: Brent told Kyland that he is not a target and that he has the votes no matter what happens. Kyland said more people told him that he would not be nominated than told him that Derek would use the veto on him. Given that, Kyland said he cannot be certain that Derek will use the veto even though he thinks that he will.

5:22 PM: Brent let Alyssa and Kyland know that they are trying to keep both of them safe this week. When Alyssa asked if he thinks that Derek will use the veto, Brent said that he absolutely will since he owes it to him and to Frenchie for betraying them.

5:40 PM: Brent told Derek X that he told Kyland that he wants to use the veto on him. Derek said the reason that he wants to use it is because he and Frenchie agreed on that last night.

6:01 PM: Derek X and Kyland discussed potential replacement nom options. Kyland questioned if Derek would choose not to use the veto if Travis is going to go up, as he may want to work with Travis over him. Derek reassured Kyland that he would not do that since it would mean that his teammates and Frenchie would be mad at him. They discussed that it may be best if Kyland is kept in the dark as to who the replacement nominee is going to be, so that he doesn’t feel the need to speak with Travis about it in the event that the plan is for it to be him.

6:36 PM: Alyssa told Derek X that if he uses the veto on her, she would have his back 100% and she can influence her team to keep him safe next week as well. Alyssa said that if she was in Derek’s shoes and Frenchie wanted the veto used on Kyland, she would do that. Alyssa told Derek she feels as though she could be good as long as she is not on the block next to Kyland. She also suggested that if Frenchie wants the veto to be used, Derek should use it no matter who is going up. Derek stated that he will be using the veto if Frenchie wants him to do so. Derek asked if Alyssa thinks that she can get the votes over Travis. Alyssa said that she would try her best and she thinks that she has a better shot than she would against Kyland.

9:00 PM: Claire and Tiffany discussed working with Christian and Xavier. Tiffany said she already let Christian know that they want to work with him. She said Christian then went to Xavier to let him know that he is on board with it.

9:05 PM: Derek X told Frenchie that he would like to rebuild trust with him. Frenchie said that he would like the veto used. Derek asked “Kyland, right?”. Frenchie said that’s fine with that. Frenchie talked about a plan to bring up each individual person to ask who they would like to see sitting next to Alyssa. Derek said Alyssa thinks that she could beat out the other person, which Frenchie agreed with.

9:36 PM: Frenchie told Derek X he is concerned that Alyssa would go home over a target because she is associated with one of the strongest people in the house. Frenchie said whoever goes up next to Kyland would lose the vote 100% but he cannot say the same about Alyssa. Frenchie reiterated that he would never ask Derek to do something that he doesn’t want to do given that he earned the veto, but nobody is going to vote Kyland out over Travis. Derek said that he cannot do that to Kyland after having told him that he would take him down. Frenchie said that he is just giving options. Frenchie did say that the house will want Travis to go up if Kyland comes down, which Derek understood. Frenchie went on to say that he will pull Derek in to the group tonight to show the numbers that they have. Frenchie said that they have 11 of them.

10:41 PM: Frenchie pulled Brent in to speak with Derek X. Derek was concerned that Brent still feels betrayed by him and that he is taking it personally. Brent argued that Derek would be on the block if he had taken it personally. Frenchie backed up that claim. When Derek asked if Brent thinks that they could be in an alliance together, Brent said yeah and reminded him that he is already on his team. Frenchie said they will know if this can work if Derek is able to keep his mouth shut and they take out Travis.

11:00 PM: Azah expressed her frustration with Frenchie to Derek F. She talked about having been waiting to take a shower in the HoH room and being told that Frenchie needed some private time only for him to invite Brent, who is not on his team, into the room. Azah brought up that Frenchie has been keeping his teammates in the dark and now he has put himself into a messy situation.

11:20 PM: Xavier asked Derek X if he plans on using the veto. Derek said that he is going to use it. He explained that he told Kyland before the competition that he would use it on him. Xavier advised Derek to stick to that and show that his word means something, as he has a chance for his game to be reborn. When Xavier asked if Derek and Frenchie spoke about who the replacement nominee would be, Derek said Travis’ name then said he doesn’t think that Frenchie knows yet. Xavier asked how Derek would feel about that, and Derek said he and Travis know the position that they are in at this point.

11:44 PM: Tiffany let Derek X know that he was always cool with her and she did not want him to be targeted. Derek said that he now wants to play stupid. Tiffany said he is doing a good job of it and it’s going to keep him in this house, cause he already started off playing stupid. Tiffany advised Derek to never let the house know what it feels like without him, as that makes it easier to evict him. Tiffany told him not to tell anyone that, because you want people you are on the block against to go hide. Tiffany said she is kind of nervous because nobody has talked to her. Derek said there is not even a chance that she is going up. Derek told Tiffany that her name did not even come up as an option during his talk with Frenchie. Tiffany said she heard that Travis is supposed to go up. Derek didn’t want to say anything but reassured Tiffany that she is fine.

11:59 PM: Xavier told Alyssa that Travis is a smart young man and he believes that Travis can see the writing on the wall in terms of him going up on the block. Sarah said some people are already not crazy about the fact that Travis doesn’t need the money. Xavier said that’s not fair to say cause you do not know what a person would use it for even if they are well off. Sarah said that’s not her saying that but she has heard it. Xavier said Derek told him that he cannot throw his game away for Travis. Alyssa and Sarah agreed that Derek may get a fresh start next week if he makes this move.

12:12 AM: Travis told Derek X and Kyland that Frenchie said Alyssa has not done anything to him and he realized that it was her affiliation with Christian that made him want to put her up. Travis argued that it’s week one and nobody has done anything, but it’s a fair strategy to want to take out someone on Christian’s side since he cannot target him directly right now. Travis is concerned that he may be the new target.

12:30 AM: Xavier told Christian he thinks that Derek X is trying to make amends, so don’t be so closed off that he cannot do that. Xavier suggested that Christian forgive but not forget. Christian said he may need to tell Derek that he forgives him. Xavier told Christian to wait until Alyssa stays, then thank him for doing things to keep his teammate Alyssa safe.

12:36 AM: Kyland told Tiffany that Travis is saying he will pitch to Frenchie that if his target was Christian, it would make sense to go after someone on his team. Kyland said Frenchie is distancing himself from the decision by telling Travis that he is letting Derek X do whatever he wants with the veto. Kyland said Frenchie is leaving the discussion with Derek open ended by saying he wants to put up a girl next to Alyssa but not saying which one. Kyland said that as much as he cannot believe Derek, he does think that he will use the veto on him.

1:05 AM: Whitney let Frenchie know that she slipped up by saying to Claire, Travis’ teammate, that she thinks a guy will go up and there is only really one option. The implication was that Travis would go up. She wanted Frenchie to hear it from her. Frenchie told her not to worry about it. Frenchie said that Whitney needs to be careful talking to Hannah because she knows the game inside and out, and she is super analytical.

1:08 AM: Derek F asked Frenchie if there is anything that he wants him to do. Frenchie said to keep doing what he is doing. He said he doesn’t think anybody has any idea that they have a final two deal. Derek suggested that they have a team meeting in order to make sure that the girls feel comfortable.

1:17 AM: Frenchie told Travis that he said Derek X can make the decision that is best for his game when it comes to the veto. Frenchie said Derek told him that he is going to use the veto on Kyland. He claimed that he would not be using the veto had he won it. Claire joined them. Frenchie let them know that people are coming to him and saying that they want Travis to go up if the veto is used. Frenchie said that he has multiple people putting his back against the wall.

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