Big Brother 23 Day 43

August 18, 2021

10:20 AM: Kyland brought Derek X and Xavier in to discuss looking out for each other. Xavier said they have to do it out of necessity, as if one of them leaves then the other two become even bigger targets. Xavier said they would need to cloud it so that it doesn’t seem obvious that they are not putting each other up. They then discussed the vote. Derek X said any of them would leave over Derek F, and nobody is going to want to waste an HoH on him as the numbers drop. Xavier said he sees that but doesn’t know if it’s worth addressing right now. He suggested that taking Derek F out during the double eviction would be best. Xavier explained that he sees this week as an opportunity to take out the best competitor on the former Jokers team. Xavier added that the three of them are going to go home if they are next to anyone, not just Derek F. Derek said he could at least campaign next to Britini but he is gone next to Derek F. He also said that keeping Britini would give them someone to target, and she would always go up on the block. Xavier questioned at what point does the same argument that applies to Derek F apply to Britini, if she keeps going up but not out. Kyland brought up that the people in the house get sadder when Britini goes up than they do when Derek F goes up, making it harder to nominate her. He also said he would like Azah to have Derek on her side as opposed to Britini if she is going to be coming after him following this week.

10:51 AM: Xavier told Derek X it seems like Kyland is leaning one way. Derek agreed. Xavier said he plans to hear their arguments today before deciding what’s best for his game. Derek admitted that he is still scared of Alyssa. He said he would not take a shot at her but he worries that she would take a shot at him. While Derek didn’t know who to target, he said he would rather win and have to take a shot at someone than have Alyssa win. They discussed that Xavier winning would be ideal, but Xavier reassured Derek that he would not go up if either he or Alyssa win HoH.

11:03 AM: Derek X told Kyland he doesn’t think that he is the person that should win the upcoming HoH. Derek said he doesn’t have the heart to go through another week of that.

11:05 AM: Kyland spoke to the cameras. He said that was a weird conversation since his dream scenario was Derek X deciding that he does not want to win the next HoH, and he just said that. Kyland said the meeting with Derek X and Xavier was to build enough trust that Derek would not feel the need to win. Kyland said he would like for Derek to go as far as possible but that means to seven because of his commitment to the Cookout. Kyland explained that Derek became a much bigger threat to the six once the powers were put in play, so the top priority is that Derek needs to go next week. Kyland thinks that Azah, Derek F or Xavier would have to be the ones to take the shot. Kyland said he values the mission of the six more than he values his own game. He explained that no one that looks like him has won before and that makes it difficult not to be inspired, and therefore he is committed to the six above all else.

11:19 AM: Kyland told Xavier that their talk went well and that Derek X told him he does not think it’s in his best interest to win HoH this week.

11:34 AM: Hannah told Xavier that Britini is making a lot of compelling arguments and she has convinced Claire and Derek X to keep her. Xavier said Hannah and Tiffany need to convince them otherwise. Xavier said he got Alyssa back on board by showing her how Britini staying does not benefit her personal game. Xavier offered to help getting Derek on board by saying he, Derek and Kyland are the biggest competitors and it benefits them to keep Kyland happy this week since he is unpredictable and they don’t want to upset him and have him come at them in two weeks. Hannah said she told them that she is not keeping Britini unless Alyssa and Xavier flip, which Xavier said that they are not doing. Worst case, Hannah said they can force a tie and it would not raise red flags if Kyland then voted to evict Britini after backdooring her.

11:48 AM: Xavier asked Tiffany what is going on with Claire since she seems to be spearheading getting Derek F out. Tiffany said it’s not that but rather that Britini is presenting a strong campaign. Tiffany said there are a lot of valid points being made that would make sense to anyone who doesn’t have the six on their side. Tiffany clarified that Claire does not want to go against the majority. Tiffany admitted that it’s tough for her to argue in favour of keeping Derek F when trying to convince Claire to do so, as there are not many good points to make. Xavier suggested saying that they can save Derek F for the double eviction, but Tiffany said no one would waste a double on him. Xavier also said to bring up that Britini has proven she can beat Claire as opposed to Derek F who Claire can beat.

12:09 PM: When discussing plans for next week, Tiffany told Xavier that he cannot win HoH. She said they need Kyland and Sarah Beth on the block. Xavier said that would give Derek X a shot at getting the coup d’etat. Tiffany said he will play roulette and wont have enough money for that. She also argued that taking Derek X out would mean that Alyssa, Claire and Sarah Beth would have no one left to target but members of the Cookout, so Derek acts as a shield for them in that sense. Xavier said if he and Kyland are going to be expected to take the shot at Derek, they should get some say in when it will happen. Tiffany agreed but said they need to see the full picture in that Sarah Beth will come after her and Hannah if Derek is gone. Xavier asked who would be best to win HoH then. Tiffany said her, Claire or Hannah since they could put Kyland and Sarah Beth up. Xavier pointed out that Tiffany just told him Claire had to go. She said that was yesterday and things change quickly, and she was acting out of fear but feels better knowing that Claire wants to go with the majority. Xavier still felt that getting Derek out next is best since he is the toughest to beat in competitions and he will have enough money to go for the coup d’etat. Tiffany said there will be luck competitions that anyone can win. They agreed to think things over further before reaching a conclusion. It was discussed that they know Derek F is safe this week but they have to figure out if they can get through the week with everyone on board in order to avoid showing their cards.

1:30 PM: Derek F told Alyssa that he is going to give everyone the same speech. He said he is not going to campaign against Britini. He said if it’s better to keep him, keep him, if not then keep Britini. Alyssa asked how he feels about her and Xavier. Derek said they would not be his target. Alyssa let Derek know that as of right now him staying works in her favour.

1:33 PM: Britini made her pitch to Xavier. She said she is a competitor who can help take out some of the big competitors. She then said she is a shield for Alyssa and it’s best for them to work together. Her next point was that she is always going to take up one of the spots on the block. In addition to that, she said she is loyal and a number to do whatever they need to do. Britini then brought up that Derek F will become the ultimate pawn if he stays, and everyone will go home next to him. Xavier said he is playing devil’s advocate and he asked at what point does she become the ultimate pawn who is stronger in competitions. Britini said she doesn’t view herself as a pawn as she is having to fight for her life to stay and she thinks there are scenarios in which she would go.

1:58 PM: Derek X asked Claire what Tiffany and Xavier’s relationship is, because she always sees them talking. Claire said she doesn’t know and Tiffany told her that their conversation this morning was about the vote even though it was a long talk and she is sure that Xavier wants to keep Derek. Claire said Tiffany told her that Xavier might be their biggest concern next week because he would put them both up with the goal of backdooring Derek X, but she told Tiffany that Xavier is not putting her up. Derek asked what i means when someone says they are not going to put you up. Claire said she would take that as they are going to backdoor you and are only guaranteeing that you don’t go up as an initial nominee. Derek said that’s what Xavier said to him. Derek said that he, Kyland and Xavier didn’t make an agreement but Xavier brought up that they all have people, so if he is really standing next to him and Kyland then maybe Tiffany is right that she and Claire could be the nominations. Derek said he doesn’t know if he believes what he, Kyland and Xavier talked about and he may just go after a guy. Claire said that’s how she feels right now. They agreed that they will be well positioned if a guy goes. The two agreed that it’s best for them to keep Britini.

2:14 PM: Derek F told Azah to do what is best for her game. Azah said she hasn’t told people what she is doing either way and she is going to keep her vote private. Derek said he respects that.

2:20 PM: Derek F told Claire that he is not going to campaign. He said to do what is best for her game. He jokingly said his resume shows it all and he is a comp beast. He told her he will appreciate it if she keeps him. If not, he said good luck living in filth.

2:22 PM: Britini told Alyssa that they know what it takes to win and they are going to need each other moving forward. Britini mentioned that Alyssa will see the block less with her there. She argued that she is not the ultimate pawn like Derek F is, as Derek can barely campaign today and still has a shot at staying.

2:34 PM: Derek F told Xavier he would appreciate his consideration to keep him. Derek talked about being a physical and mental threat that can win competitions for Xavier. Derek said he would not be coming after Xavier. When Xavier asked if he would be after someone close to him, Derek said no. He explained that his targets are the person with curly hair and a big smile, and the one with a high pitched voice.

2:39 PM: Derek F told Derek X that keeping him is beneficial since he is a physical and mental threat who can win competitions for him. Derek said he can be taken out at any time in the future. Derek X asked what his HoH would look like. Derek F said he will now be serious. He stated that he would like Sarah Beth’s head on a platter. Derek added that what he was saying earlier was a joke and he loves Britini and knows that she can do more than him in the game. Derek F later said that he may get used as a pawn again if he stays. He mentioned that anyone who is nominated next to him automatically goes home. He talked about need to take the girls out since any guy would lose the jury vote to a girl.

2:58 PM: Britini made her pitch to Hannah prior to this afternoon so she checked in with her to see if she had any questions. Hannah said she does not as Britini has laid it out perfectly and is a good campaigner.

3:00 PM: Alyssa told Xavier that she would like to gain Sarah Beth’s trust and feels as though she doesn’t realize that she and Kyland are targets for the house. She said that she would like to give her some information.

3:02 PM: Alyssa told Sarah Beth that Britini said she is going to nominate her next to Kyland. Alyssa said that doesn’t help her game to have one of her closest allies on the block, so she would rather keep Derek F even though she does not know what he would do.

3:12 PM: Tiffany told Kyland that Xavier wants to get Derek X out but she thinks that’s a bad idea. Kyland said he feels like taking Derek X out is not their top priority but one of two things need to happen next week, those being that Derek spends his money or Derek goes home. Kyland explained that Derek X is the only person outside of the six that would seem to have the ability to get the coin power at this point.

3:17 PM: Derek F told Sarah Beth that he has been giving everyone a funny speech but he is not going to do that with her. He said he cannot say anything bad about Britini but he is not a physical or mental threat. Derek said he can always be a vote or a potential pawn, and he is the best person to go up against at the end. Sarah Beth questioned whether or not all of the Jokers were going to target her and Kyland in the HoH competition. Derek said Britini did that on her own and it was not a plan that they had. Sarah Beth also expressed concern about Britini and Derek F telling both her and Christian that they had their votes last week. Derek said he did not do that and in fact he was going to tell Christian that everyone was lying to him but production said he was not allowed to tell.

3:24 PM: Xavier told Hannah he doesn’t see how he can not take the shot at Derek X if he gets the chance. He pointed out that he would have no one else to target. Hannah said Claire’s name. Xavier said that’s why his plan was to nominate Claire and Tiffany but Tiffany is worried that she would go. Hannah said they can get Derek X to play roulette if Claire and Tiffany are nominated, because he said he would play if either of those two or herself are on the block. Xavier said he would have to nominate Azah and Derek F then. When Hannah brought up that Derek will expect votes from Claire, Tiffany and herself if he is up next to anyone else, Xavier went back to the original plan of nominating Claire and Tiffany.

3:46 PM: Alyssa asked Derek X to let her know if he is leaning a certain way because she would like for the two of them, Hannah and Xavier to vote the same way. Derek said Hannah feels that way too. Alyssa said Xavier is leaning 60/40 towards evicting Britini.

3:49 PM: Hannah asked Alyssa how she is feeling. Alyssa said 60/40 for Britini going home. Alyssa said she would hate to waste a week on Derek F. Hannah added that you can get him out any week. Derek X said they will only feel that more strongly as the weeks go by though. Alyssa suggested keeping Derek F for the double eviction. Derek questioned who he would target next if Britini is gone. Alyssa told him that he has reason to go after whoever he wants since his name has been in everyone’s mouths since the start.

3:56 PM: Xavier joined Alyssa, Derek X and Hannah to ask where they are leaning. Derek said Britini is putting up a stronger campaign but Alyssa and Hannah made good points so he is back to being 50/50. Alyssa said she is 60/40 in favour of Derek F staying. Hannah said she is 55/45.

4:00 PM: Claire told Britini she sees the benefit in keeping her. Claire said people are tossing around percentages and no one is 100% set at this point. Britini said she will stay if she gets Claire, Azah, Derek X, Hannah and Tiffany. Claire said she will be straight up that some people are worried about Alyssa and Xavier being on the other side because Kyland and Sarah Beth will then work with them.

4:07 PM: Hannah told Derek F that Kyland needs to make it clear that he prefers Britini go home. They discussed the plan for the upcoming weeks and agreed that Claire or Sarah Beth need to go next, then Derek X, then whoever remains out of Claire and Sarah Beth. Alyssa would then be the last to go before the Cookout gets down to six.

4:20 PM: Azah told Hannah that everyone in the Cookout has to vote for Derek F to stay. Hannah said she wants to find a way to keep Derek without showing their cards. Azah said they might have to show their cards and if she is voting her best friend in Britini out, they all have to do it too. Hannah brought up that Claire and Derek X are already getting suspicious. She questioned why they would all vote for Derek to stay if they don’t have to. Azah said they need the numbers and she does not trust anyone’s vote outside of the Cookout.

4:28 PM: Hannah told Derek F that she is going to continue to work on Derek X but it is way too sketchy if both Azah and Tiffany vote to keep him. Derek said he thinks Azah is worried if Claire and Derek X are voting him out and then they play around with the votes. Hannah said she is just saying that Azah and Tiffany cannot both vote to keep Derek. He said of course.

4:41 PM: Azah told Derek F that Hannah is making a thing out of the votes for no reason. She asked Derek if he has a final two with Xavier. Derek said yes. Azah said she had a feeling. She asked to be put in the final three. Azah said she will propose a final three to Xavier and see what he says. Derek encouraged Azah to work with the girls in the Cookout as well. Azah said she fixed her relationship with Tiffany but she knows Hannah and Tiffany have already got something and she has no chance with them.

4:58 PM: Derek X told Britini that he sees arguments for both sides and know that there is a lot of information out there that people are still trying to shuffle through. Britini said her main target will be Sarah Beth if she stays, as Sarah Beth made it clear that she is not voting for her to stay. When Britini asked about Derek F’s pitch, Derek X said he is not even giving a pitch. Britini said that’s good that she is giving an elaborate pitch and may still go. They agreed that Derek is so dangerous since he doesn’t even have to give a pitch.

5:10 PM: Sarah Beth told Hannah that it’s not good for her game to keep Britini around. She said Britini would nominate her next to Kyland then then she would be the target if Kyland came down. Sarah Beth said she, Alyssa and Xavier all feel that Britini needs to go.

6:03 PM: Feeds went down for the halfway party.

8:06 PM: Feeds returned.

8:22 PM: Sarah Beth let Derek F know that she wants to go with her gut and trust who she thinks that she can trust. Sarah Beth said she is pretty sure that Derek is going to be staying and keeping him is better for her game. Sarah Beth added she thinks that she can work with Derek.

8:29 PM: Derek F told Xavier that Sarah Beth said her gut is telling her to save him so that she can work with him. Derek said he needs help. He questioned what he would then do if he wins HoH, since he was planning on targeting her. Xavier told him to go along with it for now. Derek then revealed that Azah plans to talk to Xavier about making a final three with the two of them, and she said that she will even take third place to them. Xavier said she can lose to them but it’s not going to be in the final three. Xavier pointed out that they already have other commitments.

8:50 PM: Sarah Beth told Tiffany that she would like to meet up with her and Claire to discuss the plan for this week and next. Tiffany said she is down for voting Britini out like Sarah Beth had said. Sarah Beth explained that Alyssa, Xavier, Hannah and herself are voting to evict Britini, so Britini will not have the votes.

9:01 PM: Britini pitched to Claire and Derek X that if it’s a 5-3 vote with the Kings on the other side of it, she will be a shield for everyone who voted for her. She also said the three people who did not vote for her are a shield for her votes since they are now in the minority. Britini talked about being able to control the votes as a six for at least four weeks. She expressed that she would be willing to go up next to each person on the other side to get them out.

9:05 PM: Tiffany informed Claire and Derek X about Sarah Beth saying that she, Alyssa, Xavier and Hannah are not keeping Britini. Claire and Derek X still discussed that it is best for their games to draw a line and keep Britini, though the talks did not last long.

9:14 PM: Azah told Kyland that she would like to work on trust with him. In terms of the vote, she let him know that Derex X has told Britini that he is keeping her and Claire has said that she will do everything she can for her to stay. Azah suggested that a push from the HoH may be needed to sway them. Azah mentioned that she told Britini she would have her vote early on but she is not going to do that unless she knows that Derek is safe.


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