Big Brother 23 Day 48 - Xavier uses the PoV on himself; SB nominates Derek X

August 23, 2021

10:32 AM: Derek X told Sarah Beth he has a good idea of where her head is at in terms of the replacement nominee but he has some things to say in order to see if it will change anything. He let her know that her name came up as a house target even prior to him winning HoH and Alyssa and Christian were not the only ones that tried to flip the vote on her. Derek said he knows she is concerned that he has numbers on his side but he would lose his closest person if Hannah goes up and leaves this week, meaning he would then be closest to her and Kyland and have one less number on his side. Last night, Derek, Hannah and Tiffany had a couple of conversations about Hannah going up instead in order to keep them all safe. Derek pitched that he would not come after Sarah Beth for two to three weeks and he would use the Coin of Destiny in a way that benefits her should he get it. Sarah Beth said she has a lot to think about and she has to consider that the house dynamics change weekly. Derek said he is loyal and it shows since he still will not give a name on who told him that Alyssa was flipping the votes, even though it would likely help his game. When Sarah Beth asked if Derek thinks that Hannah would leave over Claire, Derek said she would have his vote, Tiffany’s vote, Kyland’s vote, Alyssa’s vote and Xavier’s vote to do whatever she wants. Sarah Beth ultimately said she needs time to think about it.

11:00 AM: Sarah Beth looked at the memory wall as she ran through scenarios of who would potentially be after her next week if Derek X was there and if he was out of the house. She concluded that there would be four options to keep her safe if Derek is gone and maybe five if he stayed, but she thought that Alyssa and Xavier would potentially be upset if he stayed and that number could fall to three. She said she doesn’t think that the numbers work out in Derek’s favour since him staying does not significantly increase her chances of staying next week. She added that she does not trust him to keep her off of the block if he wins the coup d’état. Another factor that she considered is that Derek would vote to keep Kyland over her if they ended up on the block together.

11:12 AM: Sarah Beth filled Kyland in on her talk with Derek X. She brought up that Alyssa, Derek F and Xavier are the only people going after Derek, and she believes them when they say that they would go for Claire and Tiffany next week, so him staying does not offer any additional protection for her. Sarah Beth said she would feel awful if Derek F won the power and put them up but it would feel horrific if she left Derek X in the game and he did it, so she would prefer not to leave that option open. Kyland let Sarah Beth know that he supports her decision even though it will hurt on a personal level.

12:06 PM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:04 PM: Feeds returned. Xavier used the Power of Veto on himself. Sarah Beth nominated Derek X as the replacement nominee.

1:05 PM: Claire and Derek X discussed that they may have to do one on ones tomorrow since Xavier will be in solitary confinement starting sometime on Wednesday. The two discussed that neither of them is likely to be long for the game at this point. Derek questioned where they went so wrong since he felt so good. Claire said they had to win competitions. Derek mentioned wanting to kick himself for not playing roulette. He said it would have been such a different situation had Hannah won that. He said she should have said her money and he should have played.

1:06 PM: In the HoH room, Alyssa, Kyland, Sarah Beth and Xavier talked things over. Sarah Beth said it makes perfect sense for them to work together. Xavier said he thinks people have kind of assumed that they are working together since last week. Sarah Beth eventually asked if they want to make things official. They settled on the name “The Monarchy” for their alliance.

1:41 PM: Tiffany joined Kyland and Sarah Beth in the HoH room. Sarah Beth told her that she wasn’t even an option for her and she told Derek X last night that she did not want Claire or Tiffany going home. Sarah Beth said she thinks that it will be either a 5-2 or 6-1 vote to evict Derek. She mentioned that Hannah and/or Kyland may be the votes to evict Claire. Kyland said he imagines that it will be 6-1. When Tiffany asked Sarah Beth how she is feeling, she mentioned that this kind of hurts since she feels like she didn’t have a whole lot of control over her HoH, implying that the power impacted it. She said she believed Derek when he said that he was not coming after her but she still thought that this would be the best decision.

1:47 PM: Derek X let Sarah Beth know that there are no hard feelings. Sarah Beth said it wasn’t personal. Derek said he gets it an appreciates her being honest with him all week.

1:51 PM: Kyland told Derek X he could see a scenario in which he gets to a point in his campaign where the optimal thing would be to campaign against him and Sarah Beth. If so, Kyland said he would hope that they could talk before that. Derek asked if it’s possible to campaign against Sarah Beth without campaigning against Kyland. Kyland said he thinks so, but Derek didn’t think that would get him any additional votes. Kyland let Derek know that he has not stopped evaluating what his best move this week would be.

1:57 PM: Derek F told Xavier that everyone thinks he is working with Alyssa, Kyland and Sarah Beth. Xavier said they are aware of that. Derek brought up that Derek X would go after Sarah Beth if he stays. Xavier said he has won three competitions and they have to take the shot now when they have it. Derek said he understands but he didn’t like that everyone but Kyland has had to lose a person.

2:12 PM: Derek X told Hannah that Kyland mentioned Alyssa and Xavier went up to the HoH room after the ceremony and the four of them discussed that they kind of control the house if he is gone. Derek said he can’t say that he would not be doing the same thing if he were Kyland. Derek pointed out that if he goes, that foursome will have all of the HoH and veto wins of those remaining in the house, so he does not know what kind of argument he can make to get Kyland’s vote.

2:38 PM: Tiffany told Derek X she would much rather have him in this game and the only way that she can do that is to flip the house. She said she would rather flip it for him than for anyone else. Tiffany said Sarah Beth has what she thinks is a team of six but it’s a team of four. Tiffany brought up that Sarah Beth wants to keep hers and Claire’s trust so rather than coming after her directly she is weakening her. Tiffany said she thinks the only way to keep him is if it’s her, Hannah, Azah and Derek F but she has tried with Derek F and has not gotten anywhere. Derek said his Hail Mary is Kyland said if it’s a unanimous vote against him, he will give him his vote. Tiffany said Hannah would then need to tell Kyland that she is not voting for Derek because everyone is expecting her to.

3:04 PM: Derek X spoke to Derek F. He told him that he can win competitions and Derek will have him on his side for the rest of the game if he helps him out this week. Derek F asked for some time as he is still trying to put the pieces together. Derek X assured Derek F that he would be good with him should he win the coin flip next week.

3:48 PM: Derek F, Kyland and Xavier met up in the have-not room. Derek F talked about nominating Claire and Kyland if he wins HoH next week, and then putting Sarah Beth up in Kyland’s place if he wins the anonymous HoH. He said his ideal eviction order would be Derek X, Sarah Beth, Claire and then Alyssa. Kyland agreed that it would be an ideal scenario. Derek asked how the three of them are going to get to the final three. Xavier brought up that they will be able to play in every veto competition once they get down to six, so they will be able to run HoHs and vetoes until the end. Kyland said he does not know of any veto competitions that Azah, Hannah and Tiffany will beat them at.

5:19 PM: Claire told Hannah that she is going to try to integrate with Kyland and Sarah Beth as well as the Jokers. Hannah said it’s important that whoever stays is not perceived as a threesome alongside her and Tiffany. They talked about the upcoming HoH being an important one. Claire suggested that Hannah get close with Derek F. Hannah said she has been since he will be the only one with enough money to play next week if Derek X leaves.

5:30 PM: Hannah told Derek X that he can count on her vote 100%. She said she will not be doing any campaigning for him since it backfired when Alyssa did it for Christian. Derek said he feels good with Hannah and Tiffany, as well as Azah but he thinks that his relationship with Azah is more so on a personal level. As for a fourth potential vote, he said that it makes sense for Derek F to want to keep him in the game and he will be working on him. Derek mentioned that he saw Derek F, Kyland and Xavier walk out of the have-not room together today. He wondered if they were trying to form a five with Alyssa and Sarah Beth. Hannah said Azah may be involved as well. Derek said he is not ready to fully campaign against Kyland and Sarah Beth yet. He mentioned waiting until just before Xavier goes into solitary, as Xavier then has 24 hours to think about it and he cannot talk to anyone about it either.

6:06 PM: After talking to Derek X, Hannah spoke to the camera about feeling so bad. She said Derek cannot stay. She mentioned that she has not felt this guilty in a very long time, and she will feel directly responsible for sending him home if she could have done something to prevent it but didn’t.

6:11 PM: Hannah told Derek F that she has been helping Derek X with his pitches for him, Azah and Kyland. She said she feels guilty since she is giving him false hope. Derek explained that there is going to come a point where they all have to let their people go.

6:25 PM: Tiffany asked Kyland if there is any possibility for Derek to stay this week. Kyland said it’s not his sole decision but he cannot imagine any scenario in which it happens. He added that Derek staying is good for the two of them but it makes things a lot harder for the six. Tiffany said she gets it.

6:36 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said they are trying to weaken her defenses by taking out Claire and Derek X. Tiffany said she is going to be so bored without Derek X. Tiffany said she realizes it’s a game and Derek has to go this week for the Cookout. She talked about Sarah Beth needing to go next week.

8:10 PM: Claire told Derek X that she would probably go after Xavier because he is playing the best game. She said that she would be fine with him if she knew who his target was but she doesn’t. Derek questioned who you could even put up next to Xavier to ensure that he leaves. Claire threw out the names of Derek F and Kyland. Derek said he thinks that it would have to be Alyssa.

9:21 PM: Derek X told Tiffany that one of the major conflicts is deciding if she still tries to get Kyland’s vote or not. If he doesn’t, he said he can then expose that there is a strong side of the house consisting of Alyssa, Kyland, Sarah Beth and Xavier that has won every HoH and veto. Derek explained that he will be gone very soon if he stays and he just wants an underdog to win the season at this point. He said he could use the anonymous HoH to take out a strong competitor and then still have a chance at playing for HoH the following week to take one more shot before leaving. Tiffany suggested that if there was a pitch that would work for Kyland he would not have allowed Sarah Beth to nominate Derek in the first place, which Derek agreed with. Derek brought up seeing Derek F, Kyland and Xavier walk out of the have-not room together earlier. He also said Kyland talked to him about how Alyssa, Sarah Beth, Xavier and himself met up in the HoH room following the ceremony to talk about how they could go far together. Tiffany said that if Derek leaves, it could be her, Azah, Claire, Derek F and Hannah against those four. Derek said that’s the pitch that he is making. He also discussed potentially getting Kyland to throw him a sympathy vote since he said he would have his vote if it’s not close.

10:04 PM: Tiffany told Azah she knows the six wants her out of there first. Azah said she thinks everyone wants Kyland out first. Tiffany said it would really be dope if the last three could be the two of them and Hannah. She said she likes the guys but they would beat them. Azah agreed that they don’t have a chance if a guy gets to the final three with them.

12:38 AM: Azah and Hannah agreed that Tiffany should vote for Claire to stay in order to maintain a level of trust with her moving forward. Azah said she thinks they need to talk to everyone in the Cookout so that if it does end up being 4-3, it’s not a contested 4-3 where they are all questioning who voted where. Hannah said she wouldn’t be mad if Derek X stayed. Azah said she wouldn’t be mad but it messes up her game and all of their games badly if it happens. Hannah said she thinks Derek X needs to go since she would never be able to put him on the block, but if Azah, Kyland and Tiffany all came to her and said they would be willing to put him on the block within the next week or two, then she would be on board with keeping him there. Azah said she has been set on him needing to go since yesterday. Hannah said Derek F and Xavier are also set on that.

12:48 AM: Tiffany talked to Claire about her wanting to infiltrate Kyland and Sarah Beth, and Hannah wanting to infiltrate Alyssa and Xavier. Tiffany asked what she should do. She asked if they should try to pick the Jokers up. Claire said maybe. Claire asked who she thinks trusts her. Tiffany said she thinks Alyssa or Xavier might trust her and Azah trusts her. Claire encouraged her to keep up her relationship with Kyland. Tiffany said she feels like Alyssa doesn’t have anyone so one of them should try to get close with her.

12:58 AM: Claire, Hannah and Tiffany discussed who they should try to get close with. They talked about Claire getting close with Azah and Sarah Beth, Hannah getting close with Derek F and Xavier, and Tiffany getting close with Alyssa and Kyland. They brought up needing to distance themselves if Derek X leaves so that they do not look like a trio.

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