Big Brother 23 Day 5

July 11, 2021

8:43 PM: Frenchie began to worry about next week. Alyssa and Brent told him that he is being paranoid and that he would have the votes to stay even if someone tried to go after him. Frenchie began talking about how good of social game Kyland has. He started wondering aloud if he should convince Derek not to use the veto. Alyssa did not like that idea as she is still on the block.

9:06 PM: Brent told Alyssa that he trusts Frenchie but his heart is too big and he keeps going back on his plans as soon as someone new talks to him. Alyssa and Brent proceeded to list off six people that Frenchie has been targeting at one point this week. Alyssa wondered if Frenchie would tell Derek not to use the veto. Brent said that would ruin everything since their alliance would be blown up, nobody would trust Frenchie, and he would go home next week.

9:09 PM: Frenchie asked Derek X if Kyland has ever said that he would target him. Derek said Kyland has for sure not said that. Frenchie then asked which way Derek would vote if noms were to stay the same. Derek said he would vote to keep Kyland.

9:11 PM: Frenchie asked Travis how he would vote if noms stayed the same. Travis said he would want to build with Frenchie so he would like to do what he wants. Frenchie said he is torn. Travis said he would have to go with keeping Kyland since he is on his team.

9:13 PM: Frenchie asked Xavier which way he would vote. Xavier said that he would have to keep Alyssa since she is on his team. He asked if the veto not being used is actually a possibility. Frenchie said he doesn’t think so but he is preparing for worst case scenario.

9:16 PM: Frenchie asked Hannah which way she would vote. She said that she would be keeping Kyland. He then told Hannah that he would prefer to have the veto used on Alyssa but it doesn’t really matter. Hannah expects that it will be used on Kyland.

9:20 PM: Frenchie told Kyland that he is coming off of the block. He asked which way he would vote if Alyssa and Travis are on the block. Kyland said he would be voting with The Butchers. He told Frenchie he doesn’t know why he would be torn if he is serious about The Slaughterhouse. Frenchie asked what Kyland would do if there wasn’t an alliance. Kyland said that he would keep Travis because he is on his team. Frenchie told Kyland that he has asked people who they would to keep for if nominations were to stay the same and it was overwhelmingly in Kyland’s favour.

9:30 PM: Frenchie asked Travis if he can persuade Derek not to use the veto without anybody knowing. Travis said yeah. He asked if Kyland is okay with it. Frenchie said that he has not talked to anybody about it. Frenchie said that everyone is voting for Kyland to stay over Alyssa.

9:54 PM: Frenchie told Claire and Sarah that he would like for Kyland to be taken off of the block because he told him that he was the pawn. Frenchie said his best case scenario would be the votes going to evict Travis because Alyssa and Kyland can both be safe then. Claire and Sarah said they cannot see Travis staying if he goes up.

10:12 PM: Derek X asked Alyssa who she thinks she has the best shot at beating out in a vote. When Alyssa said she isn’t sure, Derek said he thinks it might be Travis. Alyssa asked if he thinks the veto will be used after his talking with Frenchie. Derek explained that him not using it would burn bridges with her and with Kyland, so it’s best for everyone’s game if it is used.

10:18 PM: Frenchie let Claire know that his team will do whatever it can to help hers since he is taking out one of her teammates. He also brought up that his team already has a good relationship with Sarah’s team. so the three of them could work together for a bit. At one point, Claire brought up The Slaughterhouse idea that Frenchie had come up with but ultimately not included her in. Frenchie later said he feels that they really need to form the Slaughterhouse. Claire and Sarah agreed. Frenchie added that they need the numbers.

11:00 PM: Frenchie filled Azah and Britini in on the current plan. He said that Travis is going up if Kyland comes off of the block. Frenchie asked how they would vote in that scenario. Azah said she would like to know how he would want them to vote. Frenchie said he would vote to keep Alyssa if he had a vote. Azah and Britini were on board with that. Frenchie said he thinks it is best for their team if they take out the big competitors.

11:18 PM: Frenchie asked Derek if he is 100% going to use the veto. Derek said yeah. Frenchie said he really hopes that he is not blindsided by Derek not using the veto. He claimed that he would send Derek’s friend Kyland home if that were to happen.

11:23 PM: Travis asked Derek X what Frenchie has been saying. Derek said that Travis is probably going on the block if he saves Kyland. Travis said Frenchie told him that everybody would vote to keep Kyland if nominations were to stay the same. Derek brought up that Frenchie just told him that Kyland would go if he doesn’t use the veto. Derek figured that Frenchie must be testing one of them. Travis let Derek know that Frenchie wants him to convince him not to use the veto. Derek was confused and said that Frenchie has been telling him to use it. Derek figure that it might be Frenchie trying to hedge his bets so that he can get the blame off of himself if and when he has to nominate Travis. Derek said that he wants to do what Frenchie wants or else he will lose his trust and his team’s trust.

12:07 AM: Derek X told Kyland that people are telling him different things in terms of what the house wants, but he is going to use the veto on him.

12:21 AM: Travis told Frenchie that as soon as he tells Derek to leave noms the same, he will do that. Frenchie said he will talk to Derek since it is ultimately better for his game to keep Travis in the house. Frenchie brought up that Kyland was in an alliance with Derek X and Travis yet he was up in his HoH room saying that he wanted to go to the end with him.

12:25 AM: Derek X asked Brent if it makes any sense that Travis was talking with what seemed to be reliable info that people want him to stay. Brent said people are probably just tip toeing. Derek said he wants to make sure that he is not messing this up. He asked that he be told straight up what the plan is. Brent said he will let Derek know if he hears anything different from the original plan of using the veto.

12:37 AM: Frenchie told Derek X that Travis is loyal. He said his issue with Derek wanting to use the veto on Kyland is that Kyland was trying to make a final two with him while he was in an alliance with other people. Frenchie said he is not talking to anyone else about this but it’s the reason why he is battling internally about what to do. Derek said an argument for keeping Kyland is that Frenchie said in his speech that he is a pawn, so it would reflect poorly on him if he were to go. Frenchie agreed. He said he was not talking about getting Kyland out this week but rather eventually. He suggested that Derek keep what he said in the back of his mind.

1:18 AM: Frenchie pulled Alyssa and Derek in to talk. He suggested that they could have the best of both worlds since nobody is voting out Kyland. For that reason, he said that Travis could go up to Kyland and then he would go home. If Alyssa is up next to Travis, Frenchie said that some people would be voting to evict Alyssa.

1:23 AM: Frenchie told Kyland that he is stressed out and is getting nervous because more people than you would think would vote to evict Alyssa over Travis. Frenchie said he needs help from Kyland’s team because he does not want them voting against Alyssa. Kyland assured Frenchie that he has never done anything against him in this game.

1:28 AM: Frenchie spoke to Alyssa, Brent, Derek F, Kyland and Xavier. He said some people will not vote like they think they are. Xavier asked how many votes there are for Travis to stay over Alyssa. Frenchie said four. Alyssa told Kyland that he would stay unanimously over Travis. Frenchie said 100%. Kyland argued that he heard 100% that he wasn’t going to be on the block. Frenchie said “if you want to play that game, we will play that game”. Xavier told everyone to relax since they are on the same team.

1:32 AM: Frenchie told Alyssa and Sarah that it is a bad idea for Kyland to piss him off since he will go tell Derek not to use the veto. Alyssa said that wont work cause if anything he has to use the veto on her. Frenchie said she would feel better if it was used on her. Alyssa said that the four people voting against her could easily get four more. On top of that, he said there is no way that Kyland would go home.

1:40 AM: Frenchie told Xavier that he was being hypothetical and he did not like that Kyland was getting smart with him. Frenchie said that he does not even have the power since he is not the veto holder right now. Frenchie said if he really gets pissed off then he is going to throw a curveball with his nomination. Xavier recommended that he not do that for his own game. Frenchie said there was no reason for what Kyland said. Frenchie added that he does not like being threatened like that. Xavier said he should not be taking it as a threat but rather that Kyland is scared.

1:46 AM: Brent, Derek X, Kyland and Travis were brought into the HoH room. Frenchie told Kyland that he took his comment to mean that if he doesn’t do what he wants, he is not safe next week. Kyland apologized and said he does not want it to be taken like that. Frenchie said he was only trying to explain that Kyland is 100% safe no matter what.

2:43 AM: Frenchie told Christian, Derek X and Xavier that Kyland has now got him paranoid because he feels threatened. Frenchie said if there is any chance that Alyssa is going home, he is going to be pissed. Xavier said Alyssa is liked enough that they can work and get her the votes. Frenchie said the only way that the vote wont flip is if the veto is used on Alyssa because nobody is voting to evict Kyland. Frenchie said he feels like nobody cares about Alyssa’s feelings and they are fighting for the veto to be used on Kyland. Frenchie asked why it matters who the veto is used on. Derek said they pulled Kyland in the night before the veto and said that they would use it on him. Frenchie said he understands why Derek feels it but he doesn’t get why everyone else is thinking that way. He said that means that Kyland is going to go home with $750,000 since everyone is fighting for him.

3:06 AM: Frenchie told Alyssa that he has lost his voice fighting for her. He said that she is protected by four of the biggest competitors in the house and four of the strongest minds in the house, so there is no way that she is going home.

3:21 AM: Frenchie told Christian that Xavier is dangerous in a way that he has an ability to calm everybody down. Christian said they have two scary people in Kyland and Xavier, and there are some big cracks already in week one. Christian said that they have some issues to solve within The Slaughterhouse.

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