Big Brother 23 Day 53 - Hannah wins the Power of Veto

August 28, 2021

8:35 AM: Tiffany told Claire this is the first week that the two of them have guaranteed safety. They talked about having made it to the final eight. Tiffany said she wants to go compete for veto. Tiffany said she would really love to win the next HoH too. Claire said she asked for more rules about the throwing of the next HoH and she was told that they will get her more information. They figured that it had to be something that you have control over because Claire believes that you could accidentally win an endurance competition. Tiffany asked Claire who her replacement nominee would be. Claire said it would depend on who comes down but it would likely be Alyssa no matter what. Tiffany said too many people told her that Alyssa was going to put them up. Claire said the fact that they got $100 made her believe that they needed it no matter who won this week.

9:39 AM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She mentioned that she got dethroned but that’s okay because she can still play in the next HoH competition. She said that she will gun for it unless there is safety involved, as she may go for the safety instead. Tiffany said she and Claire are the HoHs even though she technically is no longer HoH, but her nominations stayed the same. Tiffany brought up that the Cookout is so close to getting to the end together. She said Sarah Beth has to go this week followed by Alyssa or Claire next week.

9:44 AM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

10:09 AM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Kyland, Sarah Beth, Xavier, Alyssa, Claire and Hannah. Azah will be the host.

10:49 AM: Claire spoke to the cameras. She said she sort of thinks everyone knows that she won Coin of Destiny but they might believe that it’s Tiffany. Claire said she is very proud of Tiffany for winning HoH. Claire said she feels like they may be able to pull Kyland in but she isn’t sure about that. She mentioned that Alyssa and Xavier are scary.

10:54 AM: Claire told Tiffany that the ideal veto winner in order is her, Hannah, Xavier, Alyssa, Kyland and Sarah Beth. Tiffany wondered if Sarah Beth still thinks that she is HoH. She said she doesn’t care if Claire wants them to know she has it but she didn’t want them bothering her and this way Sarah Beth will only be mad at one of them if she wins veto. Claire said she isn’t sure whether or not it’s better to share but she does think for next week it’s important that Derek know she won it and didn’t put him up. Tiffany said she can let him know when this week is done.

1:14 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

5:41 PM: Feeds returned. Hannah won the Power of Veto.

5:43 PM: Hannah spoke to the cameras and said she actually won something. She said she now has the power to send Sarah Beth home. Hannah mentioned that she is excited about it and that she can potentially use the veto to take Xavier off of the block. Hannah talked about getting to watch a movie and bring some people with her when she does so.

5:45 PM: Kyland asked Claire what her thoughts are on Hannah winning. Claire said she feels like Hannah probably won’t use it. Kyland said she thinks that she should be open to it if other people are. He asked Claire if she would be open to her using it on him. Claire said it’s not up to her and she doesn’t think that it changes the outcome of the week either way. Kyland said he agrees on that. Claire said she would support Hannah using it but she doesn’t see her using it. Claire suggested talking to Tiffany because she is in support of what Tiffany wants this week.

5:46 PM: Tiffany told Hannah she knew she would win. Hannah said she knew Sarah Beth went really fast but she beat her by 23 seconds. Hannah pointed out that she and Tiffany are sending Sarah Beth to jury right after Derek X left, and he will be so proud.

6:00 PM: Kyland asked Xavier what he is thinking. Xavier said that they will probably be sitting on the block on eviction night. Kyland said that doesn’t have to be the case, Xavier wasn’t sure what using the veto would do for Hannah. He said he doesn’t see a scenario in which either of them get a vote cast against them. They did think that is concerning in a sense of it doesn’t leave them any reason to target anyone in particular if they win HoH next week.

6:42 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and pointed out that she, Claire and Hannah had a golden week and are going to send Sarah Beth out. Tiffany said it has been a long time coming since she was after her since at least week five.

6:45 PM: Tiffany told Xavier that the girls are happy that they are finally winning something. Xavier said he is proud of them. Tiffany explained that they had felt like a bunch of losers up to this point. Tiffany suggested that using the veto wouldn’t make any sense in terms of hiding the alliance as people would question why Hannah would use it. She said they have all got to take one for the team. Xavier brought up that Tiffany is saying that when she has never been on the block. They then talked about the best way for Tiffany to handle her goodbye message. Tiffany said she respects the game that Sarah Beth is playing and that’s why she is her biggest threat. She said she will keep it respectful and boost her ego.

7:13 PM: Feeds went down.

7:24 PM: Feeds returned. Hannah, Kyland, Sarah Beth and Xavier were off of the feeds for the movie screening that Hannah won during the veto competition.

8:20 PM: Tiffany told Azah she let Xavier know that the girls decided to help out this week. Tiffany said poor Xavier and Kyland thought that they were going to get out there and run over those girls but Hannah won the veto. Azah said they thought that they were going to win everything. Azah admitted that she had some insecurities about Derek X leaving since she wasn’t sure that they could win competitions. Tiffany said winning is an attainable goal and they have got what it takes.

12:02 AM: Xavier told Hannah that Sarah Beth can say whatever she wants about him and he doesn’t give a damn, and then they can send her out the door. Hannah asked if he prefers that she not use it on him. Xavier said he would prefer to come off of the block but he is leaving that up to her. Hannah said she prefers to take him down and told Alyssa that’s what she would do last week. Hannah added that she does not want two Cookout members sitting on the block. Hannah said she has to check with Tiffany and the anonymous HoH to make sure that they are okay with that. Xavier said he would be okay with that. Hannah expects Tiffany to be on board but thinks that Claire might be a little tougher to convince. Hannah said her pitch will be that Xavier is about loyalty and she can gain brownie points by saving him. Xavier said if Alyssa wins HoH and Claire wins veto, Alyssa will not look at Hannah if she uses the veto on him this week. Hannah said she has thought about that.

12:28 AM: Derek checked in on Sarah Beth. He asked if she has had conversations yet. Sarah Beth said she doesn’t know where Hannah’s head is at as far as the veto but Kyland and Xavier do not think that she will use it. Sarah Beth said she doesn’t think that she has very good arguments for Hannah. Derek said to play the physical card and tell Hannah that she can beat her but she won’t be able to beat the boys in physical competitions.

12:35 AM: Xavier told Alyssa he is trying to think of ways to convince Hannah to use the veto on her, such as by saying that he was the third nominee and it will not piss anyone off. Alyssa suggested that Xavier could make a deal not to put her up next week if he wins. Alyssa said Xavier could offer the way that Tiffany wants even though she is not HoH anymore, and then it’s an extra vote on their side. Alyssa said she doesn’t see why Hannah wouldn’t do it. Alyssa said she did so poorly in the veto competition and she already had her speech ready for if she was on the block next to Kyland.

1:47 AM: Kyland told Xavier the worst part is that right before they separated for lockdown, Sarah Beth was like “I think it’s best if you come off. I think you have a better chance of going home if you stay (nominated)”. Xavier brought up that the ladies came through this week. Xavier said people won’t just be looking at them now. Kyland said it’s not only that but now they may feel comfortable sitting next to people that have won stuff and won’t just try to get them out at 6 and 5.

1:57 AM: Claire told Tiffany that Kyland is really going to try to save Sarah Beth this week. Tiffany said then he can go home. She let him Tiffany know that Kyland would like to get the veto used on him.

2:02 AM: Tiffany told Xavier she just found out from Claire that Kyland is trying to get the veto used on him. Xavier asked for what reason. Tiffany said he is apparently trying to save both Sarah Beth and himself, but no one is going to use the veto on him when the whole point was for him to sit next to Sarah Beth. Tiffany asked if Xavier has talked to Hannah. Xavier said he told her if she wants to use it, great and if not that’s okay. Xavier said she plans to talk to Claire and Tiffany about it. Tiffany said no because it will not look good to everyone else if she uses it on Kyland. Xavier said she would be using it on him. Tiffany said she doesn’t care about that but she doesn’t know how Alyssa and Claire would view it. Xavier said he already talked to Alyssa about it and she wouldn’t have an issue with it. Xavier added that he doesn’t see any negative impact of it. Tiffany said she will feel Claire out to see what she would think about it. She said she could frame it as though Xavier might be more loyal to them next week if Hannah uses the veto on him.

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