Big Brother 23 Day 56

August 31, 2021

11:57 AM: Kyland told Azah that Sarah Beth started out think that he was the target but now she is more so in the middle. Kyland said Tiffany suggested that he was the original target but he said she could tell Sarah Beth that Alyssa has been planting seeds to get Claire to shift the target to her. Kyland said it would resonate with her due to how she feels about Alyssa. Azah asked Kyland who he would put up if he were to win HoH this week. Kyland said he would rather Azah or Derek win but he is bad with both Alyssa and Claire so could put both of them up. Azah said that’s what she would do as well. Azah said she could play it off as though she is trying to backdoor Kyland. Kyland said that makes sense. In terms of who should go first, Kyland said Claire should be first to go if there is a Battle Back but there is no way to figure that out. He worried that Claire and Derek X would work together if so.

12:10 PM: Kyland told Azah and Derek that the priority is for one of the three of them to win HoH but ideally it would be Azah or Derek. Derek agreed.

12:28 PM: Derek told Hannah that in order for things to go the way they need this week, he or Azah need to win HoH because they can go after Alyssa and Claire. Hannah said that Kyland also has reason to target the two of them. Derek agreed and said he thinks that Kyland understands that he or Azah winning would be the top priority even though he could take the shot as well.

2:33 PM: Claire spoke to the cameras. She said she has to make some moves whether it’s with her vote or by getting other people to do things. She said that she would like for Xavier to leave next week but she would be okay with Alyssa leaving as well. She said that if Kyland has to leave, she doesn’t really want to be the one to take that shot. Claire mentioned Azah asking her if she is after Derek. Claire said “Azah, what?”. She said she wants to finish having the conversation with Azah. Claire worried that Azah and Derek feed each other information. Claire said she feels good about Tiffany’s chances if it’s endurance, and even though Tiffany would want Alyssa out, she may be able to talk her out of it.

2:39 PM: Hannah told Claire she is probably not going to tell Sarah Beth where her vote lies during their one on one, instead saying that it’s a toss up because she can see the benefit to leaving a target in the house who is not necessarily coming after her. The two discussed nominations for next week. Hannah mentioned Alyssa and Kyland. Claire said she could see Xavier using the veto on Alyssa then. Hannah said she could then put Derek up and send him home. Claire said that they would not have the votes to keep Kyland in that instance. Claire asked if Kyland is actually a target for Alyssa and Xavier. Hannah said she could see them putting Kyland up next to one of them.

3:11 PM: Sarah Beth told Hannah she plans to meet with everyone for one on ones tomorrow. She said she doesn’t know where everyone’s heads are at compared to last time when she was on the block and was being told that she was fine. Sarah Beth asked Hannah how she is feeling. Hannah said she is at a point of pure uncertainty and nervousness of what’s to come. She brought up that there was the anonymous HoH, three nominees, and uncertainty surrounding a potential double eviction. Sarah Beth said she does not see herself lasting long even if she stays. Hannah said you never know since there are some advantages to being a solo player.

3:57 PM: Hannah told Tiffany she is starting to think that there wont be a Battle Back due to Covid. Hannah said they will get sent home if that happens. Tiffany said she is not leaving and they aren’t affecting anyone since they are in a bubble. Hannah said if there isn’t a Battle Back, they should send Alyssa home next week because they have a better shot at beating Claire for HoH and she is not coming after the two of them or Azah even if she wins HoH. Tiffany agreed. She said they cannot use that reasoning when talking to the guys because it’s better for them to keep Alyssa. They then talked about how it may be best to keep Alyssa because she would be a shield in the event of a Battle Back, as they could see whoever returns looking at her or her looking at them. If Tiffany wins, it was discussed that she could nominate Alyssa and Xavier, then put someone like Kyland up if Xavier wins the veto. Tiffany said Claire will wonder why Kyland isn’t going home.

4:16 PM: Hannah told Tiffany it would be great if they took out Big D first when they got down to six. Tiffany said he got his money already. Hannah said what would be ideal is one of them wins, takes out Big D, then Xavier wins and takes out Kyland, leaving him unable to compete for HoH the following week. She said they could then take Xavier out and go to the final three with Azah. Tiffany said they need to do that. Hannah said she would throw the endurance portion of the final HoH to Tiffany, she could win Part 2, and the the two of them will be in Part 3.

4:20 PM: Claire asked Hannah what they do if Alyssa and Kyland go up and nominations don’t change. Hannah said they send Alyssa home. Claire asked what if Alyssa wins veto. Hannah said they could nominate Derek and send home Kyland. Claire said no. Hannah then said they could put Xavier up. They went through the votes and Hannah said it may be too risky so you may have to put Derek up.

5:35 PM: Tiffany told Claire and Hannah that Sarah Beth wont expect Derek’s vote against Kyland, and Alyssa plans to tell her that she is not keeping her. She added that Sarah Beth wont expect Hannah to keep her after sending Derek X out, so the best she can expect is a 3-3 split and then she will have to count on the anonymous HoH. Tiffany said she’s fine with telling Sarah Beth that Kyland staying is not necessarily bad for her game since he is a target that will go before her, and then she will realize that she does not have the votes. They agreed that they cannot blindside Sarah Beth but they thought that it would be best to wait until Thursday with about an hour to go until the eviction before telling her that she is leaving.

6:57 PM: Alyssa spoke to Hannah about taking Kyland out next week. She said that would leave Claire and Tiffany as a duo, Azah and Derek as a duo, and then the two of them and Xavier could solidify a trio. Hannah said she thinks Xavier would pick Alyssa over her but she is cool with that. Alyssa said she thinks it would be 50/50 but they could let Hannah pick a fourth and then it’s fair game. Hannah suggested Tiffany, which Alyssa agreed with. Alyssa said she would nominate Claire and Kyland if she wins next week. Her goal would be to get Kyland out.

7:48 PM: Hannah and Kyland discussed that it’s best not to blindside Sarah Beth. Kyland said people could tell her how they are voting or her could be the messenger for them. As he did earlier in the day, he said he could blame in on Alyssa convincing Claire that Sarah Beth needs to go. Hannah thought that could make sense if Sarah Beth figures that Claire is the anonymous HoH. Looking ahead to next week, Hannah pointed out that Kyland is the one person with valid reasons to go after both Alyssa and Claire. She worried that the more she talks to Derek, he is hesitant to put up Alyssa and the more she talks to Azah, she is hesitant to put up Claire. Hannah did say she is willing to make the move if Kyland does not want to have a third HoH to his name. Kyland said he is fine with everyone getting a chance to win so it comes down to whether Hannah values her relationship with Claire or winning an HoH more. If she would rather have the HoH, Kyland said he would throw it to her.

10:49 PM: Tiffany talked to Kyland about Derek and Xavier being the first to go once they get down to six. Kyland said he sees that that could be best for them. Tiffany said they can probably beat Azah and Hannah. Kyland did worry about taking Xavier out before Azah, as he thinks Azah knows that they are not close while he believes that Xavier would not be looking at him. Kyland’s logic was that Xavier would take him far because he knows that he can beat him. Tiffany said she does not want to get to the end with Kyland and Xavier because they would take each other and she does not want to have to compete against them. Kyland reassured her that he would not take Xavier. He looked for some reassurance that Tiffany would take him over Azah and Hannah, which she said she would. Kyland said he would rather lose to Tiffany than to Xavier. He said he was on board with going to final three with Hannah and Tiffany as long as Tiffany would take him.

11:19 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said she is never going to have Kyland doubt that she would take him if he wants to take her, but she would for sure take Hannah to final two. Tiffany said she and Hannah have been loyal to each other and she would rather lose to her. Tiffany mentioned that she may rather leave the decision up to Hannah so that she does not have to go against her word to Kyland if it comes down to the three of them at the end.

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