Big Brother 23 Day 59 - Tiffany nominates Alyssa and Xavier

September 3, 2021

9:48 AM: Tiffany told Claire she guesses she needs to talk to Alyssa about the plan, as she has talked to everyone else. Tiffany suggested that if Claire wins next week, she should target Derek to eliminate a vote for the guys. Claire said they could just get rid of one of those guys instead. They discussed that everyone plans to take Derek to the end. Claire said that’s why she doesn’t want to let him get to five, and she would rather take Azah. They agreed that they could likely pull Azah in to work with the girls. Claire mentioned that Kyland has incentive to go to the end with them but Xavier does not have that same incentive.

10:01 AM: Derek told Xavier that Tiffany is up to something if she puts him or Kyland up. Xavier said she wont do that and it will be him up next to Alyssa.

10:36 AM: Tiffany let Hannah know that she was trying to convince Claire to go after Derek if she wins HoH next week. Both agreed that they have to get him out or else everyone is going to want to take him to the end and it’s one less spot for them to fill. Tiffany said she would not be able to vote for anyone who takes Derek to the final two. Hannah said it’s not enough just people wanting to take him to two that would bring him, as others will also bring him thinking that they can beat him for the final HoH.

10:47 AM: Tiffany told Alyssa that she is considering nominating her next to Xavier. Alyssa said that’s fine. She said that she does have a few pitches. She told Tiffany that she had planned to stay true to the deal that they made last week had she won. She said that Kyland would have been her target. She offered to make the same deal this week in order to give Tiffany safety next week if she wins. Alyssa then went over the jury votes that each of the remaining houseguests would have. When she compared herself to Tiffany, she said Tiffany would have Claire, Derek X, Hannah and Sarah Beth over her for sure, so she would only need one more to win the game. Tiffany said she needs to talk to some more people but Alyssa made some good points and she will mull it over.

11:03 AM: Derek told Tiffany he assumes the plan is for Alyssa to go this week since Tiffany won. He said he did wonder what would happen if she wins veto. Tiffany said she would have to put Claire up and she is not going to send anyone from the six home before Claire. Tiffany explained that she decided to win since she knew that she could make that move if she had to, and she was thinking about her family wanting her to win, the fact that nobody has won back to back HoHs before and hers was cut short last week. She also said she did not want Kyland to get a third HoH. When Tiffany brought up thinking that she will be the first to go when they get down to six, Derek said it seems as though everyone wants Kyland to be the first to go.

11:16 AM: Feeds went down.

1:12 PM: Feeds returned. The houseguests got a smaller kitchen table with eight seats.

1:19 PM: Tiffany asked Derek who he is expecting to target him. Derek said he thinks everyone could see him as expendable since he has been playing by himself and he hasn’t even made a deal with Azah even though she was on his team. Derek said he plans to wait until they get to the six and be fair to everyone and see who wants to work with him at that point rather than be making deals within the alliance ahead of time.

1:22 PM: Kyland spoke to the cameras about how Xavier might take him to the end because he thinks that he could beat her. He said the same for Tiffany, and then added that Derek and Hannah may take him as well. Kyland thinks that Tiffany would cut him at four but Hannah wouldn’t and he doesn’t think that Xavier would either. Kyland believes that he will win the game if he wins the final HoH. He mentioned that cutting Tiffany and Xavier is not beneficial to his game.

1:31 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras after her conversation with Derek. She said the conversation was done the minute he started talking and she knows that he has final two deals with several members of the Cookout. She thinks the ones that he is not having conversations with are her and Hannah, and she knows that she is not on his list to move forward with in the game. She said she respects that he will not make fake deals but she can see through what he is doing.

2:06 PM: Tiffany asked Azah how people feel about her HoH week. Azah said she is fine and she wanted to see her family but she didn’t earn it. As for others, she said there has been talks about people preferring she, Derek or Kyland win this week. Tiffany reiterated that she would have dropped for Azah had Kyland dropped first. Tiffany stressed that she will make the necessary move and nominate Claire if it comes down to it. In the event that Claire stays and wins HoH, Tiffany said that it would not be her, Azah or Hannah being targeted. Both agreed that they would prefer the six get to six though. The two then discussed plans for once they get to the six. Azah said she would want to win that HoH and take Kyland out or else she does not feel that she will make it far. Tiffany asked who would be next. Azah said the only ones that she trusts are Derek and Tiffany. Tiffany said that she would like to see a woman win and she will be happy if any of the three in the six can win. She added that she feels as though the guys have a final three.

2:44 PM: Hannah spoke to the cameras. She said she wants to position herself within the Cookout so that everyone feels good with her. She hoped that he fans don’t see her as a floater. Hannah talked about one of her goals for the week being to make sure that Claire would target Derek if she wins HoH. She mentioned that she would love to go to the final four with Azah, Tiffany and Xavier. While she said her ideal final three would probably be with Azah and Tiffany, she admitted that she does not know which route she would take at final two because Tiffany would likely have the votes over her.

3:03 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:47 PM: Feeds returned. Tiffany nominated Alyssa and Xavier for eviction.

4:49 PM: Derek told Xavier that he will nominate Claire and Tiffany if he wins HoH next week. If Claire wins the veto, he said that he would put Hannah up and they could go from there.

4:51 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said she has to win the veto so that she has all of the power in her hands and she can lock in the nominations to ensure that Alyssa is going home.

4:55 PM: Derek told Azah she knows who he would go for once they get down to six, implying that it would be Tiffany. Azah said she did not disclose that to Tiffany but she has a good read and expects that she or Kyland will be the first to go.

4:57 PM: Alyssa asked Derek if he can pick him to play in the veto competition. He said absolutely. When she asked if he would use the veto on her, he questioned why not. Alyssa brought up that she didn’t use it on him. Derek said of course he will play for her if she picks him.

5:39 PM: The backyard opened, which led the houseguests to question what tomorrow’s veto competition will be. Hannah assumed that Zingbot is coming and that the competition will take place in the basement rather than the backyard.

6:10 PM: Derek told Xavier that Tiffany is nervous she will be the first to go out of the six. Xavier brought up that Kyland and Tiffany acted in their own self-interest when they were in power. When Derek asked which of the two should go first, Xavier said probably Tiffany because everyone would lose next to her. Xavier admitted that Tiffany pissed him off this week and he may use the veto to take Alyssa down if he wins it. Xavier explained that he has been a team first player and making that move would be if he feels like being a dick. Xavier said Tiffany would either have to put Claire up and ruin her game, or put another member of the Cookout up which would also ruin her game. Derek suggested that executing the current plan of getting Alyssa out would be best. Derek admitted that he is a bit worried about Xavier taking Alyssa down since he does not know that Tiffany would actually put Claire up.

6:30 PM: Alyssa told Xavier that with the remaining competitors in the house, it will not be an easy veto win for them. Alyssa said she is going to pick Derek to play if she gets houseguest’s choice. She suggested that Xavier pick Azah since even if she used it, she would know that Derek isn’t going to go home. Xavier didn’t think that Derek would use it since Azah would go up. Alyssa didn’t think that Azah would go up. Xavier said he would want to pick someone he could beat so he also would likely pick Derek. They settled on picking Azah and Derek for now.

7:30 PM: Alyssa asked Derek if he would really use the veto on her when Azah could go up in her place. Alyssa said she will still pick him but she doesn’t think that he would use it. Derek said he would have to see how the house feels. Derek told Alyssa that he would consider it since Alyssa took him down when she won roulette. Derek asked if Alyssa knows what the plan would be if he used the veto. Alyssa said Tiffany wants her or Xavier out. Derek expects that Tiffany would tell him that Azah is going up if the veto is used. Alyssa pointed out that she would not go home even if she goes up. Derek said he will consider it.

7:39 PM: Xavier told Kyland they will have to see what happens if he wins the veto. Kyland said Tiffany is aware since she told him to study and then asked if he would take Alyssa down, and he said no but she told him she could imagine that people might. Kyland said he told Tiffany that most likely people will not do it even though there are frustrations. Xavier thinks that Tiffany is nervous for him to win then. Kyland said she is mainly nervous about Alyssa winning. Kyland said it sounded more like reassurance than a lack of trust on Tiffany’s part.

8:31 PM: Tiffany told Hannah and Xavier that she was able to have discussions with everybody about their plans for once they get to the six. She said she knows the three of them have had talks about going to the end together. She asked if they still feel that way. Hannah and Xavier both said they do. Tiffany said she feels that way especially after the conversations that she had today. She brought up that Derek gave her nothing and that makes her feel like she is first to go on his list once they get to six. Tiffany added that she also feels people have plans to further Derek’s game and bring him to the end, so that means that he could find his way to the end and win. As for Azah, Tiffany said she alluded to the fact that she only trusts Derek. While Azah mentioned Tiffany as well, she said she finds that hard to believe because things have not been smooth between them. As for Kyland, Tiffany said she doesn’t think that he wants to sit next to a girl in final two.

8:45 PM: Tiffany told Hannah about her conversation with Azah in which she brought up going to the end with the girls and wanting one of them to win but Azah said her purpose may just be to ensure that a person of colour wins the game. Hannah said she could see where Azah is coming from if she does not want to take them over Derek and Xavier because they would take each other while the guys may take her. Tiffany admitted to being a bit scared of Xavier since she would be his biggest threat if Kyland leaves. The two agreed that they cannot get rid of Kyland and Derek has got to go first. Tiffany said that Azah would then have to go which leaves them with their original final four with Kyland and Xavier. Hannah said she is down for that final four.

1:08 AM: Hannah asked Tiffany how they will get Derek out if Kyland and Xavier have final two deals with him. Hannah suggested that they could try to get Xavier on board to make a final four with Azah so that he would want to keep her to five. Tiffany said she thinks he already has something with Azah, which Hannah agreed with. Hannah said she is so conflicted because it’s almost like they need Claire to win HoH next week but they have to get to final six as the Cookout. Tiffany said they are going to have to get the chess board out tomorrow. Hannah agreed.

1:27 AM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said she had upset some members of the Cookout yesterday and she took a risk but she hopes to reap the reward. Tiffany said she hopes that she can do what she set out to accomplish by sending Alyssa home. Tiffany admitted that she is a little anxious and she hopes that she does not have to expose herself by nominating Claire. Tiffany said she realized in her meetings today that not many people want her to go far in this game other than Hannah and Kyland, so she needs Kyland to stay in the game. Tiffany said she will get the chess board out tomorrow to figure out the moves that need to be made.

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