Big Brother 23 Day 6 - Derek X saves Kyland; Travis is nominated

July 12, 2021

9:17 AM: Kyland told Derek X he realizes that his paranoia is coming from being pulled into rooms with Frenchie and so many different people, and hearing Frenchie telling them different things. Kyland said the problem is that they never sat down and discussed which of those things he is legit about. Kyland explained that if that is settled, there could be a scenario in which it is better for them to have the veto used on Alyssa. Derek suggested that Kyland tell Frenchie he feels as though he wasn’t properly considering Alyssa’s feelings, so he is open to considering the veto being used on her instead.

9:29 AM: Kyland asked Alyssa how much better she would feel if he was up next to Travis instead of her being up next to him. Alyssa said that she would obviously feel better because the two of them would then be guaranteeI d to stay. Kyland said nothing is guaranteed but it is something that he is thinking about. Alyssa mentioned Frenchie saying that she would have four votes against her whereas Kyland would have zero.

9:32 AM: Alyssa asked Derek X if she should be worried. Derek said no since everyone wants her to stay. Alyssa argued that Kyland has all of the votes but she would not. She ultimately said that she feels okay but you never know if things could change. Alyssa asked if she is going to be staying on the block. Derek said he is leaning towards using the veto on Kyland. Derek assured Alyssa that he would vote to keep her.

9:45 AM: Derek X asked Travis how he is feeling. Travis said he feels as though he will be going on the block and will be sent home. Derek reminded him that he will have three days to work on the votes.

10:00 AM: Alyssa brought up all of the scrambling that took place last night. Britini told her that people would be showing their cards way too early Britini said that Alyssa will have her vote if she is up against Travis. Alyssa said that she will be doing one on one meetings as soon as the veto meeting is over.

11:35 AM: Claire, Sarah and Tiffany met up to solidify an alliance. They settled on the name “The Jackpot”. They said that they will need to figure out who they want to target before jury. Sarah said the two people that have been mentioning her name are Derek X and Travis. Tiffany brought up that Alyssa can be used as a pawn if needed. Claire said she is a good pawn since she is calm and she has built some good relationships with people.

12:07 PM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:37 PM: Feeds returned. Derek X used the Power of Veto on Kyland. Frenchie nominated Travis as the replacement nominee.

1:37 PM: Alyssa told Christian that she trusts Whitney over Xavier. Alyssa said that Xavier does not talk game. Christian said he trusts Derek F like Alyssa trusts Whitney. They discussed working with Derek F, Whitney and Brent. Christian added that Xavier needs to go the second that the teams break up. Both agreed that they trust Frenchie over Xavier but Christian said that Frenchie is nuts. Christian let Alyssa know that Xavier scares Frenchie.

1:50 PM: Alyssa told Azah and Xavier that she feels okay but there is a long time until the vote so anything can change. She suggested that Travis needs to start being kept out of the game conversations, as continuing to openly discuss things in front of him could give him the ammo he needs to rally votes.

2:05 PM: Azah said she is happy that Kyland was saved and she is confident that Alyssa will get the votes. Xavier agreed. Xavier thinks that Frenchie needs to stop talking at this point. Azah figured that at the very least, the girls should know that they need to get rid of Travis. While Azah talked about gunning for the next HoH, Xavier said that he doesn’t want to as he feels as though he is in a good position. Azah said she would nominate Brent next to Derek X, making it seem like Derek is her target when in reality it would be Brent.

3:01 PM: Derek F and Xavier discussed that it’s not necessary for them to win the upcoming HoH. Xavier asked how Derek would feel if Brent were to win HoH. He said Brent and Frenchie’s relationship stresses him out. He figured that they would be okay if he won. Xavier named Derek X as the biggest wildcard to him. Derek thinks the girls will go after each other. He said Britini does not trust Sarah. Derek hopes that Azah will win HoH. The guys agreed that Brent is the biggest threat in The Slaughterhouse. As for Christian, Derek said he likes them. Xavier added that Christian is loyal. Derek said they have to make sure that The Cookout does not figure out that they are in the Slaughterhouse alliance. Xavier thought that Azah winning would be good because she may take a shot at the Slaughterhouse. They talked about needing to make sure that Frenchie does not get nervous.

3:37 PM: Christian let Derek F know that Xavier scares him a bit because he is very smart and he sits back and listens. Christian suggested that Kyland and Xavier are the first two that need to go out of the Butchers. He mentioned that Frenchie may be up there depending on how well he plays. Derek said they can see what happens when they get down close to five.

3:54 PM: Alyssa told Brent, Christian and Derek F know she kind of hopes it’s not unanimous so that they have reason to target someone. She briefly wondered if they should try to pin a vote on someone but said they can do that kind of stuff next week.

4:30 PM: Brent spoke to Frenchie about the need to keep the Slaughterhouse together. He said that if they make it to the final eight and still cannot trust Kyland, he can be the first to go at that point. Brent said the only way things wont work out is if someone messes it up. He said that everyone needs to shut up, be loyal and not get paranoid.

4:50 PM: Derek X talked to Tiffany about how Frenchie was all over the place last night in terms of what he wanted to be done with the veto. Derek figured that Travis had been doing a good job of trying to convince people to keep him. Tiffany pointed out that he still has three more days to do it and he should really be counting three sure votes since she, Kyland and Claire wouldn’t want to lose a teammate.

5:06 PM: Kyland spoke to Derek F about wanting to throw HoH to a member of the Cookout alliance so that he would not have to be the one to take a shot at Derek X directly. He did say that if it was a game of chance and he went first, he would give it his all and he would take the necessary shot if he did become HoH.

5:20 PM: Frenchie told Derek F that he was asked about the Slaughterhouse and he has to bring everyone into a room and make it official. Derek argued that it is unnecessary and people are going to start wondering why the eight of them are in a room together. Frenchie explained that they have to do it since Big Brother needs footage of the alliance’s formation.

5:38 PM: The eight members of the Slaughterhouse gathered in the HoH room in order to make things official.

6:46 PM: Frenchie asked Tiffany if she is going to gun for HoH. Tiffany said that she will because she does not want to be a have-not and she does not want people coming after her team because they are already down a player. Frenchie said he doesn’t see that happening next week and he enjoys Travis as a person but he was under pressure to put him up.

7:34 PM: Claire told Sarah she saw a group be pulled upstairs to the HoH room. Sarah said it made her a little nervous too but he called a few people up to confirm that their vote would be with Alyssa. Sarah asked there is any chance that Derek will try to flip the vote to keep Travis. Claire said no. Claire and Sarah discussed that their teams are not going after each other. Sarah thinks that her team would target Derek X since he put them through a lot. Claire mentioned that she doesn’t want to get rid of someone like Derek who doesn’t have anyone. Sarah said she would see how next week goes and might try to talk to him.

10:14 PM: Alyssa asked Brent if he thinks that she still needs to keep her distance from Christian after this week. Brent said he kind of thinks so or else they will be a target for someone else. Alyssa doesn’t think that Christian gets it. She figures that he will think that they can hang out and talk all of the time, which she does not agree with. Looking ahead to next week, Alyssa said it would make sense for her to nominate Derek X because he didn’t use the veto on her and Hannah because she said that she would vote to evict her over Kyland.

10:31 PM: Sarah talked to Christian about potentially being able to talk Hannah and Whitney into throwing HoH so that Derek X could be targeted. Christian said Brent and Frenchie could back him up that Derek said Hannah could go up next to Alyssa.

10:37 PM: Alyssa asked what people are thinking vote wise. Tiffany said she thought the understanding was that Alyssa is staying and Travis is leaving. Claire reassured Alyssa that she is good.

10:40 PM: Up in the HoH room, Frenchie and his team members had a meeting. They discussed that they all want to go for HoH in order to keep each other safe. Frenchie said he is probably going to ask if he can compete in the Wildcard Competition. Derek F suggested that he wait to see who is HoH so he knows if he is in danger at all. Britini said she is a little nervous for herself because she works out all the time and does not want to be seen as a physical threat.

10:52 PM: Kyland and Sarah met in the have-not room to compare notes. Kyland said that Frenchie will bluff in order to try to get people to admit alliances but they cannot crack when it comes to theirs. Sarah told Kyland that she is aligned with Claire and Tiffany, his two teammates. Kyland told Sarah about the group of five (The Butchers) and eight (The Slaughterhouse). When Sarah asked if they need to worry about Hannah, Kyland said people need to but he doesn’t think that the two of them need to. Sarah talked about feeling uneasy since Derek X mentioned her name as a possible nominee. Kyland said it’s because when he was talking to Derek and Frenchie, Frenchie said he would put up a girl because he didn’t want Travis to hear he was going up. Sarah asked how important Derek X is to Kyland’s game. Kyland said he really wants him there personally but he knows he is not important to his game because of what he has done. When Kyland said he thinks that Frenchie might be the best player in the game, Sarah disagreed. She said she is being nice to him but she does not trust him and is not giving him any real information. Sarah said that she would take a shot at him pre-jury but does not want to this week or next.

11:26 PM: Azah and Tiffany discussed that they are both targeting Brent next week. Tiffany asked who Azah would nominate next to Derek X if Brent were to come off of the block. Azah said Whitney. While Tiffany admitted that she cannot do that herself due to having a mom connection with Whitney, she said that Whitney is probably the top female that she wants to go. As for Derek X, Tiffany said that she would feel bad putting him up because she likes him and thinks that he would be a number for her since she has been by his side. Tiffany talked about nominating Alyssa next to Brent. Azah considered that she could put both Brent and Whitney on the block.

2:06 AM: Brent told Alyssa that Frenchie is paranoid and always talks about how he is a target. Brent said he has a feeling that Frenchie will ask him for a final two. Brent said he would have to say yes but he wouldn’t trust it and he thinks that Frenchie would beat him. When Brent asked Alyssa who she would put up, she said Derek X and Hannah. She then said she would nominate Britini if the veto is used, as she feels better with Claire than Britini. Brent said that he would nominate Britini and Sarah.

2:13 AM: Alyssa told Frenchie about her plan to nominate Derek X and Hannah. Brent said that he would not be able to nominate them since they are his teammates. He said he gets it and he would not mind losing Derek X. Frenchie asked who would go up if one comes down. Alyssa said a pawn like Claire. Frenchie suggested that Derek would need to be backdoored. Alyssa disagreed.

2:28 AM: Brent told Derek X that his best bet is not to vote for Travis. Derek said that he will not be. They discussed that he would be the odd man out if so. Brent asked Derek who he would nominate. Derek said he has no idea. Brent said Derek would be in a great position since he would have every right to do whatever he wants to do. Brent brought up having no idea where a number of the girls’ heads are at. He suggested that they could be working together. Derek said the teams alliance may prevent a girls alliance from forming. Derek said he doesn’t want Brent to question his loyalties, and he is willing to have a discussion about Kyland next week if he is the target.

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