Big Brother 23 Day 62 - Claire is the replacement nominee

September 6, 2021

10:18 AM: Tiffany went over a plan to speak to Alyssa at the last minute prior to the veto ceremony in hope of getting her to use the veto on Xavier. The goal of doing it last minute would be to ensure that she doesn’t have time to talk to Xavier about it beforehand. Tiffany planned to pitch that saving Xavier is the way to guarantee that he stays 100% this week, and then she would put Kyland up to send him home. In reality, she would then nominate Derek in order to send Alyssa home.

10:20 AM: Kyland asked Xavier if Tiffany or anyone other than Derek has pitched to him ideas about when they get to six. Xavier said yeah. He explained that people are trying to get him in a final three to take a shot at Kyland at six, just like they are trying to get Kyland to take the shot at him. Xavier said Tiffany probably believes that if they take a shot at each other, her and Hannah can take a shot at whichever one is remaining. Kyland said Hannah and Tiffany’s argument to him is that anyone but them two would put him up, including Xavier. Kyland said Derek is claiming that he can get Azah to put those two up instead of him, and he doesn’t know if it’s true or not but hopefully he would have the votes from the guys anyway. Kyland said Tiffany told him she hopes that this conversation isn’t brought back to Xavier. Xavier said they have to keep playing dumb. Kyland said they told him anyone would be lying if they are saying if their ideal final three is anyone but themselves, Azah and Derek. He added that they explained it’s best for Azah and Derek to be taken out so that the temptation is gone for all three of them to take them to the end. Kyland said he is more willing to get second to the right person than anyone else in the house.

11:59 AM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:11 PM: Feeds returned. Alyssa used the Power of Veto on herself. Tiffany nominated Claire as the replacement nominee.

1:12 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said she tried and maybe she should have tried earlier but her reservation with doing so is that Alyssa would have talked to Xavier about it and then there is no way that he would have been okay with losing her this week.

1:12 PM: Alyssa asked Azah and Derek if they are completely on board. Azah said she is struggling because she loves Claire but also wants Xavier to be there. Alyssa brought up that Tiffany can win HoH after HoH, and they can use this as an opportunity to weaken her on her own HoH week. Alyssa said she cannot believe that this worked and she is not so dumb after all. Alyssa figured that it would be a 4-1 vote to evict Claire. Alyssa revealed that Tiffany talked to her five minutes before the ceremony in attempt to get her to use the veto on Xavier. She questioned what type of competitor she would have to be to allow herself to be persuaded that easily.

1:15 PM: Xavier spoke to Tiffany to let her know that he wasn’t sure what was going on when she pulled Alyssa aside but he figured it was a last ditch effort to save Claire. Xavier explained that he didn’t want to barge in and create a situation similar to when Tiffany tried to speak to Britini and then Azah and Derek came with her. Xavier said he isn’t sure if people were expecting him to be mad about it but he is not. He added that even if Tiffany was able to convince Alyssa to use the veto on him, that would not be her going against him.

1:17 PM: Xavier let Hannah know that he went upstairs to make it clear that he is not mad. Hannah said that even though she may not necessarily agree with what Tiffany did and how she did it, she cannot blame her for it.

1:22 PM: Alyssa told Azah that Tiffany’s moves this week made her understand that she is really just thinking of herself. She pointed out that Tiffany is keeping Kyland around as a shield and she was fine with risking her #1 sitting on the block. Alyssa asked who Azah thinks that they should nominate if Claire goes. Azah said Kyland and Tiffany, with Kyland as her preferred target. Alyssa agreed that Kyland should go first.

1:27 PM: Azah spoke to the cameras and said she feels like scum. She mentioned that Alyssa has no idea at all that she is the next target. Azah felt as though they should just be telling the truth at this point.

1:31 PM: Alyssa told Derek that she is a genius. He said he does not know how she was able to pull this off. Alyssa said she would love to go into the diary room right now but she has to act sad.

4:50 PM: Xavier told Derek he thinks that whatever Tiffany is going to do, Hannah is going to do cause Tiffany almost has Hannah under her. Xavier added that if anyone is going to take a shot at Tiffany, they almost have to put Hannah up because Hannah would use the Power of Veto on her if not. Derek said that means Hannah is coming for him too. Xavier said if Tiffany is going for Kyland, Hannah will too. Derek thinks Tiffany is coming after him before Kyland. Xavier suggested that she would go after Kyland first because she would be more comfortable competing against Derek. He said that’s why he thinks Tiffany wants him and Kyland to go after each other. Derek said he thinks all of the girls want that. Xavier said he and Kyland have been comparing notes and they are good.

6:03 PM: Derek said he wants the comps and HoHs to come faster. Xavier said he would be cool with two doubles. Derek agreed. He said he can see the top five in sight. Xavier said if the right person wins final six HoH, they have all got top five. Derek brought up that Tiffany could win and then they are all f*cked. Derek said Alyssa needs to go next because he would hate if they did all of this hard work and then Alyssa makes it to the end and wins. Derek told Xavier he has him and Azah but he made a final two with him and not Azah. Xavier said the best way to get to the end is to take out the best competitors. Outside of himself, Derek and Kyland, Xavier asked who the best competitor is. Derek said Tiffany. After that, Xavier said it’s probably Alyssa. He said they can take out Alyssa next week and then it probably has to be Tiffany after that, which Derek agreed with. Xavier said he doesn’t know if any of them can take her to final two and win. Derek said he would nominate Alyssa and Tiffany if he wins next week.

6:11 PM: Feeds went down.

8:24 PM: Feeds returned.

9:21 PM: Alyssa asked Hannah when Claire knew that she was going up. Hannah said maybe yesterday since she did not seem shocked about it. Hannah told Alyssa that Tiffany said she pulled her aside before the ceremony and let her know that Alyssa was considering using the veto on Xavier. Alyssa said she would not change what she had planned to do all week after someone approached her just minutes prior to the ceremony.

9:48 PM: Derek told Alyssa that he will send Claire packing. Azah said she will too. Alyssa said they are on the same page but they should check in with each other every night. Alyssa noted that if Claire goes, the final seven will all be minorities. Derek said she didn’t even think of that until now. Alyssa said she is technically half white and asked if that means that she will be the next to go. Derek laughed and asked what is wrong with her since she asked that question. Alyssa said even if she leaves next, it’s so exciting that person of colour will be winning this season.

9:56 PM: Derek told Xavier that Alyssa brought up the number of minorities who have at least made it to jury this season. Derek said she swore that she listed herself as Hispanic on her application, and then he left the room cracking up.

10:07 PM: Derek told Xavier that he has to talk to Kyland because he does not know where his head is at. Derek said sometimes he feels like they are on the same page and others he feels like they are not. Derek said him outside of the house, as well as his friends, would be saying to send Kyland home because he is too much of a distraction. Derek said he feels as though Kyland has been acting differently towards him since he told him that he likes him.

10:17 PM: Derek asked Kyland if they are still on the same page. Kyland questioned why wouldn’t they be. Derek said he just has to ask. He pointed out that they do not talk a lot of game but he doesn’t feel like they need to, but Kyland is very different with him one on one than he is with other people. Derek said he feels that Kyland is angry towards him at times. Kyland apologized and said he rarely is angry at Derek.

10:45 PM: After Derek and Kyland continued to talk things over, Derek got a moment alone and said to the cameras that he is not falling for that and he is going to use Kyland just like Kyland is using him.

10:55 PM: Claire asked Hannah how she feels about her chances of staying. Hannah said she thinks right now that it is 55/45 or 60/40 in Claire’s favour. Hannah said that Claire has her vote either way guaranteed. Claire said she does not want to go overboard but she may have some talks tomorrow in order to give people enough time to think. They talked about how Kyland would be stupid to take Xavier to the end when he could beat almost anyone. Claire figured that she needs to tell Kyland that she is most loyal to him and Tiffany, and taking him over her would not be betraying her loyalty since she equally loyal to the both of them.

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