Big Brother 23 Day 7

July 13, 2021

9:27 AM: Derek X let Xavier know that he likes everyone as a person but Xavier is obviously good with him. Xavier said he didn’t feel like he had to worry with him. Xavier said that Travis got the wrong end of the stick due to there not being many options left. Xavier thinks that who wins HoH next week and how they decide to handle it will have a big impact on how the rest of the season plays out.

9:28 AM: Alyssa told Christian and Sarah that Derek X said Travis has told him that he doesn’t plan on campaigning for a couple of days. Christian said that’s probably best because there is no sense in scrambling with so much time left. Alyssa said his best argument would be to keep him in the house since he is a big target. Sarah said their team has reason to target Derek X next week but not everyone has the same incentive.

9:40 AM: Claire said she needs to talk to Alyssa because she thinks that Alyssa is nervous about her vote. Tiffany said she would expect her team to vote for her. She explained that her fear is that if they start voting with the house, they are going to be a voting with the house season. Tiffany told Claire that Travis can at least get three votes and it is not something that she would mention to anyone else until Thursday. Tiffany also admitted that she doesn’t want to give Alyssa an excuse to put her up if she does win HoH on Thursday. Tiffany said that voting for Travis would really only be so that he doesn’t have to go out with a unanimous vote in week one. Tiffany brought up that Brent has not said one word of game to her, so her only thing is deciding who she would nominate next to him. Claire mentioned Whitney’s name as an option. Tiffany said she would be okay with it but she wouldn’t want Whitney to be pissed. Tiffany thought that Claire could make that move but it would be tougher for her to do. They agreed that it’s not worth it to send Derek X out. They figured that Frenchie would leave over Brent, and they do not want him to go yet. Tiffany asked Claire if she wants HoH if it comes down to them. Claire said no. Tiffany wondered if Kyland would want it. Claire pointed out that they don’t know what he would do if he won.

10:41 AM: Tiffany asked Derek X if he was able to get a deal out of using the veto, such as securing safety for himself. Derek said Frenchie claims to have the numbers behind him for any vote, so he offered to bring him in. Derek wondered if he had messed up by using the veto, as he thinks he potentially should have left nominations the same in hope of saving both Kyland and Travis. Derek thinks that he needs something big to change in order to move himself up the totem pole. Derek let Tiffany know that Travis has said he is willing to say something in his eviction speech that will shake the house, though he has not been able to think of anything that would work up to this point. Tiffany encouraged Derek to fight for HoH this week.

10:51 AM: Derek X mentioned to Claire that there are no obvious targets at the moment, meaning that he remains very low on the totem pole. Claire agreed that it is not good for anyone whose name has already been mentioned as they are easy to throw out there again. Derek said he hopes that Frenchie doesn’t see what he did as a one week move, as he would like to start rebuilding trust and has sent his best friend home over it.

11:15 AM: Kyland asked Travis if he has started having conversations yet. Travis said that he plans to wait until Wednesday night, given that he feels as though it would be more effective the closer it is to eviction day. He did say Derek X told him that he will vote his way if he needs a swing vote. They discussed options for Travis to get the votes. Kyland encouraged him to use the angle with the guys that they do not want to be outnumbered, and they could quickly be down two to the girls if he goes and a girl wins HoH.

11:30 AM: Azah asked Kyland if he is okay with Travis going since he is probably closer to him. Kyland said he is close to both nominees on a personal level but on a game level he has reason to want to keep Travis around. That being said, Kyland plans to go with the house and he does not believe that Travis will have the numbers. Looking ahead, Azah told Kyland that neither she nor Tiffany would be after him if they win HoH. She said that they could also target someone who he wants out. Kyland said he is down to give HoH to anyone in the Cookout. Azah said she is willing to get the blood on her hands. Kyland thought that it could be good for them if they got another guy out. Azah said she doesn’t want to go after girls, so she could take out a guy and then the guys could win and take out a girl.

12:05 PM: Kyland filled Frenchie in on the advice that he gave Travis. Frenchie said he felt a lot of pressure to put him up, and thought that he would be the next target if he didn’t do it. However Frenchie said he really likes Travis after talking to him, and he would have made sure that he was safe had they talked sooner.

12:27 PM: There was a quick discussion between Frenchie, Azah, Claire, Hannah and Tiffany about working together. Frenchie brought up working with the girls. Frenchie said that they would have to bring in Sarah Beth as well. The name “French Kisses” was settled on after being suggested by Azah. Tiffany asked if they can legit form it. Frenchie said that he is with it.

12:35 PM: Tiffany asked for thoughts on the French Kisses. Hannah said she trusts Frenchie. She said she personally thinks that they should bring Derek F in as well so that they control the numbers. Tiffany suggested that Frenchie would always have Derek as a vote even if they don’t bring him in officially. Hannah worried that Frenchie may tell Brent. Tiffany asked if she really thinks that they are that close. Hannah said that they are besties, which led to Tiffany saying that Frenchie is going to be mad at her then.

12:39 PM: Hannah asked Frenchie if he is serious about the French Kisses. He said 100%. Frenchie said he trusts Britini 1000% and really likes her. Hannah asked if he wants to bring her in as well. Frenchie said that’s completely up to them. Azah and Frenchie said that they trust her. Hannah worried that she would tell Whitney. They discussed keeping Derek F and Britini on the outside of the six as additional votes for them.

1:57 PM: Azah filled Britini in on the French Kisses alliance. She told her that she thought it was just a joke but then it started getting more serious. Britini asked how her name got throw into the mix. Azah said that Frenchie brought her up. Azah questioned how the alliance is of any benefit to them when Frenchie is already on their team. Britini didn’t see the benefit. Azah said the only girls that she cares about are Britini, Claire and Tiffany. Britini added that she cares about Whitney and would like to keep her safe too.

2:10 PM: Claire and Frenchie quickly touch based. They discussed the French Kisses. Frenchie said he knows that he can go to Britini and they will have her vote no matter what, which would give them a seven person majority. When Claire said that they need to factor in an alliance member potentially being on the block, Frenchie said that he can pull Derek F in no matter what as well.

2:17 PM: Sarah told Claire she thinks that Derek X is the biggest threat to their Jackpot alliance, given that he has thrown both of their names out. She worried that he would target them if he wins HoH. Claire thought that he might go after a big fish or do something to appease the house. Claire said she thinks that Frenchie was paranoid about a girls alliance so he made it in hope of there not being one. Claire said she doesn’t need a man to make a girls alliance. Sarah said she wouldn’t be surprised if he has a boys alliance. Claire agreed. Both said Frenchie is covering himself from all angles but they admitted that they would have done the same in his position as HoH.

2:28 PM: Azah told Derek F about the alliance that Frenchie made with the girls. She said it’s not in her best interest at all. She pointed out that Frenchie had all of the bros up in his HoH room all week yet now he wants to bring the girls in. She added that he has not been talking to her or to Britini even though they are on the same team. Azah worried that this alliance would blow up her game. Derek advised her against going around and gathering up the girls and suggested that she would be okay as long as she doesn’t do that.

3:42 PM: Azah told Tiffany that the French Kisses alliance is not a good idea. Tiffany worried because she was the one to open her mouth about it. She said that Azah is going to have to come up with a code word to communicate with her next time that the answer is a no. Azah thinks that Frenchie would throw them under the bus if he gets in the hot seat. Tiffany said she will say that this was all his idea.

3:46 PM: When Tiffany asked Claire what she thinks about the whole Frenchie thing, Claire said she feels as though it will not last longer than two weeks. They discussed that it really only benefits Frenchie but they could not say no to the alliance. They discussed who they would like to see go before jury. After Travis, it was said that Brent, Alyssa or Whitney and then Frenchie would be the ideal boot order.

5:17 PM: Tiffany asked Hannah what she thinks about the alliance with Frenchie. Hannah said the only advantage she sees is that she was unsure of Claire and Sarah Beth since they are the only two that she had yet to talk game with. Tiffany said she is worried that Frenchie could throw her under the bus and say that she was the one who was down for it. Hannah assured Tiffany that they have got her back.

5:27 PM: Tiffany told Sarah she thinks that Frenchie is worried about going on the block next week so he made an alliance with a girls in hope of securing their votes. Tiffany said he is playing the sh*t out of this game so she does not know what would happen if he ends up on the block. Sarah said the alliance kind of works out for her since she didn’t know how she was with Hannah or Azah. Tiffany let Sarah know that Frenchie told Britini about the alliance. Sarah said Frenchie is messy. Tiffany compared him to Devin from Big Brother 16, saying that he comes up with an idea and then the next thing you know it’s a 13 person alliance. They discussed that Brent, Derek X and Whitney are their potential options for nominations next week.

5:48 PM: Tiffany spoke to Derek F and likened Frenchie to Devin. When Derek X’s name came up, Tiffany said there is no point in taking him out. Derek said that he would rather take out Brent, though he later discussed targeting Derek X or Claire. Tiffany said she wants Brent to go but do not say a word to Frenchie about that. Tiffany explained that she would like to see Brent go before Frenchie since Brent is playing a better game and Frenchie will eventually become everyone’s target.

6:08 PM: The houseguests had a toga party and enjoyed dinner together to celebrate Kyland’s birthday.

7:37 PM: Feeds returned after being down for over half an hour. The majority of the houseguests chatted in the living room as some of them worked on making a cake for Kyland.

8:27 PM: The houseguests gathered in the living room to play “never have I ever”.

9:26 PM: The houseguests moved on to the next game, this time deciding to play charades.

9:49 PM: The houseguests switched to play a game of Mafia.

10:14 PM: In the storage room, Kyland spoke to the cameras. He said that things have been really unexpected up to this point. He wondered if every week one is always this crazy. Kyland said that Derek came through and he would like to be able to come through for him. Kyland said it’s a dream come true to be in the Big Brother house, and all he wanted for his birthday is to be there. Kyland said that he got emotional when the houseguests sang Happy Birthday to him. Kyland added that he already loves all of these people and he has only known them for a week. Kyland said it’s hard to have to crush the dreams of a friend that you love even though that’s the game.

12:06 AM: Brent told Whitney that he does not trust Kyland. He said that Kyland cannot be an alliance with one half of the house and then the other half of the house as well. Whitney said she thinks that he just feels comfortable with women. Whitney said she wants it to be a group decision if their side wins HoH. She questioned what the point of being in an alliance is if you aren’t going to consult with the group. She did not like how Frenchie made his decisions without them. Brent said a girl has to go next week, so he would nominate Britini and Sarah Beth. Whitney said that she would want Claire or Sarah Beth to go.

12:22 AM: Brent asked Derek F and Frenchie who they should be thinking about putting up if they win HoH. Brent said he is thinking the play would be to send a girl home. Derek F and Frenchie agreed. When Brent named Britini as a threat, Frenchie said no. Frenchie said they have to choose someone strategic who could possibly be a threat to them down the line. Whitney joined them. Derek and Frenchie talked about going after Claire.

12:35 AM: Travis told Tiffany he understands the desire to vote with the house. Tiffany said she doesn’t like that and she did mention to Alyssa that she thinks she is staying regardless and she would like to give Travis a vote. Tiffany said she thinks he deserves to go out with a vote. Tiffany explained that Alyssa said someone voting for Travis would give reason to put them up, when she was discussing that Derek X might vote for Travis.

12:45 AM: Travis told Claire and Tiffany that he would never recommend letting him go out unanimously. He suggested that they could blame Derek if they needed to later on. Tiffany said she could vote for him and blame it on Derek. Travis said he has some spice for tomorrow in hope of swaying Brent and Frenchies’s teams. Tiffany admitted that right now her vote is going to Alyssa because she does not want a target on her back and does not want to upset anyone. Tiffany said she told Frenchie that she would vote out who he wants. Claire said it’s the same for her. Tiffany asked Travis who he is going to say that he is targeting if Frenchie asks. Travis said Christian.

1:07 AM: Xavier told Derek F that his issue with a rogue vote is that he worries about someone trying to blame Kyland for it, so he would rather have it be unanimous. Derek said his biggest fear is who Frenchie is getting close to, as he needs him to remember that Brent is not his #1. Xavier said it made no sense or Frenchie to nominate Alyssa because he thought that Christian likes her. Derek said his goal if he won HoH is to nominate Claire and Derek. Xavier said that’s what he would have to do as well.

1:31 AM: Alyssa asked Derek X if she has to worry if he is HoH. Derek said no. He then asked if he has to worry about her putting him up. Alyssa said she has to see how he votes. Derek said he will vote with the house but he may give Travis a vote if no one else is. Alyssa said that gives a reason to put him up. Derek said he would talk to her beforehand to get her permission. Alyssa asked that he definitely do that. She said Derek is not a target of hers as he is being honest with her.

1:44 AM: Travis spoke to his team about the points that he plans to discuss during his campaign. He talked about Alyssa being a beautiful girl who will be able to sway people and potentially be involved in a showmance. He also talked about how this is likely to be a random HoH comp and a girl could easily win, take out another guy, and make it 8-6. Claire suggested saying that Travis will remain a target whereas Alyssa will not. Travis talked about taking Christian out if he were to win HoH. Tiffany suggested that Travis be the last to talk to Frenchie tomorrow. She also said she isn’t even sure that she would talk to anyone else about game because it would create a whole lot of chaos. Tiffany said Travis should say “what would Alyssa offer you?” and then sit there quietly. She also said Travis should tell Frenchie that he can offer him a shield.

2:28 AM: Azah and Britini discussed that the French Kisses alliance does nothing for them and it was only for Frenchie’s benefit. They talked about their alliance with Claire and Tiffany. Azah wasn’t sure how serious it is since they cannot even settle on a name. Britini said she trusts Azah and Tiffany 10x more than she trusts Claire because she has not talked much game with Claire. Britini asked Azah what her ideal alliance would be. Azah said she came into the house wanting to create a girls alliance and take out the guys. Britini said that’s why she is 100% down with the girls alliance, as she sees the potential in creating a relationship with Claire. Britini said that her target is Brent, not Derek X, if she wins HoH. She did say that Derek may need to go up next to him. Britini told Azah that she would like for the two of them to do whatever they need to do together to go far in this game. Britini said she is so thankful for Azah in this game and she has a friend in her for life.

2:43 AM: Frenchie asked Brent, Whitney and Xavier if he was approached for something by half of the other side of the house, should he do it and then give all of that information to the Slaughterhouse. Brent said absolutely. Frenchie said that it would be easy pickings at that point since the information would be fed back. Xavier said you have to make sure that it isn’t traced back to you. Frenchie said he thinks that sending Derek home would be stupid. Brent said the only ones he thinks would make sense are Britini, Claire and Sarah Beth. There were discussions about using Azah as a pawn next to Claire, after Frenchie brought up that they are forgetting about Azah.

2:44 AM: Hannah told Azah and Britini that her team had a team meeting. She said some people are suspicious that a girls alliance is forming, so she had to try to shut that down. Hannah said the men seem to be coming from perspective of a man is leaving this week so a woman should have to go next, but she explained that people don’t vote based on gender. Britini pointed out that the guys have all been hanging out together up in the HoH room this week. Hannah figured that people would group all of the girls aside from Alyssa and Whitney since those two are always with the guys.

2:59 AM: Hannah told Azah that Frenchie is throwing out suspicions about a girls alliance even though he is the one that started it. Hannah said he must have told Brent since Brent said Frenchie is suspicious about it. Azah said they need to break that up. Azah said she told Frenchie that the alliance only benefits him.

3:02 AM: Brent told Frenchie, Whitney and Xavier that he was going with the narrative of a girl alliance being made but Hannah was denying that it is happening. Frenchie said he knows it is happening since he was asked to be in it. He said he is telling them now because he does not want rumours starting. Frenchie suggested that Alyssa and Whitney were not included since they are always with the guys. Frenchie said when they want to make it official, he can bring them all into his room, and someone can put their ear to the door and listen. Frenchie said that he will know their targets and everything, which will allow them to prepare for it since that group will not be able to win HoH and PoV every week. Frenchie said he knows that he is only being asked to be in it because he is HoH.

3:08 AM: Hannah said that Frenchie cannot be trusted. Azah said that he is her captain but that man cannot hold water. Hannah said he started suspicions of a girls alliance and then created it himself. Azah said it’s a recipe for disaster cause if you tell him something, it’s going to get out or he will call you out in front of everyone.

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