Big Brother 23 Day 70

September 14, 2021

11:08 AM: Azah told Derek she doesn’t see any reason why they should have to nominate each other. Azah said she could put Hannah and Xavier up, and then as long as Derek votes to keep Xavier she can break the tie. Derek said they can cross that path if he wins HoH. Azah said he was not even an option for her to nominate. Derek said he doesn’t want her feeling this way and therefore he can go with the plan that she came up with. Azah asked Derek if he is sure that Tiffany should go this week. She said Hannah is strong in mental competitions and those are the ones near the end of the game. As for Tiffany, Azah said you know what you are getting with her. Derek pointed out that Tiffany beat Kyland in the endurance competition. Derek said they have never thought one thing and then switched to another so there is no need to start now. He told Azah there is no reason why she can’t beat Hannah in a competition. He argued that Xavier will really feel on his own if they keep Tiffany when she is going after him. Azah said Hannah is the one that planted the seed in Tiffany’s head about going after Xavier. Before the talk wrapped up, Derek again mentioned that Azah may have to go up as a pawn next to Hannah. He said he will take into consideration what gives them the best chance to make it to the final four.

12:01 PM: Hannah let Azah and Derek know that her conspiracy theory about an early eviction was incorrect, as she got confirmation that the eviction is still on Thursday. Derek wondered what they could be setting up outside if that’s the case. Hannah suggested that the HoH and veto competitions may need to be set up concurrently.

12:02 PM: Tiffany told Xavier she doesn’t think that anyone in the house is 100% with him. She claimed that she will be if he keeps her. Tiffany said getting rid of Hannah is best for everyone since she is one of the biggest mental threats in the house. Tiffany brought up that keeping her gives Derek and Kyland someone to come after before they would target him. Tiffany pledged her loyalty to Xavier and said that she would take him to the final two over Azah unless he tells her to take Azah instead. Tiffany added that Xavier would beat her and she would accept that, being honoured and proud to sit next to him. Xavier said she made a strong pitch. As for Hannah, Tiffany said she does not want to see Xavier get to the end because she feels as though that limits her chances of getting there. Xavier asked who Hannah wants to bring to the end. Tiffany said whoever she can beat, which would be Azah or Derek. Xavier said Tiffany gave him a lot to consider and he still needs to talk to Hannah.

12:32 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said she offered Xavier the deal of the lifetime. She said Xavier has got her if he takes it, and she meant everything that she said. Tiffany explained that Azah and Xavier will be the only people that she owes anything to if she stays.

12:40 PM: Hannah pitched to Derek that the two of them and Azah are the pawns of the Cookout and people underestimate them as players. Hannah said she would be unlikely to beat Kyland or Xavier if she sat next to them in the final two. Hannah said it would be a fair fight if she were up against Derek since they have different votes and would have to fight for the final few that are up for grabs. Hannah said she has no reason to go after Azah or Derek. Derek figured that Hannah would still have to use one of them as a pawn. Hannah said she can promise that the two of them will not be on the block together, and that way they can vote for each other and she can break the tie. Hannah said she appreciates that Azah and Derek have always been up front with her. Hannah said she would like to move forward with people she can beat, people she respects, and people she trusts. Derek said she opened his eyes to a lot of things that he had not thought about. Derek said he will not be getting rid of Hannah this week.

1:10 PM: Azah told Xavier she hopes that either of them win HoH. She said that’s best case for them to stay. She admitted that for the first time she isn’t sure that she feels that way about Derek. Azah let Xavier know that she is loyal to him and she wants to win but would like to see people she is loyal to win if she cannot do it herself. Azah said Xavier would win next to anybody but she has no problem helping that cause due to the commitment that they have made.

1:17 PM: Tiffany told Azah that she is probably only going to talk to her and Xavier because she wants to stay with people that she would like to work with. She thinks Derek would view her as getting in the way of him having Kyland to himself. Tiffany said Kyland would not be able to do anything to get her loyalty back if she stays. Since Azah and Derek are connected, Tiffany said Derek would not be a target of hers. She added that her dream final three would be with Azah and Xavier, and then Azah could choose to go with whoever she wanted to.

1:25 PM: Hannah told Xavier that he, Derek and Kyland have told her not to be nervous but you never know. Xavier said the person most likely to be inclined to keep Tiffany would be Azah. Xavier said the only question he has about Hannah is where her head would be heading into next week. Hannah said she doesn’t think that Kyland has any intention of working with her, and he did not accept any of her deals, so she would be looking in that direction. Hannah said now that they know there will be a black winner for the first time, she has to consider what the winner should represent. Hannah talked about them needing to have played the game well and also to have played a clean and loyal game. Hannah said if it’s not her at the end, she would like to see Xavier there because she sees that person being him. Xavier said the two of them played the game and did so with unwavering loyalty to the Cookout and its mission. Hannah said she would love to sit next to him at the end If they can make that happen.

2:19 PM: Hannah told Azah she would really like to stay and people seem to be leaning that way at the moment. Azah said she would like to hear why she should keep her. Hannah explained that she needs to align herself will people she can trust, respect and have a chance of beating. Hannah said Azah is the only person that has not lied. She put Derek in the same group. Azah said Hannah makes a good pitch but it’s about why Hannah would keep her and not why she should vote for her. Hannah said if she needs Azah there, she has every reason to keep her. Azah said Tiffany would have the same argument. Hannah said she had demonstrated her commitment to the Cookout by putting it ahead of her personal game. She added that she doesn’t believe she has given Azah a reason not to trust her. Hannah told Azah that she will not take offense to it if she stays by a vote of 2-1. Hannah said she can offer not to put Azah and Derek on the block at the same time, which would allow them to vote to keep each other.

2:19 PM: Tiffany told Derek she doesn’t know how he came to his conclusion about his vote but she hopes that it’s not a personal decision. Tiffany said she would owe Derek if she stays. Derek said whatever he does will not be personal in nature, and it will be about what is best for his game. Tiffany told Derek that Azah will never work with Hannah the way that she would, and that means Azah would become a target for Hannah. Derek said he needs to talk to Xavier to see what he is thinking. Tiffany said he needs to consider if people are going to want to keep Hannah past this week. She added that Hannah has deals with everyone. Tiffany said she would respect it if people told her which way they were leaning. Derek admitted that he is leaning towards keeping Hannah.

2:38 PM: Derek filled Xavier in on his talk with Hannah. He said he told her that Kyland and Xavier will be going after each other. Derek said Hannah claimed that she is not coming after him or Azah. Derek said Tiffany is telling him that she would owe him and not come after him if she were to stay. Xavier asked if she saying she would give him her life in this game if he keeps her. Derek said yes. Derek said he told Tiffany that he is leaning towards keeping Hannah. Xavier said they are making similar arguments so he has to look at their behaviour and actions, and Tiffany winning the second HoH cost her $750,000. Derek agreed. Derek brought up Tiffany telling her that Azah and Hannah would not work together, which is what he would want if the goal is to take out all of the girls. Xavier said his conversations with the nominees solidified that Tiffany needs to go. Derek agreed. Xavier said he will likely let Tiffany know his plan for the vote either tonight or tomorrow morning.

2:54 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said that Xavier has great potential to win the game but she would like to go to the end with him if he keeps her. Tiffany said she would not owe Kyland anything if she stays after getting herself the votes. Tiffany believes that she has a fighting chance to stay.

5:38 PM: Azah asked Derek if he has a deal with Hannah. Derek said no. Derek explained that Hannah claimed she would not come after either of them if she stays, and she expected him to reciprocate that thought but he did not. Azah said she knows that they have to get rid of Tiffany but Hannah is tricky and maybe it’s that she is more of a threat to her game. They compared notes on Tiffany and who she said she would work with if she stays, and concluded that her stories change depending on who she is speaking to. Derek said Hannah will be the next to go after Tiffany leaves this week.

7:34 PM: Hannah spoke to the cameras. She said if she doesn’t end up winning, she would like it for it to be Xavier. She clarified that it doesn’t mean she will not cut Xavier, seeing as she realizes that she cannot move forward with both Kyland and Xavier. Hannah said that one of those two will be going if she wins HoH next week. Hannah talked about wanting to get to the final three with Kyland or Xavier and Azah, and then she would choose Azah. Hannah said she would likely nominate Derek and Kyland because Xavier is less likely to use the veto on Kyland than Kyland is on Xavier.

10:39 PM: Xavier headed up to the HoH room. Kyland said he would like to tell Tiffany that Xavier is strongly leaning one way in his vote as is Derek, and it only takes two votes this week. Xavier asked when he is going to tell her that. Kyland said tonight. Xavier asked if he can talk to Tiffany prior. Kyland said that’s fine and he thought that Xavier already did. Kyland asked what Hannah has been saying. Xavier said she did not indicate who her target would be but it seems like she is leaning in the direction of Azah, and Azah is leaning in the direction of Hannah. Kyland believes that those two will target each other as well. Kyland talked to Xavier about potentially co-ordinating their goodbye messages. Xavier said he is fine with letting Tiffany know a little bit of what has been going on.

11:20 PM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras. She said she made an offer to Kyland but he did not take it, so she doesn’t owe him anything. Tiffany said she took that deal to Xavier, sweetened it, and let him know that she wants to help him get to the final two. Tiffany said there must be something going on that she doesn’t know about if Xavier doesn’t take the deal. Tiffany brought up that she would like for them to tell her that she is going home if that’s the case, as she wants to move on and enjoy the rest of her time there.

11:32 PM: Xavier checked in with Tiffany to ask how her talks have been going. Tiffany said she thinks that they are going okay and she has made some valid points and some sweet offers. Xavier questioned why she wouldn’t want to join everyone else in taking him out if she thinks that he would beat everyone. Tiffany pointed out that she is likely the only person that would want to sit next to Xavier at the end. Tiffany said Kyland will be going on the block if she wins HoH next week, and she would always be a target for Azah and Derek before Xavier would be. If she leaves, Tiffany said Xavier had better get Kyland out next. However she said that Hannah would then take Xavier out at four if she can. Xavier eventually let Tiffany know that he is still leaning towards keeping Hannah. He said that their offers are very similar so it comes down to keeping who he thinks he would have a better shot at beating in the final two.

12:42 AM: Tiffany spoke to the cameras and said she hopes that she does not have to stay for another day. Tiffany said they want to keep Hannah and that is all that she has got to say. Tiffany said she is over it and she doesn’t know what kind of Big Brother that they are playing.

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