Big Brother 23 Day 72 - Tiffany and Hannah are evicted; Xavier wins HoH

September 16, 2021

5:00-7:00 PM: The double eviction episode aired, and the following events took place:

By a vote of 3-0, Tiffany was evicted from the Big Brother house.
Azah won HoH.
Azah nominated Hannah and Xavier for eviction.
Kyland won the Power of Veto.
Kyland used the Power of Veto on Xavier. Azah was forced to nominate Derek.
By a vote of 2-0, Hannah was evicted from the Big Brother house.

7:03 PM: Feeds returned after being down for a day and a half. Xavier is the new HoH. He nominated Azah and Kyland for eviction but with only one vote this week, it all comes down to the veto competition.

7:05 PM: Derek told Kyland he tried to talk to Azah but he thinks that she is still mad at her. Derek said the good thing for Kyland is that Azah will take him if she wins the veto. Kyland disagreed, saying that she would pick Derek. Derek didn’t think so after the conversation that he had just had with her. Derek said the door is open for Kyland. Derek added that he is not going to kiss anybody’s ass. He pointed out that he told Azah to her face that he is willing to get rid of her, so he doesn’t think that she would take him. Kyland said it’s about what is better for her game.

8:36 PM: Derek spoke aloud while alone. He said he is so close to top three, with it being one competition away, and he needs he or Xavier to win because he deserves a spot at the end.

8:47 PM: Derek told Azah he doesn’t know what he is going to do if he wins the veto. He said he wants her to know that because he is not set on taking Kyland.

8:52 PM: Derek told Kyland and Xavier that Azah is pissed at him because he considered sending her home. Kyland questioned if she is still mad even though he switched back. Derek said it doesn’t matter since he had already shot himself in the foot.

8:53 PM: Derek explained to Xavier that he had told Azah that he has a deal with him and with Kyland, which she took to mean that she is going home unless she wins the veto. Derek said Azah is now not going to take him if she wins the veto. Xavier said he doesn’t see that happening. Derek questioned what would happen if Xavier had to choose between him and Kyland. Xavier brought up that Derek made a final two with him on Day 1. When Derek again said that he had shot himself in the foot with Azah, Xavier suggested that he drop it and stop talking about it because they are all in a position where they have to see how the veto plays out.

10:39 PM: Derek told Kyland that Azah is unhappy with him and has a right to be mad at her. Kyland said Derek has fought to keep her in the game for a long time. He said everyone has a right to feel how they want to feel but it doesn’t mean that any of it is right or wrong. Kyland added that he does not expect anyone to hold a grudge. Kyland said that Azah didn’t keep Derek safe last week. He argued that he and Xavier did as they were the two voters. Derek agreed but said he feels like he shot himself in the foot with someone who potentially may have picked him had she won the veto.

11:08 PM: Derek told Xavier he did a lot to get Azah there and he should not have to feel guilty for the things that he has done.

11:18 PM: Kyland stopped by the HoH room to let Xavier know he feels a bit like an ass. He pointed out that locking in at final three is essentially locking in one of them at final two. Kyland said with the loss, the double and everything else meant that the celebration didn’t really get to happen. He congratulated Xavier and said they didn’t fully get to celebrate. Xavier said he’s good and he had done the same thing with Azah so he gets it. Kyland said he is now thinking about winning the veto and getting to celebrate that.

11:21 PM: Xavier asked Derek what is going on with him and Azah. Derek said he thinks he has to remember that he came into the game by himself and he cannot be so emotionally attached. He added that he does not have time to kiss anyone’s ass. Xavier said he told Derek that he would get him to those final two chairs and he does not really care if it’s through Azah or through Kyland. Xavier admitted that he sees pros and cons to both options. If they cut Kyland, Xavier said he thinks they can both beat Azah in the final competitions. If they keep Kyland, Xavier said he still thinks he can beat Kyland but Derek will have some more difficulty than he would have with Azah. Xavier said Derek is going to have to break his word to someone. Derek argued that he did not ever give Azah his word. Xavier said there comes a point where you have to take the emotion out of it and look at it objectively to decide which option gives you the best shot at getting to the final two. Derek said he feels that he is being punished for being honest to Azah when she would hate if he wasn’t straight up with her. As for Kyland, Derek said he irritates him because he has done so much for him to get there yet Kyland is trying to play both sides. Derek said that if he had won a bunch of competitions, he would not want to be sitting next to someone else who had done the same. Xavier said if there is a time to take Kyland out, they have it on a silver platter if they can win the veto. Derek agreed that taking Azah would be the easy route but there is a chance that he could win. Xavier said it’s the same with Kyland. Derek said his worst fear is one of them sitting next to Azah at the end. Xavier expects that he can win the endurance portion of the final HoH, and then Derek would have a better shot at beating Azah in Part 2. He compared it to Derrick and Cody taking Victoria to the final three. Derek said he has to go with whatever Xavier wants because he won and kept him safe. Xavier said they have to consider their options but Azah would be easier to beat. Derek said he will be breaking his word to Kyland if he evicts him, but he might have to do it. Xavier he is breaking his word to someone either way, and they have done too much not to make the best move for them to get to the final two. Derek said Xavier could always use the veto on Azah. Xavier said he already told both Azah and Kyland that he would not use the veto if he wins it. Derek was stressing at the thought of having to cut Kyland after giving him his word and knowing why Kyland wants to win the money. Derek said Xavier has always been his number one but Kyland has been his number two. Xavier said his number two left at seven. Derek said Kyland is going to be so mad.

12:17 AM: Kyland told Derek that if he wins the veto tomorrow and keeps Azah, he wouldn’t feel dumb or slighted, and he would be like Derek got him. Kyland said he would still love Derek and not think anything differently of him, so it hurt him when Derek was talking about potentially feeling dumb if he makes the wrong decision. Kyland reassured Derek that there is nothing he could do in the game to make him stop loving him. Kyland explained that all summer he felt as though if he didn’t win a competition, he could figure something out. This time, he said he does not know what is going to happen if he doesn’t win. Derek said if Kyland wins veto and comes to the realization that he does not want to keep him, he will not take it personally. Kyland said there is no chance of that happening but he appreciates it. Derek also said he will not take it personally if Kyland takes Xavier to the final two over him if it comes down to it. Derek told Kyland that he doesn’t owe him anything, and it was wrong of him to hold it over Kyland’s head and ask him for a yes or no answer.

12:34 AM: Derek apologized to Azah and said he should never have made her feel that he didn’t have her back. Derek said he will be voting Kyland out if it comes down to it. Derek said they started this together and they will end it together. Derek said it’s going to break him but he knows it’s what is best. Derek explained that it would be stupid of him to keep another strong competitor there that could take out him or Xavier. Derek said he has got his hands dirty a lot this season but this is going to be the one where it hurts. Azah suggested that if Derek doesn’t want to make the decision, Xavier could use the veto on her so that she can. Derek said he owes Azah for respecting that he and Xavier have a deal. On the other hand, he said that he does not owe Kyland anything. Derek said the right thing to do is to give Azah the chance that she deserves after they have been there for each other all season long. Derek said he is not going to cut his best friend over someone he likes. Azah said it's a game move that the jury will celebrate.

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